Joyce Meyer Defeating Bad Moods

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well I'm doing a series this weekend about some of the bad moods we get into and talking about some things about discouragement disappointment depression despondency despair but all in all we're just trying to get the point across that the devil wants to steal our joy joy is a fruit of the Spirit jesus said I came that you might have and enjoy your life he said I want your joy to be full I want my joy to be in you fulfilling you joy as a fruit of the Spirit nehemiah said the joy of the Lord is our strength it's all over the place the Bible tells us the value of joy the enemy doesn't want us to have anything that's valuable so he finds all kinds of ways to try to to steal that how many of you know that a sad day a day when you're all down and discouraged is a miserable day ok so any way that we can avoid that we need to try to avoid it we can't just we can't just hope to never feel that way we have to learn how to fight it and what we can do about it and I think one of the ways that we can do something about things is by understanding them I believe a lot of times that the Holy Spirit wants to uncover the roots of our problem but we just keep messing around on the surface all the time now I know it might be hard to get some of you to admit it but I just wonder how many of you are a real moody person and the truth of the matter is if you counted up all the days in a year that you were in a really good mood I mean a really good mood you're happy friendly full of zeal enthusiasm go ahead about life and how many days you managed to find something to be unhappy about don't want to be judgmental but I just wonder which side of the calendar you'd have most of the days on I'm happy to say now in my life most of mine would be happy days but there was a lot of years in my life even as a Christian where that was not the case and I couldn't just wish for it to go away I couldn't just hope for it to go away I couldn't even really just pray it away I had to let God begin to dig around in my life and show me what the root of the problem was and our problem is really not we think of what we think our problem is our problem is how we respond to our problems if there's anything that I could teach you that would be valuable this weekend if you don't already know this would be this it's not the stuff that's going on around you that makes you unhappy it's how you respond to the stuff that's going on around you that makes you unhappy because some of you think if you had more money but there are very wealthy people matter of fact some of the wealthiest people in the world some of the most famous people in the world are the ones who commit suicide so it's really not all about your circumstances it's about how you decide to view life and the attitude that you take toward the things that that happened to you so I'm just going to call this tonight why am I in a bad mood and you might want to keep a copy of this sitting somewhere so every time you start to get in the bad mood you could listen to it and I know you'd be tempted to give it to your relatives they might not want to hear it but it'll be good for you you know maybe you've read this I've read this and I've even had a couple of nutritionists tell me this the way you feel today is usually a result of what you ate yesterday and so I think that the way we are emotionally today very often has a lot to do with something that went on in our life yesterday maybe some unresolved issue I mean I can almost guarantee you that for me knowing better if I were to go to a lunch with a friend on Wednesday afternoon and spend an hour gossiping being critical and judgmental about somebody else maybe if whitewash it and say well you know I really just wanted to share that with you so you could pray and I know you won't tell anybody I can almost guarantee you if I did not face that take responsibility for what I did either not do it to start with or stop in the middle and realize I was wrong and even say that the person with me look we shouldn't be doing this I'm sorry are the very least realized that I sinned and repent and get myself right before I go to bed I can almost guarantee that if I didn't do that on Thursday I would be in some kind of an off mood and be spending the day wondering what in the world is wrong with me now I'm trying to tell you these things to help you we have to start asking God okay why am I in a bad mood why am I in a bad mood I just situation happens sometime the last couple of years don't remember exactly what I just couldn't sleep and not lastly pretty good I mean I couldn't sleep couldn't sleep couldn't sleep toss and turn and rolling around I mean it's like five o'clock in the morning and I'm still not able to go to sleep and finally I said okay guys I mean I wish I'd have done it at 10 o'clock or 11 o'clock but no I had to be awake all night okay god what is going on and I mean just like that in my mind I saw something that had happened that day between me and another person and I realized right away that I had not treated them right just made an excuse went on went home had my dinner watch a little TV went to bed couldn't sleep well it was because there was something that wasn't right inside of me that was bothering me but until I took the time to actually ask God what it was I could have went on and maybe piled a few more things on top of that one and a few more things on top of that one and I honestly believe a lot of times people are angry they're depressed they're discouraged