Judi Dench - BAFTA Tribute

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen please welcome your host for the evening Stephen Fry [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you good evening and welcome to the Theatre Royal Haymarket in the West End of London's famous heart sometimes sometimes you know ladies and gentlemen a small glimmer of light appears in our dark and fractured cosmos sometimes that flicker becomes a glow occasionally that glow becomes a ray once in a while that ray becomes a beam on all to rare occasions that beam becomes a piercing shaft but perhaps only once in every generation that piercing shaft becomes an intense explosion of pure blinding luminosity that showers every continent on Earth with a billion points of pulsing bite I thought you'd like to know that anyway on with the business of this evening no really shush tonight fellow show tradesmen ladies and gentlemen BAFTA and the BBC take enormous pride in celebrating the career of a woman who truly is the best of British she's ruled this country as two different monarchs and has dared to call James Bond a dinosaur we loved her in his time goes by and a fine romance we'd offer frankly in everything for myself I'm simply proud to share a land mass with her to long be my belief in fact that railings should be built around her so that can admire her in an orderly and respectful fashion she is the ground arm of British theater who has managed with equal brilliance to charm Millions with television comedy and to enthrall Hollywood Broadway and the West End with her extraordinary talent not bad for a woman who according to her first review stepped out into the limelight tripped over her advance publicity and fell flat on her pretty face ladies and gentlemen please welcome the world's only Judy Dench [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome to the London of west heart spitting in my Rayleigh as you can probably see the the audience is filled with the inevitable drunks who stumbled in Barnstable as well as friends and colleagues who are here to celebrate the war to you of a British Academy fellowship for your outstanding contribution to film and television over the years I know that unlike most of the world you do not enjoy watching yourself on the screen but tonight I'm afraid you're gonna have to endure it I'll be talking to your data but before that we'll be hearing from everybody from Pierce Brosnan to Billy Connolly and some English people in between for now though his reminder of why the worlds of theater screen and stage will be so much poorer and smaller without you this young actress is on her way to take the biggest gamble of her career her name is Judy dent Judy's able to give herself completely to any moment on the stage or on the screen so that you absolutely believe her she just absolutely is that person you know it's a case of don't act be you never feel that she's acting at all she can play beautiful she could come play ugly she can play young she can play old she can do everything and it's always Judy but tastes like I don't know [Music] she loves laughing and she loves life I mean out of that you can laugh about Mike she does very very little and it gets past all the nose putty in the paint and and all this stuff which could easily easily swamp an actress one little twinkle in the eye this comes burning through it's absolutely fascinating to what and the complete mystery as to where it comes from she has great unbelievable facial expressions so that even if she's not speaking in a scene it's possible for her to steal it just by being very alive she makes fabulous expressive faces she has that quality of just exude in herself she just gives herself and it's more than more than enough [Music] too late too late it's almost impossible to witness one of Judi Dench's performances without rather falling in love with her for friendship Judy is a person who never asks for anything and deserves it all and I think that she is she is first of all not a bad pool player which many people may not know she does however cheat at ping pong and that's an important thing I think everyone know about me and I'm completely and absolutely in love with her sometimes I don't think you have the balls for this job perhaps the advantage is I didn't have to think with him all the time [Applause] born and bred in Yorkshire surrounded by fondant doting dentures of every size and shape judy started early leading roles in school productions turned into parts in york's renowned Mystery Plays her debut came as first angel she was later promoted to Virgin Mary the West End's famous London beckoned groundbreaking interpretations of Ophelia and Juliette at the Old Vic sealed her reputation Judy's first love is the stage and she has made it her home without ever once escaping to Belgium as lesser talents who went to do her commitment has never waned she's currently starring on this very Haymarket stage in a production of a classic American comedy the royal family one man who like judy has stridden bestriding lee the twin worlds of TV comedy and classical theatre has starred alongside her on many occasions please welcome that most gentle of gentlemen mr. richard briers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening well our acting has always been in Judy's blood family are all members of the local amateur dramatics society in New York where she grew up dad reg who was a doctor and her elder brothers Peter and Jeffrey trod the board's and her mum olive was the wardrobe mistress 23 years ago in 1978 I acted opposite Judy for the first time in a TV play called a village wooing by Bernard Shaw it was a two-hander just Judy and me I wore other