Julia Roberts | How Pretty Woman lives and where she is now

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Julia Roberts is a world-famous actress,  a star of Hollywood romantic comedies   and melodramas. During her acting career,  she has repeatedly won prestigious awards,   and her fees are incredibly huge. How the owner  of Hollywood's most disarming smile achieved   success and how she lives now, you will find out  from our video, which we made at your request. Julia Roberts: how Pretty Woman  lives and where she is now The future icon of romantic comedies was born  on October 28, 1967, in Smyrna, Georgia. Julie   Fiona was the third child in the family. She has  an older brother, Eric Roberts, and a sister,   Lisa. They also chose acting as a profession. All  the offspring of the Roberts family were drawn to   the big screen for a reason, their parents were  also people of art. The father of the family,   Walter Grady Roberts, was simultaneously a seller  of water mattresses, an actor, and a writer. Julia's mother, Betty Lou, was a  parish secretary and part-time actress.   Together they ran an acting school and  were in a difficult financial situation   by the time they had baby Julia. Coincidentally,  the children of Martin Luther King   attended their school. And it was he  who paid the hospital bill for Julia's   mother in the maternity hospital as a sign of  gratitude for the attention to his children. In 1971, when Julia was 4 years  old, Betty Lou filed for divorce,   and the following year, she moved into a new  house and married theater critic Michael Motes,   with whom they had a daughter, Nancy. In 1983,  this marriage also broke up. Betty called her   second marriage a big mistake since her husband  did not like her children from the first marriage   and even used physical violence against them. As  an adult, Julia has never made her memories of a   difficult childhood public out of respect for her  mother and stepsister. But the actress' brother,   Eric, would later state that their stepfather was  a monster and turned their life into a nightmare. After the mother’s second divorce, the children  had to go to work to make money for a living.   From the age of 13, Julia worked as a waitress  at a pizza place while studying at Griffin   High School and Campbell College. The future  celebrity was fond of playing the clarinet, took   part in a local beauty contest, but never won. Classmates considered her ugly and bullied her   for her tall height, big mouth, and thinness.  The actress is very critical of her appearance,   despite the fact that she is constantly presented  in various ratings of the most beautiful women in   the world. Roberts says she has grasshopper legs,  horse teeth, and straw for hair. With all this,   she is opposed to plastic surgery and  doesn’t like makeup and flashy clothes. A big role in her acting career was played by her  brother Eric, whose success deeply impressed young   Julia and she began to participate in amateur  productions. But initially, her dream was to be   a veterinarian, as she loved animals very much.  After graduating from high school, Julia entered   Georgia State University and moved to New York  with her sister to try herself out in filming.   There she signed a contract with a modeling  agency and began attending acting courses. In addition, the young actress  began to train her pronunciation,   since her southern accent was inappropriate  on the screen. Soon the girl abandoned acting   courses because she didn't see any result  from them and began to attend auditions.   By the way, when she joined the Actors Guild  of the USA, she had to change her birth name,   Julie, to Julia, since another actress named  Julie Roberts was already registered there. The next step on the way to success was a  trip to Hollywood to move in with her brother,   who had already achieved success in  the movies. It turned out that the   American film industry didn’t need another  provincial actress with a specific smile,   which became the first serious disappointment  for the young actress. In 1987, she managed   to get only a small role in the TV series  "Crime Story" and the movie "Firehouse". At first, her brother helped her a lot and even  invited Julia for a small role of his character's   sister in the action movie "Blood Red", which  was released 3 years after filming. But soon he   got tired of babysitting his sister and declared  that it was time for her to take care of herself.   Who knows, maybe if she hadn't got that kick  then, she wouldn't have been so successful.  But young Julia then considered  this act as a betrayal and even   stopped communicating with her brother.  