Junk! 2!

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well here we go again oh hi and welcome once again to connect stress where I am going through my junk and bringing you along with me now some of you liked this others vocally did not but I'm ignoring the second part of you because you don't have to watch you also don't really have to comment but you know people do what people do anyway I think I had the Box am i right right I think so this box is gonna be a doozy it's got a lot of software in it of various types let's start with this eight-track which is technically software this is one of the tapes of great original hits of the 50s and 60s a compilation compilation by a reader's digest this is tape for 1964 to 69 I have all four of these tapes in some places and I actually have a lot of good music on them but this should not just be in a random box this goes with media stuff mm-hmm once again I didn't bring a bin or anything because I am not prepared oh the garbage cans here I left the garbage can that's gonna go over there a VHS tape how extraordinarily bizarre um this is something that a friend taped it really shouldn't be in my possession anyway so this is gonna go over there look how organized I am this is the cassette what are these called is this a case here's a great question weird learning things the little card cardstock I guess it's a case sleeve is sleeve the most appropriate term anyway this is the Star Trek original series episode dagger of the mind on beta the cassette is somewhere and I'm gonna I have I have a few things still right in front of the table they were there the entire time of filming the last video would anybody like a cd-rw this is one to 4x blazing-fast doesn't look like it's ever been used I'm gonna start piling up media right there whoo boy this is I believe this I'm pretty confident that these are drivers that came with a desktop computer probably don't need these realistically but maybe I should keep it ooh boy this is the iTunes installation CD from from my brothers green iPod mini this I'm getting rid of I threw a thing away foo this is the Windows seven restored discs for this particular computer this is oh my goodness here is oh boy whoo this is um I can't believe it this is a copy of Spaceballs on DVD and this is one of two copies that went missing periodically like Oh for years and so the fact that what if Emison this been not surprising at all so probably should keep that somewhere handy this is a blank well it's a CDR it has stuff on it so ok put this on that pile that's there this is just a test DVD I know I can throw that out there's a very long story involving why I have this CD of the Abbey Road it involves in 1984 Toyota Corolla yeah don't need that anymore I'm gonna keep this CD it is a wait no not what I thought it was getting rid of it would anybody like some CDRs this a 10 pack of CD ours in paper sleeves how handy are they printables I don't know but media this is Oh Oh interesting okay this is the PC that I was talking about this is actually a Windows 7 installation disk and this is the restore disk with a LightScribe label by the way because I am legit and that computer is now running Windows 10 but I said well the license stickers on it doesn't really matter this is a cassette shell I'm throwing it out anybody play this game this is TrackMania as the diskant the disk is not in it classic move on my part I believe I have two copies of these I can't tell you why I have to weigh me I found one in a thrift store if memory serves I was introduced to this game through a Book Fair at my maybe middle school what yours is from probably in elementary school my phone is playing a podcast upstairs I didn't ask you to I'm gonna gonna tell it to stop pardon the interruption anyway based on the year this came out probably elementary school unless it was in the book fair for very long that's kind of a neat game and there's another thing in this box which involves what I would like to do for this game and that neat thing is where did it go I saw it in here so I already put oh it's has right in front of my face this is please tell me they're both in here huh well this is recovery disk 2 of 2 4 if you spotted in the b-roll clips of the freezer video there is a Sony Vaio PC in my storage that is an XP machine from my all my childhood really and it had been at some point updated to Windows 7 and then 10 so it is a hits it works reasonably well on 10 but it really should have an SSD but I would like to turn it back to an XP machine for playing some older games only trouble with that PC is it was if okay now this might just be false memories of hype and stuff but if I am correct that was one of the first pcs to have a Pentium D processor that you could purchase and it is also water coold now a 15 year old water-cooled PC pre-built obviously hmm does the water cooling loop even function anymore and in recent years it seemed like it was ramping up fans a lot and the whole point of it was at the time it was like ooh a media center PC it's practically silent so I mean keep this aside hope I can find disc one I'm sure I could just get an XP install disc going and do it that way but it would be neat to have all the original stuff it's supposed to have on it maybe the other disk is in here somewhere but who knows another case of literal garbage oh oh this is just a cheap pair of Sylvania headphones of Sylvania branded who knows we may be reasonably comfortable pretty crap sound this will go to donate I need a donate pile did I ever start one I don't think I do good gravy I should really prepare better what on earth is this this is a game called set the family game of visual perception I do mmm couldn't tell you why I have this in this box or what it even is maybe it was given to me I have a there's a possibility my piano teacher gave this to me cuz this seems like something she would have done but I don't know this is gonna be indomie and unless if some of you comment that this is an amazing game and I should teach my family how to play it maybe I won't donate it but