arguments in beard and fancied myself as a very attractive suitor as you will see now Judy soon put me in my place when you looked at me out of the corner of your eye you looked at all the women out of the corner of your eye in spite of you given me so much to yourself did you never say I could put up with her no I said damn that woman she won't stop talking to me and interrupting my work I suppose the part that defined her absolutely some actress for me in those early years was Sally Bowles and cavalry and the never ever ever will be or could be a better Sally Bowles Judi Dench and her singing her acting extraordinary kind of elfin audacity the the sense that this woman is fundamentally a good woman but he's determined to be outrageous and nobody has ever conveyed that I would love to work with her onstage in fact I think she knows she didn't use achill when you see a Judi Dench on stage the effect is so overwhelming that you would say in that moment this is the best actor of either gender that you'll ever see [Music] being on stage with Judi Dench is rather like being on a donkey Derby on the beach and suddenly a thoroughbred racehorse comes tearing past year juggling three lighted torches all at the same time and you do your best to keep up right from the early stages of her career on screen she always had this compelling quality which you see right across her her theater work but today and in a common regular I don't know pit row but that's - yeah that's probably why you said that did it look good it's true thanks for the you should give it up I know seriously seriously I should do it up unlike you however I'm serious I shall continue to smoke until finally and finish you to be I shall burst into flame [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no one who saw Judi Dench's royal national theatre performances Cleopatra can forget her rendition of the great line give me my robe put on my crown I have immortal longings in me the great thing about do deeds who would seem to me is that she's just as capable of interning give me my fluffy slippers put on my beige cardigan I feel like a cup of tea for the Dame is an actress who can play sitcom as brilliantly and with as much commitment Flair and honesty as she can play Shakespeare in the 1980s she gave us the adorable a fine romance and from 1991 onwards she and Geoffrey Palmer bickered their way up the ratings in as time goes by so ladies and gentlemen please welcome Geoffrey Palmer [Applause] [Music] I worked with Judy on film on radio but mainly of course on television in clever Bob lobby's as time goes by I would have liked to have worked with her in the theater but sadly that's never happened I assume that that's of course being a dame she must have casting approval mustn't she but you never know do you and but in spite of that I have enjoyed working with her in fact there are many joys in playing opposite Judy and and to me one of the greatest is and I don't know if this is because she's invariably doing three other jobs at the same time or whether it's just a case of the advancing years but sometimes she knows what's coming I wouldn't say often but just sometimes she's not totally on top of the lines sorry now now it can be told as a result of which she and I appear with embarrassing and humiliating regularity on arm tease bloomers but the good side of that is that every time we appear our art is believin this I get another albeit tiny contribution from BBC towards my pension fund and for that Judy and few other things I'd like to thank you very much [Applause] can we give you guys a lift back to town oh that's very kind but Lionel and I are gonna make love the salty good very well we'll catch you later this may sound a very basic question but you did switch on the flag control Arnold please do the girls in the office really called me crabapple no they stopped that oh good will you iron drawers now oh damn and blast what now I need a pee but I think you're beautiful what I said you're beautiful if you had a few of those light hands before we started how I see you you were beautiful when we met and you always will be it's nothing to do with a few wrinkles and an extra pound or - OH - it's what you are or it's it's what you mean I'm not putting this very where am I how'd you do very well Lana it'll do very well [Applause] Jeffrey um as time goes by was an enormous success and I knew blah blah Blee wrote it with you in mind and presumably judy must have been first choice - no I'm afraid not actually she was quite a long way down the list now we nearly had gene Simmons on board and I'm immensely grateful Jamison was going to be on board and then she found that she was involved in other things couldn't do it so in the end we searched about and somebody I didn't know I wouldn't have had the courage suggested Judy and of course she doesn't read anything and she didn't know who I was over the director body she said yes and then the BBC found out that she couldn't do it for another four months at which point Sidney laughs to be distinguished producer and I said if you've got Judy Dench we'll wait for her so he waited and it was worth the wait yeah so you did eight series I believe of yeah this time he's biased and I hope it get more but also you've played with her twice in mrs. Brown and also in Tomorrow Never Dies the Bond film what's it like having her as a boss it's alright I found out more professional in in the film you know the money is better and took it very seriously never work with me again these gentlemen the twinkling and brilliant Geoffrey Palmer [Music] well success for Judi Dench on the stage in the small screen came quickly Hollywood however was slower to realize