July Bookish Box Unboxing | 2020

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hey guys i'm becky from bookbook reviews and today i'm unboxing the july bookish box [Music] [Applause] you guys i am so excited to finally open this box today it is august 13th this is the july box it's taken a while to get here but here we are so for those who do not know the bookish box is an awesome monthly subscription that gives you the opportunity to pick what is going to be in your box the top tier of the subscription includes a book a bookish t-shirt and goodies but you can choose a different tier that includes just the goodies and t-shirt the book and t-shirt the goodies and book the world is your oyster people i also find the price of this box to be really really reasonable and they're overall an amazing company that i am personally subscribed to and use my own money to buy these i am not a rep for this company but you will see that there is a referral link down in the description box this is a code that is given to every single subscriber so every time three people subscribe using your link you earn a free box and thankfully you guys have used my code and this box was for free i have also decided to switch to the box that includes the book as well so i am earning top tier level here people we love that for me the other really amazing thing about the company is that they tell you what book will be in the box so if you don't want that book you can change your tier for that month it's amazing but now let's go ahead and open this baby up ugh i'm so excited as you can see this thing is literally bursting at the seams so i cannot wait to see what is in store for us oh my god you guys alright let's just start with the t-shirt which in my case is not a t-shirt you are able to upgrade your t-shirt to be it used to be like anything and now each month they give you three options which is usually like a v-neck a hoodie and something else something i can't think of they gave a hint for the shirt and the hint was just a crescent moon one of the series that the box is inspired by is crescent city so i'm hoping that the shirt is crescent city so i decided to go ahead and upgrade to a zip hoodie i really hope i was right okay so first we have the front so we just have a navy blue zip up hoodie which i am a fan of it also smells really nice so i don't know if it's something in the box or if they just come with a nice aroma but the back is where it's at so let's see oh you guys i was right i was right and of course i love this freaking print this is amazing i really really love the design i have yet to find a t-shirt that i don't like by the bookish box so this is amazing i love the color choices and it says light it up which is a crescent city quote from house of earth and blood this is fantastic you guys i will say that it would have been really cool if there was like some kind of icon on the front but i do understand that that would be a lot more than just taking a print and throwing it from a t-shirt to a zip up so i get it but it would have been a nice touch let's also go ahead and test out the zipper since i've never gotten a zipper putty from them it's always been t-shirts or sweatshirts oh it's got a nice zip and the inside of this is crazy soft so i'm a really big fan totally worth it all right next up i see something really cool but i'm not going to open that just yet so we have this thing which is oh i'm really excited about this guys this is fable grounds coffee it's called little heathen and it's loose flavored sticky buns coffee grounds you guys i'm so excited about this i really really love sweet coffee and sticky bun flavor is going to be literally amazing i really want to open this up but then i kind of don't want to it's going to mess with the freshness i'll i'll make it soon so we'll just open it up and hope for the best okay this smells amazing it is so sweet usually with like cinnamon bun sticky bun flavored coffee it's usually very cinnamony and this is just like straight up sugar oh you guys i cannot wait to make this coffee all right our next item comes in this little pouch okay we have earrings and i don't know what exactly these are but they look really cool they almost look like an eye i'm trying to like rethink what fandoms this box was inspired by and i can't think of anything that would work for these but we'll find out from the spoiler card all right next we have what feels like a sword okay so it is a sword i'm thinking throne of glass and the card says the magic might have vanished it seemed that the power that had forged the blade lived on damaris she whispered naming the blade throne of glass so i was right um this is a really cool item but i just don't know what to do with it i don't know how to display it or what and i feel like if it was maybe more purposeful like an ornament or pepe if it was like an ornament or a letter opener but like what am i what am i gonna do with this it's an odd item i'm gonna see what the spoiler card says about it but it's it's a strange one next up we have the tarot cards which i think might be the last ones that we're getting first up we have the nine of wands which features katniss from the hunger games as always i love the artwork i think this is stunning i definitely wish that i had this one when i read ballot of songbirds and snakes so i could have used this as a bookmark but it's very very cool this other one is the king of swords and i don't know who this is the spoiler card just says the witch and then it cuts off on the spoiler card so i don't know what's who it is if you guys know definitely leave a comment down below but again very very stunning next is the bookmark and it says i spent my life folded between the pages of books which is a tatar mafi quote i don't know which book it's from i think maybe shatter me the thing is is that this year the bookmarks were supposed to be wood marks which were supposed to be amazing we got two months worth before covet happened and i don't know if because of covid you can't do wood marks or what happened but we never received them and now they've been giving us these like regular traditional bookmarks and i have to say that i'm not a big fan i like the quote i don't like the design and the zodiac bookmarks that we got from the bookish box from last year are some of my favorite bookmarks that i use all of the time so to now get these bookmarks that just feel kind of i don't want to say cheap but like it does feel cheap if this was on a wood mark then i'd be cool with it but with it being on a standard bookmark i i'm not a fan of the design i not a fan next we have the enamel pen okay on the back it says it's inspired by coco from serpent and dove i'm really excited to see this oh this is so cool i'm a crazy big fan of this the only thing is that my pen it looks like some of the enamel for the middle got on the outer edge so it's not a perfect pen but i still really really like it and think it's very very