Journey Of Souls | Executive Director of the Newton Institute Diana Paque

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[Music] exploring the human journey my name is diana pake and i am a hypnotherapist and i work with a number of different hypnotherapy techniques to help you find answers in your life i'm a facilitator of your journey i help you structure your work so you're able to accomplish what you want to accomplish i'm here to help you do your work safely so that you can relax and simply focus on you and what you need to know we use deep trance work which can help you get below the conscious level and get into your subconscious where you hold a lot of information about yourself let's have a conversation about what you need and i'll be happy to help you find the answers for you if you're looking for answers or even the right questions to ask come talk to me and let me facilitate you in your discovery of your soul's purpose and your journey in this lifetime [Music] hi and welcome i'm so glad you're here with me today i love the book journey of souls and wouldn't you know it i reached out to the executive director of the newton institute dr diana pake and i am going to have a conversation with someone that understands journey of souls as a hypnotherapist and um man we're going to have so much fun today diana thanks for inviting me into your home space today you're welcome i'm glad you enjoyed this book yeah this is the similar most important body of work to me it just describes the soul journey who are we why are we here what's this whole thing about all those perennial questions that we always ask each other each other um and what it's done for me is has given me the ability to kind of get rid of this existential anxiety that i've had all my life somewhere along the way i was given a set of beliefs and said this is the box and this is how you function within the box and something about newton's work is it just let me get rid of the box that allowed me to have an understanding that there is purpose and meaning in all things and you're here for a soul journey and that to me has been the greatest gift that this book has the body of work has given me that's what i hear from my clients too is that that when they first pick up one of these books and it's always interesting how it falls into their hands that they find that the book itself all of a sudden they're just enraptured by it something that wow i never thought of it that way that makes so much sense i never really got the feeling that i belonged or that there was a place for me or that other people felt like me and there's something about the stories in these books that helps you feel that it's about you and that people feel the way we do yeah that you're not unique yeah uh hypnotherapy is something that is not necessarily a science but it's not necessarily an art it's kind of a combination of using your creativity but yet there's kind of a way that you get put into that space when i talk to some people they're like oh hypnotherapy is wubu new age it's not credible but yet i've had experiences where i'm like well this is my imagination this is what i'm seeing and it's validated by like well the facilitator will say well what does that mean i'm like oh i think it means this and you get information and the fact that dr newton spent over 30 years and had 7 000 cases to draw from that all kind of said the same thing that is such an overwhelming amount of evidence to me to know that there is something here in these books that just really resonates when i started looking at becoming a newton therapist that was one of the things that drew me in was that the way that he's developed his practice the way that he has developed his thoughts about work between lives and why you work between lives why that's important and what you can get out of it was all based on research and that's very different than a lot of other protocols programs that are based on an understanding or something you get through your clients one or two clients or maybe at five years of clients and he was very methodical in the way that he developed that information that i think in his practice he started seeing the same things and started writing them down like a scientist and saying oh wow people are finding soul groups what are soul groups and people are going to a library what the hell is the library and everyone has a guide and we have soul names these things that you wouldn't even think of and and that over time by the time he wrote journey he'd been doing this for almost 20 years and and that first book was based on those experiences he never put anything in a book that what he hadn't had a 100 clients engaged with so if someone says they went to a nursery school you know that could be but if 100 people didn't say it he didn't include it in the book so he was very careful not to come up with things that he felt to be unique or individual views he wanted to be sure that if he was presenting this as a paradigm for human ex before soul experience that in fact it really could be seen as a paradigm and i think that's been borne out because when people see these books and they read them and they read the stories it's like that's me i feel me in that and i could see how thinking about it this way instead of the way i've been thinking about it could be really helpful and how do i do that yeah through the process of the body of work i have realized indeed we are spiritual beings that have come here somehow get connected with this human animal host and we make our brain connections and all the energetic connections and then we live a life through the experience that is human and we have the amnesia we can't seem to remember anything and somehow we're able to unlock memories and hypnotherapy i think that's fascinating but this process of being a soul and being a spirit you know this to some people this is a fantasy this is a myth this isn't reality they're maybe they have the atheistic scientific materialism bent of this is all there is um man i like to think that there's something else beyond this existence that my consciousness continues to go on it's a comforting thought for me to think that all of this work that i'm putting in to be the best human i can be is actually going to be a benefit to me down the road and i think that's one of the things the journey of souls has taught me is like yeah you're not here just to be david and have a business and relationship and blah blah you are here to expand your soul and to have experiences that help you on your journey i mean it's all a journey yeah and it's all a process and and one of the things i found in in thinking about that is it gives some freedom in terms of judging ourselves harshly when we feel we're failing oh beautiful and the failure is failure and right wrong win lose success failure is a human judgment attribute yeah the soul doesn't have judgment oh that's really good it's all about progress so it's a human event that's that's a human event so if we think about failing at something in soul terms that failure may be the lesson that you needed to have to progress your soul so that's an actual good thing to have failed in that thing right so it could be that your child dies and is hit by a car and dies and you didn't prevent your child from doing that and so you have this feeling this awful feeling of guilt and a failure i didn't protect my child i didn't do this it can be that your child came into your life to teach you something about forgiveness about forgiveness of the guy who hit your child of of learning about loving somebody in the moment so that your child never felt a time that it that he wasn't loved and so the lesson cannot really be seen through human eyes because we will always look at it through a judgment of negative and positive where did i fail why did my child get hit by a car so even a lesson that feels very negative can be a positive one we're being pushed and if it's a lesson most lessons we learn over multiple lifetimes so if you have a lesson of patience or courage or standing up for yourself self-love that we tend to learn those very slowly because they're soul lessons they're long-term soul adjustments that we learn over many lifetimes and we have to try it different ways so we come into a life as a male and we learn that lesson or we make progress on it and then we come back as a male the next time and then we come in as a female and go okay let's see how this works in this form so as as you've experienced you come into a life as a female you come into a life as a female in a victorian society where there are societal norms hold up i want you to know as the audience member i just had a session with her i'm not a female but she's re remembering the session we just had that we're going to talk about that so please no he's not a female and it doesn't have any in this life it doesn't blow over into this life let me tell you continue on right so you were elizabeth as i remember yeah and so as elizabeth you were a woman who was intelligent who was raised in a family where you had love you had enough support enough and enough intelligence to be able to go to university and you were interested in studying science and studying radioactivity let me give just a little bit of context so so diana is amazing she's a great hypnotherapist she offered to do a session and she says cross over the rainbow bridge and i'm like oh the rainbow bridge i cross over turns into a cobblestone kind of the london bridge or something and i see myself in a horse and buggy and i'm like i see a driver on the top and then i see a woman with a couple kids in the middle and i'm like oh please be the driver it's a man and i'm like oh no i look at my hands they're petite and dainty and i have these like dress i have a puffy sleeve and there's a little bracelet i'm like oh no i'm the woman oh no and i'm like because i don't feel and then you're like oh so you're a woman i'm like yeah i'm a woman yeah okay not that there's anything wrong with that but as a man i identify in this life very masculine but at any rate and