Joyce Meyers conference 2018 SAP center-David Meyer

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[Applause] and soft we don't actually did something like that to open our eyes to what's actually going on and make it clear somewhat clear to us twenty-five years ago a missionary friend of mine sent me a book America's providential history and I thought history I think about history and I thought I'll read a little bit of it just a satisfied and I began to read it and I could not put it down because I saw the great and mighty things that God had done for us in this nation when he had given us and how we have forgotten the things that he has done the Bible is very clear on not forgetting the great things that God has done what it does is hamstring it causes you not to be able to function properly and so I have been on a mission and it's been a tremendous mission for 24 years sharing this on the platform that God has given us and you will hear this in most churches around our country but you should be hearing it in every church in our country you won't hear it in most churches in our country and that's why the body of Christ is very limited in power and as I shared this you will understand why now last night Jennsen is no more cups left in the building but and when she advertised it got the solid last night she said there is a statement on the cover and it says good morning this is God I would be handling all of your problems today I will not need your help so have a good day I love you now i'ma lay between S&S PS I will not handle the problems that are caused from your irresponsibility that's what we need to understand this ladies last you know I was talking to my sister couple days ago and she watches the news all the time the brightness the news into bringing the truth she watches it all the time and the other day she said you because even though they share right because they share what's going on and then the negativity and how distorted distorted so many things are and twisted and she said I'm not going to watch the news anymore I'm getting so discouraged of watching out and so I thought about that and God began to share with me that's exactly the way I want people to be I'm not God the devil he said the dead looks exactly the way the devil wants people to be he wants them to he wants there to be a separation of Christianity and responsibility a separation from their responsibilities now actually he said it this way he said there there should not be a separation from Christianity and patriotism now I wanna share with you statement this is statement of Joseph Stalin anybody nobody Joseph stop he was a dictator Russian dictator from 1920 to 1953 and he made this big America is like a healthy body and a resistance is threefold for patriotism for morality and a spiritual body if we can undermine those three areas America will collapse from within and those three areas are being undermined because Christians are not fulfilling their Christian responsibility patriotism is the definition of patriotism in the dictionary the Webster's dictionary of 1827 actually once it's dictionary of 1827 was the original dictionary that he wrote he wrote it he studied for the 28 years to write this dictionary 26 different languages to make sure that the definitions were exactly the way it should be and almost every word and it's picture versus that use that word in it in the dictionary now since that time the Webster's dictionary has been revised and all of God's word has been taken out of the dictionary and many of the definitions are not according to what they were back then they're in twisted matter of fact the definition on marriage which is about that long was about that pocket dictionary and so this is what is happening in our country today now let me ask you a question how many of you could have gone through the public school system raise your hand and look around almost everybody in here is going through the public school system in the public school system you will not learn the history of our country because god has been removed and our history has been revived and his head is been revised for a reason has been radically revised so that we can be programmed in the ignorance and indoctrinated into bondage because they do not want us to be able to stand up and know what our responsibilities are in this country and that's the way that that can happen Benjamin Franklin said a nation of wealth are men who have been taught to doing crimes the rights that God has given it can not be enslaved but it's in the region of ignorance and cheering another car English is actually not knowing the truth and it's in the region Vickers that tyranny or unlawful rule beginners now if you twist that turned that around a nation of uninformed men we don't know and cannot crime the rice that God has given him will be enslaved and that is what is happening to our country and our we cannot allow it to keep happening now I know it's happening because you have been in documented and program the way you've been programmed but you don't have the state up back at our resource table we have materials that can educate you and give you understanding and you will go on a journey the reason that people are frustrated and are having the problems in our country today is because they are these sensitizers they don't know what is going on are intuitively they see that things are wrong and they don't know what to do about it and so what happens when a person sees that things are wrong and they don't know what to do about it they put up with that very thing until anything gradually becomes a part of their everyday life and that's how the standard that was once here ends up down here down until eventually we have no standard when good is compromised our right is compromising wrong is that penalize the standard of right interior rates until the until it eventually becomes wrong becomes a standard right eventually Halton becomes a standard of right and what wrong will become to sand the right there's no deterrent evil evil has three actions and so we have to understand history defines our rights and reveals our responsibility it's now the job those rights an action concerning those responsibilities that determines the quality of a lot of freedom but then when history is no longer know our our rights are redefined because we don't know how to maintain them and anytime you don't maintain them the other side is coming in and redefining our change our receiving our rights when history is no longer known we know our rights are redefined and our responsibilities review and the quality of our freedom deteriorates our children eventually renews our price and our authority and we're no longer the same and once were for the most part the body of Christ knows little or nothing about it's amazing extraordinary American government irrigation consequently it cannot function as the army of God and fulfill this Christian civic responsibilities as a result of our faith our future or forfeiting we once were and so I don't think anyone here wants to stay in that condition to you and if I've shown you and tell you how to get out of the condition will you do something about it because here's the thing I hear our few guesses but here's the thing it's going to take every person you know if you don't fulfill your responsibility don't fulfill our responsibility what happens we will go into bondage freedom requires a tithe their time bondage demands all of your time and all of your freedom bondage precedes and follows freedom when thankfulness is omitted and thankfulness is emitted when the history has forgotten and I can share with you in Sir Alexander Tyler's book the decline and fall of the offending Republic he says the average change in the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years these civilizations have passed through the following sequences from bondage to spiritual faith through spiritual faith the great courage and great courage to Liberty same as murder Liberty to abundance now watch the transition from abundance to selfishness from selfishness to complacency and complacency to apathy from apathy dependency in dependency back in the bondage those every nation every great nation has traveled that same Road the reason for the transition from abundance to selfishness is they forgotten how they got from bondage to abundance once you forget how you've gotten and your history is the only way you're going to know how you got some of the bondage abundance that's the reason the devil has taken away our history he does