JUMPING 1,000,000 FEET in Roblox!

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[Music] okay I like this you like that Bella she's liking my move she has challenged me to a one-on-one bounce off I accept it I don't I don't know what to do you must land your tricks to earn an award so I gotta do tricks I haven't even did my intro yet geez you guys well came up weekend what is up my family we are on this roblox bout you guys we got to do different tricks on these trampolines look at your boy right here whoa Oh leave my shoes look how big my shoes oh my gosh she's beating me right now with all of her tricks Wow I gotta step my game up look at her score verse my score I can't believe that she's she has like 200 more points to me I got a fluff award though badge awarded Wow Bella you just beat me are you serious I'm not challenging her right now I would challenge you again if you're still on this game all right guys oh she just sent me a friend request is she showing off I think she's kind of showing off she's like hey I'll just beat this guy out just I guess I'll just send him a friend request and then my boy walks up on me look are y'all like boyfriend and girlfriend or something huh she's challenging me again no I'm not going right now I gotta step my game up I'm going over here to the trampoline guys so look in the sky there there's different Abby's different worlds that we can go in I don't know how I ended up in a tree there's different worlds up there guys and I want to check out all of the worlds this is freaking crazy man look at that up there hitting a circle Wow alright so let's get our game going here okay that's the cannon ball landing plus the extension you guys can see at the bottom the words at the bottom it lets you know what your boy is doing let's do the jump so we're gonna that's some more tricks as well that's what we need to do I'm gonna keep jumping here to get my coins up the more tokens we have guys the more things we can open up something some sweet tricks some sweet tricks right now I'm trying to get way up there that's what I'm trying to do okay let's go over here impressive thank you so I'm gonna go over here to the shop so we got pips we got kicks and we got tricks yeah so we can change up our kicks huh we're going to the kick shop you guys know I love my shoes hey buddy how are you Elle so this is 70 bounce power the basic kick so this is that big shoe that I have one I have that equip right now guys and then we have the light-up shoe which is twelve thousand coins which we don't have we got we got 1,700 then we have the 100 bounce power the springy kicks roller kick swing kicks roller springy kicks wing springy kicks 25 million coins jeez wing roller kicks okay what's all the way at the top 300 million coins for the rocket roller kicks guys rocket roller kicks 300 million change and we can customize the colors ah that's pretty cool okay let me go back to my basic kicks cuz I don't have twelve thousand bucks yet yeah can we get a little green can we get a little g-dub all right oh whoa whoa whoa okay that's kind of like my green right about there so my shoes aren't green on my feet but the green up here I'm trying to put some green on my shoes geez okay so we know that we need twelve thousand coins guys or we can't even go in there so let's go back over here man this is crazy I'm gonna use the smaller one right now let's do some tricks I'm getting my coins up whoa whoa okay what trick is this I like the cannonball landing though whoa Oh what about two tricks at a time oh I just did both oh that is so sick Oh belt award I just fit so we actually have to land these as well guys geez man I need to go get some more tricks we went to the Kicks shop I need to go get some more tricks because I'm trying to get way up there I gotta get my hops up gotta get him a boost ease up man whoa maybe I need to go over there with these guys maybe they know what to do they're all like jumping together at well hello there killer clown hey killer clown he wants to wave at me he looks very very creepy hi keV um are you here to kill me the way he's waving at me I gotta see guys if he's here to kill me or not I'm not sure he says haha no okay okay good good I'm just just checking maybe we should invite him to come jump with us maybe that's a good idea I'm not sure but I don't like the way this guy's looking at me come jump with me I'm just asking him because I don't want him to get upset nice big shoes all right thank you nice shoes for you as well okay yay okay I'm gonna jump right here he's gonna come with me so the killer clown is not upset with us right now guys he's just jumping with us we're gonna do some tricks with him look at my tricks whoa boy whoa the problem is we don't want to get