they're downtrodden they feel hopeless and a lot of it is because they're just not paying attention to what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell them can I get anybody to agree with me so I'll feel better about this so I'm just saying that what you eat yesterday may affect how you feel today and what you did yesterday may affect the mood you're in today we talked this morning or last night actually about one of the reasons why we get all down in the dumps is because we don't keep things in perspective we kind of you know get things out of focus you know you can be depressed because one of your kids got a bad grade and you know they can do better until you hear about a friend of yours who's just found out their child's all strung out on drugs and now all of a sudden you're kind of glad you're all your kid got was a bad grade all we have to do sometimes is just open our eyes to what's going on around us and realize that what's happening to us is maybe not as bad as we thought it was after all then this morning we talked about pretty detailed about hidden sin in our life was a deeper version of what I just mentioned about ignoring things what we talked about the life of David and and what he did with Bathsheba and how he went for a whole year ignoring that and yet out of his own confession in psalm 32 he talked about how miserable he was inside he was so miserable he said he felt like his bones were wasting away and he was full of grieving until he completely came clean with God told all of his sin and then he said in God instantly forgave me the mercy of God is just phenomenal I mean I'm so glad the amplified bible says and he's instantly forgave me but I believe there are other things that can cause us to have all these bad moods and I want us to examine some of those tonight and one in particular that is very important to me that we're going to get around to that I think God can really use to set a lot of you free tonight but I just want to remind you again that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and it's his job to guide us into all truth it's the job of the Holy Spirit to help us not live deceived he's our teacher and I love how the Bible clearly depicts that he just doesn't show us everything all at one time but he guides us and leads us into one truth after another truth after another truth and anytime that God shows us something in our life we're ready for that because God's prepared us now for a new level of victory but to come to that new level of victory we've got to work with God to get the thing out of the way that's keeping us from going up to that new level and then the don't ever be afraid to face the things that God shows you because the minute you face them and deal with them he instantly forgives you and brings help and restoration to you in that area I'm very fond of John 8:31 and 32 if you continue in my word not just go to one Friday night session of a Joyce Meyer conference because you'd like to see what she looks like in person but if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free you got to continue in the Word of God so we're going to talk a minute about rejection because I believe that many people are discouraged and down because of the way other people treat them and the thing that we really have to realize about that is although it's very hurtful when other people mistreat us when they reject us abandon us abuse us misuse us say hurtful things to us are about us when they disappoint us when they're not there for us there's all kinds of messy things with people but the truth of the matter is they're everywhere you go and you just can't do without them so some I don't know that we got to learn how to deal with all this people's stuff and realize that you know we may get in the way of somebody else's bad mood we're gonna have to get to a point where we don't let that destroy us and steal our joy how many of you are ready to stop letting somebody else's bad behavior steal your joy I don't want somebody else's bad day to make my day bad and I want you to listen to what I'm going to say I believe that one of the reasons why we respond the way we do to the way other people treat us and the things they say about us is because the truth of the matter is is sometimes way down deep inside we're not sure they're not right you see I'm a very firm believer that a large majority of people's problems are rooted in the way they feel about themselves they don't have a good relationship with themselves and so I just prayed just just maybe five minutes before it was time for me to start preaching and I've asked God to really make this word tonight an especially strong strong strong word that will penetrate beyond your mind and really get down into your heart because it is important to me because about what I've learned but I know it is very very very important to God that you like the person that he has created you to be that is so so important and that you learn to find all your confidence in Christ and not your checkbook and not your social standing and not your position at work or your position on the worship team or your position in the church or ready or married or not married or what neighborhood you live in we got to get beyond all that stuff and we've got to find our Worth and value in the fact that Christ died for us and God said I love you and I choose you and I adopt you as my own child and I do believe that the better relationship we can have with ourselves the less it's going to devastate us I'm not saying it won't hurt but there's a difference