Juan Manuel Marquez vs Jimrex Jaca

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little more left in the tank also even though he's maybe over he has not been in any war fight that I can remember the only one was Pacquiao but other than that he's been able to get to his five sisters in his skill so therefore he isn't as much worn and torn it just as the other fighters are he's younger at boxing here the boxing is much younger Herrera and the guys Morales him we've done a lot of big super fight so far haka is taken to making the fight a little more than anticipated Marquez and a traditional Mexican colours hopper the he is a southpaw Marco says no worries for the last six fighters whose face had been South laws now this gets a little nervous he's got to go up against a conventional fighter and there you see Marquez ran a straight right Marquez was fighting a lot more aggressive betting on and touching with a lot more thought he seems to be worried is coming to be impressive tonight because but I'll tell you one thing haka has fast hands and he's shaking márquez's hands with a little slower I think than they normally look market is 1/4 pound marshalling tank marques got burned two fights ago he lost a decision that more than a few observers thought he should've worn in Indonesia against Chris John who was undefeated and he mentioned he's going for power as you mentioned earlier friend he even acknowledges he's looking for the ko tonight I never heard him say something like that yeah and he's got caught with a bit of a straight left right now by Hakka Hakka dual work to the by Butler gets pitch them around and now goes to town in the corner this curt turned out to be a much more exciting fight than we all expected it was a left hook for Marquez Marquez and Hakka training blows and we're just two minutes into the first round you know I thought that Hakka was going to be more of a boxer looking at the field of him in offense but he's simply trying to be a power puncher tonight this same as Marquez it means we have a good upside final names marques doubles up with the left hand and unloads our right a nice combination fighting a fast southpaw officer Philippines but this one doesn't hit like a ton of bricks as Pacquiao does nice stuff here in the opening round the sketches grounder between and Jim Rex akhom Jim Rex is trying to land almost the same identical straightened after the southern that papa was so effective with 25 mark hands when we go to the corner of top speak Tagalog Ernie to Louisville translate and when we go to the forum marketplace in Spanish you will hear the voices Rapha each other side how's everything boxin remember to box took the turn away the time I need one second - hehe get out look at their way rash up the marques it got caught with a good straight left from Hakka then he put Hawk in the corner and started to unload himself copy box numbers in round one Marquez 18 landing 18 out of 54 Hakka 18 auto he thought that replay was a great illustration of technically how good Marquez is on offense you saw it there straight right hand excellent up with a left hook there you see how Harold Lederman for the first round and he gave it to the youngster from the Philippines haka this fight was supposed to take place just over a month ago haka had some visa problems in between now and then he has joined Golden Boy Promotions I respectfully disagree with looketh Herald which doesn't often happen I find but I think that it was Marquez who did sort of hurting in that round although couldn't tell if Mark Estes was off balance or if he got right seems to be steady on his feet now Marquez is a he tears lord and he normally is I think because he's trying to fight for power tonight not by the movement and the waves fun right now this is anybody's right because he himself got caught with a right hook even though he might have been off-balance it could have been a patient not being still he just landed a straight right nope and also a hopper just landed a left uppercut inside here we go man yeah you know going into this fight it doesn't seem like this is the kind of fighter that would prepare you for Manny Pacquiao and yet Manny it looks to me like Hawk was fighting similarly to Pacquiao in that respect low slow version that is intense not as fierce but still definitely a version of Pacquiao and main thing is not the punching power there is a cut over the left high I believe gym rats Kaka our cast clothes all right in there you see what Marquez does so well he lead back to counterpunch and what is left but hawk has got a budget him also sometimes when he comes in by simply moving back which is interesting because I thought he would be moving around a lot mama Hopkins just taking a little step back sometimes just enough to let Marquez in this fight overtime class tells let's see if the cells in this fight miss Marquez can make adjustments and start to pull away Marquez try to hit round two with a floor they were going to work on the cut of gym rats haka in between rounds punches want to