Julie and Friends program #631 Angels and Frequency of Words with Annette Capps

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[Music] hi glad you could join with us today mama Tina would not be happy with us all in black and it's not a funeral we're not in mourning we just like black right Debbie brought a little color but we are here with a special guest and net caps and it's been a pleasure it's been wonderful we we voted and we're going to keep you yeah well it's been great to be here I've loved it and you have you and your dad had how many books did your dad right well and then well I think we have between 3035 something like that whoops so it's allowing us mmm-hmm that is it but it's about God's creative power for your health your life your finances you can have what you say but it's not like you can just come up with something off the top of your head it's you're speaking the word right and so you have this book reverse the curse and your body and emotions we have one about angels we've been talking about these things but quantum physics I think it's where we left off I love you understand all that well I read a book so I do but it still it was just amazing I took that book home ready my husband's name is Eddie I said you have got to read this and he told me in the next day after he read it he said why did you keep that from me he said he's just wept well and the presence of God just overshadowed him as he read of what we can have and saying he got checked on the things he had been saying and oh it just might have left our house we have I know and we it was so funny because one of the ladies that works here was so excited that you're going to be here and you met you matter it she said I guess she would have contests with her children when they were growing up and reading the things from your your books isn't that amazing that's amazing yeah yeah good stuffs aren't anything deaf so okay where do we leave okay quantum physics and angels and can you recap so everybody can get caught up well in my mind it's all related okay and I guess the reason that it's all related is I was interested in quantum physics because I saw those you know here's the nucleus here's the electron orbiting you know that was fascinating to me there's some kind of order to it you know in the elemental chart so that didn't have anything to do really with spiritual matters and yet somehow had identified spiritually with me so years later my dad and my mom and I were flying out to Colorado Springs and we were actually going out there to hold a seminar and it was the first time my dad had taught on angels and so as we're flying out to Colorado I just noticed you know I've been flying all my life and but I happen to notice we're sitting on the ground and I could see the propeller of the engine we were in twin-engine airplane and so there were three blades sticking up you know and you can see them they were solid and yet when my dad started it and that for power started turning you could see it for a while and then as he revved it up you could see no propeller and so I was really looking at that and thinking how amazing that was we got up in the air we're flying and I noticed no I can see straight through that propeller it's not blocking my view and yet it's a it's physical matter but it's not blocking my view to what and I just began to meditate on that and I thought well it's physical matter it exists you know you can't say there's no propeller there I can't see it yes it is there and all of a sudden it just occurred to me that we believe in angels and yet we can't see them most of the time why can't we see them if angels are really here why are they not visible to us and then just like that it popped into my head it's because they're moving at a different frequency they're moving at a high-frequency their bodies are Mangel bodies are moving at such a high frequency that our physical eye can't see them and a physical life you look at I went back and looked at it on the chart I got one of the science books out you know and it shows this is the visible spectrum of light it's from this frequency to this frequency the human eye can only see those frequencies and yet there are frequencies below that and there are frequencies much higher than that and that's where you have x-rays microwave gamma ray Ray's all of these different things that science believes in and we don't have any reason not to believe they exist I mean how many of you lazy these have a microwave in your house right does it work can you see the microwave no no and yet when you put that cup of coffee in there or whatever you put in that microwave oven and you turn it on it is sending a frequency that is higher than the frequency of that water and it's moving that water and it's heating it because what it does is it takes that h2o and those electrons get excited and they get stirred up and guess what they get hot and so you take your cup out and nobody's going to say well I don't believe in microwaves because I can't see you believe in microwaves because you use it you say x-rays if you've ever had an x-ray you know if it works it shows your bones you can look at a skeleton you know you see everything so those are just at a different frequency so in that airplane that they had just snapped to be that we are surrounded by angels and yet we cannot see them because our physical eyes are incapable of catching that frequency where they're operating Wow that is so amazing if you remember Elijah when the Syrians were coming after him they were so upset because everything the king said Elijah would reveal it you know the lie she would sit there and God say yeah the King said he's going to do this so Elijah would report it and finally you know the Syrian King said alright who's the mole who's letting it out and they said well nobody my lord but Elijah tells you tells everything you're saying in your bedroom as I said well we're going to go get Elijah we're going to take his head so the guy that was working with Elijah he heard all this and he got really freaked out you know they're coming to kill us the whole bunch I'm