then i see myself other you know anyone yeah i see children and then i see that i took a life of being a a spouse to someone that was in business and instead of doing something that i wanted to do in education academia i kind of like well i'm just going to do that now pick up your perception of that so my perception is you were born into a time where there were expectations and if you were of a certain class i'm talking about victorian culture you know mid 18th mid 19th cen 18th century through 19th century even though that wasn't truly victorian um that women of a certain stature of a certain class behaved in certain ways and had certain expectations that you didn't work that you worked in the home that you raised your children that you became part of your husband's life you could have your own intellectual pursuits but they always had to give way to whatever your husband's life was and so a woman had to suppress their own instincts in terms of what fulfilled them and that that was an expectation that society gave you but it put you in a place of conflict if you had desires of your own and goals of your own that were being unrealized and so in that life it would have been incredibly courageous as a woman to say oh hell no i'm not doing this i'm going to go off and i'm going to be marie curie i mean she had the opportunity to do that well that's the weird thing you're like well what are you doing i'm like i'm i'm going you go fast forward in your life how are you you know you move back and forth because there's no time and you're young and i'm washing clothes with a mother and we're poor or something and then go forward i'm about 18 i'm going into college what are you studying uh radioactivity with like marie curie type of stuff and [Laughter] i'm like oh that's kind of out of left field uh and you know i actually uh have since we did our session i looked up marie curie was born in like 1867. and she was like her and her husband had done a bunch of research with x-rays and radioactivity around the turn of the century and they were she won two nobel p prizes four in the earlier in the early 20th century yeah so i'm like damn it i should have been before marie curie i could have been the one that you could have you could have been the primary i could have been her mentor right but you know the the the fun aside from that it's just like there was some desire that i had that i decided it was going to be very challenging for me to try to fulfill that desire so i just did what the societal norm was to be done right and and so the lesson out of this when we look at some of the challenges that you raised in this lifetime is about breaking free of expectations whether their internal expectations or how you're conditioned so all of us as we come into a life receive conditioning we have parents who have a life you are raised with whatever religious persuasions they have you are raised with whatever foundation of community of culture of societal expectations of educational expectations of what is okay and not okay to do how you think how you should be how you dress don't have long hair hippie you know all that kind of stuff is stuff that you get from your parents from your grandparents so there's a whole generational norm that comes into a family and so when you come into a family before you're able to think critically on your own and have some outside experience you accept that so you mentioned that you were raised in a fundamentalist christian background yes and in that background there are prescriptions about how one acts how one behaves how one treats relationships how one treats oneself what one does what one doesn't do and how one explains the world and my background i was raised as a catholic so i have prescriptions that are different but similar so what i found as i became my own person and began to explore the world that some of those expectations didn't work for me personally and i found it hard to believe that they worked for my mother you know it's like how can you say i remember asking her when i was young how can you say that you shouldn't have sex before you get married but how do you know you want to be with that person if you haven't had sex with them i mean there are these paradoxes that are a part of life how do you how do you explain paradoxes and if you get this religious answer to me that was very unsatisfying yeah and so it's like okay i hear you mom and i'm going off and doing tarot cards and i'm doing all of these how old were you when you started your journey of searching probably about 17 or 18 once i went to college then i'm kind of in my own head in my own world it's so beautiful because i hear so many people go yeah you know dave when i got to be about 18 19 college age i had my own mind i was like oh well i stayed in that because i thought that was what you're saying so so physiologically our brains do not stop growing until we reach somewhere between 28 and 30. so i found i had in that time period 28 to 30 i began to become my own self and i moved from northern california to southern california and my mother was horrified that i was leaving the bay area because she would never leave the bay area but i didn't know that then you know it's like oh you shouldn't do that that's a bad thing for you to do that's like no it's really the right thing for me to do this is my life and how i see it moving and so that was my i think my big first real break away from my parents and how they thought was to move off in my own life were you afraid to do that or were you comfortable doing that i was excited to do that because i really felt like the right thing for me and i'd really had to stretch to get the job that i got and move away i mean it's a huge break from living in the bay area and having all friends here and everything else that's bold to do just completely change just you change you don't do things i had gone to usc so i still had some friends from like 10 years before i had two two friends in southern california but that was it you know so i was like okay well maybe there's some people i know so um i think that was my first real break from them i got some inklings when i was starting college and in college broke away and then i would say most of my growth i would say growth out of just being doing a job and figuring out what i could do you know in this world um came later in life um [Music] so i think everyone's journey is different yeah and my parents were alcoholic and at age 35 i decided i would address that in my own life and went through an inpatient program um to for alcoholics oh so you had maintained a pattern of the your parents and so you've also been an alcoholic right so um at age 35 i broke free of that um and so i'm now 30 i'll be 37 years sober this year so the that was one thing it's like me being different me being me it's like okay i was raised with that i have an addictive personality i just have to accept that move on so then that shifts what i know about me and i think as we age we learn different things about ourselves as we push ourselves into being who we are and it's it's kind of pushing yourself through the journey i didn't get into doing hypnotherapy and into this work until i was 64. wow so i'm a late bloomer when it comes to doing the intuitive work oh that's incredible so i found and the intuitive is so important because there's things when you're working with someone you're like feeling something come up and you're like are you sure it's not this thing and they're like oh you're right it is that thing i couldn't i couldn't do hypnotherapy if i hadn't been willing to engage and shift myself out of my very left brain analytical self and open up and begin to learn about my intuitive self and i think as we make choices in our life we start to open up different aspects of ourselves and and so those aspects remain clouded until we reach them yeah i mean you shared with me you had a corporate experience you were a very high level decision maker in a very professional essence i mean you're just like this that has to be very prescriptive of you know this is the numbers and there's the budget and you know it's probably very just non-uh uh non-woowoo scientific went and then for you to be able to transition uh at a later point in your linear pathway to go oh now i'm going to use that skill set and then get in touch with the spiritual essence and talk about the soul journey that's fascinating right however most of us are really bad at picking up subtle signals leaning down knock knock oh yeah we can't see it and so um the universe sends us uh lightning bolts oh good yeah now we get a lightning bolt something happens that is so critical that we can't keep doing it and so in my job i was working for an organization that then was acquired by another organization and being a woman in a high powered position working for somebody who did not respect women in high-powered positions and i spoke my mind which he also didn't like and that was the end of me and so i was let go out of this position and then i had to figure out now what am i going to do because i've been working more than full-time and now i'm doing nothing oh boy and so that put me into a crisis of who am i because i really had identified with my career and we tend to identify with that human aspect of our doing this what do we do go to a cocktail party and someone says hey what do you do they don't ask how are you they ask how are you and you go fine and that's then they go on to what do you do yeah they really don't care how you are how your being is and so being put into that crisis i then started looking and it took me probably over a year to figure out that what i was doing which wasn't anything wasn't enough and if i sat there any longer i was gonna you know just shoot me now because it was so bad wow and so i decided i would open an office because no energy and no energy out wow you had a presence of mind that you didn't know what you were going to do but you knew you were going to do something yeah i had this idea that i was going to do consulting but there are too many people doing