the talent lying at its feet at the age of 23 Judi auditioned for her first film the producer was categorical and said you have every single thing wrong with your face they must be kicking himself if not I'd be happy to do it for you from a room with the view to a handful of dust she made her mark in a series of small but perfectly formed roles Dame Maggie Smith starred with sir in tea with Mussolini and a room with the view to great Dame's let loose in the incomparable beauty of the Tuscan countryside ladies and gentlemen please welcome now fellow BAFTA fellow and walking legend Dame Maggie Smith [Applause] [Applause] well Judy and I go back quite a long way it was at the Old Vic and we shared a dressing room we were in the double-dealer jude was playing the ocean ooh and I was not what I remember mostly about that time it was the beginning of a friendship and I remember laughter more than anything in the world Judah's the most tremendous friend she's been a huge support and hugely loyal anyway we did that then there was a long gap and we worked on screen together in rumors of you and with tea with mustard and rumors of you again we laughed and shrieked so much that we quite unnerved Merchant Ivory I think both of them they were really really appalled tea with Mussolini again we just laughed we played Scrabble we drank Prosecco would behave very badly again the fact we started all the Italian crew I think they thought we were more peculiar than the people we were playing in the film I know they did but I have to say I can't tell you how honored I am to be your friend Judy I really am you've done so much for so many people and I'm sure everybody feels the same about your friendship not only are you stunning talents I mean just breathtakingly wonderful but you have so many other qualities as well so I know you hate watching yourself on screen but I'm afraid tonight must be like a night of torture for you so I hope you'll just enjoy as much as we do watching yourself in these clips when it always open wide open I think Miss Lucy is open to what miss lavish a physical sensation I will let you into a secret Miss Bartlett I have my eye on your cousin Miss Lucy Honeychurch oh for a character in your novel miss lavish the young English girl transfigured by Italy and why should should not be transfigured it happened to the Goths see now smell a true Florentine smell inhale my dear deeper every city let me tell you has its own smell you might love art but art certainly doesn't respond to your affections lady Hester please perhaps she's right perhaps I'm no good maybe I can't paint the way I would like to but well nor could Garland IO or Titian I mean look at Schubert he never even finished that symphony all artists fit on perhaps I fail more than first more than others but since I've been in this beautiful place I feel that there is more that I can do that there is a way of making people understand please don't start [Applause] some of Duty's most fondly remembered work was as part of an enduring partnership with her late husband Michael Williams their collaborations over 40 years lit up stage and screen Kenneth Branagh few years ago was presented with the John Gielgud award for services to Shakespeare and he used that occasion to pay tribute to the actor who most inspired him to go onto the stage Michael Williams who's foolin Lear is regarded by all who saw it as definitive who more appropriate than an Kenneth Branagh to pay tribute to one of the greatest stage partnerships of all Judi Dench and Michael Williams first met at the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1963 they were both much admired young actors who had made names for themselves with their portrayal of Shakespearean characters they didn't get to share the stage that season but when Michael saw Judy play viola in Twelfth Night their friendship and their love blossomed by the time they returned to the RSC in 1970 they were an established couple and this time the scheduling was kinder to them they appeared together in a string of hits including London Assurance The Merchant of Venice and the Duchess of Malfi an incurable romantic Michael chase Judy all the way to Australia surprised her onstage in The Winter's Tale and then proposed to her he remained an incurable romantic throughout their 30-year marriage Michael famously delivering every Friday to his wife wherever she was a rose they continued to appear together on stage on radio on television and film with Michael sharing and delighting in Judy's success indeed in 1998 when she won the BAFTA for mrs. Brown he confessed that he had failed to keep his upper lip stiff when he heard the roar of approval from the audience Michael and Julia perhaps most warmly remembered as Laura and Mike the couple reluctantly finding love in later life in the comedy series of fine romance 14 million viewers took them to their hearts Michael and Judy's unique on-screen chemistry was a testimony to the passion and the humor at the heart of their relationship which to all of us who witnessed it was rare inspiring and very beautiful [Applause] you certainly know how to entertain a blow you expect striptease I got you some flowers that's why I love you the L must have fallen off are you sure Oh mustard um it was that when I got it out this shot no are you sure you ask me well could never make a speech like this if I didn't [Applause] well returning to film now apparently Judi Dench was not Billy Connolly's first choice to play Queen Victoria in mrs. Brown Billy's preference was and one can see very clearly where he was going here for Bob Hoskins Hoskins wasn't available unfortunately Judy agreed to be his understudy it was inspired