Judge Locks Up YouTube Mom Ruby Franke After She Begs for Forgiveness

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I want the court to know that through inpection and reflection Ruby Frankie has become a serious student of her own actions you are you so precious to me I'm sorry good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to District Court we're here for sentencing in the matter of state of Utah versus Ruby Frankie Miss Frankie is here with Mr Winward Mr Clark and Mr sham are here for the state of Utah and we are ready to proceed with sentencing we are yes you Council the terms of the sentence were agreed to as part of the plea agreement correct that is correct there is a pre sentence investigation report in the matter I have reviewed that everyone has seen it yes what about restitution Council before we move on with other matters we'd like to leave that open at this time your honor um the I can get into that I might be more comfortable if we approach to get into that is there an agreement that restitution that uh we reserve that and for what period of time eight months is what we're anticipating but but I I haven't talked to to the defendants Council about that we haven't discussed that your honor is there any objection no all right what's the state's position regarding [Applause] sentencing your honor of the state I'll stand up the state respectfully requests that the court sentence Miss brinky to consecutive prison terms for each of the four counts of aggravated child abuse this sentence was agreed to by Miss Frankie in her plea agreement and is also recommended by adult probation appr she committed horrible acts of child abuse from May to August in 2023 Miss Frankie and her business partner held her two children ages 9 and 11 turning 12 in a concentration camp like setting the children were regularly denied food water beds to sleep in and virtually all forms of entertainment they were isolated from others and were hidden when people came to visit the house where the children and the defendants were staying the children were forced to do physical tasks like carrying loaded boxes up and downstairs and wall sits or sitting against a wall without a chair or stool for hours at a time they were also forced to do manual labor outdoors in the extreme summer heat at times without shoes or socks they were forced to stand outside on a cement patio in the summer heat for hours and even days at a time they were beaten and the 12-year-old was regularly bound hand and foot after he attempted to run away in mid July both children had extensive physical injuries from the abuse that required Hospital ization when they were found the injuries from The Binding to the 12-year-old are particularly awful in addition to physical abuse the children were emotionally abused to the extent that each believed to some degree that they deserved what was being done to them had the older of the children not had the courage to run away and ask a neighbor to call the police Heaven only knows how much longer he could have survived in that situation after being caught Miss Frankie has shown considerable remorse has evidenced by agreeing to serve consecutive prison terms and being willing to cooperate with the State against Miss Miss hilderbrand however given the severity of the abuse she inflicted consecutive terms are appropriate in this case as the Court's aware section 76 3401 lays out factors the court takes into account and determining whether consecutive or concurrent sentences should be imposed those factors are the gravity and C circumstances of the offense the number of victims and the history character and rehabilitative needs of the defendant as agreed to in the plea agreement and as recommended by adult probation and parole consecutive sentences are appropriate this is due to the severity of the abuse to both victims it could be argued that Miss Frankie should receive a lesser sentence than Miss hilderbrand because of her remorse and willingness to cooperate with the state however the Board of Pardons and Parole will have Broad latitude and will be able to take those facts into account when it determines how long each of the codefendants will remain incarcerated in conclusion we respectfully requested the court um go along with what was agreed to in the plea agreement and is recommended by probation Pro and impose consecutive sentences thank you anything else from the state no your honor Mr lward thank you your honor good morning in my few comments this morning and in the comments my client wishes to make in a few minutes we are not suggesting nor are we asking that the court deviate from the stipulated sentence contained in the written plea agreement I want the court to know that through inspection and reflection Ruby Frankie has become a serious student of her own actions in the very early days of my involvement with Ruby she was somewhat defensive and she was still very much indoctrinated into a philosophy that was destructive fortunately Ruby came to the Stark realization of the erors in her thinking patterns and subsequent actions to say that she was horrified by this realization would be to put it wildly I have marveled and now quickly Ruby abandoned her defensive stance and moved toward her total acceptance of her actions and to her sentence today so far she has used her time in jail to unwrap the layers upon layers of Deceit and deception forc it upon her over the last four years by an unscrupulous individual Ruby realizes that she still has work to do in shedding those thinking errors and to reestablish a better and correct pattern of thinking and behavior Ruby realizes that changing her thinking reestablishing relationships and healing are not simple or easy tasks however she is committed committed to doing that work I would like the court to know that Ruby Frankie is a delight respectful and responsible person she is open to feedback and addressing the consequences of her actions head on and now ready to address your honor and accept your judgment thank you judge Walton thank you Miss Frankie has a statement she'd like to make she does thank you judge you don't have have to bend down then okay thank you I would like to make a statement without any intent to change my stipulated sentence for the past four years I've chosen to follow counsel and guidance that has led me into a dark delusion my distorted version of reality went largely unchecked as I would isolate from anyone who challenged me I was led to believe that this world was an evil Place