they're coming to kill us we're going to die we're going to die and Elijah prayed and he said lord I pray that you would open his eyes and when God opened his eyes and enabled him to send to the realm of the Spirit at the frequency in which those angels were offering it says the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding them so it says God opened his eyes and I believe that God does that from time to time he'll open our eyes so that we can actually see around the spirit and I think would be for specific purposes but I think if we could if our eyes were open now we could actually see in the realm of the Spirit we would see this entire studio filled with the angels of God I found it amazing and everywhere we go a great picture well it's fascinating for people and then there's the shows where the mediums will seek these things out and we're not recommending that that we go seek it out if God allows us to see that that's one thing right if the Bible says there's many voices that are gone out to serve there are many spirits in the earth in the realm of the spirit there are angels the angels of God but there are also demon spirits that operate in that realm and there are times that I have seen that and others have seen into that realm of the Spirit and that's a different frequency but we don't want to vibrate at that frequent see you know we talked about if you have two acoustic guitars in the room and you've thump the string of one and you hit B the other will vibrate and respond to that same frequency well what frequency do you want surrounding you I had a friend one time and she became obsessed with deliverance and demons and evil spirits and casting out of devils well the Bible tells us that we've been good of an authority over the enemy and to cast out devils but there is a frequency to that that is very negative so she got into this and I'm telling you what yes she cast out devils and looking for people needed devils cast out of them and you know what things started going really bad things went to pieces this happened that happened just all kinds of awful chaos happened and she asked me she was I was very respectful because she was quite a bit older than me and I respected her but she said you need to pray for me because all this is happening and I kept my mouth shut for a few minutes and I said may I make a comment play something like a suggestion she said yeah really I said you know your emphasis is on the devil demons and evil spirits and you're drawing them to yourself because they're vibrating at a frequency and you're calling that frequency to your place of business to your home and every other place how and I said if you run into one then deal with it but stop emphasizing and focusing on that and this will stop she didn't speak to me for about six months I was a hurry when he's free speak freely really well you know I understand that and after a period of time she came to me and she said I want to apologize you were right because I stopped I stopped doing that I prayed about it the Lord told me you're right and I quit and things are going really well now so if you want angelic intervention and then jelly help then you can talk about the Angels talk about the deliverance God has provided to us through the hand of angels you can talk about angels and that frequency you set then it's just like if you talk about love we talk about worshiping God we talk about loving God we talk about loving our families or whatever then you create that energy frequency of love but if you start talking about talking hatred talking all the evil things that are going and you start focusing on those things you can actually feel that being created around you and around you can feel it being created a lot of times this is what's going on with the news media it is creating it is creating that frequency is creating and it's being broadcast that's when I praise the Lord for TCT your broadcasting and frequency that is the frequency of God so that's a part of quantum physics part of the quantum faith that is so true I'm sorry but no no no I was going to say because the Bible says he inhabits the praises of his people so when we praise Him and exalt what he's about his presence is there and you feel that yeah and when you start in complaining and talking negative things you're actually praising the enemy better and those negative things and his the enemy's presence shows up in that thing people change the atmosphere when you go into negativity right and then I've seen people change the atmosphere when you go on the street praising God and he shows up he had had the praises of his people well you know sometimes I can't about said this many times I can't watch the news I have to turn it off against it just it's the same writing over and over again and it does make you you feel bad yes and we will you guys don't even watch hardly any TV at all well we try not to because there's just so much unbelief you know it's hard to believe the Word of God when you've got the medium coming in your house and it's totally it's a voice of unbelief and almost everything it's full of unbelief it's full of sex it's full of lies it's full of murder you know but I was going to ask you something one night and maybe I just got what you said one night I was and this has been this has probably been eight to ten years ago so I'm in my bed sleeper in the bed and all of a sudden I wake up and I look out the window and I saw these three little hooded things running across my yard and you want to talk about I had goose bumps so big I mean and I don't remember if I was had been baptized in the spirit yet or not but man I I never understood that because they weren't there I mean they they were there but they weren't there and I was like do you remember we talked about this one time I would do it alright and I don't remember all of it that as you were talking I started to think back about as you were just talking I started to think back there was a lot of negative things going on in our family there was a lot of strife coming against us and yeah I mean you know I see that now and I mean we we did