Juan Gotti Talks Where He Was The Day SPM Got Sentenced, SPM In Illuminati, Tattoos, Dope House

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what's up it's your boy juan gotti juan gachos in the city of the gangueros character my boy we doing this shout out to my homeboy chicago street tv man it's going down so what are your thoughts of chicago so far chicago is the [ __ ] well i say that because uh recently i did a show with uh miss crazy conejo and quinto and carolyn rodriguez and the response that i got here from chicago from the fans is just like it's different from any other city my chicago fans are like extremely die-hard you know they're the what you would call those must feed men you know they're firm man they and they support us and they they'll go to any distance because i was asking my fans what part of the city you from and they were from everywhere came to see me you know so me learning that somebody in chicago loves me that much that makes chicago one of my favorite places you know what i'm saying but i love shaitan man every time that i've come here ever since uh spm did a show here uh back in 2000 it's just been like the rasa just showed major love man that's what we got that if if you've never heard of a quote that spm said uh i got love for the crips and bloods and latin kings that right here is from chicago bro from how much love we had from the rasa you know what i'm saying when sp got locked up he was my roommate we were renting the house from uh this dude named donny burns over there in uh south park and uh they took i dropped them off at the courthouse and uh i didn't hear about it from nobody but in the news man i was sitting there watching the news and uh they said yeah uh today rappers how far mexican was uh convicted and taken into custody that's when i was like oh man total to convict carlos coy and sentence him to 45 years in prison coy did not show much emotion when the judge read his sentence at one point the rapper known as the south park mexican looked back at his family and announced it will be okay that was it man that was fun to do some time so there's been a lot of theories on the internet about spm being in the illuminati do you want to talk about what you think about that yeah uh he's not an illuminati he's in prison this is true in order to be in the illuminati you've got to be out here he was being funny one day and uh he's like man when we get out juan when i get out we're gonna go on tour and i was like well i'm too old to go on [ __ ] tour away and he's like well [ __ ] it we'll call it the senior citizen tour so i was like man you crazy bro but when he gets out he's gonna tour one thing i know that he's uh i don't think he's gonna want to be in texas because all that [ __ ] that happens in texas i hope he gets out of texas that [ __ ] parole somewhere else because the same [ __ ] that lock their mother stood in office and if they get mad they can lock my way back up and that's not cool you know right get the [ __ ] out of there man so a lot of people out there don't know that spm actually had his own video game do you want to let the fans and the audience know what this game was about yeah this is the purity album and it's a limited edition because it comes with the uh the disc and when you turn it back yeah make sure it doesn't mess up it comes with a game called the dope game and this is the characters at the moment that were on the album that was um little papa from the hillwood hustlers you got major riley you have a little g rasheed and it's uh it was our way to trying to stay involved with y'all even through video games you know just to know that we're there with you when you're enjoying yourself not just when you're jamming us but also just re you know interact with y'all i wasn't there for this because i was locked up or i would have been but uh i'm on track number where's charlotte get one here number seven number seven child of the ghetto the first song i ever did on dope house records my very first shot ever to record on any album with spm was the purity album child of the ghetto now was this album limited edition because it wasn't signed to it wasn't with colombia at the moment it was limited because it was just like i don't know he only made no well it was limited because it was he only made so many with the game not all with the game you know and uh once he got upstream and got with universal those cds were turned into without the game and just the regular cd you know how when corporate does it they cut all the good [ __ ] so did you ever play that video game oh no i was never good at computers it just wasn't man i would i would watch everybody i'd be high right she played all the time i just was no good so you were talking about that you were locked up do you wanna talk and describe about what it is that you did that got you locked up yeah being stupid hell yeah man i did a bunch of [ __ ] like i was an idiot man straight the [ __ ] up i was an idiot i'll tell you one time man it was me my own boyfriend i like to be real creative with that they actually call them derf that's fred backwards just to [ __ ] with them anyways we were at this party man and we were drunk as [ __ ] we were [ __ ] drunk and they had these gangs in the back and i don't know why i was petty like this dog because this is petty [ __ ] i'm like stupid penny my boy said fred said hey you know what we're drunk we can get some money for these kegs that are i was like you know what you're right all we got to do is push them out the window go around the back and then just walk off with