JPEX事件只是冰山一角!|原來Lorey都中過伏!不法份子如何設局吸納資金又捲款潛逃?投資人是否應對加密貨幣避而遠之?|#128 好書推介《加密騙局》丨Lorey讀好書 _20230915
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Channel: Sun Channel
Views: 227,257
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Keywords: Lorey Chan, 十分鐘讀好書, Lorey, Sun Channel, 好書推介, 閱讀節目, 傳媒, Facebook, Twitter, Social media, 人物傳記, 歷史, 個人成長, 心靈成長, Reading, 暢銷書, 哲學, 當代思潮, 人文社科, 暢銷著作, 生活習慣, 咖啡, life, 名人, 生活健康, 養生, Health, healthy diet, healthy diet menu, Why we sleep, breathing system, 職場, 善良, 加密騙局, Crypto Wars, 艾瑞卡史坦福, Erica Stanford, Bitcoin, BTC, ICO, ETH, 虛擬貨幣, cryptocurrency, Ethereum, 中本聰, ico initial coin offering, FTX, 薯條哥, quadrigacx, gerald cotten, 御藥堂
Id: dNidgo2HpEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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