Julia Child’s most disgusting recipe is Aspic

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i'm having a hard time working up the courage to do this it's like an episode of fear factor which one would i rather have i don't know if i should be excited or very much not should i be dreading today this is jamie and julia oh bon appetit so i was looking at a list of like the grossest sounding recipes from julia child and there there's a few of them that came from this book right here mastering the art of french cooking you know how much i love many of the recipes out of this cookbook there's been a couple clunkers but all in all it's just like this is top notch right here however there's just a part of this book that i've like completely like it's still very crisp it's like i steered clear of this area and that's intentional liver kidney brains sweet bread and there's this one other part right here aspic the first time i've ever heard the word aspic is just coming from this book and i looked at it as like what the hell is that it is a jelly made out of um like broth like like a beef broth chicken broth think like jello but savory and not as fun or colorful so to go back to what i was saying about the grossest sounding recipes hear this don't get scared poached eggs and aspic chicken liver in aspect i'm gonna make both of those today i don't know if that's a good idea or not but i figure i kill two birds with one stone in this aspect chapter because i don't know if i'll ever return to it i don't want to start off on like a pessimistic note because you know sometimes there is a diamond in the rough and maybe this is it so let's give it a try and see what it's all about you don't know until you try i'm going to take myself back to last night where i'm starting up this simple meat stock so a big old saucepan and throw in some leftover chicken carcasses and parts whatever i had saved also gonna add in some beef and veal bones and enough cold water to cover everything by two inches medium heat to a simmer over on the other stove i'm going to start up the jelly stock process by adding in veal knuckle bones about one pound worth add cold water and boil for five minutes back over here the stock begins to simmer and the scum starts to rise and i was skimming it with a spoon but it was taking forever ever so i bailed on that idea and found this big boy skimmer that worked a hundred times better so i just kept skimming until it ceased to accumulate took a long ass time seriously skim the scum until i couldn't know more and my arm got sore doing it two peeled carrots two celery stalks one whole onion one cheesecloth please add a bay leaf six parsley sprigs got some unpeeled garlic cloves two cloves some sprigs of thyme two teaspoons of salt tie it all up and add it into the pan now remember those calf knuckles i'm gonna add them into the stock too and the meat stock recipe and the jelly stock recipe now become one skim scum boiling hot water to top everything up skim scum skim scum skim scum skims cover up partially and keep this at a quiet simmer for four to five hours okay once i simmered the most i could out of these ingredients i'm gonna strain it skim scrum the book says to use like a paper towel or something to dab any remaining fat but i don't know it didn't really work for me it just kind of soaked the paper towel so i bailed on that idea then i just put it in the fridge uncovered for the rest of the night good night i'm going to bed hello there's this fat that has hardened up on the top it's like a skin layer of fat i'm going to scrape that off so this stuff is already very jelly-like which is great means it worked this process is called degreasing and she says before i move on this has to be perfectly degreased so this is going to take quite a while to get all these little little particles of fat out of here hold on to your butts [Music] that is two pints 950 milliliters she says salt loses savor in a cold dish so i'm just gonna over salt it even though it tastes pretty good already one very clean mixing bowl beat in half pint of stock so that's just a quarter of this add two egg whites so beat it just feed it one very clean saucepan bring the rest of the stock to a boil over here gradually pour on the hot stock and very thin stream into the stock with the egg whites [Music] back into the saucepan on a moderate heat agitate it slowly and continually with a wire whisk so that the egg whites which will begin to turn white are being constantly circulated throughout the liquid the egg white globules dispersed into the stock act as a magnet for all its minute cloudy particles these gradually rise to the surface leaving a crystal clear liquid below as soon as it starts simmering stop stirring gently move the saucepan to the side of the heat so that one edge of the liquid is barely bubbling what to the side of the heat leave that there for five minutes then rotate a quarter turn i guess what i did makes sense because that one side's bubbling that side's not and that's what she says here oh barely bubbling so turn it down for five minutes i gotta keep it like that rotate a quarter turn careful after another five minutes another quarter turn the last quarter turn after another five there we go leave it like that for five minutes so i got a damp cheese cloth five layers worth need a very clean colander and i don't know how this next part's gonna work oh just like that and line the colander with the cheesecloth okay one layer two layers three layers four layers four layers should be plenty the colander should be of a size so that the base will remain above the surface of the liquid very gently ladle the stock and egg whites into the cheese cloth disturbing the egg whites as little as possible [Music] for the last bit i can't use the ladle i'm just going to like pour it in after five minutes remove the colander 1 8 pint of madeira port wine or cognac i have neither of the three instead i have a substitute which is marsala wine i know from other recipes in the past that it's a good substitute so 1 8 pint is 60 milliliters [Music] there it is clarified jelly stock so what i got to do next is either the poaching of an egg or chicken liver i'm gonna do whatever's easiest poaching an egg i've done it before so two inches of water into a saucepan and a tablespoon of vinegar bring it to a simmer they drop in the egg as soon as the water's simmering move the egg white around the the yolk although this has never worked with me before i've tried that method with julia before it doesn't work to be on the safe side i am going to add a second egg and it just connected with the first egg the egg white to the egg yolk like wrap it around like a warm blanket four minutes this is chicken liver i have never even thought about digesting this and to be honest liver just reminds me of growing up as a kid and my mom used to always make beef liver and always smell up the house and it was like a very potent smell so anytime she was cooking it i was like that's the beef liver stay far away never tried it didn't look appetizing to me at all but here i am now on a cooking show with a chicken liver in my hand so it has come full circle i don't even want to touch it and there it goes oh jesus christ okay so there's my chicken liver uh look over the chicken liver and cut out any blackish or greenish spots that's disgusting i cannot find any blackish or greenish spots thank god