Jungle Jim's International Market | Theme Park Grocery Store | Cincinnati Ohio

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] we are here just outside jungle gems International Market here is the statue of harambe which if you remember harambe was a Silverback eight that used to be at the Cincinnati Zoo so here is what it looks like as soon as you walk in to jungle gyms here they have a cookie store that seems to be closed down at the moment but it's almost like an amusement park grocery store right over here supported John's but actually these Porta guns lead down the hallway and restroom interested now showing the jungle gym story did you just eat up that produce it's pretty rough back then there's martians you would always bring your dog [Music] gummy bear selection check out this cool dragon which is in the Asian sauces and spices section thank you and here in the Indian food section they have an actual Rickshaw that is on display super cool and from jungle gyms to Shanghai China it is 7 306.6 miles I don't really understand the connection between the UFO noodle soup but it is neat here's some pinatas Hispanic aisle they even have sombreros for sale and we are close to the hot sauce aisle as indicated right here by this fire truck and we have now entered the fiery food section let's just take a look and see what they have here remember this is an international market Stubbs barbecue that is one of her favorites there we love stubs now this kind of just looks like regular barbecue sauce or some wasabi it looks like we may getting we may be getting a little hotter back here with the fire hats this right here is called pain apple cinnamon ghost punch ghost pepper hot sauce this just sounds miserable this hot sauce is called pain 100 it looks like they're having a great time too don't they look at this hot sauce it's actually called sudden death imagine the indigestion you're going to have after eating some of that always looking for a good type of coffee that'll keep me awake this might get the job done and they've got tortuga rum cakes these are actually really good the last time we visited Grand Cayman we got a whole set of these and they are very very delicious and look right above the tortuga rum cakes we have this awesome pirate ship so we really enjoy screechers soda and our favorite one is actually orange dream which we have a lot of trouble finding we do find it occasionally when we're in Pigeon Forge but they have some new flavors that we have not heard of such as Puma Cola moving down the aisle here taking a look at some other weird and exotic colors to choose from you have nuclear orange bombs Kim Jong-il on the front awesome Gene Autry root beer Judge Wapner root beer from The People's Court alien soda Marilyn Monroe Farrah Fawcett soda I don't even want to imagine what this tastes like right here oh look at that they have a bazooka bubble gum flavored soda Australian style hot ginger ale look at this massive jet engine with a wing that has hot sauce on the ends of each wing Ed King of Pop here all of your favorite Kellogg's cereals well as keyword got Tony the Tiger The Keebler elves Kellogg's Raisin Bran there is Fred Flintstone and his friend Barney here's an old Batmobile there's an old Bigfoot and we can smell it but we can also tell based on this boat that we are almost in the seafood section [Music] jet ski called The Purple People Eater got some Moon snails oysters and shrimp it's a grouper walleye tilapia perch catfish flounder sea bass snapper mullet Corgi whole Monk look at that whole box wow and if you're really into Seafood here they have tenderized octopus squid and live conch wow I love how here at jungle gyms you can just simply look up and you know based on the pig you're in the pork section I would safely assume looking over here that this is going to be the honey section I was gonna say Henry's really wanting to ride on this I think once upon a time it may have been a real ride right that's Barry from the Bee Movie from the Bee Movie foreign here is the maple syrup section Wiley Coyote and the Road Runner meet me [Music] The Smurfs would be very proud yeah this is not your ordinary Deli look at how many meat slicers they have back here if you're looking for apples they've got them what section is this guys candy all right Spider-Man Wolverine The Incredible Hulk M M's guys it's all kinds of fresh water taffy huge giant Pez look at this Jelly Bellies card it's right over here look at this big carton and container of warheads there's also Laffy Taffy AirHeads and it's not actually priced that bad it's 8.99 8.99 for each of these canisters if you love Smarties 8.99 for that whole entire canister Candy Land uncle Jim's there's Alvin and himself so I've been calling this massive candy area Candyland but it's actually called The Candy Castle here's a 360 degree panorama all of the candy and gentry and Jennifer just pointed out that the bottom of these candy racks are old bumper cars you do like bumper cars don't you yeah many icies those look fun and we have not found these in Tennessee for years they are the cream saber Lifesaver candies and they have the orange as well as the strawberry Jennifer's very excited she's going to grab a couple packs called talks waste slime liquor speaking of cheese this cheese weighs 800 and 14 pounds it is monstrous provide a little more information about this cheese that was delivered back in October of 2021 and took six months to make Tom and Jerry car and if you just want to rest here at jungle gyms they have some old Airline seats take a break in right here is the nutrition and food aisles there's even a keto aisle and there is a toy section here at Jungle Jim's International Food Market it's the world's smallest tool kit here are some ukuleles that they have strawberry ukulele watermelon ukulele mango gym Mountain Dew and here's another one I've never seen before Baja gold Mountain Dew all right here are some jungle gyms candy bars Jennifer just got one right here with some dark chocolate back at the original jungle gyms in 1971 bananas were only nine cents a pound today they were 51 cents well everybody that was Jungle Jim's International Food Market Gentry what you think of jungle gyms it was a very cool place not like you can see it every day but it's very nice and Henry what did you think Buddy [Music] did you have fun that's the important part right Jennifer what'd you think I liked it it can be a little bit overwhelming because it's really big and there's so many things to look at but it's really cool and we enjoyed the experience I enjoyed the experience as well it was really cool that the boys got to hit the buttons and there was a lot of interactive moving animatronics we wanted to film a little bit more about the food but we were just so over stimulated and overwhelmed with everything that they had to offer that we really focused a lot of the filming on that and so hopefully next time we're up here we'll get a little bit more of the international foods that they had to offer because they do have some really cool selections and guys we thank you so much for tagging along with us today if you're not already subscribed to the channel go ahead and hit that subscribe Button as well as the notification Bell and we look forward to seeing you on the next episode every day is Saturday and what does a roadrunner say meet me Henry what does the roadrunner say apparently they're pretty proud of their Bakery section here at jungle gyms and if you have any issues while you're here at jungle gyms you can simply call Jim's wife here's the number [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Every Day Is Saturday
Views: 6,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jungle jims international market, jungle jim's international market, jungle jim's grocery store, international market, jungle jim's animatronics, jungle jim's ohio, jungle jim's fairfield ohio, international, grocery store, cincinnati, jungle jims, jungle jim's, roadside attraction, jungle pets, animatronic, animatronics, grocery, groceries, robin hood, cereal band, cereal bowl band, market, monorail, store, original, ohio, lion, cincy, butter, penguins, the, tour, jenn, elvis, robot, pedro, review
Id: LkOk15HlAaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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