for now donate pile which is on my left we have Microsoft office 97 small business edition this is my dad's handwriting in here so I'm sure this is uh again why is it in this box I don't know but we got two CDs in here oh what's this ooh a Microsoft automap street's plus 1997 Edition anybody needs office 97 I'm gonna I'm gonna keep this with the software pile I do need to like I said at some point go through all these various CD ROMs and junk oh I skipped this um it is an EVGA driver's disk I'm gonna toss that this is a little remnant of heat shrink tubing this is like my entire life boxes of stuff that is together for reasons I don't understand this that workshop II stuff is in that is in the room next to me so I'll put it there in a bit oh my goodness this is a sewing kit from Disney Cruise Line from circa 2005 because I went on one Disney Cruise in 2005 not going on a cruise anytime soon but if I should need a sewing kit branded well let's see I think I framed this better this time [Applause] I just got Tinkerbell on it just a sewing kit and then some stuff on the back ah this is one of those things that like I really don't think it has I'm through it I'm throwing it away okay I'm not getting attached to that oh well this is a lithium ion battery from a Nokia phone of some sort probably should be recycled I mean definitely should be recycled I need to figure out where I can send you waste like that or at this particular time of the human existence here is a lift master garage door opener clicker thing from who knows where because I can tell you I don't remember this is probably me is it is it glowing no it's not I thought it might it does have a battery in it a RadioShack brand oh boy oh boy a RadioShack branded I might have to get this this was worth keeping RadioShack alkaline and nurse'll it's at 12 I used to call these quadruple a's but i now know that's wrong because those are still 1.5 volts this is the 12 volt stack of button cells whatever whatever this battery is called but this is also a waste don't need I wonder if it would be worth an episode on the various security protocols of garage door clickers because this just has dip switches in it so this is ancient bye you know I think even 20 years ago garage door openers were getting more complicated than that this is just a regular PC power cord I have a place for things like that this is a USB mouse a very cheap one I should see if it works but I don't really want it honestly um you know what donate pile another power cord oh I should I should bring this to my mom and dad because they still have phones with micro USB and this could be useful it's a phone charger so all it is another power cord kind of short this one oh my goodness now this is interesting I don't know why two-second Disney artifact in a row this is a pin this is weird is that because this isn't like a pin trading pin but it's it's got 2,000 on it I tried to focus this pretty well earlier hopefully you can see this I'll take a picture and be and put it up in case this looks garbage but it's a pin for the millennium celebration it says on the bottom celebrate the future hand in hand why is this stuff in this box who did that I don't think it was me but this is this actually I need to track down what this is because it's not a pin trading pin I have only a nobody in my well actually that's not true my brother's gotten into that but I have not gotten into it but I did buy an EPCOT pin so of course I did oh I know what this is this is a leg - like one of those outgoing outgoing mail things trays is a box to a Garmin now okay I can tell you there's a legit reason why I have this garment and that is because when I was let's see I don't know first starting to drive Illinois had hands-free phones be the the law you couldn't talk on your phone without some sort of hands-free device so this is a Garmin that had bluetooth pairing we have so that stayed in my car so that I could have hands-free calling no longer need this because my car has that already in fact like most cars in the last decade do so this is just kind of a weird you know you gotta feel kind of bad for Garmin right because like nobody's buying these and I bet they still sell them but who needs a Garmin but at the same time sometimes I've debated making a video on it because it kind of blows my mind that the entire us is in that is in this device it's self-contained it can navigate you from one point to another with you know it's just kind of neat that we've had that technology for so long and it got pretty cheap wrapped up in a single device but this is just the Box the garment is not in here so I'm gonna assume this can all be torn down do have lifetime map updates on both of the garments that I'm aware of in this family so should try that this what is this I do not know it's in a bag so maybe it was mass-produced should follow up on this people watching who would know what is this Thanks another garage door opener clicker thing this one much newer does not have dip switches made in o4 okay can you open it must be able to change the battery I must see your insides oh it's a button cell okay so they moved to button cells at some point in the mast so 2032 I would say it's dead but it doesn't have a light on it but anyway this is also in the catechol take the battery out recycling and these know I'm keeping this battery I think I'm doing a better job thrown away at least two things if I'm keeping draft what are these for what this has to be something my dad's Hilda Icelandic wooden fashions and all of us ice wool two little brushes what is this like for a miniature curling is that played in Iceland I don't know it's an icy sport curling from Iceland I don't know that's in my list of have them look at it an Apple Pro Mouse I know what this goes to it goes to the blue iMac for a lot actually probably I think so because it has a short cord so it plug into the keyboard so that I will definitely keep a jewel case what is this oh is this from the hospital it is it is it is a collie cult colbry 'calibri calibri a card Master credit