consulting who have been in jobs and they don't know what to do so they call themselves a consultant and you don't make money at it unless you have connections you know it's it's something you build over time and so but i decided i just can't sit here so i opened an office with nothing to do and the universe brought me a hypnotherapy training program about a month later wow and so a good friend of mine and i went through that hypnotherapy training program because she wanted to do it and i have plenty of times i don't have anything else to do i don't have anything else to do so i might as well go do it so it wasn't a burning passion of yours it was like yeah no clue why not try this no clue but i was being it was opened up to me and it was opened up in the town next to where i had my office okay and how did it feel when you were beginning to do that work um i thought it was going to be easy you know because you get to learn all these tools and how to use them and i didn't think i'd have to do any introspection oh and the very first day you have to look at yourself and it's like oh no oh no i don't want to do this i don't trust any of these people you know i don't know these people i don't trust them i'm not going to let them see so you're pulling the curtains across your soul going now i'm just going to hang out and so what would happen when i would go into trance is a big black wall would come up i couldn't go into trance because there was a part of me that was saying you're not ready for this you're doing it but there's a part of me that was highly resistant it just wasn't my conscious mind on the inside i hadn't really moved into that place where i was open to the experience and open to allowing this part of me to emerge do you think that blockage was a soil blockage or an ego blockage what do you think it's a human blockage that um i hadn't i hadn't truly adopted or allowed that part of me to emerge so if i'm very intellectual and i'm operating very analytically with my ego mind that functions i had very little understanding of the intuitive emotional part of me and so that was very blocked off so every time i went towards that to feel something i couldn't feel anything and so the blockage would come up and i had to go through an experience of releasing those feelings which happened during that hypnotherapy training program that then opened up the other side and then i was able to function but until that happened i was totally blocked from doing anything i could go through the motions of it and i certainly could do it with other people but someone would try it with me and i couldn't go into trance because i was i had no emotional side available and so when you work with clients what you always are asking about is how in touch are you with your emotional side are you able to feel things i've had clients this one in particular was a cpa and he wanted to do the newton work and so we sat down and i started in and i said how does this feel to you and he goes well okay i know it's fine i don't know not know how does it feel he had no feeling language that's zero and so that's taught me that when i'm working with a client someone who may or may not have experienced hypnotherapy it's always really important to find out what the level of experience is and whether there's a sensitivity towards feeling towards being able to do guided imagery allowing your conscious mind to sit on the side while you experience something and if you're able to do that those are the skills that you need to do transfer and so if people don't have that then we start with a preliminary session to help us gauge where they are and what skill development they need before they go into deep trance the more comfortable you are with yourself and the more comfortable you are with expressing your emotions and the more comfortable you are with building a trusting relationship with me the better the session because you're not resisting there isn't a little part of you going this isn't safe this isn't safe we're not going to be able to do this i'm not going to tell her that you know my mother molested me you know those kinds of hard traumatic things tend to pop out when you're in trance it's like the things you don't want to tell anybody and they'll pop up because they need to come out and if you don't feel comfortable enough to share them then then you're going to get blocked yeah i that is such a great space to be in uh to be able to have the trust and the faith that your facilitator isn't going to judge you and i've had i've said things in that hypnotherapy session um that i didn't want to be judged on and i have i've had people say perfect oh so you wanted to you saw you had it and i'm like yeah yeah it's it's okay it's okay these are human experiences tell me more and then you're like okay good i'm not gonna you know there's nobody judging you that's such an important process i find that in doing this work it's so important to be impartial and i've had clients i remember having a client pretty early on who was gay and who was had had a lot of judgment in his life from his family because of being gay and when he came in to see me he was in crisis so he came in in to see somebody and he saw me and the one thing that he did he would in sessions he would kind of throw something at me like yeah in the bath house we went into the bathroom and hooked up to see if i would judge that's the way i to see how my energy reacted to that am i going to get brow beaten by this person or is there going to be you know how could you or that kind so sometimes you get tested and and to be open really open-minded all behavior is human behavior so good you know it's all what we do uh we have animal parts of us and we have you know animal instincts yes the survival the fear i mean you were sharing with me that fear that's a human thing the soul isn't afraid you're human i need to survive that's a human event that's definitely a human event so but that then can close off the soul's journey so you're all we have these two parts of us that are in this body so when you come in as as the baby is in the mom's womb the soul enters the baby and so there's a melding of the soul and the human mm-hmm and what i'm finding fascinating is newton says it doesn't usually happen until about the fourth or fifth month right yes from the his perspective the soul can't engage with the fetus until it has enough internal capacity it has to have something going on and uh so it's always interesting for me to know when when you joined your mother the other thing that's interesting to me is to know how you go into the body so um when you go into the fetus when your soul enters the fetus uh do you have a sense of how you enter oh wow i haven't thought about that before i always enter through the back of the neck people enter through the heart they enter through the top of the head they enter through the face they enter they just go splat into the whole body oh wow you also had mentioned that some souls don't necessarily want to come here but they kind of feel the obligation and they come in late and then what happens to them so to to back that up a little bit when we choose to go into a life we may choose to go into that life and know that it's going to have challenges that are really going to be pushing us yes okay so and some of us like me are really impatient we go i am so sick of doing the same thing over and over again let's just get it done i want all these things in one life this is the soul saying this without any remembrance of the of the pain and suffering of the body as it goes through these experiences let's just get this done just get it done just just get it done i want 10 things i'm going to work on in the next lifetime yeah and then my guide said okay we can let you do that that's okay but you have to take the tools with you i don't need tools i can do this let's just get it over with and so now you're going to get tools so when you choose a life you may have that expectation and the closer it gets and the more you get towards that lifetime there may be an anxiety about oh my goodness i am going to have to have this life and i chose it and i know that i can turn around back out of it if i'm if that's really what i want to do but my soul chose this for a reason and i want to get it done so souls will come in and sometimes they're just so excited about being that they will come in as soon as they can and so you find that souls will enter about the fourth month or as soon as the baby is is stable and they go in and out and they're with the mother sometimes the the baby and the mother or the the two souls will have made a contract that they're both there to support each other and so the soul of the baby will be outside of the mother in a supportive way so they go in and out yeah then there are others who will come in very late like right in the ninth month right before they're born because they have an anticipation of some of the things that are going to be happening we get a little bit of a preview we don't get enough necessarily to show all the detail because we have free choice so but in general these are the conditions that may exist it's like okay now that i know that i'm i think i'll just hold out in this nice comfy place i'm in the spirit realm everything's love and blessings i'll hang out here in unconditional love as long as i can and i'll enter when i have to so there are souls that'll enter a week or two before being born oh boy and and one of the questions that crosses my mind is there are people who don't connect very well with their bodies and who have issues body issues and who don't appreciate their bodies and it would be interesting for me this is one of those kinds of things that you would have to do a research study is what is the connection between people who come into their bodies late and those that have issue body issues or disconnect from their bodies have addictive issues that cause them to dissociate what's the relationship between late enterers and these people um don't know if i could ever do that study because i come across