casting the two met for lunch and instantly clicked the result was a magnificent film classic and a firm friendship ladies and gentlemen he's flown in from Los Angeles please welcome the often likely amusing and always pleasantly hairy Billy Connolly [Music] favorite tune in the whole world the theme from The Archers I've even had a Fijian choir singing it it said it's such a lovely thing to be standing here on this auspicious occasion and you know it's especially inspiring to see so many young faces in the audience people who could otherwise be away enjoying themselves and I know what you expect you expect a never-ending Lane of thin Englishmen with a hint of PMS about them you know all linen and rumpled intensity and Anglican angst well I'm a welder really under and I'm a cane a fraud I I do a bit of acting but I stand here as a Scot who wasn't in Braveheart or Rob Roy and every living Scotsman was in them even people at death's door were wielding bandages were changed between scenes kisses of life not a phone call today to see there was Irishmen and it will be an accent from nowhere and Scotland not a phone call by anyway - Judy I like it because it's a great laughs we went we filmed a John Brown's thing that the mrs. Brown in a well mrs. Brown caught John Brown's things a bit of billing never hurt anybody no well filming in a wee Castle in Scotland up near the borders Hey I don't even know whose family is castle and it's been nice place but me their heads of dead things up the walls you know the things that's short over the years you know working class people had stuff like that people in cloth caps you know shop steward catholics you know the canal and day but i remembers she just my knees get it you know that way that lovely way you can laugh sometimes but Oh your breath goes away at once your legs won't work and it was that it was a god thing you remember this dude it was a a can a mountain good thing on the wall let's poo demented things still in it for centuries the quite a whitish face I think they live in the Himalayas or something and it had those horns that come up and turn and an end go up like this there's a bit there's a big town and then one of those numbers and we'll get upstairs quite a thing to do a scene and she said oh Michael Heseltine [Laughter] and it was it was just a sensation know when these days you know kenneth branagh and everybody we're saying about the reality of Judy's work is quite extraordinary no coming from me you know I haven't acted all that much but sometimes I wouldn't know the scene had started and apparently it brought out the best at me I was disoriented my words look and cannot be welded which apparently was what was required of the character well the real reason I'm here as Judy and I became friends very very quickly and Dee and we are still friends and it's gonna last forever and now you know she comes and stays up a host of Scotland sometimes and we we sing songs rent a fire and Day dance wild jigs and have merry fling us and sing the old folk songs over a blazing English tourists and and we have a real tears and it's one of the joys of my life one of the absolute joys of my life this woman who never forgets of besties never forgets of children's names I just love it she's a joyous joyous lovely Pilon friend and I'm glad I'm here Judy you're lovely [Applause] I was told you were in a fight yes ma'am someone seemed to those bruises yes ma'am ma'am having considered my position here in court I have come to the conclusion that and your Majesty's best interests I should resign I do not accept I had foreseen that you would not but Your Majesty should understand that I will not be changed in this I leave for DISA the Queen forbids it [Music] I cannot allow it because I cannot live without you without you I cannot find the strength to be who I must be please [Music] promise me you won't let them send me back I promise [Music] [Applause] that scene that scene we've just lost proven the the the joking and the pranks that Judy's capable of that was obviously a very intense in series scene yeah it was intensive serious but it wasn't it wasn't it didn't feel it wasn't as angst-ridden as it looked well it didn't feel that bad because before that one of the joys we had was and it was a particular joy for me because I like having a good laugh when I'm making those things you know off off to the side and Korea Naboo I try not to annoy people and make loud noises but you know I like and we had been laughing and Emma did the scene and and it's the the Judy's that reality thing everybody's been talking about if you're looking into it eyes like you should be it happens and you're in there there's nothing else to do but but you know get caught up in the moment and it could have been funny because when we arrived at that scene we were on two horses and I I came off mine and then lifted her down from house and like six times we get stuck together and microphones got all thing and we couldn't get this entangled and then we avenge after all the laughing and cavorting we did it very quickly and that's all I remember about it but it was a it was a like the whole movie it was a very smooth and pleasant feeling because of this reality that you could step in a mode of it was an absolute joy an absolute joy well it said superb performance from both of you cause too much of man will run the world but much do you see that wait horse either one don't wanna see on a he's called blue and he was the joy of my life from day one there's a scene in the film that's the first time you see us walking with the horses marching in the front and blues straightened out there Judy sitting on top and we get down and I have to open the