Later, she took revenge on him by helping   his ex-wife with a divorce lawsuit. Tabloids still  write that their relationship hasn’t recovered. After losing her main assistanton the big screen,  Julia continued to improve her acting skills by   entering a dance studio and learning how to play  various instruments. Without the help of her   brother, the actress starred in the TV show "Miami  Vice." In the movie "Satisfaction" Julia portrayed   a girl playing in a rock band, and for this role,  she learned how to play drums and bass. On the set   of the project, Julia met Liam Neeson, with whom  she started dating. Roberts was 19 at the time and   Liam was 35. This union didn’t last long, the  couple broke up soon after moving in together   since Julia declared that she wasn't ready  for family life and immediately moved out. In the same 1988, the actress was invited for  a role in the comedy "Mystic Pizza", for which   she had to dye her brown hair black. For this  picture, the actress, who was gaining popularity,   received 50 thousand dollars. And the next role  of Julia Roberts in the 1989 "Steel Magnolias"   made both critics and viewers talk about her as  one of the most promising actresses in America.   In this film, Julia played a minor, but memorable  role of a diabetic girl preparing for a wedding. The film became a blockbuster,  collecting $80 million in America.   Roberts received $90,000 for her  performance, a Golden Globe Award,   and an Oscar nomination in the Best Supporting  Actress category. By the way, Julia met a new   boyfriend on the set, Dylan McDermott, who  proposed to her, but the wedding never took place. In 1990, Julia took part in the movie  "Flatliners", which brought the actress   500 thousand dollars and a new lover, Kiefer  Sutherland, with whom she even got engaged.   The actor was the reason for Julia's  breakup with her previous boyfriend.   They were supposed to have the "wedding of the  year", but meanwhile, tabloids caught Julia   with a close friend of Kiefer, Jason Patrick.  However, this wedding was not destined to happen   since the girl broke off the engagement  three days before the ceremony,   running away with the groom's friend to  Ireland, for which she was given the nickname   "Runaway Bride", which she will confirm more  than once, abruptly ending relationships. In the same 1990, Julia Roberts starred in  many girls’ favorite movie "Pretty Woman".   It’s one of the most famous romantic comedies,  which has become a classic. The original title   of the film was "3 thousand dollars" because it  was the amount agreed upon by the main characters.   And Vivian, played by Julia, was supposed to be  a drug addict and die of an overdose at the end   of the film according to one scenario, or go to  Disneyland with a friend in an alternative ending. But the director remade all the dark  scenes and added a happy ending.   During the preparation for filming, Julia spent a  lot of time with director Garry Marshall’s wife,   who ran a free clinic on Hollywood Boulevard,  in order to learn how to behave like Vivian.   It’s interesting that, during the filming  of an intimate scene with Richard Gere,   the young actress was so nervous that  a vein popped out on her forehead.   It was visible on camera, so the director and  Gere had to massage the actress' forehead. In the scene where Vivian watches old comedies,  they had to tickle Julia's heels to achieve   genuine laughter from the actress. Julia's dog was  present at the shooting. It didn’t appreciate the   romantic scene between Julia and Richard and  started barking, so the scene had to be reshot   several times. The actors also had a very busy  schedule, and Roberts didn’t have time to eat.   Eventually, she became ill and fainted. Then  Marshall helped her again, feeding the actress   tuna. Another fun fact. On the "Pretty Woman"  poster, there’s only Julia’s head, and the   body belongs to her understudy. Apparently,  Roberts had no time for shooting for posters. "Pretty Woman" was a huge success all  over the world, and although critics   reacted somewhat cool to the picture, it earned  about $180 million only in the United States,   bringing Roberts a second Oscar  nomination as Best Actress,   and a second Golden Globe. The actress' earnings  for the movie amounted to 300 thousand dollars. Roberts' success made her a real movie star and  allowed her to increase the level of her fees.   In 1991, the thriller "Sleeping with the Enemy"  was released, for which she was paid $1 million,   which made 23-year-old Julia the youngest  actress to receive a seven-figure fee.   