we all love each other and we're getting along but we also had some negative things going on and so I I see that now that is amazing yeah because I mean I had never seen anything like that it was like these three hooded little things just I mean they were dark I don't they were demonic but I couldn't explain to you you know at all they came to stir up trouble yeah yes I came to stir up trouble as they were going across the yards yeah you put them to flight yeah I will you know what I was I was baptized in spirit because I think I started getting goose bumps and I remember praying in the spirit and but you know it was wow that's just very revealing what you just said the average Christian doesn't think about that you don't think about that room well out of that you know how did that happen yeah everything everything brings its own frequency to a situation and we were talking about also you know what you focus on you're going to bring into your life hmm-what and I'm you know I'm beyond talking to beyond words some talk about your thoughts right I'm talking about your beliefs your fall you know your your what you concentrate on what you think about what you give your mind - you know our mind is the entryway to our spirits our bodies and if we continually subject ourselves to things that are harmful like violence and all the things you're talking about on the television I mean we have people writing for the ministry all the time they read my book reverse the curse in your body and emotions why can't I be healed why can't I I receive my healing you know one of the first things I want to ask people like that is how much television do you watch right how many Hospital shows do you watch and not even that you could be watching the cartoons or you can be watching Andy Griffith or some other very innocuous program but what are the commercials about sickness disease drugs you know my husband and I have gotten to the point if we do watch television it goes off on the commercial because you're hearing about diabetes cancer it's a constant coming into your home coming into your eyes coming into your ear gate that frequency is coming into your homes constantly about drugs sickness and disease so when people you know ask me well I believe God well you know how much time are you spending focusing on the salvation that God has given to us you know the Bible says bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name it also says continue says bless the Lord O my films forget not all of his benefits who forgives my iniquities and heals all of my diseases who redeems my life from destruction how much time are you feasting your eyes on them right you know I thought about brother Kenneth Hagin him saying that he hadn't been sick since he was raised from his deathbed you know what the agency is cane up you know it's like what yeah seriously do you know anybody that hasn't been sick in 50 years I mean that you know that hasn't happened to me you know why not I mean I'm really thinking about one her this and it made the most sense he said I read every book I could find on healing and I read them until I wore the covers off of them and then I bought the new books and I read them until I wear the covers off that he focused on the energy frequency of the healing power of Jesus Christ constantly now if you what you focus on becomes a part of you you eat it you consume it and energetically and from physics you are ingesting the frequency of healings and you're focusing on so I can believe 65 years without sickness because your focus is on you if you want something your focus has to be on it and by you turning the television off you're refusing to focus on the violence refusing to focus on the drug advertisement and it's just such a big big issue it is what are you sorry what we do is it you know if we're somewhere and I mean it's everywhere the TV is everywhere and we'll just say something as simple as that's not my cancer that's not my prostate problem I don't receive that I don't take that that's not mine and we just we just don't take it you know because it's really talking to you right God said I was healed yes and that's how they focus in the commercials now can't call it my dad and my dad and this is how I deal with my and I feel all you know that devil is a liar my godmothers all confused with that and just just got them there and they own it yeah and then you notice that the commercials are louder even yes you may be watching an angry show which is got good morals and has a good message usually in them and but the commercials are louder and so of course that they're not supposed to do that but I thought about what you said that things respond to words yes you know there was a study and it was actually a secular study because they had heard about our words being containers of power there was two glasses of water one was just from an old pond and had slime and stuff in and the other was crystalline is like a through a magnifying glass it was or microscope it was like a snowflake and so he starts speaking to the the good water and said you're good for nothing you're not good for man to drink your syphilis come and they saw that the molecular structure began to change in this water and it became slimy when they put it back under the microscope they did the same thing with the water that was slimy and said you're good for man you're as you're as pure as a snowflake you're you know just began to speak life and the same thing and well it became it became pure and so the power of our words there is life and death in the power of the tongue he creates the fruit of the lips and when we realize I mean it's it's it's just amazing we get a hold of that the power of our words we can have what we say that's right we do move towards our thoughts that's right and water now what's the percentage our bodies are of ours at seventy percent I think it's up to eighty in eighty or ninety percent of our body is made of water so if water responds just exerted that what is it responding to what we're saying what we're believing what we're putting into it you know you were talking about my sickness