Joy Behar Talks Mormonism With Donny & Marie Osmond

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This will probably get downvoted, but...

Marie is STILL totally smokin' hot. And she's absolutely gorgeous at 57.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/underzionsradar 📅︎︎ May 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

OMG! It's just SO Sacred! Barf!

The same ceremony as in Solomon's day? Bwahaha! Poor Donny...

Yeah we are so normal. Look at us, we are normal!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/angela_davis 📅︎︎ May 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

It's not outward if it's underwear...

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ugh, what shit.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/theholytapir 📅︎︎ May 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ugh, this was so awkward I wanted to look away but just couldn't.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

"Are you wearing them?"

"Yes I am."

K, Donny. Must be the deepest plunging v-neck garments ever made. Hey Marie, same to you.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Thewilltosucceed 📅︎︎ May 25 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Julia_Murdock 📅︎︎ May 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
murray-darling you got married again I did congratulations you now this guy let me get to understanding you were married to him many many moons ago I was and you had a kid with him yes I did the child you got divorced is that allowed Mormonism to get divorced it better be that I've been well because you know cook the Catholics don't allow and I don't know if the bug Catholic to you are they do it anyway well what you're saying is is that in our faith we get married in the temple which is not you know death do us part is eternal it's an eternal commitment yeah and so you know in order to receive a temple divorce there has to be you know legit reasons and have it be buried what were the reasons one tell me not really okay oh you say whatever you want but you had it a child did you get custody of the child uh-huh well he's 28 now yeah but you said with you the baby the boy well I mean we shared in in visitation and things like that yeah okay so now you you're done with that marriage for whatever reason are you talking about the second one no first well yes what was his name what is his name Steve's name is your family yeah so then you um get married somebody else I did you had a car 20 years you adopted a whole bunch of kids I can't remember which ones oh good that's right that's the way it's supposed absolutely and and then you got rid of him he's gone now uh-huh all right on to number three who happens to be number one Wow what's his fascinating of course I mean I have trouble with it to tell you the truth why I would never remarry my ex-husband I mean if I wonder we marry MOTU stayed married did what happened there well you know that's it's interesting I think time I think we were young you know you get a lot of pressure and opinions and and all kinds of things that hit you and I don't know maybe we both just matured grew up and he's phenomenal he's an amazing we've always just been the same I don't how to explain it other than there's just a connection where did you meet him in the first place through our son you know we'd kind of gone our separate ways know when you first met him where'd you meet yeah Oh like a hundred years ago tell me right through your son you met your first husband yeah a hundred years you played bat he was professional basketball and he played and and we met through BYU I think somebody introduced was it when are you brother I don't remember nobody remembers long time okay oh so he's in ball so where's one more question on that topic Jermaine um is there as there was a sexual attraction that had carried over from those no we're getting into the good okay so what you're asking is was there always some kind no there was this a spark no is there and it was one of those things that really Steven son Steven said mom needs some help and so you know he helped move some things I was kind of left with all these kids and it wasn't initially he was just always a really good friend you had when he came back yeah picture yeah no I was definitely divorced and moving on with my life and and truly made a decision that I really just wanted to get my children raised I think that every woman does that but you know my feeling is is that you don't really you really shouldn't be looking for a relationship until you feel like your self-esteem is where it should be I said that on Oprah you know you marry the level of your self-esteem and they're not Oprah you can't say I'm sorry well there you go okay I ask you question this you don't agree with this you said just said that a second ago well now make show me masking she was no no she said you don't agree why yeah why who's interviewing go well no I turned the table I agree with her if it were my second husband ya know what do you what problem do you have with it because it's true love I mean it the way I said it the way I said it earlier it has a Cinderella story with bumps in the road with a beautiful happy ending what's your problem right no I don't have a problem I'm just gonna say I think it's lovely I'm happy for her no but you're just really and because I think a lot of people would wonder you know about it but we but I would say about two years ago we said okay let's see what's what's happened cuz we didn't want to hurt our son we didn't want to hurt other kids I didn't want anybody to know and I fell in love I fell madly in love again with the same oh my god yes see I've always had a great relationship with Steve I have you know his legs always been a great I not only prove I condone this whole thing yeah oh yeah because he has been there for many many years to help out the children even in another marriage okay he's been there for guy he's a great guy I'm so glad you know I didn't even know until a year ago I guess my kids like to put paint cans up and it spilled all over my basement I was out of town they were afraid what their father would do they called Steve and he came over and like you know cleaned up the paint and did the walls I didn't even know this until like the other one what's his name okay we're good we're not gonna go there nope it's no I just ate it was so funny though I just I didn't know that but he's always very supportive of not you number two number two hundred so number two as well this is that and abilities oh okay all right now I'm so that's good I'm happy for you both and now you have a hit show in Vegas oh yeah you're just back to being Donny and Marie I like this can you do that again but that's really she didn't even want you didn't want to see these well yeah there's a beautiful yes very nice yeah where's kitty let's take wings make my finger a che this way so you don't wear a ring well I'm not married who Steve Steve is my beer yeah oh are you gonna get married pictures dad brings maker in he'll be together this guy for 29 years without being married what's his problem why does any pop the question