once a defense real good real good but be careful don't go away - dr. perilous leak a lot of leave in occipital oh here we said hot girl and a right hook as marques was coming in and it none on sighs oh and he lost his balance but still it could have been controversial knock down his blows has just a flow because he would not have went down without being here breathe this is just the second fight acha last one was pretty impressive I guess Toronto right in is it was a first-round TKO he's fighting on the undercard of Pacquiao Morales - he's giving Marquez a lot of problems ago so they look steps and he pulls back not just enough to make Marquez get out of position himself instead of throwing punches in this stand he punches him and he pulls back just enough like he does right there nice wide left hook shook pakka Manny I've heard you describe Tito Trinidad in his prime as a killer robot he figured out what he needed to do in the first few rounds and then he executed and Marquez throughout his career has reminded me of that it's still early in the fight generally he starts to dominate as the rounds go on I don't know if he's going to be that effective this guy seemed to have was number one rusev up in his upper body right there very focused and Marquez cannot get a good consistent rhythm doing any combinations was blocked by Hakka but it was blocked with such force from Marquez that it I think it did a little something I think ditto on that one yeah it was blocked but there was some pepper coming off that car Marquez I've seen Jaco miss a little bit more in this room he was earlier one thing we know that once half the slows down and all Marquez is going to step it up take it to another level see Martinez applying a little more pressure here rattle was always keeping that little distance between them he's not that effective with him napping because he's tan a little bit but he was always put him back now Marquez if you get him to get his range now market and showed you a little bit of the speed that he says he has left he looks like a slower fighter to me that he did it to me I agree he looks long look seasoned very professional but still slow these compared to this guy you mark a starting to settle it with a fight now Hakan or cut this punch output slows down just a little bit mark is trying to steal another with a flurry at the end and the crowd here at Dodge arena on its feet all right very nice very nice but wait wait a bit the middle of our team people good job do your competition mmm you sure here huh go there you see Bernard Hopkins in Oscar De La Hoya the two powers I go before commotion to Marquez is now with as is gym rats caca let's bring in Harold Lederman cles simplifies left a friend two rounds to one 29:28 Jim Rex haka that first round was very very close could have been either way I was really surprised at the cyllage gym Rex huh I mean this is two guys standing a fight not a dime in any case the second round hardest Agata but he won that but round three one man one man will walk as head of his best round of the fight two to one not uncommon for Marquez to start slowly it is uncommon to see him fight with this kind of passion he seems to be not only fighting aggressively but like he really is trying to take this guy's head off both fighters now opening up a little bit here in the fourth round if he had Max's compassion in previous fights he baby then would have got in the fights that he wanted to have or perhaps he wouldn't have won some of those fights and not been weary in a not been as dominant as he was shed but that's that's the tightrope that Barrera has walked in recent years where he's become technical when he's needed the win and exciting when he was really better than the other that's following a long career where he was explosive yeah nice overhand ride from one and well Marquette's Papa now I'm trying to lead with the left hand Papa doesn't have the punch in town Rockhead Nevada fighting thus far this round singing is winning around normally against southpaws nanny guys are on guard for that straight left hand and don't see the right hook Marquez seems to be caught to that straight left hand a little more than you'd anticipated I'm living a lot of second thoughts about the pada Pacquiao because patio Hudson with a lot more speed and power than Oaxaca on the other hand the fact that he looks vulnerable still he is fighting a South Pole with a good straight left hand and that's put him in kind of the act against a guy like that might that not be an advantage against Pacquiao but what I'm just went through what I'm concerned about moccasin never allows us a little step in his speed and you can't do that when I got my back are you good be careful to this iced-over lose their head careful with your head they right here you can see how Cal and in those short punches here not enough power oversteer he's weakened a much busier fighter than he had been the last round and as a result he's probably back into the fight almost Oh Conway caught the one hurl score on the picture school