Jukebox Favorites, 1967

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The Beat Goes On The Beat Goes On drums keep pounding a rhythm to the [Music] brain Char was once the rager history has turned up p the menir the current thing [Music] uhhuh is our newborn king uhhuh and the beat goes on the beat goes on the drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain [Music] the grocery stares the super [Music] mar little girls still break their hearts uhhuh and men still keep on my chin off to war electrically they keep a baseball score and The Beat Goes On The Beat Goes On drums keep pounding a rhythm to the [Music] brain Grandma sitting chairs and r on this boys keep chasing girls to get a [Music] kiss the cars keep on going faster all the [Music] time bom still cries hey buddy have you got a Time And The Beat Goes On The Beat Goes On drums keep pounding a rhythm to the [Music] brain and The Beat Goes On yes a beat goes on and the beat goes And The Beat Goes On theat go [Music] on and theat [Music] go there's something happening here but what it is ain't exactly clear there's a man with a gun over there telling me I got to be where I think it's time we stop children watch that sound everybody look what's going [Applause] [Music] down there's bad lines being drawn and nobody is right if everybody's wrong young people speak in their minds I getting so much resistance from behind time we stopped hey what's that sound everybody look what's going [Music] down what a field day for the heat a thousand people in the street singing songs and the caring signs mostly say hoay for our side it's time we stop hey what's that sound everybody look what's going down par strikes deep into your life it will creep it starts when you're always afraid step out the line the man come and take you way we better stop hey what's that sound everybody look what's going stop what's that sound everybody look what's better stop now what's that sound everybody look what's better stop [Music] children give me a ticket for an aane ain't got time to take a fast train long is are G I'm going home my baby just wrote me a letter I don't care how much money I got to spend got to get back to my baby only days are gone I'm going home my baby just me [Music] a when she wrot me a letter she couldn't live without no more listen Mr can you see I got to get back to my baby want a more anyway ticket for an aane he got time to take a fast train only days AG G I'm going home my baby start letter when she wrote me a letter said you couldn't live without me no more listen Mr can you see I got to get back to my bab but want some more anyway a ticket for an aane think got time to take a fast G I'm going home my baby my baby me [Music] [Music] a [Music] you know that it would be untrue you know that I would be a liar if I was to say to you you girl we couldn't get much higher come light by Fire come on baby Light My Fire try to set the night on fire the time to hesitate is through the time to wallow in the mile try now we can only lose and I love become a funeral P come on baby Light My Fire come on baby Light My Fire try to set the night on fire [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] the time to hesitate is through no time to wallow in the mile try now we can I only lose and I love become a funeral P come on baby Light My Fire come on baby Light My Fire try this night on fire yeah you know that it will be un true you know that I would be a liar if I to say to you girl we couldn't get my child come on better I Light My Fire come on let Light My Fire CH to set the Night On Fire chy to set the Night On Fire chy to set the Night On Fire try to set the Night On Fire [Music] [Music] [Music] what you want baby I got what you need do you know I got it all I'm asking for little respect when you come little bit hey baby just a little just a little bit M just a little bit I ain't going to do it wrong while you gone I ain't going to do it wrong cuz I don't want to all I'm asking for little respect a little bit baby just just a little bit just a little bit I'm about forg it all my money and all I'm asking in return honey give me my prise when you get home just a little day just a little [Music] oo you kisses sweeter than honey and guess what so is my money all I want you to do for me give it to me when you get home yeah baby [Music] r e s b c not what means to me e s b e c take [Music] t i TI keep trying just a little bit you're running out of food I ain't Li just a little bit when come home you my walking and [Music] [Music] out [Music] we skip the life and then go turned C Wheels cross the floor I was feeling kind of [Music] Seasick the crowd call out for more the room was Haring harder as a ceiling flew away when we call out for all the dream the way to BR the train and so it was the ler as a Miller to his chair let her face at first just go sleep turn the wi shade of fa [Music] [Applause] she said there is no [Music] reason and the truth is plain to see but I wand through my playing [Music] CS would not let her be one of 16 best virgins we're leaving for the coast I know all my eyes [Music] open they might just as well be CL and so it was as the miror told his [Music] tail that her face of first just go sleep Turn The Wider shade Our [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Fair I'm so [Music] I preach my dear friends you're about to receive on John Barley corn nicotine and The Temptations of Eve no parking by the suicide hot dogs my Razor broke water dripping up the spout but I don't care let it all hang out hanging from a pine tree by my knees Sunshine through the shade nobody knows what it's all about it's too much man let it all hang [Music] out saw a man walking upside down my TV's on the blink made Galileo look like a Boy Scout sorry about that let it all hang out sleep all day drive all night brain my numb can't stop now for sure ain't no doubt keep open mind let it all hang out [Music] it's raining inside a big brown moon how does that mess you baby up leg eating a Ruben sandwich with