the kegs we're two drunk [ __ ] trying to carry four kegs we couldn't carry one k the security is an old ass man older than dirt probably farted dust and he busted us in the back trying to walk off with one keg so he said hey you stand right there so as drunk as we did we just stood there we could have hauled ass we could have even been stupid and beat him up and got away we were so drunk we sat there and we laughed about it that ah we got caught up that's [ __ ] up we were cracking up thought anyways uh it was all the way funny with me and my homeboy we laughed until we sobered up and then we were doing like county time i did 45 days for that [ __ ] but uh man there's more [ __ ] that got me in like to defend like i stole cars man dude when i was [ __ ] like uh 19 20 like just a [ __ ] uh mccarthy from hell just because somebody taught me how you know [Music] bro i've been to prison for the stupidest [ __ ] you could think of man i promise you so how did you get the name juan gotti oh because of carlos cause uh man when i got out of the pen i wasn't i was still i was i was 27 and i was real high strong man i had done three years so i am fresh out and carlos gusty homeboys they like to call him [ __ ] nah ph [ __ ] you [ __ ] and to me that big [ __ ] don't go because i'm from i'm just got out i'm fresh i'm like those are come on games that's a fight bro you know to me sorry to call me [ __ ] we're gonna fight dawg straight the [ __ ] up you don't do that you know anyway i didn't know carlos has some homework that he was that cool with that they all bob they all call each other [ __ ] [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here oh you know and we were we were it was after the club one night and one of us almost told him some [ __ ] like that he said he didn't tell him something like that but he said something [ __ ] you [ __ ] and carlos just looked at him laughs and i was like oh man i ain't gonna let this dude call my home with no [ __ ] i'ma check his ass [ __ ] that all right so i started trying to check this thing who you calling [ __ ] and the crowd was like hold up hold up hold up hold up john gotti all mr gangster over here this is my friend man me and him talk to each other like that and i was like i was upset that he called me john gotti so i was like my name is not john my name is juan and he said all right juan gotti this is still my homeboy that i grew up with and this [ __ ] hasn't even called me [ __ ] and i was like man how he taught me to calm myself down but that's the night that i earned the name juan gotti because after that everything else was just like gotti you know and they already knew [ __ ] not john gotti because he tried that [ __ ] before like boy my name is juan don't be calling me john gotti so then that stuck and that was it was born when we were not when we were in high school we didn't call him carlos we didn't call him lois we called him coy that was his nickname coy because coy was [ __ ] everybody's girlfriend man my homeboy when we were in uh we went to the same high school we went to milby and uh back in the day my boy used to wear spm this was his style because he came from a place called hillwood and in hillwood where uh the black cowboys man you know what i'm saying it wasn't uh there was still you still had your dog dealers out there and [ __ ] but it was mostly a bunch at that time a bunch of farmland in that little development area so you had a bunch of black cowboys and lowe's being from there was influenced and he'd wear these python boots but they were high water you know what i'm saying the guest jeans and then when he wasn't wearing oh and a python belt with a polo and i remember at that time he had a blonde duck tail man a long one i don't know if y'all know what that is it's some old it's when you you cut your hair and you leave this one little tail man and my homeboy spm had a blonde one yeah and chicago they call it a shag i don't know over there we call it a ducktale anyways check it out i'd always see him through the hallways man he wears red louis vuitton no yeah he had a red belly shoes and a louis vuitton briefcase he was always sporting that [ __ ] man but he was always skipping class and uh i met him through my friend muhammad bro which was friends from my homeboy billy stout from kindergarten and uh one day me spm and mohammed decided to go skip to another school right so when we're skipping they pick a school that you got to shave your facial hair like like there's no facial we go to milby and they'll be you can have little peach fuzz a little must that's whatever and it's okay you know though they wanted to go to the south houston trojans and over there no facial hairs except that for no students so you everybody got to shave so i didn't know that and they're both shaving i got my little goatee going on and [ __ ] you know so i'm like [ __ ] the bell rings it's like second period and we start walking through the hall like we know people and [ __ ] and one of the teachers sees my [ __ ] hairy ass dog and says hey come here and right there i panicked man as soon as i heard hey come here and i look ah boom well anyways i got caught um i got expelled from my school i had to go to an alternative school uh but that's how i met espn man in high school after that we were just cool um he'd beat box boom i tried to rap or he tried to rap i tried to beat box and uh that's why i remember that he you know he was interested in music but it was nothing because like we were just 18 man 17 you know so that crowd that that idea of music never crossed my