card business cards identification it's a little card holder I am NOT certain but I believe this little insignia is from the hospital where my mom worked to again add this to the list of things I don't know why are in my possession which I would need to get clarification on whether or not needs to still be in anybody's possession speaking of film negatives let's see there a ziplock baggie are these like old are these when I was into photography you can't see these and I know that oh my goodness where is this oh my god I know what these are these are very old I probably scan these at one point I need to make sure of that is that from a trip when I was something like four how to Washington's Washington state to visit family this is a USB a two USB mini-b can cable with the cables you go when anybody like a 3-pack of screen protectors for an iPhone 5 is there anyone in here no that makes that easy a little wind-up dinosaur dude classy stuff that's a sad sound it's ib0 nine four five one eight was just like a sharp one is this this is probably like one of those late 90s grungy kid necklace things with like a shark tooth I'm throwing it out oh yeah if you're in Chicagoland area you know Bob roar man auto group and this is a light-up thing with the with the lion because at one point there was a car purchased from one of their dealerships I met to the e-waste pile Oh another cable another USB mini-b cable and AH clamp of some sort I'm throwing this away that's like the fourth thing now Wow okay this Amazon box is now empty what else is in here oh how timely okay well to start some see some more cd-rws let me just or is this I guess this is just the box it was a five pack so look at all these things I'm throwing away I'm looking at both cameras and I reframed that one by the way so I really hope it's the blessed stupid this time why is all this this looks like a TV when on earth did anybody buy and Magnavox I don't know why I have this at all I cannot place in my memory a Magnavox TV like small little flat-panel okay garbage what is this what is this it's like it's like wax paper but it almost looks like it's adhesive oh yeah it's coming apart it's just like a lamb this is to laminate something it's almost what it looks like like you put this I but this looks like smaller than a sheet of paper this is this is like sticky anybody have any clues what this would be I'm getting rid of it it's like a very very disgusting tasting fruit roll-up know what this is it's in front of the man this is probably packaging I don't think we will ever know okay so the reason why I was laughing was because now we're getting to stuff that makes sense that it's mine [Music] this is real a from the jukebox one of them anyway I replaced way back in 2006 or 7 or whatever that was I thought that these relays might be in need of replacement so this is this is the innards of the one the model that's in the in the jukebox there's a few of them well here's one intact it is a 120 to 130 three or one two two one three three there is another one this is a vacuum tube it is a six beat a six brand I am Not sure it's come off but yes it's a vacuum tube where I don't really have many tubes I just have some copies of the various radios like this one which I'm always sitting in front of this is a Felco 42 PT 7 look it up very first antique radio that I ever like had I just bought it at an antique store in Michigan I'm this is a deep cut I'm not going to show it to you because it's embarrassing but I think this is a this is a note I wrote to the seller of the jukebox oh no something else but I'm getting rid of it there's gonna be something else in this box which reveals there's something else what is this oh this thing this send it up oh is this well this is handy if nothing else it's a USB charger for your car one amp even listen pal Mike wouldn't be funny if this thing is any good this isn't a little FM transmitter for a project that I ended up oh man a little look at this I'm discovering fun things other than that not important digital transfer oh just a Comcast thing here's the manual for that Magnavox TV which I don't know why I have whoo but because I have a I have a sanyo team I don't know where that went by at first I don't know I don't know I'm gonna stop trying to answer that whoo this is a remote oh god it's disgusting what happened here I know what this is it was a friend's I tried to fix it for them didn't work why does it look like it's covered in pee I hope it's not actually covered in pee this is oh it's got some very very crusty batteries in there excelente this is definitely to go to be recycled a QuickStart guide to rosetta stone oh yeah that's a thing that I have that I don't use I should but also the career I'm in now is not really okay this is this is it I don't know what this is it's got a sticker anybody recognize that logo pretty sure this is garbage I'm declaring of garbage this if any of you have been to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago and have looked at the toy maker 3000 or is it 2000 this is a Gravitron toy that was made on July 18th 2010 it's my brother's name on it and these are really neat you uh it's got a big weight in there you stick this in here give it a you Inc and now I have to let the stand and now it will flow pretty neat huh they're also just fun to mess with because of them Rowley put it because Center at centrifugal force what do you call that gyroscopic forces maybe give it a pull give it a twist it just feels so weird anyway that's fun last time I was at the Museum was just a couple of years ago they still have this they still have this thing into it's actually really cool it's an industrial automation like factory inside the machine and it cool you can give it something like five or ten bucks and it will make you one of these toys and you can watch it along each step of the process however yeah no I'll keep it for now but I should really check with my brother I'm gonna put it in that pile one pioneer laserdisc player remote of course it probably works with one of my players but