sourkraut don't stop now baby let it all hang out let it all hang out let it all hang out let it all hang [Music] [Applause] out a little old man was sitting on the steps and A Tear kind of trickled down his cheek I said what's the [Music] matter he said a train just ran over me I said M how often does this happen he said every day about this time I said well why do you just sit out here then he said cuz I cannot believe that it's happening I said reach out take my hand you'll understand everything is all right up tight out of sight baby everything is all right up out of [Music] [Applause] sight little old man sitting on the step same old man and a tear trickle down his cheek I said what's the matter he said I heard of elephants just stamped it over me I said [Music] M same M I said how often does this happen he said every day a half hour after the train runs over me I said reach out take my hand you'll understand everything is all right everything is all [Music] [Applause] right little old man sitting on the step Same Old Man tear tickled down his teeth I said hey how you doing after that train ran over you he said what train I said the train that ran over you a half hour before the elephant stamp it over you he said what Al I said he said you're a young boy says you got a lot to learn says reach out take my R you understand everything is all right of everything is on all right love tight I go [Music] [Music] right [Music] one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small and the ones that mother gives you don't do anything to go ask when [Music] she's and you go chasing rabbits and you know you're going to fall tell them AA smoking caterpillar has given you call he call Al when she was just [Music] small when the men on the chest get up and tell you where to go and you just had some kind of mushroom and your mind is moving oh go St I think you know and proportion have fallen SLO dead and the White Knight is talking backward and the Red Queen all with her head remember what the D [Music] said be your hand be your [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hand if you want something to play with go and find yourself baby my time is too expensive and I'm not a little [Music] boy if you are serious don't play with my heart it makes me Furious but if you want me to love you then a baby I will win girl you know I will tell it like it is don't be ashamed let your conscience be your gu but no deep down inside of me I believe you love me for get your Foolish [Music] Pride life is too short to have sorrow [Music] you may be here today and go tomorrow you might as well get what you want so go on and live baby go on and live tell it like it is I'm nothing to pleas with go and find [Music] yourself but I tell it like it is my time is too expensive and I'm not your little [Music] [Music] boy [Applause] [Music] would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon would you like to ride in my beautiful we could float Among the Stars together you and I for we [Music] can Up Up and Away my beautiful my beautiful the world's a NIC place in my beau balloon it wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloon we can sing a song and sail along the silver sky we can we can up up and way my beautiful my beautiful suspended under the Twilight canopy we'll search the clouds for Star to God if by some change you find yourself L the the moon beside us your is waiting there in my be ballon way up in the air and my ballon if you'll hold my hand will chase your dream across the sky we can CL Up Up and Away my beautiful my beautiful get [Music] away she sits on the dock fishing in the water uh-huh I don't know her name she's the fisherman's daughter uhhuh come on down my baby come on down where we can play come on down my Bo baby come on down we'll Sail Away [Music] she smil so nice like she wants to come with me uhhuh but she's tired to the do and she can't get [Music] free come on down to my f baby come on down where we can play come on down to my baby come on down we'll stay away fish all day sleep all night father never let her out of the sight soon I'm going to have to get my knife and cut that Ro cut that road we can go fishing my little red bone make you happy my little red bat so come on down to my faab come on down where we can play come on down in my baby come on down we'll sail away come on down my bab come on down where we can play Come come on now my baby come on now we'll sail [Music] away slow down you move to fast you got to make the morning last just kicking down the cobes looking for fun and feeling groy [Music] groy hello lost what you know I come to watch your flowers grow ain't you got no rhymes for me do it do feeling [Music] groovy I got no Deeds to do no promises to keep tled and drowsy and ready to sleep let the morning time Dr all it pedals on me life I love you all is cre [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] slow down you move too fast you got to make the morning last just kicking down Cobblestone looking for fun and feeling groy feeling [Music] the next flight to London will be boarding in 5 minutes Next plan to London leaving on Runway number five next play to London and I'm missing him that favorite of mine told him I was going to be a star but to do it I would have to go far away but I'd come back someday and take him away I'm on the next plane to London leaving on Runway number five next to London and I'm missing him that baby of [Music] mine said that over here I wasn't in down in Hollywood I couldn't find a friend who would help me get in or listen to me I'm on the next PL to London Le on Runway number five next play to London and I'm missing him that baby of [Music] M your attention please the next flight to London is now the final boarding stage all passengers holding tickets please proceed to paring area number five baby over there I get a start only hope I leave and I don't break his heart the more important part than any record on the chart I'm on the next plane to London leaving on Runway number five