but I see it as opposed to pedophile in school clubs and I think it's an even fight we saw Paco's a corner Hosea a cut man with that under control over hoc is left eye in the 5th round of a scheduled 12 rounder here at dodge arena and algo Texas Fred Charles alongside Emanuel Steward and Max Kellerman this was supposed to be a rebirth here for Juan Manuel Marquez kind of transform he does but I'll tell you what should he come out with a win here I think this is more in his interest than it would have been to just chase a guy around for 12 rounds the opponent is fighting imperfectly especially if he's looking forward to fighting Pacquiao he's got a watered down version of Pacquiao right here in front why some fighters don't watch tape and taka says he doesn't watch tape of his opponents because maybe the guy on the tape is the guy you face gamesmanship maybe they're by Marquez haka we wanted to make sure everything was all good Marquez wouldn't touch gloves and now there's a casa time neutral corner right there right there over the right eye - gasps and it's bleeding it's mounting blood I think it came from a puncture accidental accidental accidental Lawrence Bowls as a came from an action headbutt but that is a very hard bad cutter when you stick to hands bump again that's what happened when two skulls great the flesh in between gets busted very bad guy I'll tell you what if a low score cards right that puts Marquez in some trouble and Marquez you can chow something you don't want to fight to be in danger because elite I'm going to work here in the fifth round this is the fifth fight that we know of with haka where headlines have been an issue we have not seen Marquez in his career accepted the Pacquiao fight vulnerable and that's it's that kind of involvement in vulnerability that has made him perhaps less marketable than say Barrera who seem more human through the years Ratnam back from us from a bad cut over his eye down perhaps on points yeah sure what happened beat a guy that will go a long way towards making him a more popular fighter Marquez shot a big volley trying to you know get even after getting cut and now that he's trying to take a little break pop is trying to take control again what streaming down the right side Marquez's case time approaches and now dr. Miguel Duran will go to work on márquez's cousin mm ugh okay don't worry about its right I can't change the way they fight though I can't change that accidental bring your head up alright that's it you should uppercut watch your head but happening in the fifth round and accent white is stopped due to the head but they will go to the scorecards to determine the winner our punches around five about even Marquez landing 14 of 43 - 12 of 40 nice right hand from Juan Manuel Marquez sometimes when fighters aren't good anymore as good as they used to be you find out if they're great and Marquez though he has some wins against guys like Derrick gainer and Manuel Medina has never had the signature win against a top guy he drew with Pacquiao he lost to Freddie Norwood Rocka there with two rights sub should you win dramatically here that's something new in his portfolio and i think raises his profile among the top fighters in this way class the season he fighting harder since the club's Jimmy landed more punches in the fight clean punching and how the haka steer said to be so relaxed it seemed to be very comfortable with the situation and it's been able to take all in the power shot remark is because means that it could be a tough fight for Marquez as it goes down the stretch wouldn't be a dramatic win if it wasn't against the determined guy Marquez is fighting varied attorney I'm very impressed with him I'm also equally impressed with this young guy who sees me on all the buses pull Mexican proud when particularly excited about what after what happened with Pacquiao in the mix berners-lee and so it's a maturity man a lot of maturity Billy is getting hit and it doesn't seem to be taking the fight out of pockets Manny was only a couple of weeks ago where your fighter wladimir klitschko he suffered a cut and we saw his pace pick up a little bit yeah well the brass what good fighters do when you tell them we figured out they used to go out and they try to and I think Marquez is trapped into the same thing good right hand good right hand marques landing flush upstairs on gym rats Hakka very determined title yeah like what Marquez is doing and used to thought I'd long one too and haka was getting out of the weather but now just getting closer shooting the right hand lead off the bat man stood up the one two it is the morphic that is again by shooting the right hand without shooting in left he's been more effective in - cantonment the blood streaming down the right side of Marquez's face you see him wiping it off in between fire big shots valasek said we accepted halfway through the back Deb another iced mocha it pleasant surprise so much about a fight announcement they tell me that I think that you're doing good you're okay don't worry about