every once in a while it's not the norm to come in that late most come in somewhere around six months because the baby is fully formed it has a brain it's able you're able to interact with it you're able to get a sense and begin the soul is able to begin to mesh with the baby at that point in a way so that you become one yeah newton talks about just the energetic pad patterns and melding with the brain functionality and the energy of the brain and so now you become a being that goes oh i'm david you know right right this isn't a separate interview but you are calling yourself by your soul name and david you are simply david just one entity right so we come together as one entity and and that when you're trying to figure things out causes some confusion because when you talk about the soul the soul seems to be something that's very abstract and in this paradigm it's a part of you that lives forever and it's the part that is held in our emotional subconscious so when you are doing work in the between life state or in the soul state what you're doing is you're purposefully setting the conscious ego mind of the human aside to work with the subconscious the soul energy and that we carry that deep subconscious soul energy in our in our memory but it's very deep and as as children you find children who talk about being in a plane crash in world war ii and they can describe the instrument panel and everything and how can a four-year-old tell somebody about tachometers and you know whatever other dials are there and very casually say yep that was the plane i went down in yeah yeah and have its parents just totally freaked because their kid is talking about something it's like how do you know that yep there's a fascinating documentary that i saw a section of with a story like that i think it was on amazon prime if if you google it you'll find it there's something about the soldier in it don't remember the name of it but just fascinating how this little guy remembered everything and then they were able to track trace it back and actually found his credentials as a world war ii fighter planet it's incredible i mean people will always ask when they do past life work um is it real is it real am i did i really have a problem did that really happen so one of my actually my very first past life i'm sitting there with a script i don't know what the hell i'm doing so i'm using this script that someone else has written to take this guy into a past life and he went into a past life where he was a roman senator and and he's very upset and he's realizing that his son is a general and that his son is going into battle and he believes it's not a good battle to be having and he's afraid that his son is going to get killed and and so he's trying to stop his son from doing that now this is someone who came to see me because he was mourning his father's death and couldn't get over it he couldn't get through the mourning process and so i asked him to look into his son's eyes they said yep it's my dad and he's gonna die oh wow and so it was the energetic connection yeah so we went through that whole story and he came back the next week he said that just really intrigued me because i know nothing about roman history i had to go look it up and damned if there wasn't a roman senator who had a son who died in battle who he so he was like whoa that's really strange so the question i always get when clients are asking us because we are remembering things as a familiarity because it's the same brain that's that's kind of guiding and filling in the blanks is it am i making this up what you're doing is accessing your emotional subconscious where the memory is held an emotional memory may be incomplete so if you think about emotional memory emotional memory captures emotions so i had a client who when he went into a past life landed in this scene where he's very upset and he's he is having a heated discussion with someone and he goes i am so frustrated i can't tell what i'm saying and i said that's because you didn't remember the words what you remembered was the feeling you remembered the anger yeah and and so as he stayed with it he gradually began to remember the context and we ended up having to go back in his life and bring him back up to that scene to see what it really was so this happened to be a man in this life who's in it who is a indian from india and so he went back into his childhood in that life and in his childhood in that life he was living in a house and he said it's like a in a village and it's like a village that is a european village but my mother is wearing a sari so when he came out of it i said to him so tell me about this village because what i was seeing as you were in this village before you said anything about it is i was seeing kind of a dusty dirt road and i was seeing these very gray bricks and and i was seeing that and when you so to me when you said it was like an english villager european that made a lot of sense and he said why did my mother have a sari on and i said probably because that in this lifetime carries that image of mother and you filled in that blank from this lifetime oh it's so good so it's the how do you part of it is from this lifetime does it matter that his mother was wearing a sorry no so the details that we pick up in this from this lifetime are the ones that kind of fill it in because humans like full stories oh my we do one thing newton says is when people have their death experience and they get to the afterlife and they see the religious figure they're like oh it's jesus and then they get there and jesus smiles at them and then pretty soon they go oh that's my guide oh then they have a conversation with their guy because they have this predisposition to have an expectation of what's going to happen right so we come in with a belief system and then we get to see that thing until we realize oh well what's the real reality and then it's part of the soul journey right and so we have all of these scripts in our minds and so when you're doing past life work and especially if you haven't done very much of it you're trying to figure out is it real or is it not real but because the mind works in stories anyway whether it's real or not it's really about the message i love that because we since we think we learn messages and stories i mean look at aesop's fables look at look at the bible stories that they're all about the message i love that it's the truth of the message not that did it literally happen right it's not about the literacy it's did you get the truth of the message i mean does it really matter if you were run over by an ox cart you know does it really matter if i had a past life in which i was sick but i wasn't dead and i was put on the cart and buried with the dead during the black death oh my oh wow that was pretty awful yeah it's not a good day no that was that was a pretty rough one wow um i didn't enjoy that no that's got to feel below average yeah i'm not repeating that one thank you very much but the does it it none of that really matters what matters is if i don't speak up for myself the message out of that is i spoke up too late i didn't move myself out of the place where that could happen to me i was powerless and it was about me speaking up for my own power so we learn through these experiences and so past life work uses the metaphor of another life in order for us to see ourselves differently so it's like shifting eyes i'm looking at myself as if i were watching myself on tv and so you see things differently so what is the story about and people have such incredible past life journeys um i have had several people go through the nazi death camps oh boy and which are violent in their own way and there are i mean they're stories of redemption there i had this woman who is a chiropractor now in this life and she went through the death camp when she was six years old and she was with her mother in the gas chamber and i tried to move her more quickly through it and she resisted she said i have to go through this oh boy it's like okay and it was very painful and her mother is telling her to breathe really deeply so that she will go faster and as she came out the other side she was crying it took her almost a half an hour and she was crying for the people who couldn't escape because she was feeling in that moment that she'd escaped she was released from the body she was released from the body so she was out and she was still in this little girl mind that those people couldn't escape as she had yeah she couldn't and she was thinking about she couldn't heal them she couldn't fix them and so later during her soul journey while we were talking to her guides i said ask them why you had to experience that what was that about why did you have to go through that in that way to understand what healing really is because if i don't understand my role in healing and the role of the person being healed that it's a mutual role where we come together in healing and that they're responsible for their part and if they don't take the medicine i prescribe or they don't do what they're supposed to do i can't fix them it's not about fixing them and so i had to understand the role of healing from that perspective in order to understand how i could truly be a great healer that's beautiful uh there are so many lessons that you take from a hypnotherapy session and people ask they'll ask me well what do they do to you what do you what do they say to you and the therapist the facilitator doesn't do anything to you they simply ask you questions and then there has to be a level of like okay well let's move forward let you know you have to have some symbol otherwise i'll just stay in this i don't know what to do now you know because i'm putting my thinking mind um giving it the clipboard and said go go count your toes sit on the side and try to get my body and i try to get in that space where it feels like i'm going to start falling asleep so my body i'm trying to get rid of that sensation but yet i'm you know i'm still you know the calculator's still going so i'm trying to okay what's