Next plan to London and I'm missing him that baby M next L to London leing on Runway number five next to London and I'm missing him W yeah [Music] that [Music] good sense in tense cripp mankind dead Kings many things I can Define occasions your mind in the the col of time whoes what games we choose little to win but nothing to lose in the sense of PE meaningless LS turn on turn your eyes around look at yourself look [Music] [Applause] at the world throwing the one side the least you can do be ni and politics nothing is new a y stick for lunatics one of you what games we choose to win but nothing to [Music] [Music] lose good sense in a sense G of mankind [Music] IAS mind in and the color of time what we choose little to win but nothing to lose [Music] in [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] sh [Music] Summer Rain TAPS in my window West Wind soft as a sweet dream my love warm as a sunshine sitting here by me she's here by me she stepped out of the rainbow Golden Hair shining like Moon blow warm lip soft as a soul sitting here by me yeah she's here by me all summer long we spent dancing in the sand and the je Fox kept on playing Sergeant pe's Lonely Hearts were we sailed into the sunset drifted home caught by a gulf stream ever gave a thought for tomorrow just let tomorrow be now let tomorrow [Music] be [Music] she wants to live in the Rockies she says that's where we'll find peace settle down and raise up a family to call on yes we have a [Music] home oh summer long we SP groing in the sand everybody kept on playing Sergeant pe's Lonely Hearts little snow drifts by my window north wind blowing like thunder I love SP burning like fire and she's here by me yeah she's here with me let tomorrow [Music] be [Music] ready up not here I come he that used to be such [Music] fun Apple beaches pumkin F who not ready H that's a game we used to play yeah H SI was it name ready or not here I come she that used to be such fun I always used to find a hiding place time of change well I'm one step behind you but still I can't find you Apple bees parking by you were young and so was I now that we grown up in se you just keep ignoring me oh w i you where you go I'm going to look high and low you can't escape this love of anytime well I sneak up behind you be careful where I find you apple pies pking by soon your love will be all M then I'm going to take you home marry you so you won't Rong baby marry you so you wrong right now now [Music] now I'll find you anywhere you go I'm going to high you can ese love of any time well up behind here I [Music] [Music] come it was a third June another sleepy Dusty Del [Music] day I was out chopping cotton and my brother was bailing hey and a dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eat and Mama holled at the back door y'all remember to wipe your feet and then she said I got some news this morning from CH to [Music] Ridge today Billy Joe mallister jumped off the tallah hatche bridge and Papa said to Mama as he passed around the blacke PE well Billy Joe never had a liquor since pass the biscuits please there's five more acres in the lower 40 I got to PL and mama said it was a shame about Billy Joe [Music] anyhow seems like nothing ever comes to no good up on CH to [Music] R and now Billy Joe mallister jump off the tahe bridge brother said he recollected when he and Tom and Billy Jo and put a frog down my back at the Carol County picture show and wasn't I talking to him at the church last Sunday night I'll have another pie of apple pie you know it don't seem [Music] right I saw him at the Sawmill yesterday on CH [Music] Ridge and now you tell me Billy Jo jumped off the T hatch Bri mama said to me child what's happened to your appeti I've been cooking all morning and you haven't touched a single B that nice young Preacher Brother Taylor dropped by today said he'd be pleased to have dinner on Sunday oh by the [Music] way he said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Chalk to R and she and Billy Joe was throwing something off the tallah hatche [Music] bridge a year is come and gone since we heard the news about Billy Joe brother married Becky Thompson they bought a store in tupo there was a virus going around Papa caught it and it died last spring and now Mama doesn't seem to want to do much of anything and me I spend a lot of time picking flowers up on CH to Ridge and drop them into the muddy water off the tallah hatche [Music] bridge [Music] kind of a dread when your baby don't love you kind of a Dr when you know she's been untrue oh listen to me when I'm thinking CU you are I been I still I'll always love I always love you anywhere anywh anyway kind of a dress when your baby says goodby kind of a drad when you feel like you want to [Music] cry even you made still love I still love you I always love you always love you anywhere [Applause] [Music] anywhere [Music] got [Music] say I still love you I still love you I'll always love I'll always love you anywhere anywhere [Music] anywhere [Music] anywhere Tiny [Music] Bubbles and wine make me happy Make Me Feel Fine Tiny Bubbles make me warm all over where the feeling that I'm going to love you till the end of [Music] time so here's to the Golden Moon and here to the silver sea and mostly hear the toast to you and me tiny bubbles tiny bub and the wine and the wine make me a happy make me happy make me feel a f Make Me Feel Fine Tiny Bubbles Tiny Bubbles make me warm [Music] more where feeling that going to love you till the end of the [Music] time tiny bub o in the wine make me happy oh make me feel fine out in tiny B make me [Music] warm where the feeling that I'm going to love you till the end [Music] of where the feeling that I'm going to love you going to love you till the end till the end of [Music] time
Channel: WF Willis
Views: 108,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CRdMLKd3j4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 25sec (3445 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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