oh he pops it and uses I looked and what do you do bag what do I do bad yeah you get married Steve is that what it is now I love it you like him I love Steve why don't you marry him well that's why I don't want to Marian cuz I love ya okay it took them much more to do I think we had issues um you guys are famous Mormons I must tell you are you Glenn Beck come back yeah um who else medio medio me I'm Newt I'm from Brooklyn we're Catholic you know Mormons outside of the United States than there are in the United States they're all where are they they're all over the winter you find them what would you tell you see those missionaries out there what would you do with them when you find it yeah like 13 13 million of Plus members of the MU you know the Book of Mormon is playing did you say I haven't seen it yet what did you hear well I heard that there were some very funny things I heard there were some very irreverent things very irreverent yeah have you seen it yes and it's the greatest show I've ever seen I love it it's up there with the producers and gypsy no my book no way fabulous plant that's what I heard arias yes and but of course and I heard there were a lot of non truths in it that you don't always fit you know I Ivan see in fact I want to ask you a few questions about it because I don't know anything about Mormonism so that's where I learned about it okay here we go not a good representation leave me alone me I've interviewed the Sister Wives you know when I watch that show see that is not a good representation polygamy is not even part of our faith why not it was a good idea what's wrong with polygamy I like polyandry myself you know where the white Alex time to do the laundry I never heard of that yeah yeah yeah like the word husband is Andrey Andy I didn't yell that see what you learn on joy is he married them right yeah the goggle access to what actually married all about yeah that's another night wait a sec that's not our thing they're a real family they're not jealous of each other those women because I would say you know like what when he goes to bed with the other one aren't you upset No I saw your Shaba blue they're like good let him let her do it and thus she's not wanting to get married exactly and bus joy is not a warming she finds joy you know was offended by Kathie Lee Gifford was offended but she's not even a Mormon what's up with her well I understand there there's some some sacrilegious things in there I mean any time you use the word the name Jesus Christ in a sacrilegious type of oh yeah context I have a little bit of a business song called uh fu God okay see I got a problem with that yeah yeah yeah what are you with the world you know what look at look at diamonds okay the commandments say don't take the Lord's name in vain yeah I think that would be taking the Lord's name in vain yes and so those are the types of things that we try to have reverence and respect for God and so you know I mean we can always you can always laugh when things get uncomfortable or blue or whatever they explain you know what I have to tell you though yeah my belief is that I am so grateful to God for my blessings I'm so I'm a woman in my business for forty eight years that's that's not that's an exception you 170 no but you know I thank God every day I look at my life I've been through ups and downs and everything to me well she doesn't really appreciate everything I do for her but those are the things you know you can laugh at things you can be irreverent to things you can find you know do we have to say okay well it is what it is yes but that is not a representation of actually I wanted to coming to see it that's Western she doesn't mean everybody can can sanction Ava Glassman but like you say you're Catholic and also Jewish it's like I'm not Jewish I'm Catholic I'm a tangent Catholic Italian yeah oh I thought you said Jewish earlier walls oh you might as well aren't we all I mean you get right back down to starting all the same thing but she in the pit a minute there are many many levels of belief within all faiths I mean I study all religions I mean I've read the Tanakh and I've read everything I mean it's not coach that loses the Kabbalah oh the Kabbalah yaa uh-huh she just wrote the Tanakh he's knighted it's like it knows study all that so you know you have to loose track everybody and nothing nothing no it's not tonight who's there I love this show um Cheers all right so plainly magic gonna win to me cuz yeah I don't know about they did you know that rather not I'll tell you why yes we were you wearing them yes I am I'd rather not get into it because it's not secret it's just so sacred it makes people laugh when you say magic underwear no it does it because they don't understand they don't if you could go if you could go through the temple okay that the the ceremony there it goes back to the same ceremony in Solomon's day and all those those sacred temples back that not everybody was allowed in there but the promises we make to to God yeah you know this magical underwear what do you want to call it all it is is an outward it's an outward expression of an inward commitment but why underwear why not do the magic shirt the magic magic why your Jerry Jimmy yeah why Rick but you know what's interesting way back in the in the the days of you know Jerusalem date the old the Old Testament really I used to wear those things in front on their forehead you know to remind of it or something on their hand or arm or something like it's the same thing you go there it's a reminder of the promises you make to and to those commitments and commandments that you say God I promise to keep you I think that you know are we different are we weird no we have more fun than anybody on the planet so you know you want to know what we believe in I know you have a lot of kids you know 17 last count Oh what else can we been alive enlighten had fifty three siblings how many of you got the only thing we got in common with him is the letter O okay if they go that's it um do you think Mitt Romney could win being a Mormon or do you think I'd ask you to Kennedy do it being a Catholic I mean that's what I'm saying it was the same kind of thing that went on for him well he's Catholic he's Catholic but you know what I think why don't they look at people as who they are all right thank you especially the Book of Mormon being a hit on Broadway I think people are understanding more about Mormons I'll see ya cuz I heard it doesn't have anything to well nobody but the term Mormon now it's just not weird anymore it's just like we're just like the Catholics we're just like the Jewish people would you careful where you get your information exactly cuz there's so much out there that's not just going on googling something and saying that's the gospel truth no
Channel: SuchIsLifeVideos
Views: 1,687,676
Rating: 4.3892441 out of 5
Keywords: The, Book, Of, Mormon, On, Broadway, South, Park, Donny, Marie, Osmond, Osmonds, Polygamy, Proposition 8, Same-Sex, Marriage, NOM, Mitt, Romney, Glenn, Beck
Id: JobQRytGvp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2011
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