my disease and all that I met with a Native American man one time and physicists used to go out to Albuquerque and talk to them because their language was so close it was only one they could find that adequately described quantum physics and how it operated this Native American language and so I found it fascinating so I spent a lot of time with this man asking questions and he said you know he said us Indians we understand these things he said sickness is energy he said well we have a sickness and something's coming through he said we don't he said we don't say that's mine this is mine he said we said his energy passing through he said and he said this and this was so then he said you white folks are crazy he said he said you say my arthritis and my cancer when you say that it solidifies and becomes a part of solid part of your body and then you can't get rid of it you want why taking ownership of it yeah like ownership moves you solidified energy into matter all the glory sorry the rest of that scripture I think you were talking about Debbie it says that we will be satisfied with the fruit will be satisfied in our belly with the fruit of our lips and that amazing it will be satisfied with what we're speaking we're going to eat the fruit of our lips and be satisfied in our belly yikes yeah so if we've been thinking and they're speaking negatively and thinking negatively in Ellis this weekend they the movie channels you know on satellite were they were giving you a pre preview and I was blown away by how many chiller movies of thrillers and the horror movies that there were and I'm like people are feeding this into their brains every day yes and I know people that enjoy that those and there they're decent people and so I'm not making a judgment about that but I thought if that's what we're feeding and I was like more than I've ever seen before but if we happen to doing a negative and we turn it around you have to just stop you know and you it's a it's an ongoing process and it helps if you have somebody that's there to go what did you say oops because you know I've had people do that to me even believe it or not even sometimes I mess up and I say things and I've got somebody in the office we'll go is that really what you're wanting no undo that undo that you know and I appreciate that because sometimes we don't really hear ourselves so it helps if you have somebody that can help you with that but you know if we could just understand that it is a scientific and spiritual principle that you can have what you say and it is just as scientific to me there's no difference to me it's a scientific principle you know if you if you have three people to get on the roof of the barn and they all jump off they're all going to go down and hit the ground they're not going to go up none of them no matter what they believe because gravity always pulls toward it and the same thing happens with your words people say well this will this work for non-christians well yeah there's a lot of non-christians out there that have done well because they haven't entered into the negative thinking but how much more for us that know the power of God the power of the name of Jesus that we speak what we mean and mean what we speak that we declare the end from the beginning how much more should we be reaping the benefits of the fruit of earlier yeah when Jesus said I tell you the truth if any one shall say if any one says if we go back and look if anyone adds or shall say everything is about what we say that's right at this mountain move get out and go sickness get off me whatever it is I know Cathy I was have been hurt by somebody or something was mad at somebody and Cathy made me read tell me what you made me do first the amplified version of first Corinthians 13 love endures long and they're patient and kind I didn't have to do the whole things right love pays no attention to a suffered wrong that one part in their attention on her for a while but I have a little thing that from Corinthians on my wall and so even if I didn't read it I would I would see that walk past it at least a couple times a day well I would focus on it a little bit but it works it does work to put your focus in a different in a different area when when you declare his word I mean I have seen so many times quoting a scripture to someone and one lady I didn't know she was sick and come to find out that the word the Lord gave you was concerning healing and I just felt led to pray for her come to find out she had a heart condition and they had sent her home to die and the Lord totally healed her heart it wasn't anything of my words it was from the Word of God so when we appropriate to Word of God and we began to declare it over someone we worked the word the word worked and so it goes beyond our words I mean it's alive it's powerful quick sharp you know than any two-edged sword it says he sent his word and healed them it didn't say he was going to he sent his word and past tense field and when Jesus died for our sin he also took all sickness disease and pain upon himself it is just as accomplished as the work Jesus did on Calvary and sacrificing for our sins it's the same it was as I wrote that that book reversed the curse in your body and emotions because it was double curse and double cure Jesus has completed it all he's done it all it's past tense He healed us we are well that's right he did and you said to get those scriptures and meditate on those and focus on those I'd say we have a friend toady who is focused on healing and she's just I should show you a picture she's just as healthy as she can be it's true man you need to set a hack and coffin let me just work I know what happened with me bridge builder Alliance thank you for watching we'll see success [Music]
Channel: Capps Ministries
Views: 7,784
Rating: 4.7368422 out of 5
Keywords: Annette Capps, God's creative power, capps ministries, angels, the invisible realm, understanding the spiritual realm, negative thinking, words frequency
Id: Wdfhn0gJjKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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