so now i need to dry this off i'll just put in a paper towel i guess i mean here's the great thing if i love chicken liver i have a whole little bag full of them don't count on it okay so now that i have my liver off to the side need half a shallot [Music] so i'm going to use these as my two molds for each one of these stupendous plates of food i'm about to make she recommends using a metal mold but i don't have those i'm just gonna use these so for the poached egg dish i need a tarragon leaf so uh here's one here's a good one you know wish upon a star for my precious tarragon leaf i need to have some boiling water and drop this thing in for 30 seconds take the tarragon leaf out ow i gotta refresh the tarragon leaf in cold water just leave that there for a second oh geez i totally see here that i need two tarragons chill precious tarragon leaves 1 8 inch of the clarified jelly stock into each mold so i refrigerate for 10 minutes to set someone get the fridge she recommends cooking the liver in an enameled frying pan which i have an idea what that is i i have a cast iron and a non-stick but i do have a cat oh okay i know this is enameled so i'm just going to use this i'm just trying to be as accurate to the book as i possibly can i don't know if it actually matters or not i probably could just use my cast iron but i don't know heat up butter and oil butter foam is subsiding chicken liver goes in cook and stir for two minutes i only need to brown this lightly not too much and after two minutes jesus it's really just like pop popping isn't it i'm going to add my shallots and let's cook those in there all together now [Music] okay pull the cover over this and i uh this freaking thing started just to explode all over the place okay i need to drain the cooking liquid but i use this stupid-ass pan and it's making it really difficult hit it up with some salt fresh pepper on my liver marsala wine just a little splasharone i wish i didn't use this [ __ ] pan oh well this is going to be like on a slow simmer it says i'm gonna put the lid on and this is gonna cook for eight minutes um that's the smell i remember as a kid i take it out of the pan come on come on and then rapidly boil down these cooking juices until they are syrupy consistency once that's reduced add in the liver i'm gonna take this out and put it on a side plate chill these okay so this is going into day two this is day two of me trying to figure this [ __ ] out this has not turned into aspect it is not jelly uh in fact it's very runny very runny and this has been in the fridge overnight none of this is firmed up so i even tried to get ahead of the curve here and like try to finish the liver one it looks like a science experiment but that's what it's supposed to look like except it's supposed to be jelly i was reading something about how it's just not popular to make aspic anymore just because of how challenging it can be also i don't know i think it's just something that's gone the way of the dodo but nevertheless i'm trying to make it and it's not turning out first what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take the liver out of my mold take the tarragon leaves out of the mold the one i added the liver to has kind of muddied the waters so to speak it has made it all dirty and since i clarified it i want it to be crystal clear this is roughly a cup and a half of good clear clarified stock is this considered cheating or not i'm gonna be using some gelatin powder so use two and a half teaspoons for every two cups and this is a cup and a half so do the math [Music] gelatin is supposed to bloom but it's supposed to bloom in a cold liquid right so this should be good because this is cold whisk in the gelatin warm up the stock the stock needs to be hot now right let that cool down crystal clear i'm doing a little more than 1 8 inch to the bottom of this mold because that's not a lot like a quarter inch into the fridge until they firmed up fingers crossed moment of truth yes yes okay she loves me she loves me not tarragon leaves in boiling hot water then after 30 seconds i need to cool them off with some cold water dry them off and chill them over here so with the poached egg dish i got to take two tarragon leaves and make a cross right at the bottom a little bit of the aspic on top just to seal it tight put this in the fridge until it firms up so add my poached egg the least attractive side facing up pour in the jelly to cover the egg [Music] stay put you bastard [Music] wish me luck the liver goes into the mold just put both pieces there fill up with the aspect [Music] this is the hardest part transporting them to the fridge [Music] the other one's in the way move it or lose it please all right just leave those in the fridge until whenever they are set i don't know how long that's going to take nor do i care these things are officially jelly they're not coming out of that if they need to a bowl of hot water i need to make a bed of lettuce on each plate so that looks comfy at serving time dip the mold into a bowl of hot water for three to four seconds three mississippi and then i'm gonna flip that upside down there same goes with this one mississippi two no give it a sharp knock on the base one mississippi two mississippi three out on mississippi two mississippi three mississippi order up [Music] i'm having a hard time working up the courage to do this it's like an episode of fear factor uh which one would i rather have which one is more appealing looking well definitely the egg over that i'm gonna try them both and hopefully i enjoy them both we don't know i am going in [Music] it's not pleasant to eat at all it like triggers a gag reflex and the best part of the dish is the poached egg that's not really saying much but it is the best part it just like saves you from the aspic the aspect to me is just atrocious i don't know why anyone would eat that for pleasure broth that i made before it like turned into jelly was actually quite good i had a lot of flavor in it that i really enjoyed but to eat it in this jelly form is another thing altogether and i wouldn't recommend this to my enemies honestly that's the poached egg one the tarragon was quite nice i can't do it i can't do it i gotta do it [Music] the rules clearly say that in order for me to be able to cross this one off my list i have to take at least one bite one two three if someone had a gun to my head and said eat this chicken liver and aspic i'd say pull the trigger so up on the screen right now these are my supporters on patreon who are helping me out big time they're keeping the show going supporting the show and they get their names at the end of the video so if you're curious at all about what's going on there if you also want your name right here then there's a link in the description you can find out more information there and that truly goes a long way so uh yeah check it out if you want if not totally cool too this was jamie and julia bon appetit overall actually i don't know how much of a bone appetit that actually was but [Music]
Channel: ANTI-CHEF
Views: 452,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie and julia, julia child, french cooking, french recipes, aspic, disgusting recipes, gross recipes, how to make aspic, jamie and julia child, julia child aspic recipe, anti chef
Id: okWps0jPDu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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