filled with cops who control hospitals that inj government agencies that brainwash church leaders who lie in lust husbands who refuse to protect and children who need abused my choice to believe and behave this paranoia culminated into criminal activity for which I stand before you today ready to take accountability Jody Hill de brand was never my business partner nor was I ever employed by her I have never received wages from her or connections jod was employed as my son's counselor in 2019 and in 2020 I paid her to be my mentor it is important to me to demonstrate my remorse and regret Without Blame I take full accountability for my choices and it is my preference that I serve a prison sentence thank you to the officers in Santa Clara and the Ivan City police Nick hman Brian PFO s pikit Mike pondoro in tobler John Ward D Lewis and chief flowers you were the Angels who came and saved my children I especially want to thank detective J bate she plucked me out of a situation I didn't know know how to get out of and the moment she handcuffed me was the moment I gained my freedom you were not the controlling ones I was thank you to the medical staff at iner Mountain Hospital your skill tenderness and professionalism helped heal my children jod and I inflicted the injuries not the hospital thank you to DCFS the Children's Justice Center judge basil and other key adults you've gathered my children under your wing and offered them love compassion encouragement you were not the ones who were doing the brainwashing thank you to my Bishop Tom Hawks and my State president Jim Nelson for reminding me of the Lord's love for the lost so much pain and suffering would have been avoided had I followed and heed your Council I was the one who was deceived not you thank you to the Washington County prosecutor's office Ryan sham the legal assistant and Discovery clerks Eric Clark you exemplified to me how Justice and mercy are meant to coexist my charges are just they offer safety to my family accountability to the public and they did show Mercy to me thank you to my attorney Lamar Winward and his staff I would not be where I am today without them thank you to Randy ker for your Limitless energy in healing my family my dear friends Pam and Roy I'm so sorry for letting you down because of your association with me your innocence was called into question my mother-in-law father-in-law Kevin's family my cousins Aunts Uncles nieces nephews and neighbors you all saw the warning signs long before I did and you did what you could you wanted to help but I pushed you away my mother and father I have been utterly wretched to you you have offered me unconditional love and for that I have offered you unconditional contempt my siblings and their spouses because of my decision to roll around in a pig sty I dragg your families through the mud in public yet when I desired to return as a prodigal sister unlike the prodical brother in the Bible you sinked step with my parents and ran out to greet me your capacity to love is unprecedented Kevin my husband of more than 20 3 years you are the love of my life so sorry to leave to you to finish but we both started together the ending of our marriage is a tragedy and W around my heart and I I'll never be able to UND to to my babies my six little chicks you're a part of me I was the mama duck who was consistently ring you to safety I can see now for the past 4 years I was in a deep undercurrent that led us to Danger I wonder want you to Darkness knowingly I was so disoriented but I believe dark was light and light was wrong I will do anything in this world for you my will was to sacrifice all for he was masterfully manipulated into something very ugly I took for her all that was soft and safe and good I took for her my mother how terrifying this must have been for you I my stop cry for hurting your tender [Music] Souls you are you're so precious to me I'm sorry my choice to live in fear of the world has created a great vulnerability and a blind spot for me where I have broken hearts and I've caused people to suffer and I have betrayed sacred trust watching my community respond to my charges with Justice and mercy and Grace and love is all no evidence to know how long I've been this world is full of very good people and [Music] finally I'm sorry for twisting God's word and distorting his doctrines my greatest desire is to stand in his quot anday spotless and confident and George Walton I know that standing before you today is a necessary step towards that end thank you to you and your staff for facilitating my opportunity to take accountability and to answer for my charges I am humbled and willing to serve a presis a prison sentence as long as it takes to continue unraveling all of the this information I have believed and bought swallowed and acted out and for my family to heal and for the community to heal and I understand this is going to take time I'm committed to continuing my learning until all of my toxic layers are shed and I am ready to re-enter as a contributing member of our beautiful Society thank you judge W thank you for your statement M Frankie anything else Mr wward no your honor anything else prior to the court imp imposing sentence no your honor the sentence will be that Miss Frankie serve four counts four one to 15E sentences based on her convictions for four counts of aggravated child abuse again they will serve consecutively be served consecutively pursuant to the party's agreement and the applicable statute under the applicable statute the court finds that a cons that consecutive sentences are appropriate Miss Frankie the last thing I do need to tell you is that you have only 30 days to file or to perfect an appeal of any errors of the Court by filing a written notice of appeal with the clerk of the court if you don't do that within 30 days you will lose your right to appeal you also have the right to the assistance of an attorney on appeal and to have one appointed if you cannot afford to hire your own restitution as agreed by the parties will remain open for a period of8 months any of the parties can bring that matter back before the court within that that period of time anything else no you're honor honor thank you thank you the next matter before the court is state of Utah versus hilderbrandt case 23151
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 1,139,207
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: 8G6jkVf5OjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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