Junkers JU-87 Stuka | The Trumpet Of Death | WW2 Aircraft | Upscaled Documentary | The German Stuka

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The Sight and Sound of the deadly junkers 87 stuck a dive bomber as it screams towards its [Music] Target no other war plane became so instantly recognizable and no other warplane was a more effective instrument of precision attack for the German commanders it was their flying artillery the Shuka was not solely valued for its ability to cause destruction and death equally important was its capacity to inspire Terror into the hearts of an enemy Hitler had used Terror to seize and hold power in Germany and no one understood better the use of Terror in pursuit of invasion and Conquest this is the last surviving shukka in Western Europe of all of those hundreds of planes the single machine lying peacefully at rest at the RF museum at henden is the last of its kind on the continent to which it once spelt Terror for Millions the man who fought against the Stuka would recognize instantly the angular gowing shape those who flew in them forever held the aircraft dear to their hearts first flown in 1935 the shukka were already considered obsolete by the start of the war only 4 years later but their Commander General Wolfram Von Roven was confident that his war planes would prove their worth was mounted at an appealing rate on the 19th of August on the personal orders Ali area to rest and regroup in preparation for the coming Invasion the Lu Buffa turned into the Intensive bombing of British cities the failure was also of grave concern to the lvfa commanders of armaments General Ernst UD an ace pilot from the first world war series of defeats at the hands of the British and Commonwealth forces in February 1941 General raml arrived in Tripoli with the first units of the African Corp almost immediately raml took the offensive the Africa cor surging Advance left the Strategic Garrison Port of tobruk cut off and encircled for weeks repeated stuker raids subjected the helpless Defenders to a daily ordeal of Terror until the British Garrison finally surrendered on the 6th of April 1941 Hitler launched a sudden invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece 600 lvfa aircraft including two squadrons of stukas were deployed and air opposition was negligible this protected by m 109's prayed upon Villages transport columns Railways bridges in 1942 Malta endured 150 successive days of continuous [Music] bombing in North Africa the bitter struggle continued but with the threat of invasion of Britain now lifted RAF Fighters were arriving in the desert in ever increasing numbers and it became too dangerous for the vulnerable Stuka to continue operations as before the speed and distance of ral's Advance left the LT wafa with huge logistical problems with fuel supplies many aircraft were transferred from the Mediterranean from more the vast bulk of these lay far out of the range of any of ging's aircraft Hitler's directive number 21 instructed the lftv at 3:00 p.m. on the morning of June the 22nd 1941 operation Barbarosa commenced Stalin had ignored the warning of Hitler's intentions and the Soviet forceed spearheads the landlines on which the Soviet military depended heavily for communications were also singled out for punishment the most dramatic progress was made by the Army driving from Moscow the collaboration of tank and dive bomber was efficient and lethal as never before the lwaa liaison throughout the Autumn the advance continued the Germans took prisoners by the hundreds of thousands and destroyed or captured immense quantities of Soviet guns and tanks although disturbingly the Red Army seemed to possess inexhaustible reserves of men and machines although the Shuka were ordered into attack ships and Hans or lick rudol succeeded in scoring a direct hit on the battleship morat with a new armor-piercing bomb tailing off the bows of the 23,000 ton vessel rud was able to add a battleship to the Fantastic tally of Tanks destroyed by this Fearless Aviator marked a crucial and irreversible turning point in his fortunes yet he still commanded an enormous force in the field and resed that the Germans would fight a trial of strength with the Red Army the Soviets were entrenched around the city of KK in Berlin the German general staff began planning operation Citadel a huge pincer attack intended to cut off the KK Salient both the military and civilian population threw themselves into desperate [Music] preparations the Germans had been increasingly alarmed at the Quant and quality of the new Soviet Army some shukas were therefore adapted specifically for use against tanks one of these was flown by Hans rutle who now embarked on an extraordinary campaign as a t the tank Buster version was equipped with two 37 mm Flack 18 armor-piercing cannons slung under the wings and proved highly successful its distinctive appearance soon earned the nickname the Panzer [ __ ] also known in English as the tank cracker rud destroyed over 500 enemy tanks in his machine fittingly the last surviving shukka is also a tank Buster although the two underwing canids have since been [Music] lost after some delay to allow the delivery of the latest German tanks operation cadel began in early July Hitler knew that never again would Germany be able to assemble a force on the scale deployed at KK he knew too that his enemy was all the time growing stronger he told his generals my stomach churns at the thought of this battle but I see no alternative impressed by the earlier achievements of the shukka the Soviets had successfully deployed their own dive bombers and ground attack aircraft the strikers were frequently frustrated by the dense cloud of dust and smoke hanging over the battlefield and by intense Soviet anti-aircraft fire but when the conditions allowed the Shuka tank Busters showed themselves formidably effective claiming up to 60 Soviet machines destroyed in one day in a single action rud knocked out an entire column of 12 tanks yet it was not nearly enough the battle raged for nearly 50 days continually sent in to bolster threatened sections of the front the Lu and at a stupendous cost the war in the East was lost the Airmen were paying a heavy price for the complacency and misjudgments of Goring in Italy the Western allies were fighting a grim costly and slow-moving campaign against a masterfully organized defense the German general Kastle ring was a former LOF baffa commander and when in January 1944 the Allies landed an amphibious force behind German lines at anio Kastle Ring's response was Swift and effective in repeated attacks Germans took a swoop down relentlessly striking the Allied troops and ships heavy German reinforcements were quickly deployed and the expeditionary force was very nearly driven back into the sea and yet the shortcomings of the German strategic planning were now laid bare 500 tons of bombs on airfields and Communications Alone 3 years previously the LOF bafas stukas and bomb had dealt fearful destruction on the retreating Red Army now the German armies were to suffer unsparing Devastation from the air in far greater measure with the coming of 1945 the long War Drew to an end as Germany was crushed between the might of the western allies in the vast and ruthless Red Army although Nazi Germany was in its Death Rows the bitter struggle went on short of Pilots mechanics and planes the lvfa still flew no more stukas were built and production ceased in October 1944 but the surviving aircraft in the hands of men like rud flew on still doing their Duty in the face of overwhelming [Music] odds by April 1945 the Red Army was positioned for an invasion of Germany itself the order in nicer Rivers were the last barriers on the Soviet road to Berlin under the cover of a huge artillery barrage Soviet Engineers constructed Bailey Bridges across the two waterways against this tempting Target the last stukas flew weily into their final battle A desperate attempt to D
Channel: DroneScapes
Views: 103,296
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Keywords: AdKey:3-Xg6wP8wBnrop, world war 2, ju 87, junkers ju 87, dive bomber, stuka siren, world war ii, ju 87 d5, ju 87 sound, ju 87 siren, ju 87 stuka, ju 87 stuka siren, ju 87 jericho trumpet, junkers ju 87 stuka, junkers ju 87 stuka siren, stuka dive, stuka dive bombing, stukas, stuka siren sound, stuka sound, stuka sirens, stuka bomber, stuka bomber footage, stuka bomber dunkirk, stuka bomber noise, stuka bomber battlefield, stukas dive bombing, stukas sound
Id: pB73rCsC1Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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