the killer clown upset and you guys don't want to get me upset so be sad smash that thumbs up button right now for your boy y'all know we go for 5,000 likes don't play don't play with me I'm gonna just sit right here where y'all smash the thumbs up buddy subscribe for more gameplays just like this click that post notification bill that way you guys are notified every time your Boise dubcakes uploads I'm doing some more tricks whoa oh there's a chest over here and when we run around if we see tokens we can pick those up as well claim VIP chests okay guess I got to spend a little roebucks here whoa 30,000 coins and then 1,500 gems oh we got to go do some spending killer Klown is not gonna be happy with us guys because we're gonna be leaving him looks like we're going up to the next world up there okay let me look at some tricks got a step my trick game up whoa trick practice oh this is pretty cool I want to do some trick practice okay let's see here so it's gonna cost landing tricks extend your bounce alright so I call six thousand for the straddle jump look at this trick here guys so the first trick we already have that's the pike jump then we have the cannonball landing which we have as well and then we're starting to step our game up so we have the straddle jump the running man look in the air I hit the running man and then we have the 360 twist whoa I like that the front flip oh the front flip is always awesome on the trampoline but be careful though because I don't want y'all to fall off the trampoline what about the side flip whoa okay back flip Oh knee landing whoa that's pretty scary too there's the backflip to million bucks for the backflip double front flip whoa double backflip that is so sick 360 front flip oh man it's starting to get crazy handstand landing 720 twist okay what's the highest you guys know I'd like to see the highest belly flop oh not the belly flop the belly flop is crazy guys okay so we have thirty three thousand we're gonna at least spin six or should we step our game up to 45 I think I'll spin the six right now for the straddle jump okay all right we got the straddle jump now I'm going back out I'm gonna switch my shoes up - we got 27,000 let me get some more kicks that way we can get some more tokens here okay 12,000 will spin 12 on the light-up kicks yeah that's what I'm talking about should we make these like super purple oh oh nice you can customize these bad boys pretty good Wow okay oh now I can finally have some kind of humble shoe huh really all right let's go out here guys ah I like this little music boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boop whoa he was on the mountain there's a killer clown still out here oh he's right there good she came back okay so now we have our next trick the strata look at this Oh nobody saw that right okay there it is look at the straddle jump oh and our coins just go up guys look look at my legs look how spread my legs whoo Oh three jumps oh nice all of these landings at the same time I'm doing all of these tricks at the same time guys the more we do the more coins they're gonna get but we need to see how to get to the next world maybe we have to go up the trampolines here okay I read it got me a little star okay let's start here yeah all right whoa how do not just fall off okay there we go yeah oh man oh gosh it's so hard to go all the way up you know what we didn't even check out the pet shop how could we not check out the pet shop jeez what is wrong with this guy's here we go so we're at the pet shop hey how are you extra luck oh so we can open up some boxes here well let's go for a rare one I got a chirp chirp reward oh whoa the common pigeon squeaker reroll oh I can reroll the pit box to get something else can we get something uncommon or something rare all the unique dove okay I want that one all right so we have the unique dove let's go ahead and get our dov out oh look look little buddy are you gonna give us some more coins whoa oh gosh I feel like I'm getting more coins now because I have my unique dove out whoa okay so we got 5,000 tokens we're not necessarily at the top but we're working our way up the top guy is at 160,000 tokens that is very very high to the forest I want to go to the forest you must visit the forest first oh so you want me to hop all the way up there geez man no can I like visit the forest like this forest and Space Station it's like very hard to hop up here I just keep falling alright we got this boom boom boom boom okay I'm doing good so far oh gosh I made it I made it yes Explorer award so we made it to the forest guys let's do some jumps up here oh we're getting even more now Wow ouch y'all didn't see that come on okay what about this chest wow that was awesome okay claim force chest 12,000 