the visual image that i allow my imagination to create here and i just try to go with that so there are various stages of of going of hypnosis the first part's an induction so the induction is taking you into a trance state so the induction gradually provides relaxation and is giving you suggestions and the suggestions are your conscious mind can sit on the side and you're totally safe and you will be able to speak loudly and clearly and be able to hear me and be able to disconnect and you're totally safe so that's an example of a suggestion and so i'm reminding you that as your body is going to sleep and it's feeling heavier and it's feeling more and more asleep your mind is awake your your soul mind is awakening and it's free enough to continue even though your body is asleep and you may feel like you can't open your eyes but you know you always can so it is i had a client the other day say i can still hear you was i was i hypnotized and there is this belief that you're totally passed out and asleep yeah you know and that you don't remember anything and it's not like that um it's an altered state so the first part is you're literally talking back and forth yeah it's not like you're a zombie or something no and so especially if i'm trying to keep if you are someone who tends to go to sleep i don't work with you oh i bet that would be a challenge too if somebody actually fell asleep yeah oh i've had that happen that's a yeah that's why i don't do deep trance work at night because it's too easy to fall asleep because you're already tired so so i will talk more have someone who is has a tendency to fall asleep i will have them talk to me more during the induction and i'm telling you the sound of your own voice is only going to take you deeper and deeper so then we move through this induction where you're feeling yourself now in this place of relaxation and comfort and calm kind of floaty even though you're heavy you're floaty and so what we did was we became one with the ocean started as a drop of water relaxing on the ocean becoming letting go of your boundaries with the ocean and then connecting to the mist of the sky and once you're connected to the sky there's this rainbow bridge that you're going to go across so it's kind of a natural soft visual progression that has something that's a visual but it's not a prescribed visual i use non-prescribed visuals so if your colors are moving around you in random forms which colors tend to do they're not linear it's just allowing them to be whatever they are so and then you moved into a past life so and then i turned into a woman and then you turned into a woman so so during the um once you move into that role i'm guiding you so when you're in a past life you go you go in at a certain point in the life and people tend to go in somewhere in their young adult self i don't know why that is and i'm just realizing that now that they do or they go in at the death experience and so we always have to go back so you land you landed in a carriage with two kids and you know that you're going to something and it was routine and it's your carriage and it was routine but but it isn't anything that is drawing your attention other than it's a normal activity of you and so then we went back to your childhood so my role is to help you move through the progress of the life and see different segments i always tell you that you will download the whole life that you will have that whole life memory even though we just stopped in three or four places in the life so we learned something out of the life and as you move through that life i ask you questions like like what are your goals what do you want to be when you grow up do you have thoughts about the future are you just in the present i've had people who just are in today that's all they are they have no no thoughts about anything other than being right where they are and then what came up with me is i wanted to study radioactivity and i'm like what i would never want to do that now i did go to school to get a biology degree because i thought that would be a way to navigate and be a doctor or whatever and i quickly found out i did not want to be a scientist and part of my life journey was through that science connection but it was just fascinating you know as you ask a question to kind of guide it through you're like oh this does come up so my role and when you're in that state is to move you through that life so you so you don't get stuck and you just don't stop in a place but to move through it and you moved to the end of your life before i could get you there i just wanted to get that life forward with you you got through that and so it's like you know what i don't even want to do this visual imagery that was we're kind of done so you moved right to you're like oh okay we moved to the end of the life and that's where we went and then we so i take advantage of that when you move someplace i go with it and so once you transition and you make that transition out of that body into spirit you're seeing the body of that past life and dr newton always wanted people in their journey to go in the progression the soul always goes which is why he always went through a past life so you would die out of a life into the between life state as opposed to going backwards from this life so that was purposeful and and you get the information about that life which adds to your understanding of this life and so as your you died out of that life and went into the light you still had characteristics of elizabeth you're still thinking about that life you're thinking about you you're thinking about who you were and while you were still kind of with that i asked you um what can elizabeth share with david about this life what did elizabeth learn that would be helpful to david what did i say you said that you ought to be more assertive it was about finding my passion finding yeah that's right so so don't let don't be blocked by something be aware of those societal things that stand in your way that's right okay because she was really bound by that and that if you find yourself in crisis to look at what those are and move forward because she was stuck and and didn't didn't find a way out and her her recommendation to you was if you can do it it'll be worth it that's good okay so now i remember this was really key to me in my david's soul journey is uh having been brought up in a religious structure i was taught certainty if you do this then you'll be safe and so i know that safety and to belong and feel loved those are human connections we all want to feel safe and feel loved and i'm even incorporating that in meditation spaces now where i'm like i'm safe i'm loving i really have to feel the feeling of that um but now i'm like well i need the certainty so no matter what decision i'm about to make i got to be certain that it's the right decision because if i make it and it's the wrong quote-unquote wrong decision then something bad will happen and i feel like today's session with you was allowing me to say the religious need for certainty you can let that go because that is a human need not a soul need because the soul doesn't need to be certain because it already is certain it's here on this journey and it's going to be fine no matter what happens but this character i'm playing david with his ego that's like i'm afraid because the ego knows it's going to stop as soon as this body stops the ego is done and so it needs to be certain it needs to be safe and protected and loved and it wants to keep me separated from any connection and then you get your programming and all the cultural appropriation that you get to come in with and it was like the lesson i was getting was you need to surrender the need to control everything you need to not be certain that i'm making the right i don't want to make the wrong you just need to have the courage to make a decision no matter what the decision is just have the courage to make the decision that was really impactful so when you got into into soul space we kind of moved away from any life and you were simply there yeah and once you were there in your beingness then i'm giving you cues about well maybe you should is your guide there is this a question for your guide so i'm only giving you prompts about content and not about where you go and how you just so my role shifts you need this and you just say well what's coming up right what and what do your guides say about that now what do you feel because i'll get a client saying i don't know oh sure i don't know i'd like you're right what is your guide saying what are your guy what is your counsel telling you what are they telling you about it you're feeling stuck about this what guidance can they give you how can they help you see a starting point how can they help you see an opening how can they help you be aware of of the first step forward you don't have to see the whole path but if you remain stuck and don't take that first step you will always be stuck and you don't have to run the entire mile you just have to take that first step so what can your council tell you about them and it was all about courage and being open and being mindful and being open to the abundance that you can manifest anything that you choose to be and having the courage to live that i mean the the issue that appeared in your life as david was also in elizabeth's life that that over over a span of probably multiple lifetimes you've been dealing with indecision over your knee your soul needs versus those of others that you love and care about yeah and where where do those stand in relationship to each other and how do i make choices when being courageous for me will have an impact on others that i care about yeah yeah there is no easy answer to that and and so the soul has to come to terms with these things and when you're in this space it gives you a little comfort at least that there isn't a right answer that is great when you make a choice you get a lesson so whatever choice you make a lesson will come from it and that lesson will lead you to more learning and to you