Joyas de Plata con engaste a garra ( claw setting jewelry part 1 )

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hello amigos como estan name is Boris Rueda and today we will ring technique claw and need a stone oval 10 x 12 mm and this is a rose of France also we are making a hole shaped oval 9 x 11 mm must stay in this way once they have cut this hole in the shape of an oval we will use this compass open to 4 millimeters and we will mark it in this way this once marked we will use the hacksaw and a 4.0 saw if you want to see how the hacksaw is used and the saw the link will be at the top and in the description of the video we will always cut it following the silhouette of our drawing and once it is cut and filed we will also use the compass again and we will open it to 2.5 millimeters and we will mark it in this way and measure the butt of these 2 sparks also have a distance of 2.5 millimeters to create these points and once created in these points we will use the hanging lathe and a one millimeter drill bit to perf Pray it in this way and the most important thing do not forget to subscribe and give it a like we are going to drill all the points that we did now use in a 3-millimeter cutter to make a 30% perforation with this three-millimeter press, the next thing will be to rough the edges of this way using a half round file we will devastate it so that it has this semicircle shape that same we will make all our silver piece so that it remains in this way and this now we will make other points just in this area, pay a lot of attention where I am making these points that are under the hole that we made, see right there now we will use a 1 millimeter drill bit and we will make other holes again right at these points this my friends do it very carefully now we will put a little solder paste in this way placing it in holes that we made because if you want to see how this solder paste is made, the link will be at the top and in the description of the video because we will place this solder paste in this way and then we will use a wire with a thickness of 1 millimeter this to place it inside the holes that we made because this will enter under pressure if they notice that it is moving by pressing on the top now we will use The rotary table to weld this piece of silver, increasing the heat progressively and you will notice that these pieces will be welded quickly now we will leave the bottom part so that it appears that we weld nothing there it has to stay in this way and we will cut an oval-shaped plate 9 x 11 millimeters with a thickness of 1.20 millimeters and this my friends we have to make 18 holes with a separation of 1.5 millimeters and we will hold it with this hand press to create these perforations with a one millimeter drill bit this my friends do it with a lot be careful once drilled we will use the silver solder paste placing it in all the holes and we will place some 1 millimeter thick silver wires to release it on our rotary table we will rotate it so that it releases faster and evenly now we will drill another hole in the center to cut we will also use a 1 millimeter drill bit and cut it with the hacksaw a 4.0 saw Now we will use the grooved die but before we will bend these wires so that they do not bend when hitting it with a hammer we bend and place it here and we will hit it with the hammer so that it has a concave shape and we will bend the wires in the opposite way is to create the claws for the 2.5 mm sparks and we will rough with this square cross cutter on the top, moving it in this way, this debaste has to be right at this point , we will do it in all our plant pieces, we also have to carry out eight holes to insert these wires as you see here already insert 3 of these wires and now I will place in this bending wire In this way, we will push it right in these two holes to solder it from the back but before soldering it we will place a little coating that we use in the casting technique, this coating will prevent the solder that the other wires have from adhering to this new wire. Well, we have to prevent them from coming loose, that is why I am placing this coating on these parts, if you want to know where to buy this growth, you can buy it in any store where jewelry tools are sold, we will place a few drops of the soldering liquid right in these 4 points and we will use the hard type solder we will heat our jewel homogeneously little by little we will approach with the hard type solder to solder it at these points to be more exact on the back well here is soldering iron and we will place this small piece of wire to create a separation and place this oval that I made for the setting technique, grab if you want to see how it's done this type of setting the link will be at the top we will place a few drops of solder liquid in these new claws that we made and we will use the hard type solder this my friends do it very carefully here it is soldered and here is the other part that they have to fit in this way we place and press and we have to make sure that it is as straight as possible this is straight there now we will use the solder paste we will place a little solder paste on the wires so that it adheres with the iron because this is one of the methods to weld as quickly and with much more safety now we will place it on our rotary table to weld it in this way because if you want to see how this rotary table is made, the link will be at the top and in the description of the video it welded quickly now we need a 2.5 millimeter plate to cut it in this way and create the hoop of our ring I am using a 2.0 saw we will cut the si lueta of our design I already cut the ring and we are going to weld it the claw for our ring little by little we will approach with the hard type welding here is our clean and pickled ring now when we want the sparks of 2.5 millimeters using our double A clamp and we place it right in the center we begin to push the claws that we did only place we push it in this way to hold our sparks of 2.5 millimeters now we will cut the surplus to a height of 1.5 millimeters and for this we will use the cutting pliers that same we will do it in All the claws that we made once cut we will use the cup-type milling cutter to grind these sides since they are half-pointed and dangerous that is why I am using this cup- type milling cutter to grind the top part and it looks as if it were a semi sphere as you see like this this is how this cup type bur works now we will place the oval stone with dimensions of 10 x 12 millimeters we will push with the push Claw trimmer just in this way so that the stone does not come out when making the setting and we will cut the excess with a cutting pliers with a height of 4 millimeters ready we will continue pushing it with the spark pusher we will cut a little more so that all the claws are at the same level and finally we will file it so that they are not pointed and are not dangerous always being very careful not to scratch the gem it has to stay this way we will sand it so that it is much finer I will use this wheel to sand and so at the time of polishing it comes out much brighter and finer we will sand the top part and finally we will polish it in our polish for jewels well friends I hope you liked the video today do not forget to subscribe and give it a like and above all take care that Here are some videos so you can expand your knowledge of jewelry techniques
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Keywords: Taller Experimental, artifice joyas, como soldar plata cobre hierro oro bronce paladio oro, engaste a bisel joyeria, engaste al grano, engasste cabujon, engaste en garras, engastes, alexandre - diamond setting tools, engaste en naveta, engaste en gota, engaste en chistas, SILVER BEZEL for cabochon STEP BY STEP with list of tools., engaste a nivel, channel setting, engaste a carril, engaste ciego, claw setting jewelry, Six Claw Tee-pee Ring, Claw setting shaped stones preview
Id: 3u3IQd2iYxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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