path the idea of music never crossed my path until i got out of prison when i was 27 and i ran by then lois already had the hillwood album out and he was working on hustletown and he was doing shows and uh i i ran across him again through low g and uh when i did he was like man i didn't even know that spm was carlos court i didn't i had no idea that was my homeboy that i knew i had no idea so that night once we caught up a little bit uh he's like hey juan can you help me out with these with my tables packing them up and and selling some cds i was like yeah man i ain't tripping [ __ ] you know and uh [ __ ] he did the show after the show we were kicking back we're partying and we're talking he's like damn on how you been where you been i was like man i just got out of prison and he's like uh bro i wanted to change your life i was like because man uh i don't know i don't know what else to do i dropped out and she's like i did too and i was like but you got this and he's like man you can do it too if i can do it you can do it too bro we used to be boxing stupid [ __ ] you know i was like but i don't know how to write a rap or not and he's like juan if you give me two days bro two days i will teach you how to write music and write it and write you be able to write rap but give me two days so for two days i chilled at the dope house man and uh he'd come in the daytime and we would write songs and uh he'd explain line for line what the composition were of of of the song what divides in the wood what connecting compounds were because i don't i didn't even know what the [ __ ] compound was or much less how to spell a [ __ ] compound uh you talking about animes like [ __ ] i had no idea that i had never put in the play that this dude had already [ __ ] was mastering you know and he taught me a bunch of examples for two days so after those two days man i pretty pretty much had an idea and uh i started trying to write man and then on thursday they would have a freestyle [ __ ] freestyle circles bro and on tuesdays and then being iceman bing low g rasheed demstress baby badge uh 24 7 hustlers here with hustlers and i'd be there and i'd be listening to everybody go halfway and they'd be flowing their ass off and i'll be like god damn next to the fire oh god damn and then i'm like and i'm supposed to rap bro i don't sound nothing like nobody man i don't speak good english and i don't speak good spanish so i mean with dawah i was like man what the [ __ ] am i gonna do for where do i belong in this [ __ ] man you know so man with that i'm like man i told those man i just i don't i don't fit in here bro i ain't gotta sound like i don't sound black bro and i don't sound uh good in spanish either all the way because i you know i'm not raised like that and he says juan well then that's who you are bro why don't you do who you are and i was like man because i heard a little g rap man and logie did some good bilingual stuff but lowe's felt i could just knock some [ __ ] out the park so man i started practicing and that's what i was telling you about uh i got a job doing construction and during lunch i would sit and write practice writing and uh i practiced for a long time man and i put those pieces together and that practice song is called uh mira lo que pasa that's the first song i ever wrote ever and uh when i got a chance to record it it's weird how i got it to record i'm gonna tell you about that too wait check it out uh all right pause for just a second and then we are back check it out man um the weird thing about that song mina lo que pasa this is how that should happen um well now you guys know everybody knows all through the internet that i am a tattoo artist but nobody has any idea how long i've been a tattoo artist because i was a tattoo artist before i even got into rap but this is how tattooing and meena look at pasa came into play check it out my homeboy happy feet had just come back and joined the dope house uh a few months ago and and uh if you don't know who happy p is there's a cat called master p and he has a song called how you do that there and my homeboy happy pete made that song when he was 16 years old okay happy perez made that song when he was 16. they gave him a thousand dollar check and he never seen nothing from it ever again but he went tripping because where there's where there's smoke there's fire so he had plenty more so anyways he decides to come [ __ ] with lois and park and the dope house and uh at that time i was at the dope house and he had just had his daughter amaya perez the reason i know this name is because when he he had her he came to me he said juan tattoo my daughter's name on my wrist right here man so um i said yeah no problem i got my tattoo machine got my gun uh we went to his apartment he was staying at the houston high rise apartments the condominiums in downtown that boy was living large anyways i tattoo the uh maya sophia perez and the design and he says right now come on i really don't have much money that i could spare to pay for the job you just did but i got this beat i feel fits you man i had you in mine for it and i said oh yeah let me check it out so me i had never recorded before i was like excited to have somebody want to give me a beat especially for a tattoo so he shows it to me and i hear it and i'm like oh man that's live and that [ __ ] just kept on changing changing and then he's like uh uh well how you feeling he's like uh what he would he feels look for this and then i was like uh at that time i was like man mira lo que pasa when you're [ __ ] with my rasa and then uh