know greater expansion yeah and you even gave presents to the fact that as the soul is continuing it continuing its evolutionary process you know through the millennial timeline your lessons kind of get a little bit more challenging as you get more advanced and maybe you don't need to learn simple things of kindness or connection or you know responsibility maybe you've already learned all those things now you're learning to what's authentic to what you want and you know it's sacrifice for you sacrifice your own needs for someone else that means you really love them or or are you just not really living authentic to your soul and what your soul is and maybe the courage is to possibly someone else gets hurt but at least you're authentic to your soul and in the long run if you do what makes you happy everyone else is going to be happy because you're all doing what is authentic authentic yeah right yeah and not in a you know like well you know i smoke crack because it makes me happy and i beat everyone that's not yeah exactly exactly not necessarily a positive thing but it is a lesson but it's a lesson even if you did that smoke crack even if you did that you'd learn something from it it would probably not a pleasant learning well that's what i've learned is there's really nothing that you can't do that you didn't go oh well now i've learned from it even if it's some dark and negative thing you're like well i had that experience and this is why going through this process shifts how you feel about the soul's journey because on in the human experience and in religious experience if you do something like smoking crack and running over your neighbor's dog you're you're a bad person and you go to hell because you're you're weak and you're you know your soul is damaged and whatever whatever that is the soul and the soul home our soul home and our guides and all who are there are extensions of god and we are all the god energy and this is us your eternal home is a space of infinite unconditional love and and as we learn as we progress through our souls journey we learn more and doing it in this human form that can only contain part of our souls it's too narrow we don't even bring all of our interests we can't because we're too we're too tiny and we're too compact and we're too isolated and all of our true self doesn't fit inside of the body we might only bring 40 or 50 percent of our soul energy into this incarnation because we don't want to blow out this human and in this in this um maladaptive form in the in this human form we are always going to be fallible yeah and so our fallibility and our simple humanness and our animal instincts and all that makes us human is always going to cause us to have lessons we may not like the lessons but we don't but our growth is our soul group growth is happening as we learn those those human lessons as we interact with each other i guess the reason i don't like the lessons is because i tend to learn through pain instead of pleasure for whatever reason that seems to be a narrative oh this was hard oh it was uncomfortable versus wow this was so fun i want to keep doing this lesson right and we tend to learn that way yeah i mean that seems to be the human why is that that's human condition yeah and and so the soul as it goes through its improvement over time well there isn't time over over the space in which it does this someone may come into human form you know once every thousand years or you may come in and keep doing it because you keep doing it because you want to keep you're impatient and you want to keep doing it and get it done tell me about impatience diana you shared something with me about that yes i'm impatient my in fact when i did my last journey um i had the person who facilitated me asked if my soul would if it's a soul characteristic or if it's a human character it's a soul characteristic my soul is really impatient it just wants to get things done yeah and so it will choose a hard lifetime and in this life you've got a motor too you're even in this lifetime you're wanting to do things oh yes i get really bored yeah you probably picked out a good complimentary soul body connection there right i have a really strong soul-body connection it's teaching me a lot sometimes good sometimes not so good but most the time i incarnate as a man this life i chose to incarnate as a woman because it was going to be harder it was going to be harder to be me and to be the assertive person and strong personality that i am in in human form and so yeah i mean we're seeing you know the in politics that a a woman who is assertive is called pushy you know trying to be too strong too good for her own good yeah as opposed to a man who is doing that ago who's called upwardly mobile yeah yeah if a woman gets aggressive and say oh she's hysterical or there's some majority so so i'm coming in at a time that there are breakthroughs with that but but my personality and the journeying that amount of finding myself and dealing with some of the issues that i'm dealing with in this lifetime are ones that are harder to do as a woman um and to break through things like codependence and addictions and things like that we're going to be a difficult thing to do as a woman in this lifetime oh yeah so whatever whatever those lessons i mean people talk about purpose life purpose what's my life purpose why am i here yes everyone myself included why am i here what's my purpose my answer to that usually is you're here to learn lessons there is no one purpose your purpose if i wanted to say what your purpose is your purpose is to work through the process of perfecting your soul ah it's not about the human experience it's not about the mission to be a person it's not we're human doings yeah and and the soul journey is the reason the human experience is the mechanism through which we move so diana may not have a purpose diana has a lot of lessons diana may serve a purpose in other people's lives but i don't have one purpose of being here i i can't say that i have one purpose that's very freeing that's so good that i don't have to have a purpose i i have many lessons and some i've done were easy and some were very difficult and some i keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again so when you talk to your counsel about this and going i had someone not too long ago saying i procrastinate i'm really feeling like i procrastinate and when she got to her counsel she said i just feel like i'm always procrastinating how am i doing and they said we're so pleased with the work that you're doing we're pleased because you're pushing yourself into situations that cause you to grow even if they're things that you can't finish wow what would you think of that by yourself yeah probably not and that's the point so when you're talking to your counsel they're usually telling you things from a different paradigm from a different perspective that you by yourself couldn't think of yeah so they're saying yes you are procrastinating in human form you're not getting stuck you put off stuff you don't like but you ultimately push yourself towards things that are hard for you to do and that's the lesson um that's really it isn't about being slow and being lazy or whatever term whatever judgment you're putting out procrastination is procrastinating as a judgment that's the human aspect of it but their angle on her was look at what you're doing in your life look at the role that you're playing look at where you are right now she's someone who had put her life temporarily on hold because her father is needy and she is his caretaker and as long as he's here he's 94 as long as he's here that's her job and she's feeling like she's stuck and not doing what makes her happy because she doesn't isn't free to do that but she has the time to begin to investigate things that she might like to do and so she's not procrastinating because she isn't doing anything now is not the time yeah so so it gives you i find that going on this journey and working with your counsel gives you another way of looking at things it's like i had another example i've lots of examples so i have a client whose father from the time she was born beat her oh wow and was physically and emotionally abusive to her and to her mother and to her siblings and as she was growing up um she suffered a lot physically and emotionally as a result of this and right before she came to see me she on the actually on the day that she called me to talk about making an appointment it turned out that was the day that her father died oh wow he'd been ill for a long time and it wasn't and so it was his time to go and it was interesting that at the point that she picked up the phone to do something it was the point that she was released and realized and so when she came in to see me the next day she said i put down the phone and i felt something and then she learned the next morning that her father had died about that time and while she's sitting there in my office she's saying i don't have to be afraid anymore i can let go of the fear so as we work together we went on a journey she knew that she was going to have to go to her father's funeral in a couple of weeks and so we went on this journey and we talked to her father in trance and so as she was talking to her father she said i've never really talked to my father you know he would always yell at me and i could never really talk to him because he was never calm rational he was in this always in this rage and she said he was like a little boy he had been abused as a child the way he learned to have power was to be physically abusive and that was the only way he felt in control and it became habitual and addictive for him uh and it was the only way he knew to deal with anything yeah so shifting that in that moment understanding that he had no control over himself and he was a really damaged person and in some ways it really didn't have anything to do with her it had everything to do with him she was the recipient of the damage but he was so much more damaged than she was yeah so the next session we talked to her