In the same year, the film "Dying Young"  starring long-haired Julia was released,   where her fee was $3 million, as well as the  fairy tale of Peter Pan "Hook", for which   the actress was paid $7 million. Meanwhile,  she had a fleeting affair with James Foley. In the following years, the actress starred  in the movie "The Player" and the thriller   "The Pelican Brief" that brought Roberts $8  million. The image of Darby Shaw was written   specifically for Julia Roberts. She immediately  agreed to the role after reading the book. In the same 1993, Julia proposed to get  married to country singer Lyle Lovett   after dating him for only a few weeks. There  was a wedding, but the couple lived together   for only two years, and then peacefully  divorced on her own initiative. The actress' next project was a 1994 action movie  with elements of melodrama and comedy "I Love   Trouble". Fun fact. The main character jokes about  Julia's character, Sabrina, saying that he liked   the article where she portrayed a prostitute,  which was a reference to "Pretty Woman". In the next few years, Julia starred in the  films "Pret-a-Porter", "Something to Talk About",   "Everyone Says I Love You", "Michael Collins"  and "Mary Reilly", which brought the actress   $8.5 million. In 1996, Julia took part in the  famous and highly rated TV show "Friends",   on the set of which she began an affair with  Matthew Perry. But the actor was using drugs,   so they quickly broke up, since  it was unacceptable for Julia. Soon, Julia found love again; it was the actor  Daniel Day-Lewis, with whom she was going to star   in “Shakespeare in Love”. They met several times  in London, but when the actor refused the role,   their relationship ended. In those years,  the lovable actress had relationships with   Ethan Hawke and her personal coach Pat  Manocchia, which also ended quickly. In 1997, two films were released at once, which  significantly enriched Julia Robert. It was   "Conspiracy Theory" with a fee of $11 million  and the melodrama "My Best Friend's Wedding"   which brought the actress $12 million. Julia  personally selected the actors for this movie,   choosing Cameron Diaz and Dermot Mulroney. This  period was extremely successful for Roberts,   whose movies certainly became box office, and  everyone wanted to get her for the main role. Soon, the actress found a new admirer, Benjamin  Bratt. As Julia admitted, she fell in love with   the swarthy handsome man at first sight when  she saw him on the street. The couple had   been together for 4 years, and the guy was even  given the nickname "Mr. Roberts" by the media. In 1998, the actress appeared in the TV series  "Murphy Brown" and the movie "Stepmom", and a   year later, in an episode of "Law and Order". In  general, 1999 was rich in both fees and movies.   The actress, along with Hugh Grant, starred  in the melodrama "Notting Hill", where she   demonstrated her talent for improvisation. The  scene in which Anna, Julia’s character, chastises   a noisy company of men in the restaurant, wasn't  from the script. An interesting coincidence. The   fee for her character’s last picture is equal to  the amount paid to Julia for shooting in the film:   $15 million. For this work, Julia  was nominated for a Golden Globe. Meanwhile, another film was released, in  which the actress allegedly played herself.   It was "Runaway Bride." On the set, Julia  worked with director Garry Marshall again.   Roberts used to entertain his grandchildren  with a "platypus face", which he liked so   much that he used it in the frame of the film.  By the way, Julia agreed to the shooting on the   condition that it would be a single film without  a sequel since she didn’t want to star in sequels. In 2000, "Erin Brockovich" was released,  which became a real triumph for Julia.   It not only became a box office hit but also  brought the actress an Oscar, a BAFTA Award, and   a third Golden Globe, as well as an Actors Guild  Award. The fee amounted to an unprecedented amount   at that time – $20 million, making Roberts the  first actress to cross this milestone. By the way,   Julia is left-handed, but her character is not,  so the actress had some difficulties on the set,   for example, with signing papers. The actress  appeared at the Oscars ceremony wearing one of   the most expensive dresses to have ever been worn  at this event, which cost her almost $100 million. The following year, on the set of “The Mexican”,  Julia met her current husband, Daniel Moder,   a cinematographer who was married at that  moment. Julia was paid $5 million for the movie. Next, "Ocean's Eleven" came out  with a payout of 10 million,   and "America's Sweethearts", in which Julia  refused the main role in favor of a minor one,   but it did not prevent her  from earning 15 million. In 2002, Moder and Roberts got married,  which came as a surprise to everyone.   It was even rumored that Roberts paid  an impressive sum to Daniel's ex-wife   so that she would agree to speed up the divorce.  Very little is known about the wedding ceremony:   Julia was wearing a pink cotton dress, and  Moder was wearing a shirt with a frill collar.   Later, the actress admitted that she and Danny  made matching tattoos with each other's initials   shortly before the wedding, but the letters  are located where no one will see them.   