grandma was there in the groom says you can't say [ __ ] on a song die like that everybody's gonna hear it in their mama come on man be cool so i was like all right when you're messing with my rasa and then uh uh i was like but i can't sing that [ __ ] i'm not a singer and at that time that boy russell lee was there and i asked russell if he'd sing it for me and he said yeah but the problem with russell lee was that no offense to nobody but my homeboy is black and he doesn't know how to speak spanish so he had to practice saying mira lo our locals because it was me to look at pastor and he tried so hard he practiced for two hours long until he got it right and he recorded it man and then after he recorded it my humble grim says it's missing something because at that time i didn't know about alex either and songs need ad-libs man and i didn't know it needed an ad lib so uh there was like it's missing something i was like what is it missing bro he's like and he told me he played the song and he say uh uh because you hold no tina that's graham doing that and i was like damn that slide record that [ __ ] for me away and he's like all right i got you so he recorded that man and then once the hook was done they were like all right man go ahead and and drop the wrap how are you going to do it i was like uh i guess i only have one one one verse or one way to record it right quick he said all right so happy p hit record and i rap and i rapped and i rapped and that [ __ ] was like uh he already knew he was more than [ __ ] doubled up with what a regular song was supposed to be for rap and he's like this motherfucker's still going and got some lungs for this [ __ ] and then finally when i was done he just hit it and saved him he said [ __ ] i've never heard no [ __ ] like that in my life never broke and he's like uh then he coached me how to do ad-libs and and the devil behind my rap and that's how mirador capaza came to be bro i i did a tattoo on having perez of his daughter's name amaya sophia perez on here and then there's the album called uh lone star riders that we have the artwork the designs is what's around the band of the amaya sophia perez having happy p that's his albums and uh he used the designs around his tattoo for the lone star writer design people don't even know that that's the [ __ ] yeah that's the [ __ ] that i did on that's my artwork man in other words that's my [ __ ] so yeah i was gonna ask you as well so for me to look the pasta i was gonna ask do you want to tell the fans in the audience how the song mexican inside of me came to be about oh man bro yeah i don't mind man it's a it's a crazy story man and uh man that song that's a god it's got to be one of my craziest songs because the way that was all done was just crazy everything was just crazy bro um my pops i just passed away the day before and uh my homeboy jose de leon jose de leon is the first dude to rap on the song block of rock on hustletown and he's a real good friend of mine and he's an engineer and he was at the dope house at that time and he had a studio in the back and uh after my dad passed away man i uh i tripped really really hard bro i i went out and i bought a bunch of xanax i bought a bunch of bags of coke i bought bottles of liquor i bought beer i bought other pills man to pop and and and anything to to to numb me man just so i wouldn't feel the pain of losing my dad and uh i said you know what man i need to go record and let this [ __ ] up so i got my homeboy to uh roll with me up there man and he's got the second verse on there his name is robbie and uh well when i got up there i was in the studio and uh i just started partying i started telling my homeboy i wanted this certain beat the beat i wanted was from the movie phantasm the little ball it goes anyways i wanted that one and uh my homework black was a that sounds like uh master p pass me the green i need some weed with mine in the sea and i said brian all i remember is telling the last is that i don't give a damn about none of that this is what i'm feeling right now bro that's the last that's the last thing i remember and then uh that's it i don't remember nothing else i just remember waking up the next day didn't know i recorded a song or nothing i was still upset uh two weeks later block asked me hey bro uh what you gonna do with that song you recorded you you know when uh uh you came and recorded last and i said what song man and he said man that sounds pretty badass that's like for real he's like yeah come check it out so i went i'll i walk in the studio i'm checking it out and uh he plays it for me man and when he plays it for me i hear that ando vientirado ruin marijuana you don't like my smoking rocca that's a problem i heard that [ __ ] i said to myself i said oh who is that bro who the [ __ ] is that man that [ __ ] and then i heard the i got quiet and then the last next phrase i heard tattooed on my neck check it out it says you're lying down homes because that's my mama seymour that's my hair [ __ ] she knows that her boy eduardo man bro i was like oh my god who is this guy who is this guy you know and uh i was like i looked at black i was like i didn't know how to take it bro and then i was like god this is live man he's like yeah man but uh i'll never record you like this again not ever bro don't bring that [ __ ] to me ever and i asked him i was like well what happened bro what i do he's like man you were all upset writing you cry you write you do some cocaine you go in the booth like you're gonna record and you'd say a couple words and then the code came with