cool i really love this design i think it's absolutely stunning all right the last item before we get to the book is some kind of binder situation that i'm very excited to figure out what it is okay so we have this front that is very very pretty it says a court of thorns and roses and i'm really really loving the design of this on the back it says we need hope or else we cannot endure and again really really cool it does look like mine was like a little bit smashed but it's fine and then let's find out what exactly this is okay i don't know what this is exactly so i'm gonna look at the spoiler card but this is either something for like earrings or jewelry or it's for pins and if it's for pins that's amazing so let's look at the spoiler card okay so this is a jewelry book it's the first in their three-part series of books so there will be two more that are things that look like books but are other things this one features a court of thorns and roses and holds earrings this is also great pen keeper so that's exactly what i'll be using mine for is pens because honestly i don't have this many earrings and i don't know if i would kind of want to use it for earrings to use it for pins is a crazy cool idea and i really really like that the only thing though is like then they're not displayed but still this is super cool i really can't wait to see what the other things are going to be i'm very excited and this is like really really good quality okay so before we get to the book let's go ahead and go through the spoiler card for all of these items so for the earrings it says that they were inspired by the lovely alien and it's supposed to be the eye of elena or the eye of the goddess according to menon so this is a throne of glass item it looks like our little sword is a letter opener and of course it is inspired by throne of glass as well i do really like that it has a purpose now my only thing is that it's just so small that i feel like i may lose it so i do wish it was like a standard size letter opener but i am glad that it's not just a prop our amazing amazing design on my hoodie or if you got a t-shirt or something else was designed by blissfully bookish company i love this you guys did an amazing amazing job tarot cards as always are designed by dark and beautiful art our beautiful pen was designed by the bookish box and it looks like the bookmark was probably also made by the bookish box so now let's get to our book i've been so excited to get this book so our book is girl serpent thorne by melissa bachardoust i think is how you say her name i really really love this cover i've been wanting to read this book for some time and i cannot wait to get into it i do have the audiobook so i cannot wait to start but the important thing is not so much of what it is but what is on the inside so first we do have a signed book plate to put inside of it and then we're supposed to have something on the reverse okay i'm so excited about this so let's go ahead and take off the cover oh i like this a lot so this is stunning all right so first let's talk about the spine so on the spine we do have the book and author name it's in this beautiful metallic green we all know i'm a big fan of green and then on the front we have this beautiful serpent scale design in the corner and then we do have an embossing right down here in the bottom corner which is of some kind of building this is really really cool this is the reason that this box took so long is because the books were not ready in time because of cova they had to shut down and then when they started back up they were severely behind in all their orders but we have it and this is amazing definitely worth the wait i think this book is like way thinner than i was expecting so i'm even more excited to jump into it because i can't wait and then on the reverse of the dust jacket we also have an art print so let's open this baby up that is gorgeous wow you guys i'm a really really big fan of this this is so so pretty this is really amazing i kind of want to flip it around but then i also really really love the cover uh i don't know what to do i can't wait to take some bookstagram pictures of this it is gorgeous all right so i did forget to tell you the theme of this i forgot and the spoiler card was at the bottom but the theme is beautiful but deadly as always we do have a playlist which i will link down below it says it is inspired by girl serpent thorne perfect to listen while you read which that is definitely what i'm going to be doing all right guys so that is everything that was in this box let's talk about my favorites and least favorites so as far as least favorite i think it would definitely be the bookmark unfortunately i don't like this at all i don't like this eye pattern that's on it i think it's like way too simple and kind of cheap looking again if it was on like a wood mark or something but just being a standard bookmark this is not the best other item i'm not a huge fan of is the sword now that i know it's a letter opener it's better but i still feel like it's a little bit too small and i'm not a huge fan of the earrings i don't think i will ever wear them maybe i will once i read the rest of the throne of glass series and they like mean something to me but gut instinct i'm not a big fan as far as favorites though everything else i really really love a favorite i think the favorite is definitely my hoodie but i also am a huge fan of this coffee it smells amazing and i'm a really big fan of this book definitely going to use it for pins also really love the pen i love it overall a very strong box as always i love the bookish box it's why i give them my money i'm a huge fan of them and probably will always support them as long as nothing goes wrong i'm glad to see that the minor items are things that are the ones that i don't really care for i'm glad that more of the like i guess like cheaper items of the box like the rest of stuff costs a lot more to make than those things at least in is what i am guessing so i'm glad the things that i don't like are not like significant parts of the box but alright guys that is everything that was in the july bookish box definitely let me know in the comments what your favorite item is and as always my referral link is down in the description so if you would like to throw all your money at the bookish box like i do that's where you'll find it don't forget if you enjoyed this video to please give it a thumbs up if you loved it you want to see more bookish content for me please hit subscribe and if you want to be notified as soon as my videos go live here on youtube hit the notification bell i'll see you in my next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Book Bite Reviews
Views: 1,725
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: The Bookish Box, Unboxing, July 2020, BookTube, Bookish
Id: ue7-5-aDnpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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