of being hurt and being devastated there's a difference in in the enemy attacking us and us feeling that attack and letting that attack defeat us I don't like it when people say unkind things about me nobody enjoys being persecuted everybody would like to be loved and accepted and not have people say things to you that make you feel confident but we know that that's not reality statistics have proven that at least 10% of the people will not like you 10% of the people where you work don't like you 10% of the people in your neighborhood don't like you now I know everybody in here likes me or you probably wouldn't Akane but I'm just gonna keep living in my dream world you know I know that there's people who probably don't like my style and that's why there's all different kinds of styles and different kinds of ways that that God does things and you know I used to try to fix myself so everybody could like me and I that was killing me I finally thought folks here it is you know take it or leave it but I've got to be me and you know I'm well aware that not everybody likes the way I deliver it but God's providing enough people that it's worth doing so but you got to be who you are and you've got a you've got to like who you are but the pain of rejection is very deep and intense many people who have experienced a real severe rejection at some time in their life perhaps even in their childhood actually are hurt so bad by this that they may spend the rest of their time in relationships rather than spending time developing good relationships they spend all their time trying to avoid being rejected if all you're trying to do is dance around the rejection issue then you become a people pleaser and if you're a people pleaser you cannot be a god pleaser and if you're a people pleaser I can almost guarantee you that you are not going to be fulfilled and satisfied yourself because the majority of people there may be a few in your life but the majority of people will not help you get what you want they're going to want you to help them get what they want so we have to get to the point where we can handle rejection this is very important to me because I was sexually abused by my father and my mother didn't know how to help me so she didn't so you know although she didn't intend it to be that way I was abandoned by her and it was a very very very painful hurtful situation when a child does not have a right relationship with their parents they just think well if my parents who are supposed to love me I only want to hurt me then what is wrong with me a child doesn't have the ability to thinking you've got a problem we think there's something wrong with us and and the younger you are when those kind of things begin to happen to you sometimes the harder it is to overcome them because you get rooted in that mess you just you just get rooted in it but it can change you don't have to live like that forever David's joseph´s brothers threw him in a pit they ended up in a palace you've got to be determined that you're going to get out of that pit I didn't have a good beginning but I'm having a good finish come on that's for you tonight maybe you didn't have a good beginning but you can have a great finish you're gonna cross the finish line with Jesus we run your race doesn't matter how you got started what matters is how you finish but one of the things that happens when you've been deeply rejected is that begins to affect your perception what I mean by that is it affects how you see things and you'll begin to imagine that things are happening that aren't happening and I didn't even know I had a route of rejection in my life you know I thought because I walked away from my dad's house I walked away from the problem but I still had the results of those problems in my soul and you see when Jesus comes to live on the inside of us he does a great work in our spirit but our soul can still be a mess and so this journey that we're on we have to let the Holy Spirit clean this mess out of our soul out of the way we think the way we act our attitudes those kind of things how many of you understand that got to have a work done in your soul David said he restoreth my soul I'm glad that we can have our soul restored well I didn't really know that I wasn't able to get along with people because of this route of rejection I had in my life I didn't understand that and we'll just take for an example when when Dave and I got married we would when we would try to discuss something that we didn't agree about invariably we would get into this nightmare of an argument that didn't even make any sense have you ever tried to discuss something very simple with somebody you love and there's not an agreement about it and I mean within five minutes the thing escalates to a war and all of a sudden you don't even understand how you got there how it you're like and then we would start our little dance and I don't mean a physical dance but it was like a it's almost like you take a step then they take a step and you take a step and they take a step so it goes something like this I can't talk to you about anything and he would say don't tell me you can't talk to me about anything you don't want to listen to anybody you want to talk and have me do all the listening there's no point must talking about anything because we never can talk don't tell me we can never talk I hate it when you say we can never talk come on and I mean honestly I would be so confused I would think no wait a minute I started out asking if you could take me to the grocery store on Friday night I mean