hit and you get lock and then you've got to come out here and chug a couple beers until you can talk and then you feel the beards too hard so you get more cocaine to help you go record some more and when you get in there you say a couple more words then you come up lockjawed again he's like i'll never want to ever go through that with you ever again bro he's like bro i ran you out of here at 4 30 in the morning and uh well it i was glad for me to say that that is behind me that those days that that era that i went through that darkness man is behind me but uh that was the driving force for a mexican inside of me that i had no idea where that came from because i didn't even know i did that and uh that came from a lot of hurt bro i love a lot i love my dad man and when i lost him it [ __ ] me up you know we didn't we because we weren't cool at the end we didn't communicate too well and he didn't like the fact that i was a rapper and hardcore he always wanted me to be a preacher man because my dad was a pentecostal minister so we're always at ends but that's what's up behind the song uh uh uh mexican inside of me man that's why i titled it that a lot of people jugged like mexican inside of me but to me that was me trying to break out of the [ __ ] hurt i was living there's the mexican inside of me dog you know and that's why that's titled that bro earlier you spoke about how you would tattle people um what was the first tattoo that you ever got and how old were you i was uh i was 18 and i was in love at that time with this chicken karina so i thought so my dumbass tattoos are my her name on me my humble puke did it he had picked it well i had to go home because it was getting late and the tattoo was still bleeding and um well when i got when i walked in my mom was like she's seen that blood on my shirt and she's like my mom is real caring man but she want to wash that [ __ ] off she don't want her son get him you know if he got cut or hurt you want to take care of me so she picked that up took my sleeve started washing my my my my tattoo with a cloth and some uh some ivory soap i remember and because it smelled good but it hurt because it was still wet she cleaned it up and cleaned it up and cleaned it off she got the blood off and she says because speaks number spanish that means hey this [ __ ] ain't trying to come off so she just kept on going and finally i just stopped that was the last i heard the last time she ever complained about eating my tattoos ever was when i put her name on my neck she left me alone after me yeah so what are your thoughts of latin rappers using the n-word these [ __ ] is stripping away uh i don't know man we always said it because of where i'm from it was just natural i'm like i'm ready to rock blacks so to us a [ __ ] is a a dude from the hood whether you're mexican or whatever you trip on the hood this is a [ __ ] [ __ ] for real for those of you who don't know i have two albums that i dropped real quick that i didn't really promote one is called dopa saga all right it's featuring artists like king little g my homie nando from the cumbia kings uh baby bash is on there you know but i really didn't promote it so that's out there then i have the album that i followed up after that it's called mexican inside of me the album you know what i'm saying and i got a bunch of cool ass people on there too i got some spm uh some ronnie spencer the dude that sounded like ron heisley i got um george patino one of the people that originally auditioned to be one of the cumbia kings because they're from dallas he's on there uh but the one right now that everybody everybody everybody is talking about it's called walmart and it's my goomba album man i took every kumya cumulative i ever heard at the after hours and extended it and wrapped on that whole like everything i don't give a [ __ ] sel sopena anisa tomolina my boy it's just man i went back and got old school cumbias i did one called satanized my mama got mad she said you know i heard that why i was like it's a badass come here and it's old school mine it deserves to get that play man you know and uh a lot of them are rebeccas i [ __ ] wrapped over uh uh some ramona yala cumbias [ __ ] dead soluna instrumental and wrapped on that [ __ ] because we're respecting [ __ ] no more man that [ __ ] belongs to us the [ __ ] is wrong with us we can't rap on our own [ __ ] [ __ ] it it's over with i'm doing it my [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and also did uh some [ __ ] called uh trap corridos i tr i that's the new [ __ ] that's poppin and i did a couple of those um my new album after that i'm going to call it ball greens look for my artwork on my instagram ed juan gotti on instagram or juan gotti on facebook and check out my artwork right now i'm focusing on doing my portraits check out the spm portrait i just did and then after that remember i want to be expensive my [ __ ] you
Channel: Chicago Street TV
Views: 163,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Juan Gotti, Juan Gotti 2022, SPM, South Park Mexican, Carlos Coy, Hustle Town Network, Low G, Dat Boi T, Lucky Luciano, Rasheed, Carolyn Rodriguez, Juan Gotti Mira Lo Que Pasa, Baby Bash, SPM 2022, South Park Mexican 2022, Baby Bash 2022, Dope House Records, Carley Coy, Juan Gotti Mexican Inside, Juan Gotti Interview, Juan Gotti Plexx, Chicano Rap, Chicano Rap 2022, Texas Latin Rap, Texas Latin Rappers 2022, Mexican rap, Chingo Bling, Houston Rap, Texas Rap
Id: erEsYPfL7Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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