Julia Roberts: I'M NOT A DIVA!

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all right then right darling well to start with I'll just have a quick word with the diva as you call feather on behalf of all the Russian fans and we're talking about millions there right because Russia is massive I'd like to say happy belated birthday to you or how we say it in Russia is usually in year Julia and you say spasiba it means thank you yes when I watched Wanda last night I cried I cried throughout the whole movie what can reduce you to tears in real life lots of things well I mean I have three kids so they do things all the time I mean probably you know my birthday which was not long ago everything they did on my birthday everything my husband did on my birthday just really took my breath away that joy that's the best kind of like weeping to me is that joyful emotional I am in the right place in the world feeling that's there's nothing better than that what can make you emotional what can you don't you know do you ever cry in any movies and the only movie I've cried to is Edward Scissorhands oh yeah that's pretty what about have you ever seen the champ okay you should tell your dad you should watch that the champ your character gets bullied at school because he looks different and he act different did you get teased at school so for anything um well yeah uh he gets bullied at school um he definitely looks different but he doesn't act different he's actually really smart his character is really smart and he's very brave as well and confident but no I've never I've never really been sincerely bullied at school like Auggie has been but I haven't picked on a little bit um on I'm pretty sure for my age so I haven't picked out a little bit right did you get but it at school or did you did you get teased for the way you look I did get teased quite a bit at school I wasn't the conventional popular prototype but you know I'm old enough now that I'm only completely grateful for that time but at the time I didn't like after being voted by People magazine for the fifth time in a row the most beautiful woman in the world how would you explain your kids that the real beauty lies within oh I think they already know that they're old enough to understand that certainly because I think that they have a grasp of what integrity means and what compassion means and that can come in any kind of package I've heard that you're good at knitting oh yeah what do you need and when do you find time to do well work setups and you know in the trailer at lunchtime I get to knit constantly so actually more time knitting at work than at home now and if you didn't become an actress what would you what would you do what profession would you have chosen well as a child I wanted to be a veterinarian but as a grownup I wish I was a cellist playing the cello what's a veterinarian and restart so an animal doctor I don't know I don't know what that was I until I just be honest fantastic thank you so much thank you thank you
Channel: Will King
Views: 418,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Julia Roberts, Diva, wonder, film, review, watch, movie, interview, jacob tremblay, premiere
Id: d9Z47wHfH1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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