honestly you know it could just be something that simple and all of a sudden now I'm thinking we can't stay married I just had dr. Gary Smalley on my TV program the other day and he of course have written a lot of wonderful books about relationships and he said that everybody has core fears everybody has a couple of major buttons if somebody pushes them you're going to get up and we need to know what those things are in our life and I had that root of rejection that was one of my little buttons and what would happen to me is if I would ask Dave to do something and I had a certain way I wanted to be done and he didn't want to do it that way then the dance would start and I would feel rejected because I still had that old wound but he felt manipulated because I kept trying to make him do it my way and as a man he wanted to take care of me and feel like I was satisfied with him and that I honored his opinion and all I wanted him to do was give me my way and every time I didn't get my way I felt rejected but I didn't know it was this pain of rejection from this whole thing in my life that I was think God actually showed me this and I didn't I mean I wasn't reading anybody's book on relationships I mean I am like God you have got to show me what is wrong with me I do not know what is wrong with me and God just spoke to me and he said you are not separating who you are as a person from your opinion so if you have an opinion and you share your opinion with Dave and he doesn't accept your opinion if he rejects your opinion you have all the pain in your soul as if he was rejecting you as a person was I that's why we can't talk about anything it wasn't because we needed to go to get a divorce it was because I had a route of rejection in my life and I couldn't handle anybody not agreeing with me so the minute he didn't agree with me I would go into my little dance of trying to convince him and then he felt manipulated and then the war was on does anybody see what I'm talking about so you have to be able to know who you are in Christ I'm valued I have worth I have gifts I have abilities I can't do everything but I can't do something God created me with his own hand I'm talking you need to be saying these things not here tonight but you need to be able to say these things I know because I am in Christ I know he loves me I know he's got a plan for me I know I've got a future I don't have to be like you maybe I can't sing like Darlene but that's okay maybe I can't preach like Joyce but that's okay maybe I'll never be the president of the company but that's okay I'm just okay with who I am I know that God loves me so then if you really really really do like yourself when other people don't agree with you you can let them have their opinion and you can disagree agreeably and you know if their opinion is not your opinion you can keep your opinion or you can change your opinion it doesn't make you that much difference but you don't have to be all bothered but when other people reject you or they don't like you or they say unkind things about you it's gonna hurt but you're like that's okay that's okay you know if they are right then God you can show me that and if they're not right then I'm gonna pray for them but I'm going on about my business come on we don't have to live in that pain of rejection all the time we have to come to a place in our life where we don't determine our Worth and value about how other people treat us because most of the time you're in the way of their pain amen how many of you when you're going through something personal yourself you can act pretty nasty and take it out on other people well they don't understant have a clue what your problem is and so sometimes you hurt them and that's the same thing that happens when other people are going through things and we get in their way most of the time when people hurt you it's because they're hurting them selves a lot of people that have been adopted not everybody but there are people who just spend most of their life having problems with depression I know one woman in particular who I guess she's in her 50s now as far as I know she always had deep depression because she could not understand why her parents gave her up for adoption and I'm sure that that is a difficult thing for some people to get a handle on but then I think maybe that sometimes we just let the devil play with our mind too much and I love some 27:10 it says even though my mother and my father had forsaken me the Lord will take me up and he will adopt me as his own child and actually I would like to read Ephesians 1 4 and 5 to you because I want you to actually see these words and let them minister to you tonight Ephesians 1 4 and 5 these are healing scriptures even as in his love he chose us man I could stop right there and shout [Music] close your eyes for just a minute and just say God chose me see the good news is that God didn't just get stuck with you he chose you with his eyes wide open knowing full well what he was getting he chose you he knew every mistake that you would ever make before you ever made that mistake he actually picked us out for himself as his own in Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy consecrated and set apart for him and blameless in his sight even above reproach before him in love for he for deigned us destined us planned and loved for us to be adopted you know a to me adoption is a powerful thing I mean I think if people could look at it right I mean it's one thing to just have a baby maybe sometimes you even had babies you didn't even plan to have