meal a hand of the meal one letter at a time and she corrects me makes me do it right now and yeah and the horse farted we're doing this and then in the middle and at first I didn't know what it was you know cuz that's like and we're going to love it and wait for it but it didn't brilliant walking ones is a really moving moment doesn't really move but we did the scene when I call a woman and they go oh woman do you be still woman or something and and I walk away with the heart and luckily the camera were being filmed from behind because my face was all contorted because it did one of those I wanted to keep the horse it was stunning I loved it we could go on forever but I didn't think we're allowed to so I'm gonna have to say Billy [Music] well Thank You Billy Comey mrs. Brown of course made Judy an international star Hollywood finally sat up and took notice there was a flurry of roles followed by a wealth of nominations and awards Los Angeles is of course a strange fairytale land and now judy has become its queen the Americans simply adore her although one New York telephonist didn't have to inquire whether Dame Judi Dench was all one word which of course it is so please now welcome a man who had the very good fortune to play Judi Dench his son in the film Jack and Sarah ladies and gentlemen the slim splendid and central Richard ecstasy grant [Applause] [Music] filming Jack and Sarah I don't think that I'd have had a tear that left if it hadn't been for Judi Dench because my scenes required copious blubbing but luckily Judy's sense of humor kept any real misery at bay because she's a kind of dwarfish riot and the funniest woman that I probably ever met I recall when we were making the film Judi telling me that she was slightly disaster fight that she hadn't done any American films or crack Broadway they don't want to know actresses over 35 she said at the time so how ironic sweet and perfect has been the triple whammy of a Tony Award for Amy's view a BAFTA for mrs. Brown and the Oscar for Shakespeare in Love as the next clip of films will show the thing about Judi is that she doesn't need to have a lead in a film to steal it and make it her own a performance at last just a few minutes can be remembered for a lifetime and will be that is Judi Dench's unique talent it's so gratifying when he recognises me what is it do letters in darling the neighbors will think with Jehovah's Witnesses it's a weekend I thought you need a hand I think Judi see anyone who's surprised that having become a film star over the last 5 years [Music] we'll take you home God's sake don't fuss you'll ruin a perfectly decadent evening I'm not partial to be sloppy goodbye with Judy you know she does have the ability to to sort of stop and laugh and to to join in with everybody else oh shut up say something sensible ones Judy and I spent a weekend in New York and one of the things that I told her I was going to do in addition to going to the theater and having some great dinners was to teach her how to ride my my sappy scooter in Central Park don't let her drive you don't don't ever be a passenger in in any vehicle and if you've ever been driven to and from a film set by Lady Bracknell in a golf cart you'll know what I'm talking about it's like it's like a skateboard with handlebars and so you stand on it and what I didn't tell her until after I'd taught her to ride it was that I'd had my's a peter bode i should have been leisurely and relaxing and idyllic and instead it was like a scene from Bullitt we then walked up to Central Park West and I was I was determined that she that she ride it and so I said can we give another try and she said oh no right and she stood on it and she zoomed away and I finally let go over and she said to me later it was that it was like that moment when your father lets go of the bicycle seat and you know you're on your own it became nicknamed the Brack 'mobile and you you have to picture this magnificent woman with the feathers flying from her headgear basically was tearing across the English countryside and there she was winging down Central Park West as people recognized her from the bond films which was very funny moment because I think someone said to her weren't you and James Bond and she said yes I'm his boss and she just kept writing struck fear into the hearts of our entire unit it was just a glorious moment to see you know such a dame on his happy [Music] [Applause] Judy apparently told the director of mrs. Brown John Madden that she would do anything in his next film even a non-speaking role he came up of course with something a little better than that because Madden's next film was Shakespeare in Love Judy swapped crowns and with an eight-minute tour de force finally picked up the Oscar ladies and gentlemen please welcome the brave soul who played Shakespeare to Judy's formidable virgin queen the dashing and dishy Joseph Fiennes [Applause] [Music] good evening the prospect of acting with dame judi made me more than a little nervous but I shouldn't have worried she may have been playing the Queen of England but the real Judy is very down-to-earth warm generous if a little naughty at times I soon learned that when judy is on a film set you are guaranteed two things brilliant acting and lots of fun her laughter is infectious acting or inspiring but it is her talent for timing which inspires my greatest admiration on set between takes sat on her throne but decked in gold Lambie and dripping with rubies and pearls she revealed to me her party peace without a clock in sight she can tell the time every time at any time of day or night to within sixty Seconds I did my best to catch her out but to no avail I don't know how but her