it right here we see the headbutt that caused the bad cut right there you see the blood coming in immediately right after the his class and many not unusual you have a conventional fighter taking out a soft pod second is trying to get just a lot of things of telling different and unexpected to me in the fight no Marquez's Sunday punch was his left hook and he has not been able to land that very cleanly very often straight right hand and maybe that's one of the reasons Hawk is still around this late the fight despite the fast pace all right we are through six rounds Harold how do you have it pumpkin friend 5856 one Manuel Marquez Fred I got to tell you I think this gives one 4 rounds in a row I'm talking about Marquez even with the bleeding even with the blood going in his eye he's later died great right hand and he's one of these ramps but I want to say something you were right about we go to the scorecards if to the fourth round the case funniest snap by that cut but I gotta say this if the finest stepped in the middle of the round you spoil the partial round so therefore you got a spot first at every Rob make sure you don't lose the first hit because you got a spot at partial round marques caches haka with a left uppercut haka has a good chin this owner if he hasn't been knocked out because my kid is coming with good punches and Marquez punches good with both hands even though punches go to the left foot gets a good right hand but how could just takes a good punch not only is this the kind of fight that will endear Marquez to the fans but maybe it will make other top fighters think that he's more vulnerable than he used to be and therefore make it easier to make some of those top fight well that is truly the case I believe that maybe he gets hit a little bit more than a useful but he's fighting a lot more - haka moments early there thought he got his moments all Avenue if it wasn't with a straight punch on the bed line so means and maybe mental he starting to fall apart a little bit but it was nothing serious about the little boy nice uppercut by Marquez when he does a nice job stepping back to get some separation and he comes back with a left and for Marquette he just landed a right uppercut from the outside against the world-class South Pole and so I mean how do you do someone and no punches waffle is for hockey yet still here was some tremendous shot but none of the punches that caused him to get in any trouble Juan Manuel Marquez as I mentioned he lost two fights ago and the Animus decision of Chris John in Indonesia went through that even though he thought in his last fight against Turks at Chad dang we saw this type of effort from Marquette's he's trying to American exciting power punch and fight tonight the fight was stopped in the seventh with Marquez winning Marquez the Norwood fight most people thought he won he lost the decision to Chris John fight also people thought one I thought both fights were very close but in Marquez whose mind he's an undefeated fighter anyway huh it rounds you should find it baby to have it go and 100 marques comes right out the beginning the eighth round and lands a left hook Jaquez get the biggest payday of his career as you mentioned max $15,000 and says he plans on going back to the Philippines he wants to build a house his wife can bill him come on the Philippines with v when he looks like a million bucks tonight though considering the level of opposition he's really fighting a spirited inspired kind of fight he says he has no other hobbies boxing is it should be said also as we watch Marquez if you think about Pacquiao people are talking about Barrera in a rematch with Pacquiao where he got knocked out in five rounds Marquez drew in a fight I actually thought he won many people do he lose to Pacquiao he drew it was two and a half years ago yeah but since then you know Ferrara got winter palace got blitzed twice the second part the second by where letting us know the second accidental head butt and you can see once again more cans but to take matters into his own hands Kaka standing right there with the boy turns out the hopper came right to him as he's met in bunker but what an exchange great exchange Hawk is going right to him he's not taking it easy both guys have meeting each other head-on mud streaming down his face spread down for Marquez's face in a furious exchange with a determinant ender if they go to a scorecard based on what I'm seeing Marquez feel could win the fight possible he's not trying to win on the scorecard not everyone try to knock out both guys Marquez sensing the danger with the cuts what now cover it the right side of its face right there come on right on the clock you see goes off odd there Lawrence polemarchus mr. Hennelly I'm very settle down and recall that we met he's basically telling them he it sounds as though he's implying if you decide you don't want to fight on to the cut you're going to win and Marquez to his credit wants to fight on that's no small thing folks his face is ripped open huh and he wants to fight how