not want us to be thankful and he does not want us to be responsible and if we're not responsible and we're not thankful there's only one way to go down the other side and so we descriptions have a tremendous responsibility in front of us and I'm not talking to the feudin answered yes when I ask where you fulfill your responsibility I'm talking to each because each and every individual here will be responsible before God someday he will ask them what did you do when I put you in the great country of America did you fulfill their responsibility I know that it was because of your ignorance because you were indoctrinated when you were in school and did not learn the history of our country and maybe some you have come to this country and don't know the history of our country that's yeah that's over now you can learn the history of our country you can become now that you like their freedom you can keep it if you're willing to fight for the future of America is in hands of those who active those who watch but the problem is many people are standing on the sidelines watching and we can't stay that way our rights mistake time is running out none of us know the payment that's waiting on those underside of the simulator God will not help a person or a nation that is lazy passive and ignorant on purpose not knowing our responsibility does not eliminate healthy lives we cannot hide God will not vindicate irresponsible we cannot hide our incompetence behind our religiosity mr. corporal Christmas and think that we are going to Comicon we are going to come we are accountable before God we are common and if we will fulfill our responsibility and there will be no reason after I shared there's no reason for you not to if you're willing to put forth the effort and learn the history of our country because it's the Word of God and the history of our country that will change this country again it's God's Word through our founding fathers [Applause] God's Word through our founding fathers and through the nation and love the Lord that made this nation so great but it's God's Word and remembering how we got great that will make this nation great again but without that this nation will only go get worse and worse and never recover we have seen the downward spiral and things that when I was a boy things have changed so so arrested I could leave we could leave our doors open door' estate he never heard of crying when we hear everything was totally different then but during that period of time was when our whole system of education was being attacked I don't have time to share with you how that happened but in one of our books what were they what were they thinking that share is exactly what happened in how our education system was implemented was invaded I'll just show you different first part of it in 1933 to escape it at 1933 German Marxist in the lecture in this country at the invitation of John Dewey John Dewey was on staff at Columbia University Columbia the university with the help of the administrative branch for comeon University began to place these men in its teaching positions at Columbia University German March the sonographer sir why did they do that because they wanted to change he and they wanted to change the culture of our nation into a totally different culture and what was and what it is they wanted to transform our nation and change the world view of this nation and so they began to do that and then they began after that they began to after being in at Columbia University for Fears kind of against watch them at universities around our country and so I can immerse these today in our high school today are full of secretaries and socialism there they want that hesitant that has started back there in 1933 going through the counterculture revolution of the 1960s where these radicals that were raised the Kings then became College they became college professors and college presidents and textbook authors and so that transformed our nation and that's the education system that you now I don't have any more time to share but in our original our table back there America's providential history chronological history of our country staffing the way it happened and God is everywhere exactly Cummings publishing his founders Bible didn't know he was going to do it to God got a hold of them and thrown a long series of events transformed him into yes you're going to publish the founders Bible where the history of our country is with our Bible ISM and it's amazing many of you may know of David Bartlett he's one of the pre-war premier history historians history historians in our country and he is amazing and he has written most of the stuff in this founders Bible and believe me of you if you hit this violin along with reading the Bible and what went on in our history because the Bible Jews throughout our history you will transform their lives 5000 year leave this is a book that has a 28 principles that made America great when this person was teaching this these principles in one University the students all of a sudden that came alive mister what do we do we got to do something you said you can do nothing until you know what to do you first had to learn the history of our country then you only be prepared to do what needs to be done renewing the soul of America tremendous business story of the Statue of Liberty at the very beginning of the book Statue of Liberty as though it was alive and breathing and lying in a heart and all the events that had stalled and the students New York Harbor what were the years and I'm proud of understanding New York Harbor is an allegory how that statute solved everything that went on and how proud it was and how the statute began to the copper scheme of the statute began to deteriorate and thought it was going to collapse our carburetor they refurbished was a hundred years that that was put up and you know it love the heart of America over those years but then it realizes it was being refurbished and the heart of America is not the same as it used to be and refurbished even though the Statue of Liberty has been refurbished the heart of America has to change for America's survival an original intent this has got our history course organizers it's got so much as our Constitution our Declaration of Independence which every Christian should know when you have nowadays you are a danger to the devil when you lack knowledge so you must gain knowledge that you may be a danger to the devil in it it will open you up to where now I have the answers I know what to do I know what that's all good mind a lotta handle situations you all want to do nothing it's going to take effort it's going to take effort on your part but if you will perform the effort God will bless the effort you know I was praying one morning I said our cure they answered our apologies and nor not immediately stoutness enough along you are the American people are the answer to their problems if you want to learn and fulfill your responsibilities your problem will disappear so I'm going to fulfill my responsibility but I will not fulfill yours you we have to fulfill our responsibility and God but residents got to take care of it but if we don't we can't expect God to fulfill our responsibilities like I shared with the government we have to do our part what were they thinking tremendous tremendous book I love this book and this book has the information on our schools it's just dynamite so anyway these DS are the materials back at our resource table and forth and please avail yourself to them please get some of these for yourself your neighbors and your children make sure that your children are educated and is because when they go in the universities the kids that go into University today and they don't go into parents they're in a big trouble they will isolate them and will not allow them to function in those universities unless they are unless they have knowledge knowledge creates courage courage cannot operate an atmosphere you have a currency can only African atmosphere of knowledge it has no class one must have knowledge but it will operate in an applic atmosphere of knowledge and those kids can change our universities if we will learn my partner get into our children and blend and have them do their work also make sure your pastors notices because this should be coming from our focus thank you [Applause]
Channel: 🌸Monica S Rosales🌸
Views: 18,543
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Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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