timing was immaculate with such a gift it begs the question as Eman James Bond shouldn't Judy be the next in line after peers to advertise a certain brand of watch if you do I think we should talk about some kind of Commission have a wonderful and no one will take your wager with series fifty pounds fifty pounds a very worthy someone a very worthy question can i play show us the very truth and nature of love I bear witness to the wager and will be the judge of it as occasion arises I've seen nothing to settle it yet well no more fireworks they will be soothing after the excitement's of lady Vilas audience however then but you're a lordly fool she's been plucked since I saw her last and not by you takes a while to have it [Music] [Applause] from corsets and red fright wigs to mi6 Judy's range continues to astound in 1995 she stepped into what many believed were the irreplaceable shoes of Bennet Lee as M pawns IC spy master in the blockbusting Goldeneye from the first screen moment it was obvious that she was quite perfect feisty and formidable Judy was an M for the new millennium it is a row she has reprised with relish please welcome the actor who has to work under her rod of iron ss7 himself yes Brosnan [Applause] thank you ladies and gentlemen frankly it's hard to find the appropriate words that pay tribute to the woman who called me a sexist misogynist dinosaur but she's the boss and I have to accept that mind you she was the only Dame I would take that from Judy I remember when we met on Goldeneye I was so nervous for our first scene know about playing Vaughn but about acting Ally alongside someone whose work I had admire for so long it was only when you confessed to me that you were nervous to that I was finally put at ease I remember saying to you I said you you like films you enjoy it you said no I'm terrified absolutely terrified and I said well the theater is where you belong and you must love that and said no I'm absolutely terrified there - I'd like to be downstage facing upstage in a blonde wig and so we went forth as bond and em well you are a very kind actress and a kind woman generous and giving and you're so full of life and humanists and in case you don't know Judi possesses one of the wickedest laughs this side of the Irish Sea I'm so happy that you are recognized here tonight for such a prestigious work and I look forward to working with you very soon god bless love you thank you you don't like people who don't like my methods you think I'm an accountant a bean-counter more interested in my members and your instincts we thought had occurred to me good because I think you're a sexist misogynist dinosaur a relic of the Cold War whose boyish charms they wasted on me obviously appeal to that young woman I sent out to evaluate you point taken not quite w7 if you think for one moment I didn't have the balls to send a man out to die your instincts attack role of no compunction about sending you to your death but I won't do it on a whim even with your cavalier attitude towards life I believe you once had a relationship with Carver's wife Paris that was a long time ago him before she was married I [Music] didn't realize it was public knowledge Queen and country James your job is to find out where the Carver or someone in his organization sent that ship of course and why use your relationship with mrs. Carver if necessary I doubt it sure another noon remind her then pump her for information one pipeline the West is counting on to supply our reserves for the next century maybe [Music] [Music] watch these hands up by noon tomorrow your time is up [Music] boomed come back alive [Applause] Oh makes me go all dippy at the knees evidence what's bit yep I suppose I have said this but I didn't expect you to die Mr Bond I expect you to talk so tell me what you what you really nervous working with Judy and I was I mean I unfortunately I never got to see Judy on stage I mean Judy I saw on fine romance and I and then I began to really kind of find out who this great woman was and so by the time we came to do the movie I was pretty impressed and overawed by this woman's work and again like Billy has said and many other actors have said it's those eyes when she connects with you of those eyes is the concentration is the focus and it's just the sheer reality of the performance that just you get drawn in yeah you don't have to do anything all you have to do is listen Bob girls I mean you're not allowed of course it would be invidious to say who your favorite Bond girl was but you probably when you sign the first convert didn't expect necessarily that Judi Dench would be a Bond girl do you think she fits a goober I think she fits in really well I think she's the ultimate actually and she seems to have a very special relationship with Bob this is somebody who worked on together was just was it in the first script or it seemed to developed I think Judy has brought this style to it and it is it was somebody in the writing but I think Judy's has brought her own subtext and the caring for this character and they have a love/hate relationship with each other but it's very powerful and there's a certain ability there and then M the first film she was on set for just four or five days and the second one seemed to be my agent than the last one of course she was actually kidnapped she was a major player in the whole narrative and he must have shot for at least two or three weeks under mentally yeah I think the next one I think there's going to be more of Judy really and presumably feeling all over the world no we're doing the talkie I think Iceland yeah it's an awful awful job grateful could you do it did you do it so well I'm you bring out the best