mother because she said i don't know why my mother let this happen to me i and she was really afraid of talking to her mother because she didn't want to be angry with her mother yeah and so when she talked to her mother she said why did you let that happen how could you let your children be beaten like that and her mother told her that he had threatened her with not only with physical harm but if she ever left him what she had said he was going she was going to do if she left him he would find her children and kill them in front of her oh my god and so in order to be protective of her children she suffered and they did too geez what a journey so understanding both of those shifted her thought about her parents and about the situation the perspective she had was from being the victim yeah but seeing her parents in this horrible trapped relationship and seeing her mother trapped in that relationship shifted how she felt and so she told me she came to see me the day after her father's funeral and she said i had a wonderful time i was able to interact with my cousins the deep dark secret that my dad abused me everybody knew and it came out and so i don't have to be ashamed of it of course everything was released it all opened up they knew that he was doing this and they couldn't step in because they knew of the threats and so everything that her mother had told her in trance was validated by her cousin so it's like wow it was a really a profound experience so sometimes we learn something when we go into this inner state where we're able to engage on this very deep soul level and learn something that can shift how we interact in the world and shift how we live but you have to be willing to be open she had to trust me that it was safe to do this work with this person who practically killed her several times and with her mother who she was really afraid of hurting and that requires a lot of trust yeah so that's the kind of relationship you have to build yeah so it's these are really profound experiences that's the thing that i take away from any of the hypnotherapy sessions that i've had is it shows you the human experience and then kind of gives you some like oh now i understand why that happened whether you wanted it or not at least you kind of understand why it happened and it tends to we talk about energy so it tends to disconnect the energy and the anger and the emotion so you disconnect the emotion from what you know so once she saw it in another light seeing it in that other light didn't have the emotion of what she was feeling inside of herself so seeing it in that light shifted her energy so that she was not in the same emotional patterns she was in before so when you think about courage as you experience today you're thinking about it and feeling it in a different way than you felt it before yeah and so those shifts allow you to open another door of opportunity because you're not it's not the same old path that you were on yeah you've now shifted how you look at paths and how you perceive things yeah yeah and when you are able to let go of the need for certainty that then becomes uh i'm kind of afraid and that's where the courage comes in you don't need to be courageous if you don't have anything to be courageous against right right and when you feel that fear it's like okay i must be at a portal i must be at a door yeah because i wouldn't be fearful if it weren't something that i'm really afraid of yeah that i'm gonna have to pull on that courage oh fascinating um the newton material is so so so so good there are a bunch of books here that are in the collection of the newton library um journey of souls if you haven't read journey of souls yet go read it order it go to your bookstore get journey of souls it's on audible as well as as it's on audible if you want to drive around to listen to it it's so good destiny of souls is even greater depth people kept asking newton well i need more information so he's like oh i got more to write i mean if you look you can see the difference in the size of these books journey of souls is good and destiny is like it's even a little bit thicker he gave some more uh stuff to expound on and then uh this uh life between lives hypnotherapy he wrote this just to kind of give people an idea of how he did his stuff and you were telling me in anecdote that he didn't his yes i was talking to his wife peggy and he was not particularly pleased about this being published as a book he didn't feel there was a place for it it it is the basis one of the bases for the training manuals that are used in in training newton therapists so it got published but he didn't really see a need for it because people can learn from that and then you work with a practitioner in order to do this work so having this out in the general press was something that he was kind of going i don't know if there's really a need for this but the publisher pushed him into doing well i've read it and what i liked about it is it kind of gave more context of like oh okay i see why and i see how i thought it was amazing memories of the afterlife wisdom of souls his students collected more stories and he edited memories of the afterlife and then wisdom of souls was written after he passed i i just really love the material for me it's given me a sense of like okay there's really no way to it up you can go through your life you can have these experiences and if you like made the right choice or the wrong choice you'll learn from it either way and it's a win-win and in the end nobody judges you except for yourself your guide goes okay you came back let's clean your energy up let's give you a nice hug and a swot on the bottom and go into a little quiet space and reflect and then their messages don't be so hard on yourself it's a journey of souls yeah absolutely i mean my first my first experience with this was going through a life for our suicide oh tell that that was to me was life shifting because i was a a very emotional young man i was living in a forest my wife had a stillborn baby we really wanted the baby i was so emotional and so upset i abandoned her because i couldn't help her and i couldn't help me and feeling so emotional and so devastated i just walked off a cliff wow and ended it and as i am doing that i'm saying to myself i never want to live in a space of emotion again i'm not going to do that so the reason that came up and was important was that in this lifetime during my hypnotherapy training i broke that contract and i opened up my emotional space so this was a life that i broke that contract of 900 years in that uh suicide event did you was that a human thing a spiritual thing what was your take away of that were you judged and did you do something bad so when i left when i left the body i had all of these thoughts about how bad it is to suicide and and how i i was unacceptable and i was dirty and no one would accept me and and so i kind of hung out and finally someone whether it's my guide or someone in my soul group or someone who cared about me finally dragged me in and said just get over yourself and they said go clean yourself up and then we'll talk about it so i had to go through a cleansing process of removing the debris of that lifetime of what happened so that i could reflect because i was too wound up in that life and what happened and and that trauma at the end of the life and my understanding after that was this was the experience that you had you experienced this what did you learn from it there never any judgment about it never i brought it up and it's like what is so i suicided what does that do to my soul your soul is not harmed by it you chose the point at which you ended your life and you transitioned into out of that physical form it's a human religious judgment about about suicide yeah the soul learns whether you complete a life or not and there's a lot of mythology about about death and about choosing your own death because and there's a lot of religious prohibition around it based on religious teachings and from my perspective the intent of that is to live a good life so that religious teachings tend to move us trying to move us in the direction of living a good healthy life it's like a code of ethics community there's something to look forward to in the future there's a sense of purpose and there are restrictions of do this don't do this there certainly are and so that if monogamy is something that you do because you have children and it's between a man and a woman that that then that becomes the code that one lives by and if you choose to do something other than that then there is a moral judgment about that suicide falls into that same thing of moral judgment and there are a lot of stories about suicide i remember someone asking me if you suicide does your soul hang around on earth for as long as it was supposed to be there until your natural body would have died and not from my experience yeah i can't see how that would be a benefit but there's a mythology you know there are all of these things that have built on a layer on layer on layer of what people tell each other some of their oral histories that live in the culture my my experience of suicide was that it's a human event it's a lesson if i end my life because i have cancer and i'm in pain and i'm going to die today as opposed to a week from now does it really matter interesting on the soul level it doesn't from my experience other people may differ with me but but my experience is that's all about the soul journey and that the human container that we're in is very fallible and vulnerable and that if i reach a point that i can't survive anymore and i've gotten to the point that i can't follow through on any more lessons and i suicide then that's the end of that particular human experience and i learn from it and my soul moves on yeah i know there have been stories that i've read that the soul goes back to talk to the guide and goes i know it was a perfectly good body and i kind of stopped it earlier the guide says okay well you didn't accomplish your goals so let's design another okay and so they