maybe when you first find out you're pregnant you're like home I wasn't ready for that but boy when somebody chooses you when they think about what they're doing and they choose you take on that risk to me that's kind of like a special thing so God has adopted us into his own family so you never have to worry anymore about the family you didn't have you know I guess there's a part of me that wishes that I would have had a normal upbringing but then there's another part of me that I really just don't even care anymore because I think that I've experienced some things that God has done for me that maybe I wouldn't have even needed done for me if I would I had something else and so God knows what you need and if you didn't get what you were supposed to have he'll make it up to you and let me tell you something what God gives you as a recompense is a whole lot better than what a person could have given you even if would have had it from them we think about all this rejection and stuff and we wish that people wouldn't reject us but Ephesians 1:6 says we are made acceptable to God in the beloved I want you to know tonight that if you have received Christ as your Savior God looks at you and he totally accepts you you're like I didn't say he totally accepted all your behavior come on now work with me tonight you got to separate your who from your dude I said God totally accepts you you see even back to those arguments that I would have with Dave and that mess that I would get into and that dance of fear that we were doing I didn't know how to separate my who from my do if he didn't agree with what I did then that messed up who I was and God don't like everything I do he doesn't like everything you do but he loves us anyway and we're made acceptable because we come to him through Christ who has already been perfect and already paid for all of our mistakes and thank God he sees our hearts can all of you way up in that very high row understand that God sees your heart and you are made acceptable in the beloved you've been adopted by God hallelujah everybody say I'm in the family [Applause] you know we do have a connection as believers it's always interesting to me when you if I have people come to the altar to pray the prayer of salvation it's always amusing to me to watch them start holding hands and hugging on each other and they don't know each other at all total strangers but all of a sudden they've got this family connection one father one blood one in Christ and then we let the devil come in and try to tear up the family try to divide us up in all kinds of different denominations and different beliefs I'll tell you something I can love you even if you don't agree with everything that I think and I hope you can love me even if you don't agree with everything I think amen we don't all have to think just alike but we do need to love each other try not to take it too personally when people find something wrong with you because the truth of matter is most of them are finding something wrong with you because they don't like themselves my father was you know he's he died a couple of years ago and I'm happy to say that he did die in the Lord but he lived all of his life outside of the Lord and because of that he had a wretched miserable life and he was such a mean man and I just had occasion the other day because of something else I was dealing with to kind of think back to what he was like and I can honestly tell you that I don't remember him ever really liking anybody he always found something wrong with every buddy always critical negative didn't like anybody didn't trust anybody and you know what that was because that was the way he was he and like himself so don't take it too personally when people find something wrong with you because a lot of times it's because they finding something wrong with themselves but if you know who you are enough then you can let the way other people handle you roll off your back now that doesn't mean we don't want to ever pay attention anything anybody says we need to take the things to God and say well are they right you know are they right am I like them and if God assures you that you're okay and you belong to him and he'll deal with you and change you in due time then you don't need to worry about it Jesus said if they reject you they reject me and they reject me they reject the one who sent me and so I just simply have to go about it like this I would love for everybody like me and like my preaching but if you don't God's the one who sent me to do it and so if you reject me then you're rejecting him because I didn't ask him to do this he came and got me [Applause] Luke 10 16 Jesus said if they reject you he who hears and heed you hears and heeds me he who slights and rejects you slights and rejects me how do you like that let's look at Luke 2017 Luke chapter 20 verse 17 but Jesus looked at them and said what then is the meaning of this that is written the very stone which the builders rejected has become the chief stone of the corner the chief Cornerstone so jesus said he had become the very chief the most important stone in the building and yet he was the very stone that everybody rejected well you know what I had a lot of people reject me especially when God called me in the ministry I mean I got rejected rejected rejected rejected rejected because women did not do especially back then 30 some odd years ago what I'm doing it just was unheard of in the circles that I traveled in so I don't even know how to tell you what kind of courage it took and I know that I got that from God not