time he's like Rosa thank you very much [Applause] [Music] so from Hollywood's to Pinewood the West End Broadway Judy Dench continues to delight and entertain the next Bond film is only a footstep away and in the meantime she used to be seen soon in a big-screen version of The Importance of Being Earnest as the redoubtable Lady Bracknell and alongside Kevin Spacey in the shipping news first up however is a moving and pitch-perfect portrayal of the writer Iris Murdoch please welcome the man who plays her husband in eros one of our greatest actors Jim Broadbent [Applause] [Music] I was unaware of Dame Judi Dench is acting until I saw her in the Bond film Goldeneye where she played em and I was completely blown away I thought she's brilliant she's really got it he's got she's got something very special and she's going to go a long long way but sadly since then there has been a steep decline so I was thrilled when I was cast opposite her in iris because I thought maybe I might be able to do just a little to maybe get her career back on track but what was really wonderful was the actual work over the 15 months of detailed Lottery funded research and rehearsals I was able to get to know the real Judy the one the public don't see and it was a revelation who have you knew for instance that she is actually well over six foot tall and massively built how many of you were aware that her strong Birmingham Russian accent which she so valiantly struggles to overcome in her stage and screen work is in real life almost impenetrable and it is a mark of her true professionalism that it was the very last week of filming before I realized she even had a prosthetic limb so many wonderful memories come flooding back but I long remember the marathon vodka fueled armwrestling sessions that she and Sir Richard Eyre would indulge in after work Judy always won of course but whether that was because of our in spite of her legendary intake of performance-enhancing steroids we'll never know I should add that Sir Richard and Dame Judi or Richard and Judy as we affectionately never once let their taproom rivalry spill over onto the set well perhaps iris where Judy portrays so brilliantly the character of Iris Murdoch and her struggle with Alzheimer's was a turning point for there have now been two more fabulous film roles for her in the shipping news with Kevin Spacey and there's a gorgeous Lady Bracknell and the importance of being honest so Thank You BAFTA for giving her a leg up and so seriously Judy thank you for being one of the most fantastically talented funny moving and honest actors I've ever had the chance to work with it was a complete delight thank you [Applause] occupied in observing mr. Bingley's attentions to her sister Elizabeth was far from suspecting that she was herself becoming an object of some interest in the eyes of his friend mr. Darcy had at first scarcely allowed her to be pretty high round yes my darling clever cat you box box I grabbed novels the scenes between the two of them particularly the really loving emotional scenes in the movie are just I mean it just breaks your heart it completely breaks your heart you know two people completely dedicated to each other with the utmost respect for each other and you just feel that it's absolutely real it's all there such things special things secret things I hadn't never seen her play Lady Bracknell before and the quality she had was rather flirtatious so checking all the men out and looking as if she was undressing them with her eyes it was a very unsettling quality because she had all that imperiousness and she was as strict as you'd imagine she would be and he actually had this twinkle which suggested once again that she had a kind of wicked history do you smoke well yes I must admit I smoke I'm glad to hear it a man should always have an occupation of some kind that are far too many idle men in London as it is how old are you 35 a very good age to be married and I've always been of opinion that a man who desires to get married should know either everything or nothing which do you know I know nothing that you pregnant I'm pleased to hear it in the shipping news I I play care to name Coyle who is encouraged after the death of his parents to come and restart his life with his daughter at his ancestral home in Newfoundland and Judi plays his aunt Agnes who is the one who does the encouraging I don't want pirates loot in this home Billy pretty told me all about it it's good thing somebody find it I don't believe in dwelling in the past no then what are we doing here like in a future the Newfoundlanders joke that they have four seasons fall winter misery and summer and we were pretty much in misery the whole time but Judy made every day better and I know my dog is much fatter because of her she gave me a photograph of her and my dog at the end of the shoot sitting in a restaurant with her holding an ice cream cone and my dog licking it and she said to me later I have to admit that was following the pizza [Applause] well ladies and gentlemen tonight we've seen just a little of what makes judi dench such an extraordinary star she's an actress who defies stereotypes from z-cars to amy's view - as time goes by and shockula there's little to which she can't add her Midas touch even musicals are within her grasp judy has taken to the stage in Stephen Sondheim's Little Night Music and as we've seen donned fishnets to play Sally Bowles in cabaret few people know however that her career as a Lloyd Webber cat was thoughted before it could even begin she tore her Achilles tendon in rehearsal and was forced to give up her whiskers and hang up her tail how different life could have been we've been denied