coins yes thank you appreciate that twelve thousand coins tropical island head light up kicks' required ah yeah so we need some light up kicks' before we can even go to the tropical forest I see whoa whoa whoa really one fourth place right now as far as tokens guys so we have stepped our game up let's do some more tricks Oh Oh eleven in the forest guys whoa [Music] yeah oh nice oh I tried to do all three I tried to land all three okay let's try it again Oh gasps I keep falling I'm trying to land this there we go oh gosh I'm like changing up my combination on what I use guys 20 mm right now I didn't even know we had legendary pits legendary giant butterfly okay I want to check that out where's where's the butterfly at wait let me go to my inventory legendary butterfly let's go ahead and equipped you buddy so in comparison the unique dove is three point eight times the coins but the legendary giant butterfly is 40 times the coins guys geez and I got both of them out so our coins are gonna be crazy let's go whoa give me them coins baby we're making our way to the top of the game already okay that hurt yep that one hurt all right let's do all three one two three one two three yeah oh nice ouch okay they said I need to change my shoes up right before I can go to the next place to the beach tropical island okay how do I go to the tropical island let's see oh gosh I don't even know if I'm supposed to be going here but I'm trying it oh wow I'm here I'm here vacationer we're on tropical island wow this is so sick I like the little trampoline Abbi that we have to go through they even get up here that's pretty awesome oh yeah our coins are going up like crazy right now come on oh oh oh nice ouch hey I'm looking around I'm like hey hey hopefully nobody sees this okay let's do some tricks here we are killing it right now third place I'm coming for that first place dang who's the first place 900,000 I know what it is guys I know what it is I need to go back over to the shop that's what I need to do how do I get to the shop that's the pet shop right there it's a boardwalk I need to step my shoes up that's what I need to do that's what I'm gonna do I need some horseshoes okay oh ouch so that takes me back to the fourth okay we're going back home right now and we are going to the kit shop all right I got 50 mm let's see what you guys got here what's the top one again 300 million huh okay well you wanted to pick 300 million all right okay when we gonna get a million that's what I'm gonna do I'm spending right now I got a million tokens now I'm number one in the game okay so I just wanted to grab some cool shoes guys 1.2 million we got 1.5 for the roller kicks let's go ahead and unlock that okay we're gonna equip that you know what can we change our our kicks up a little bit I want my kicks to be like super bright like neon looking like this like crazy look at that oh I like them too the red in there yeah yeah let's throw can we throw some more red there we go there we go 1 million dollar shoes guys oh man ok let me just roll this gate my way over here so we are going to I don't think we have the space station but we do have the forest are we missing anything on the other side here did we miss anything I don't think I opened up this chest and open up this chest oh that's the group chest I got to be a part of the group and I'm not a part of the group ok so we're back up here guys on the beach and I'm about to get some crazy coins we're about to open up some stuff now that I got these million dollar shoes on 1 million for some shoes jeez look at my coins so while I was down there I should have opened up some more tricks that's what I should've did but I guess I'll get some more coins it's almost time for us to go over there boardwalk ahead whoa make our way to the boardwalk Oh [Music] no it's so hard to make these jumps okay boardwalk here we come baby boy walk here we come okay let's make this jump there we go oh whoa whoa okay we made it uh yeah whoa to the boardwalk nice we got the dock award the duck walk oh yeah look at those coins every nice little landing we get oh that hurt I'm trying to get some sick landings right now oh gosh ouch mega oof come on ah come on keV you got a land knees it's like when I start getting lower oh there we go whoo oh oh nice nice nice okay five thousand coins on that we're hitting the moose we need to go open up a few more tricks that's what I need to do warning blizzard ahead roller kicks require whoa we're in a blizzard geez guys I don't know where to go really how do we get past the blizzard let me go ahead and get my pet XP here whoo nice okay winter wonderland I don't even know how to get past as a blizzard they made this incredibly crazy there we go oh gosh we can't see anything whoo