I'll check on that another bag a cassette case for Tootsie throw that over there more heat shrink tubing who why Oh an inland very cheap PC power supply there's a reason I bought I don't I'm not gonna explain this story it's too long uh USB whoa oh why is this in here oh this is the weird okay at some point in the history of my family we owned a Nissan Cube yeah and this is the proprietary cable required to plug a 40 pin iPod connection into the car it's got this really weird like car cable thingy and and then the iPod end on this end this is corroded and probably very useless to almost everybody so I am going to while it should go in the recycling pile probably but this is another this is a USB a to be cable so cables this is the stand oh my goodness I think this is the stand to a very cheap digital camera from way back in the day I'm throwing it out here we get to the thing that I said the other thing this is a bag of I know these are pin balls there's a one in 1/16 inch ball bearing these are very highly polished ones I believe and that must mean I have a pinball machine and I do tactic I actually believe it or not have two but one is a project that never went anywhere and I'm thinking of turning into a coffee table maybe one day I'll bring you along for that but this is this is pin balls and these are blocks that could be used on a pinball machine or coined or I need to put this with my pinball machine parts which I am using to trick the libyans oh this is where this one this is a roll of 36 exposure Fujifilm color film that was shot five times and then I took it out of the camera and pulled the leader back out so if I put this back in a camera there are five used shots this is a can of recording wire from a wire recorder made a very brief cameo I used to have a wire recorder but unfortunately it never ever worked right I very much regret getting rid of that but it was a console radio so it was really big one of my antique store adventures from my younger years but I did keep this spool of recording wire that should go in the set it's raining by the way if you're hearing weird noises you just saw something get added to the set from a car dealer probably why is in this box who the heck knows I grabbed this is from the graphics card garbage we're almost done people this is a copy of a cassette tape of Andreea has fallen Weider's album what is the album I got I got it behind the gardens behind the wall under the tree if you've never listened to any of Andres fall and wider stuff he has an electric probably butchering his name but he has an electric harp very interesting sound I don't at this so I should put I should keep that cuz I'm sure the tape is somewhere a an auxiliary cord this is a loop for looking at things all close like just a weird coins what exclusive member oh this is not mine to get sentimental over so I'm not gonna sorry a little tube of dielectric grease should go at the fat source stuff Oh another pinball why it's not with the rest of them don't know we're almost done folks we're almost done this is a nut and screw for something don't know why this is a small incandescent bulb it is probably it is a number 44 bulb so it goes in a pinball machine shucker this is a red landscape lighting bulb okay and another cassette holder where did I put the first time I probably just threw it there and then this is a tape which honestly don't know why I have but at some point it's a spooky night in Disney's Haunted Mansion and apparently this was an album that was made in 1969 Mike and Karen escaped with their car Mike and Karen come out Mike and Karen come in out of the rain and Mike and Karen escape with their lives so this is a reissue as this 1998 it's not like it's worth anything but there's a pressed penny assist from Disney it is it's a meerkat Disney's Animal Kingdom do I have a pile of sentimental junk I don't know but this this I'm throwing these out I don't know what they are and then last but not least is a quarter inch to a Finch adapter this is a good one too I'm upset it's in this box I'm gonna stick it in one of my stereo components that could possibly use it and now we've gone through another box and this time I have more cat well this is a garbage and throw that out that's garbage this is likely garbage what I need to do is Oh what is this oh it's belong it's garbage what I need to do is I need to go and get a c41 development kit because at some point I should shoot some of the many rolls of film that I have but it's really hard to get colorful and developed anywhere anymore it's probably not really hard but so what is the most interesting thing in today's group of junk you tell me I'm kind of intrigued by the vacuum tube don't know what radio that would have come out of oh that's that's also garbage so the relays I'm gonna put with the pinball machine stuff because it's vaguely vaguely connected these these forgot cables I have a place for cables and just draw them there for a pile see so laughs Mike I've dubious quality and then so this is to go in my media bin hopefully I find the first disc if the backup for the VAIO thing I got some stuff to recycle and gotta put that with the workbench stuff and I'm fairly I'm fairly happy with how this went so I hope you enjoyed the second episode I think this one had a more eclectic mix of things and I think in the future most of the bins like may go through also have an eclectic mix of things so be ready for that but anyway I hope you're staying safe during these very fun times I will I'm working on a main channel script which is in it's started yeah and it should be a pretty quick video to make and it's going to be rather silly and pretty fun so that should be coming hopefully within the next I don't know five six days but yeah thanks for watching this questionably produced content ha you thought I was going to end it there I didn't I'm ending it here
Channel: Technology Connextras
Views: 137,948
Rating: 4.9305615 out of 5
Id: 8L1eeSMMDmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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