because I was so courageous to press on and do what I'm doing and you have to understand when God calls you to do something the enemy will come against you with everything he's got and one of the main things that the devil uses to stop you from going forward is he will throw rejection at you from the people around you that you love and care about and they will send the message to you silent or verbal if you do that number one we think you are wrong we believe you are making a mistake and if you do that then we are gonna ice you out of our lives anybody ever had that experience I mean do you understand what I'm talking about and to be honest with you I think it's probably very sad the few the precious few who are willing to stand up to that and don't cave in under it and who really understand you know what if I have to I can do without you but I cannot not be in the will of God I have to be in the will of God I would like it if you liked me I would like it if you received me I would like it if you agreed with me but if I have to I can do without that in my life however I cannot live and not be in the center of God's will and it grieves me to think about the number of people that bow down to people when they should be bowing down to God don't give up your life just to make somebody happy that in the end won't care did you hear me alright one of the ways that you can get over this thing is by forgiving people not going to talk about that a long time I know you probably heard a lot of messages on forgiveness but I tell you if you don't want to get that down in you and let the way people feel about you depress you and make you sad and discouraged you got to just as quick as they hurt you you got to say I forgive them Lord I forgive them I forgive them I forgive them maybe you don't maybe your feelings haven't caught up with your decision yet but you just keep saying I will not be offended I will not be offended I will not be offended I will not be offended do not let yourself get that poison on the inside of you because most of the people who hurt you that you're holding unforgiveness against are out having a good time living their life and don't even care are know that you're sitting in a corner somewhere bleeding I had a little altercation with somebody not too long ago and ended up having a real bad night over it because I just loved peace I just don't like for there to be anything between me and anybody else and this was a family situation I especially don't like it in the family because I grew up with war in my family and that's still a little bit of a weakness for me because our whole family works together so you know that notches it up to a new level of the opportunities that you have to have issues amen it's like one of my son's told me a long time ago he said mom you got to keep in mind that if I get in trouble at work from my boss I can't go home and get comforted by my mother so we you know we had a little deal I wasn't able to get it straightened out and I was just all upset and the next day I talked to this person and they said what were you upset about I had a fine night obviously that kind of stuffs gonna happen once in a while we all spent too much time together and I'm like I'm thinking later dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb they go home and have a great night come on some of the people you're letting make you miserable they're having a great night David I used to argue and I'd stay up all night and try to figure out why it happened and what I could do to make sure it never happened again he'd be in the other room snoring I'd stay mad all day the next day and he'd go out and play golf when he'd come home he'd watch football I asked me to make him something to eat and get him some iced tea I wasn't hurting anybody but me if you are gonna stay angry at the people have mistreated you all you're letting the devil do is keep the thing going in your life now I know right now there's a bunch of anyway you don't know how I feel you just don't know how I feel well honey sweetie pie the reason we get into messes we're in is because we just pay too much attention to how we feel and not enough attention to what the word says doesn't matter how you feel God says you got to forgive you got to forgive those who hurt you let's look at Romans 12 beginning in verse 14 I want you to see some of this stuff with your own eyes bless those who persecute you who are cruel in their attitude toward you bless and do not curse them now in case you're wondering if you look the word bless and curse up in the greek the word bless means to speak well of and the word curse means to speak evil of bless and do not curse them do you know how hard it is not to talk bad about somebody who hurt you I mean you know how hard it is to not just want to tell at least one person but that's what that means to bless your enemies means to speak well of them instead of telling how they hurt you tell what a great heart you're sure they've got that maybe you're not sure they've got but you're gonna believe the best and think maybe they've got one rejoice with those who rejoice share their joy weep with those who weep and share their grief live in harmony with one another do not be haughty snobbish high-minded exclusive but readily adjust yourself to people and things ouch and give yourself to humble tasks never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits repay no one evil for evil but take thought for what is honest and proper and Noble aiming to be above reproach in the sight of everyone that means no more of