oh I was right on the edge that's why look at all these armies all the way up cheese so I gotta jump to this one then that one oh nice oh I made it well well too slippery too slippery too slippery gosh oh man that was so sick that was so sick guys we need to open up at least another trick guys we're going to the trick shop okay let's see we got 400,000 coins we can at least open up the front flip that was the one that I want it badly we got the front flip going guys let's go use our front flip whoa alright I'm telling important not at the space station yet but I'm going to the forest there's the front flip guys whoa whoa whoa look at all these run flips look at the bottom front flip front flip front flip jeez I'm just like stacking them up and if I can land it I'm getting so much coins one two three four five six Oh barely I'm trying to land like six of them one two three yeah well gosh jeez my coins are going up like crazy right now almost mad about it as well this is so fun trying to get out of the blizzard again oh gosh it is so hard to get out of this blizzard yeah okay so we're right here I think we got a straightaway on these ones whoa whoa where's the next one oh it was right under me okay okay oh one more guys we got one more okay here we go we'll niche on the edge I gotta hit this one okay and then there's one here alright and then one here there we go Wow show me some thumbs up love baby frozen award that's what I'm talking about oh this is pretty awesome hey what's up buddy we got a snow man right here hey talk to frosty well I thank you he said oh happy birthday so I guess it's my characters Berkley well are you frosty he said I sure AM a trouble here from winter veal oh do you need help with anything [Music] you know the head that keeps my magic going yeah okay that wouldn't be good where did you lose it oh okay okay I'll see if I can find it I'm sure it'll turn up I'm out of here married day he said he stopped talking okay there it is never married oh my gosh I'm not finding your head man maybe I should have helped frosty out huh maybe I should have did that let's look there one more of you guys already at the top of the game whoa what we were number one now somebody came in with 18 million really really that's because he's not spending tokens though I Spit mine oh yeah yeah yeah ouch okay can I get a good landing up here so frosty won't think that I can't land there we go whoa double up double uh-oh got it trying to do like different tricks oh I almost did all four I'm gonna start with the front flip and then I'm gonna try to do all four wha oh nice what some beast guys okay let's go through one more ah be warning watch for falling rocks lean kicks required okay we got falling rocks huh ouch I guess I'm the only falling rock whoa I didn't make it I think my problem is I don't have the wing shoe guys I just want to see how much the wing shoe was guys how much is it because I have the roller kicks but how much is the wing yeah that's why so you need the wing springy four million hmm and I have roller so I'm just one under ah okay okay alright guys so four million I got the 1 million dollar shoes on we may come back for the wings shoe because we need that to get to the next IV if you guys want me to come back and do some more crazy tricks and unlock some more tricks I need y'all to smash that thumbs up button right now for your boy if we get let's say 10,000 likes I said 5 in the beginning now if y'all want me to come back we need that 10 yes yes so I'm looking at John like this we need that chair I know I said 5 but we didn't already played and we didn't had a lot of fun and we want to unlock some more things so we going for the 10 baby subscribe for more gameplays just like this click that post notification bill that way you guys are notified every time your boy cheeked up Kate uploads hi-yah are you having fun bouncing yes I am can you show me some of your moves on the trampoline behind me yes I can thank you see ya oh and that was a new quest love you guys see y'all tomorrow baby
Channel: GamingWithKev
Views: 1,151,530
Rating: 4.9099202 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, gaming with kev, gaming with kev roblox, roblox bounce, bounce roblox, bounce, roblox jumping simulator, jumping, jump, game, commentary, games, gaming, gameplay, games for kids, funny moments, roblox roleplay, let's play, for kids, youtube kids, roblox games, kids, family friendly, moments, kid gaming, simulator, simulator games, roblox simulator, fun, kev, lets play, kid friendly, lol, simulator roblox, no swearing, high jump, no cursing, pogo, trampoline, trampoline park, rpg, hd
Id: of30kOto1dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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