Later, the couple settled in a luxurious mansion  in Malibu with a tennis court for 9.5 million. In that year, Julia starred in the  films "Full Frontal", "Grand Champion"   and George Clooney's directorial debut  "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind", in which   the actress agreed to play for friendship’s  sake for a symbolic 250 thousand dollars. The next film, released in 2003, brought  the actress as much as $ 25 million,   it was the drama "Mona Lisa Smile". This  was followed by the sequel "Ocean's Twelve",   which made Roberts richer by 5 million. By  the way, during the filming, the actress was   pregnant with twins. Next, came the movie  "Closer", with a payout of $ 20 million.   In the same year, Julia gave birth  to a boy, Finneas Walter, and a girl,   Hazel Patricia. The actress was warned by doctors  that due to poor blood clotting, there was a   high risk of death during childbirth, which came  prematurely, but, fortunately, it turned out fine. In 2006, Roberts made a deal with the famous  designer Gianfranco Ferre and starred in his   advertisement for a new collection of sunglasses.  For it, the actress was paid $ 5 million. After a short break in 2006, Julia  voiced the cartoons "Charlotte's   Web" and "Ant Bully". This was followed  by the movies "Charlie Wilson's War",   for which the actress was nominated for a  Golden Globe, and "Fireflies in the Garden",   which was directed by Julia's husband Daniel.  In this film, Julia played the mother of Ryan   Reynolds' character, although in real life she  is only 9 years older than her on-screen son.   But the on-screen pregnancy was real, and soon the  family had a younger son, Henry. But the actress   didn't rest for long again and already in 2009 she  was in business, starring in the film "Duplicity"   for $ 15 million, and a year later in "Valentine's  Day", which brought another 3 million. In the same year, another bestseller was released  - the biographical drama "Eat, pray, love".   Roberts bought the rights to the film adaptation  of the novel of the same name herself and played   the main role there. By the way, after filming in  an interview, the actress admitted that she is a   Hindu, like her husband, and they periodically  visit Hindu temples with the whole family. In the same year, an advertising video of  the Lavazza coffee brand was released with   the participation of Julia. For the role without  words in the 45-second video, the actress was paid   1.35 million dollars. At the same time, Roberts  was announced as the face of the Lancome brand.   The actress was offered a unique contract for the  company: 5 years of cooperation and $ 50 million. The following year, the actress  voiced the romantic comedy "Love,   Wedding, Marriage" and starred in the  film with Tom Hanks "Larry Crowne",   and in 2012 she played the Evil Queen in  the family fantasy movie "Mirror Mirror".   At first, Roberts, as she said in an interview,  was a thousand percent against this film   and considered starring in it a terrible idea,  but after meeting with the director, she changed   her mind. The actress said that her costumes  were very heavy and made it difficult to move,   and she even pulled a muscle by turning too  quickly, and filming had to be suspended. Moreover, the actress's children were hiding under  voluminous ball gowns, but still between takes   Julia decided to take them away so that they would  not hear her character's speech and would not be   afraid. The children, although were interested,  didn't watch that film, so that they would not   find the character of their mother unpleasant.  By the way, the transformation of Roberts into   an old witch with a poisoned apple was kept in the  strictest secret until the release of the movie. At this time, a tragedy happened in the  actress' family: Julia's half-sister Nancy   died. The cause of death was overdose on  medications, and a suicide note was found   next to the body, in which Nancy told  about her relationship with her half-sister   on three pages and accused Julia of driving  her to suicide. She blamed the beautiful   sister for the fact that she had caused  mental trauma by bullying her over weight. In 2013, Julia joined the Gucci charity  program, in which she paid special attention   to the problem of harmful smoke that is breathed  during cooking. The actress plans to replace bad   cookers with working ones in poor areas  of Africa. A year later, Roberts became   the face of Givenchy, presenting herself in  a new unusual image: strong and determined,   without styling and almost without makeup.  