this I'm going to get you back attitude you forgot my birthday so if you think I'm getting you something you got another thing coming you got me a cheap gift I'm getting you a cheap difference come on now you didn't invite me to your party I'm not inviting you to my party we got it as believers in Christ we've got to get rid of all the I'm going to get you back stuff come on gods are Vindicator we don't get to try to vindicate ourselves I think one of the hardest things in the world to do until you I mean once you get once you get to doing it you get good at it you can see it you can see the power of the secret but I think one of the hardest things to do is to be good to somebody who's not being good to you but it is also one of the most powerful things that we can do first eighteen if possible as far as it depends on you live at peace with everyone they love it never avenge yourself but leave the way open for God's wrath for it is written vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord now you guys like that one too much did you see how everybody perked up yeah God's gonna get but if your enemy is hungry feed him if he's thirsty give him something to drink for by doing that you're gonna heap burning coals upon his head we like that too until you go over to proverbs and find out what those burning coals are in the footnotes in Proverbs it says that those burning coals are the fire of the love that is poured out upon them that melts their hard hearts do not let yourself be overcome by evil do not let yourself be overcome by evil come on there's got there's a message here for you tonight when people hurt you don't get all sad and depressed and down and discouraged just forgive them start praying for them be a blessing do not let yourself be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good how many of you see that we could probably camp there all night and let me tell you another secret if the person that hurt you know sometimes it wouldn't be wise to go do something really great for somebody who just really treated you lousy because it might send a wrong message to them and if you can't do that then go do something good for somebody else but the way we respond to the attacks of the enemy is not with anger and depression and discouragement and a bad mood and feeling sorry for ourselves all day it's by praise and worship and Thanksgiving and going out and being good to somebody else on purpose you don't do it because you feel like it you do it on purpose I think it's the greatest secret in the Word of God honestly do I really believe that this right here Romans 12:21 was life-changing for me when I really saw that it's like the enemy's attacking me through these people we were not with flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and wickedness in high places quit getting mad at all the people and get mad at the one you ought to be mad at which is the devil and the only way to get him back is by going out and being good to everybody because that's the one thing he can't stand how many of you see it it's like the most wonderful thing when I when I realized what the devil had done to me as a child and that it was the devil working through my dad and the nightmare of that and the horror of it I mean I just got so mad well how do you get the devil back you can't get ahold of you can't hit him you can't slap him and it's the saddest thing to me that most people try to get the enemy back by being mean and hateful and angry and bitter and resentful and that is the worst thing that you can do you're just playing right into his hands when you do that the way that you get the enemy back is by having a nature that is the exact opposite of his did you hear me the way you get the devil back is by having a nature God's nature on the inside of you that is the exact opposite of what the enemy is when he comes against you that's why you can't defeat him with depression you can only defeat him with joy come on somebody's going to get this tonight I mean the very reason why I choose to make you sad to steal your joy so you're not going to feed it defeat him by playing into it you're going you need to laugh the laugh of faith praise the Lord [Applause] all right now another thing that can just really cause us to get all down as our own little personal failures you know as long as we're being good and doing everything right we just feel pretty good about ourselves but you're gonna have to get to the point where you can fail and still feel good about yourself because if you don't here's what's going to happen you and me having one of your off days because the accuser of the Brethren has attacked you and you have bought into his lies and so now you're all down of course the devil presses in when you're already down and somebody else is going to come against you and you're gonna go down down down some more you have to learn that failing at something does not make you a failure did you hear me failing at something doesn't make you a failure acts 5:15 let's take one little peek at the Apostle Peter acts 5:15 so that they even kept carrying out the sick into the streets and placing them on couches and sleeping pads in the hope that is Peter passed by at least his shadow might fall on some of them so now here's this guy who had a big mouth was constantly getting in trouble because he had a haughty prideful attitude he dared to rebuke Jesus he denied knowing Jesus when he was on the cross and yet the forgiveness and the mercy of God he failed but he wasn't a failure and here we see him carrying such a strong anointing