good Lords cold have any idea what our guard said I don't know how you can know it if you didn't know sir and you should seem like a Tata for him to tell the one of the boxers they're talking about open scoring and fights guys and that's the kind of stuff that would happen in an open scoring system guys would quit if they were ahead okay and what they send a carnival a paladin guitar standard better tag his body attack his body not is going to be more difficult but I can't face today Alabama Yellin here you see another headbutt lick but I don't think none of it was energetic just the style of the two fighters way to the hairs keep clashing we heard Lawrence Bowl say I can't take another point away because he's doing it accidentally it's just his style Marquette's the twenty five to nine advantage and power punches in the a clown and 3217 overall it went south for fights an orthodox fighter that happens those who they're going to behead us by the way I said fighters would quit in an open scoring system they're their pros and cons to open scoring that is a potential con that fighters with less heart than Marquez quit knowing they were ahead in the fight and a lot of Fighters once they realize that they're comfortable here on point they would just actually run the rest of the fight even if there's no cut involve just on point which is what you see a lot in international amateur boxing which makes it so boring now once I got fired out he's 7/2 ahead he says though I got three more rounds ago I just run into Marquez his credit he's not looking just to win but to win it away that will kind of tip the scale away from Barrera and towards him in terms of public demand for a Pacquiao fight and he's got four more rounds to go together just the fighters childress a third of the way to get still left to go that's a long time when you're bleeding like that many guys a point that was just brought to my attention from the truck Marquez Lawrence go say it understood you see how I wanted to take advantage of the situation Marquez's corner what a nice job on that cut because it is hardly as much of an issue the blood that is as it was in round eight really nice job right nacho Beristain happens to be his trainer Batman and manager doing it all it has been as Magnus says he was a kid I guess it was about 89 years old he's been always the boxing guy in his life when he and his brother wrong got fire raffia acha now trying to do some work against the ropes and he comes back with a strong left hook to the body he doubled up and he floor I'll take Hakka knows where he is play he probably didn't say the punch but the same lucky was a word but just telling us confused that's his sunday punch Danny the left hook when he catches you in the hook Queen you gotta go great great victory from our kids Jim Rex haha seemingly worth taking everything to offer until he got caught with a double left hook well al-qaeda speculate I would love the same Bach hands get our super fight with tachyon when alone he deserves has he tipped the scales for you away from the rear and towards himself to the next guy for Pacquiao to fight Manny yes he has for me I think because the drama of this fight compared to the Royals last victory the pomp of the proper want to see Marquez now more so than the and there you see the knockout right there and watch it with the left hand for Marquez doubles up and it was the second one that put hotdogs on a seat and he didn't move from that point you might be wondering why is he trying to get up I think it's a case of him just not knowing where he is I'm still convinced I can never get that same light he's aware yeah this is not really hurt that much affected he's setting up not on his back but now the left he was knocked out again he looked he looked hot as it if I was going on but sometimes a fighter hit look that way it'd still be totally dazed and confused that's what we want to see his fight fans his face torn open against the young determined fast dimes not scared of him who pay for jurors already backs with the official particular yeah official time of two chickens overnight your winner by way and snow enter featherweight champion one by okay one Manuel Marquez gets a knockout in the ninth round against a young tough customer from the Philippines but tonight was Marquez's moment almost a a coming-out party for a guy Manny who had a great fight against Manny Pacquiao couple years ago and seemingly was looking to duplicate that feat all right final copy box punch stat numbers on the knife Willa fight between Marquez and Hakka and there you see Hakka was busy stayed in there hung tough through 16 more punches but Marquez landing 50 more total punches landing at a connect percentage on 36% and here you see the damage that Marquette
Channel: Mangler411
Views: 3,081,605
Rating: 4.2906389 out of 5
Keywords: Juan, Manuel, Marquez, Dinamita, Jimrex, Jaca, featherweight, fight, boxing, 126
Id: ZoyxWe4x3hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2013
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