JUMP Through The MILE HIGH HELI! (Descenders)

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alright alright you guys asked for it so today it's back it's basically the game that's made me the maddest that I've ever been I'm literally on fire just thinking about it it's the game where you basically take happy wheels GT a mix it in with a bunch of rage and you get descenders that's what we're playing and myself jelly and Joss are gonna try to go through another wipeout map and there see who wins and trust me you're gonna be proud of your boy today I'm not gonna spoil it though and I've heard if you hit that like button on this video you can make this little bike dude behind me jump through that hoop and make him really proud and happy 3 2 1 hit that like button now he's dancing he's so happy let's get right into the video do it then jelly that was epic I jumped over the law school Oh shucks wait how do you guys how are you guys so good at these things I mean we replayed at once good job jelly does really bad all about timing all about timing oh no that's good dude I'm doing good alright let's make it first try oh oh too hard though guys that was really close okay okay so it's like yes sorry I'm gonna be really annoying and they're saying that slow is good here it's hot oh right over the thing guys I figured it out look I made it oh my god yeah you can adjust right slowly over them yeah that's what I did guys really well right see easy right Josh yeah made it jelly literally just do what I mean well you died on my screen Josh but hey I see you right slowly look at chili you know I had our line again almost like you've time useful oh thanks will jelly I love you thank you so much buddy that was a good tip honestly okay that's crazy wow they have to stop what the heck do ya the middle is a jump one basically I'm standing at the right I would just get momentum jelly and make it to the loss Oh trust me I got it crane is trust me I got this whoo acid craters got it whoa gosh my controller what I don't like if the ground is moving oh I don't like this maybe you time it perfectly oh I go hot way that was pretty good you gotta just ride it out Josh just get some ice smooth momentum smoothly momentum but Sheree cannot just wait on each platform guys fine what I'm doing whoa white easy whoa I made it really fun how do I just went slowly age I didn't even jump some of them hey Josh Oh Josh got pushed I'm better than jelly this time look at this time the joy greater enjoy it enjoy my glasses that worked okay there we go wait wait wait oh silly now I know how to do it go to checkpoint good job Kelly good job all right dude yes already make this I mean it let's time how did you not do that Jillian tightrope okay first time okay my gosh this the way I did it is I jumped over it at the beginning and then it kind of easy go no we just need jelly to do lol calm down Josh calm down there's no way he connects to the balance on a tightrope oh this I you just got smacked in the bud okay jump come on okay now we did okay this is Sam this gives me PTSD guys oh you recognize this don't you oh oh and I didn't even get hit by them josh is like a circus town no he's a clown Oh almost made it that's the last one I almost did it all dude wait what yes sirree yeah I almost did it me too oh it's actually not that hot guys you just saw the heart bridge that she's getting the angle at the end I feel like you can almost do it without jumping okay well maybe you can jelly but I'm not that cool then seriously what do you do don't you dude what kind of bicycle is on me well I mean it without jumping how did it go without jumping just go on the edge oh yeah do without jumping good easy oh oh it's closed yes courier yes jump down jump look at mice look at my checkpoint you insist on the weird chase the worst checkpoint no this good this good trust me [Music] [Applause] Josh okay that's embarrassing all right tight rope oh wait what Craner already whoo what's up losers later what is it with you today okay big ball and I'm just gonna stop on the ball I think if you stop there you can easily make oh just don't jump Delhi just go over the ball I mean dump the beginning and then straight into the red ball then they just jump the beginning don't jump again I'm really bad at this tightrope oh you're right you could just land on it oh right right ropes yes yeah that's the problem okay jelly stop making fun of me you literally suck the entire map okay yeah a slightly better check point I think lined up okay okay so how do I get from this to the ball oh okay I just need to get lucky drive off I think it might be good to get a checkpoint on the tightrope to be honest I did right here that's the checkpoint there we go that's what I'm talking about I fell up then okay there's a jump at the very end oh no come on cleaner to be honest I think jumping is a good idea there we go that's all right great do it jelly I I made it three times without jam some I'm good on that just need that I don't know why I put my checkpoint on the ball oh oh oh oh man I panicked a little bit jelly almost peed my pants look in front of you oh no two hours later I almost did it I got it I got it I got it I've got to do it Josh I was so close dude and I did it so I actually suck yep and you said it was easy jelly a few moments later okay oh my I like how Joshy just jump straight into it he doesn't even wait a sec that's all that is it oh it's gonna boss through it oh my god okay what's with the sidles I don't know I think it's just that how okay wait a second then go and there we go boys grated cheese sponsorship huh every single yeah that's nothing about being good that's what I jump through it I just haven't Hey I can't hear you guys from over here guys I can't hear you too far away buddy too far away oh oh oh I've got it I've got a great point I haven't really messed up genuine Josh you can do a doll I have a really mess no totally messed himself up with the checkpoint wait where are you telling what he's telling no right I can excite checkpoint look Oh fix that dude that is um anyway you want to continue Josh no no no okay you're gonna be screwed yep goodbye Kelly that didn't get that far what did I just break on it Gavin what he's not back there me to the start oh no jelly okay well yeah that's odd that's definitely your own fault oh my god oh hey guys you know I can try to catch up with you somehow if you catch up I'm actually gonna be so impressed jelly we are at the end though jelly so you're at the end yeah I'm not this is like the last part in how am I gonna do that yeah it's impossible jelly but you can try I mean this is this F it's not that easy Oh got a chance I guess okay well I'm gonna keep trying to see how far I can get this is mess oh I did a job I don't deserve an F yes okay I'm not sure this is the one getting a DNF not me okay for that Hey Tilley don't don't let you hang out on me okay buddy okay what's that fit what are we like where are we get Creina um I think we're at the end right no I don't see what's over this edge Josh wait oh wait that's the end I'm going for Josh wait give me the TNF wait what wait it's a countdown wait what yeah Josh you're there Jesse you're Sawyer I see Josh huh I believe she goes oh this is too hard Josh come on Josh this DNF no wait no oh my god Josh you have two seconds Creina D&F the bow move on how the trends have changed I won I won yes I can't believe I want guys to celebrate you should watch another one of my videos there's actually two on the screen right now and you can watch which ever one you want that's pretty cool right help celebrate me click a video
Channel: Crainer
Views: 950,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Descenders, Crainer descenders, wipeout game, Bike game, Motorbike game, Motorcycle game, Parkour game, Bike parkour, Course game
Id: 2T-psePllbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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