that when his shadow fell on people they got healed and I can tell you I don't think that Peter had that power flowing through him because he spent the red his life mourning over what he did come on don't get stuck in a moment in your life that has long been gone and gods trying to press on and you're still stuck back there grieving over something you can't do anything about now come on and I was stuck for a long and while I was abused going to be I was abused I was abused and now I'm kind of like I was abused and look at me now Wow God is pretty cool and then and I don't know maybe it's Peter walked down that street there and his shadow would fall on people they get healed maybe he just think about God I'm the guy that used bad language and customs that I didn't even know you your mercy God it's so good you know why because when we fail we're only doing what God already knew we were going to do when he called us into relationship with himself and you're not a failure just because you fail at something come on you got to get a little bit more patient with yourself than that how many now if you could get a little more patient with yourself than that people hate themselves because of their mistakes their weaknesses the way they look they don't have the right abilities they've been abused by others Martin Luther who was the founder of Protestantism who brought the revelation that were justified by faith became a monk to make up hers first sins and weaknesses he punished himself ate very little food wore rough clothing so he couldn't even sit in the chair and be comfortable he prayed seven times a day lived in poverty poverty labored by day and spent many sleepless nights he was a good bunk but even he said that he could not get to heaven by his monkey I wonder if that's where we got the phrase stop all the monkeying around he used to crawl up the steps praying on his knees till they would bleed because he felt so bad about his sins no you're not perfect you haven't arrived I haven't arrived but thank God we're not where we used to be we're okay away we're in the midst of a journey we're in the midst of a great journey be patient with yourself second Corinthians 5:17 says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature all things pass away and all things become brand new a new creature you get a new nature but that new nature is captured on the inside of you the image of Christ Romans chapter 8 and verse 29 this is beautiful for all those whom he foreknew of whom he was aware and loved beforehand he also destined you're destined from the beginning to be molded into the image of Jesus Christ and to share inwardly his likeness you're destined to be like Christ the image of Christ has been captured in your spirit Jesus is in there and as far as God sees you you're perfect now just hang with me a minute because God sees your heart he sees you in Christ he sees what you can be he sees what you can become that's why he's so willing to just keep forgiving us and keep working with us and keep forgiving us and keep working with us let me give you an example I've got a camera here if I could remember what they told me do okay okay now look here I'm gonna take a picture of my good-looking husband okay now watch I have a picture of Dave how many of you believe I have a picture of Dave but now if any one of you said to me show me your picture of Dave now come on you go and get something see you say to people I'm a Christian they say yeah well you don't look like it show me you're like well I know it's in there somewhere yeah he's in there somewhere well I got a picture of Dave but it's in here and in order please get this in order for you to see it it has to be developed yeah so Christ is in US but it's been developed in our life closing Scripture Coolidge Colossians 3:10 hallelujah feel like I'm feel like we're gonna get it across and and you have clothed yourself with the new spiritual self which is ever in the process of being renewed and remoulded into fuller and more perfect knowledge upon knowledge after the image the likeness of him who created it so you have the image of Christ has been captured on the inside of you at the new birth listen when I took that picture the thing that captured his image in here was the light what happened when all of a sudden the light of the world comes into your darkness the image of Christ is in you don't wonder there's a war between this thing that you used to be and this new person that you are but don't be discouraged don't give up and get all depressed because you can't produce the finished product right now I'm not aggravated because I can't show you the picture of Dave right now I understand it has to be developed I'm just happy cuz I got it come on be happy about what you got be happy about Christ in you the hope of glory [Applause] [Music] you
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Keywords: Joyce Meyer (Organization Leader), moods, spirituality, God, Bible, Holy, Truth, inspiration, motivation, success, self-discovery, joyce meyer, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer ministries, bible, everyday living, joyce meyer 2016, joyce meyer exposed, spending time with god, marriage, discipline, devil, Jesus, answer, forgiveness, Lord, satan, love, faith, religion, scriptures, pastor, sermon, life, teachings, Joyce Meyer, joyce, gospel
Id: 3qZ93W9xMM0
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Length: 60min 21sec (3621 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 04 2014
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