By the way, the actress prefers to lie down   when makeup is applied to her, as she believes  that this way the result looks more natural. In the next few years, the actress starred  in the films "August: Osage County",   "The Normal Heart", "Secret in Their  Eyes", "Money Monster", "Mother's Day",   the latter brought Julia $ 3 million, and the  family drama "Wonder" with a fee of $ 6 million.   In 2018, the actress took part  in the TV series "Homecoming",   for which she received another 600 thousand  dollars, and in the drama "Ben is Back". In 2019, Roberts became the face  of the Italian brand Calzedonia,   and in 2020 Chopard released a promotional  video of Happy Sport watches starring Julia,   in which she is carelessly  dancing and enjoying life. A few releases are expected in the following  years, the drama series "Gaslit" about the   Watergate scandal, the romantic comedy  "Ticket to Paradise" and the drama "The   Friday Night Knitting Club" based on the  book of the same name by Kate Jacobs.   By the way, Julia is the most  famous knitter in Hollywood.   She comes up with complex schemes and can knit  anything - from a scarf to a coat or a bag.   At home, she has a whole workshop for different  types of needlework, and she carries yarn with  her to sets so as not to  sit around in her free time. Interestingly enough, all the years that Julia  has been married to Danny, their marriage has   been predicted to end soon. For example, in 2018,  the actress was not seen in the company of her   husband for almost 9 months, but the paparazzi  still managed to catch a couple while walking on   the beach, and after that the actress herself  shared cute family photos with subscribers.   And last year, the couple celebrated the 19th  anniversary of their wedding. On this occasion,   the actress shared a photo, which shows that  over the years the feelings have not weakened. Recently, the 54-year-old  actress has been acting less,   and even said that due to her life experience,  she will no longer act in romantic films.   She spends a lot of time with her loved ones on a  ranch in New Mexico with a house with an area of   8000 square feet. Julia has a small farm where  she raises chickens, and she has only organic   vegetables and fruits on her table, since the  star also manages the vegetable garden herself   and even knows how to drive a tractor. The  celebrity emphasizes that her family comes first.   And she tries to protect her children from  journalists as much as possible. This year   the twins turned 17, and only in honor of this,  happy parents shared rare pictures of children. Nowadays, Julia Roberts' fortune is 250 million  dollars, and she earns from 20 to 30 million   dollars a year from films and advertising. The  actress is rumored to have insured her famous   smile for as much as 30 million. The actress  prefers to invest money in real estate. At   various times, she purchased several houses in  Hawaii: she sold one of them with a 50% discount   for $ 16.2 million, the other - with a view of  the Pacific Ocean - also sold for 17 million. Another snow-white penthouse, which Roberts  decided to say goodbye to, is located in   Manhattan, with an area of 6500 sq. ft with  a view of New York, was sold for 4.5 million. Julia also has a house in Malibu, which  she rents out for $10.5 thousand a month.   Inside, the walls and ceilings of wood are painted  white, which along with the large windows creates   a sense of space. And the actress sold another  house in a cozy ranch style for $ 8 million. In 2020, the actress purchased a  five-story house in San Francisco,   built in 1907 and renovated. The  mansion has 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms,   an office, a modern kitchen, a dining  room and several places to relax. And a few years ago, Julia bought a  house with a skate park for her children   next door to their main mansion in Malibu. The celebrity also owns a Mercedes GL320  CDI and a Toyota Prius. And last year,   an announcement appeared in Kazakhstan about  the sale of a 33-year-old Rolls-Royce that   used to belong to the actress. The  fact of owning a car by Julia Roberts   increased the price of the car to as much as  $ 7 million, although it costs no more than 2. Now Julia's popularity, as  well as the amount of fees,   is not waning. She is still in demand,  although she does not try to act too often. Do you like the "Pretty Woman" Julia Roberts?
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Keywords: julia roberts, how julia roberts lives, julia roberts kinder, pretty woman, julia roberts familie, julia roberts net worth, julia roberts net worth 2022, julia roberts news, julia roberts smile, julia roberts and daniel moder marriage, emma roberts, eric roberts net worth, julia roberts house, julia roberts car collection, MixShow Star News, celebrity news
Id: PECVeQ_zQ18
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Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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