duets with Michael Ball and things like that maybe it's maybe it's for the best who knows however Oscars BAFTAs Golden Globes aside a Judi Dench performance is one to treasure if he's talented obviously a professional and a wicked laughing pleasure to work with perhaps her greatest quality as I've suggested is that extraordinary capacity to bring truth concentration and commitment to parts that others might have just coasted through and there is never with Judy ever a sense or suggestion of that awful thing called technique you simply never ever see the wheels go round ladies and gentlemen please welcome back on stage Judi Dench [Music] [Applause] a picture seems to have emerged over this evening Judy of a vain crabby cantankerous ungenerous talentless old cow it's it's now that we can give me the opportunity perhaps to do answer back at some of your critics firstly driving is it true Tara okay I don't think I am you'd have to ask my daughter with her I'm cherry yes Michel thought I was absolutely appalling I can't resist it yes I know that it's one of the nobody believes they're a bad driver do they it's rather like no I suppose that's what it is I think I'm rather careful but a lot of my friends would say you know don't drive with her yeah I think I know which I'd be here tonight no nervousness pierce brosnan talked about you being being nervous and he said that you told him you were also nervous on stage is that is that true has it got better or worse would you say it's got worse the nerves I don't think it's our business to talk about it or show it really I never think because I think that it's what creates so gentleman and I think that's what we you know that's what the lorry goes on and so but there are ways of you using it in some kind of way but I was very I was very very frightened on the first Bond film because I just knit well I don't think I didn't know a bit more now but I didn't know anything about filming at all what I'm solving which is very different even war it's not much action for me got me behind a desk and a shared outside London what do you want in prison because in the last one but yes there always will this time you'll go away and then and then the last time they say you'll be in Turkey and Scotland I said oh that's absolutely wonderful now I was in a shared outside London except on the last day I was at Stowe school in a Winnebago called Innsbruck at least I could Sarah Siddons it's been said that you don't enjoy you've had it twice or three times you don't enjoy watching yourself back on screen is that is that really true yes it's absolutely true especially tonight yeah what is it sort of embarrassment or do you feel it sort of breaks your own the same doesn't dress I can show you I haven't told you haven't even seen a room with a view or a handful of dust or shockula or shockula hands of dust you see who's got a very good semen mean just together you would learn something sadly not listen I know you take compliments gracefully because that's that's part of what you do but you don't like to hear them too much and this has been nothing with an evening of compliments so in many ways it may have been healthier but all I can do is assure you it's been absolute pleasure for us and a delight as always to see you on this or any other stage and for the television audience to see you on the screen again thank you very much individually it's been such a pleasure and let's hear what others have got to say about Yoona Judi Dench is amazing beautiful sexy generous twinkly inspirational and very difficult to describe Judi Dench is every part she has ever played Judi Dench is wicked sneaky naughty Devon funny joyous warm open and flatulent judi dench is a beautiful little pixie and drives a tractor like no one I've ever seen yeah Judy page says talent it's brave embraceable witty and just lovely I would work with Judy if I had to be a tea lady hovering in the back of frame I'd work with her again any day Judy Dench must never be allowed to stop acting [Applause] now ladies and gentlemen to present the British Academy fellowship the Godfather of British film and the grandfather and presiding genius of our industry Richard Attenborough [Applause] [Music] Judy it's impossible going to repeat everything that has been said tonight said with such feeling not only your great talent but also your personality on and off the screen your great kindness your marvelous sense of humor etc but I think performances remain from the screen particularly in our hearts and in our heads for years and years to come you have created so many you will create many more and we are joyous to present you our fellowship but indeed it is you who honor us by accepting it [Applause] [Applause] one one last thing before you go duty which I know you're dying to do Billy Connelly has a small presentation to make Billy [Applause] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen tonight we have been benched in glory thank you all very much indeed and good night [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The James Bond Visual Archive
Views: 303,194
Rating: 4.7761054 out of 5
Keywords: James Bond, Bond, OO7, Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, BAFTA, Stephen Fry, Richard Attenborough, Billy Connolly, Richard E Grant, Richard Briers, Jim Broadbent, Smanatha Bond, Geoffrey Palmer, Maggie Smith, Colin Firth, Cher, Simon Callow, Kenneth Branagh, Robert Carlyle, Juliette Binoche, Joseph Fiennes, Ian McKellen, Samuel West, Kate Winslet, Kevin Spacey
Id: bBYmhvAjOT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 21sec (4041 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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