still had that they still had to accomplish what they had desired to accomplish now right and so it happens that another they didn't go to hell and they didn't get judged by god and there's no negativity but they didn't continue what they wanted so then they were like okay well let's continue right i mean in in i was raised as catholic and catholics talk about purgatory and purgatory is a place where the soul perfects until it is able to be with god well what better place to perfect than in human form yeah so to me that reincarnating and manifesting in human form or in a a physical form whether it's human or it's another form then uh is a way of soul perfection because you need to be in a constricted pla in a constricted space where your soul is challenged so if you think if you're in your eternal home how much soul challenge is there yep so and you need to move into it this is my own experience of this maybe not newton's but you need to move into a a place where the lessons then become real and palpable oh it's just like the weight training if you don't have a resistance you're not going to build your strength right and it's the same concept same concept whatever reason um i i love how you and i were talking and you were sharing with me the idea that there's this uh divine consciousness god energy there's a little little puff energy comes off and that's the eternal immortal soul that seeks to know how could i be perfected in this way and that's the the david or the diana uh well i guess the immortal portion of us right and then we play these little characters and you had said that when your little soul puffed is born there's other little soul puffs that are born with it other other little soul energy and that's your soul group because you're all born about the same time and i was like oh that's how we get our little soul groups is we're all kind of like we're created in those the same kind of time frame and so you each have your own guide and you each are are moved on to into your group and onto a path and yeah and you come back together so because you start about the same time you tend to have connections so you then manifest in life together and then soul groups that are close to each other then you may have your father out of a neighboring soul group and your mother out of a another neighboring soul group and because you're you're close in proximity you come together to set a contract that helps all of your souls and so this concept of of choosing your parents is about choosing the lessons that you're learning and choosing the other souls that you're learning it with so if you are in life with somebody um and you have somebody who is prominent important in your life chances are they are in your soul group in a neighboring soul group or somehow you have a soul contract with them even if they're somebody that you know for a year or two if they're prominent in your life they there is some soul connection with them because they wouldn't be there if yeah you wouldn't be coming together if your souls do have that connection i feel like in my life i went through my fundamentalist christian narrative for the first 45 years of my life and i was in that paradigm with other souls that had decided to be in that paradigm i don't know that i feel any soul energy with those groups of people but from my 40s up til i'm 50 now i feel like now i'm starting to interact with people that it feels like they're in a soul group energy where we're starting to learn and grow i don't know if that's just my linear timeline or just that's the partially and that it could be that that the group that you're with in that fundamentalist group your contract is finished their their contract with you was to perhaps to take you to this place that you then set out on your own yeah and your path is now divergent from there and so there's no good or bad it's not a judgment it's just we're doing something different now well i do get the judgment i do get the pejorative comments of you know you're doing something wrong because you've left the faith and and i'm okay with that because i realize i'm not here to convince them that my soul journey is the only truth there is i'm now comfortable with going oh it's my soul journey there's nothing i can do to mess it up and i'm okay if you want to stay in that narrative great that's what that works for you you need to stay in that and if it's the i have to believe this and this is how i get my certainty in that then you need to stay in that and please do not wake up out of that dream stay in that dream well that's their that is their choice clearly and that's their path and you were on that path until you weren't until you chose to go a different direction and their role in your life may have been to move you to a place that you chose differently that it had to come to a point and they helped you move to that point and seeing that if that was insufficient for you to manifest yourself yeah the itchy scratchy clawing of there's got to be more than this tiny narrative there's and that's just my secret quest i i want to know more tell me more and it's how we don't tend not to interact with our parents because our parents come out of their paradigm that works for them doesn't work for us and we have to love them and allow them to be in their paradigm yeah and and hope that they understand ours i don't ever expect my parents would have ever understood anything that i'm doing now but that's okay because i'm doing what i feel is is correct for me and that it's manifest in my life so when i'm working in a direction where i feel where i'm feeling nurtured and manifesting my best self i draw energy towards me i draw clients towards me my business thrives and when i'm not working towards my best self it dies or i find that we go through peaks and valleys so i had one year when i didn't have any clients for almost four months and during that time i can't remember but something happened during that time and i literally could not have held other clients energy true and the universe said knew it before i did yeah and then i didn't have any clients which really was scary to me as i'm building a practice and i just have to trust because when my energy is open and it's open to receive clients i've had four client inquiries in the last two days yeah it's beautiful to see when you put yourself in a space of trust and truly being able to have the faith that you're going to be taking care of how the synchronicities begin to come together it's truly an amazing process so you're living in your higher self and when we stay in our soul self our higher self and and pursue the soul's journey and manifesting as much as we can of our soul energy we then are living for our highest good and over time as we do that that becomes more habitual and so operating on that higher plane that higher vibration causes us to make choices from that higher vibration as opposed to the fear anxiety lower vibration of oh my god am i going to make it and clawing the bottom and the environment that we're in with covid is pushing us down into the mud yeah because there is so much fear and so much tension and so much anxiety that that it sits over everybody and as you're trying to make decisions in this environment and trying to think clearly it clouds you because it people are expressing all of this negative energy whether it is the negative political stuff or it is divisiveness or racism or simply i don't know if i'm going to be able to stay in my house because i don't can't pay my rent because i lost my job and that is out in the world and most of us who are sensitive are very porous so we're very porous and we receive that in and we begin to mix it with our own energy and that is a problem for people who are intuitive if you're very sensitive you start to accumulate that and that then gets into your own energy system and you have to clean that out and you have to set filters for yourself so you keep that stuff out here instead of allowing it inside you because it starts to contaminate your thinking and you know this is a free show right you're just giving all this wisdom just plain it out thank you for that that's so good um okay as we're kind of rounding third coming in towards home baseball's back so i can talk about sports analogies again um kind of well first of all if someone is looking for a therapist i have found the newton institute website and i have found people connected on that yourself included how if someone's looking for a life between life hypnotherapy session if they want to see someone in person they can find someone nearby in their area if they want to see someone on a zoom or a skype meeting they can do that anywhere around the world kind of give the process for how you can find a connection with the newton institute and then give presents to your personal work sure the newton institute's website is and on the website there is a button up at the top that says locate a therapist and you can look up by name it'll if you don't hit any buttons and don't narrow it and don't filter it then it's an alphabetical listing of all of our members all of the people on that list are our certified members who have gone through our extensive training and certification process and annually subscribed to our code of ethics and so all of them are doing this work all of them are trained therapists regressionists they know how to work with you if you get scared you know they know how to do this work so you can refine it by state by country many of the listings also indicate online now or via zoom all of the listings on our website they're a single page that lead then to a link to the therapist's own website so you can get more information you can get their pricing many therapists will list their pricing because a lot of times people will contact a therapist and say what do you charge and they gasp you know and say that's way too much so if you think you know if depending on where you are it can it varies so if you're trying to get a therapist in new york city when where rents are high it's going to be a lot more than if you're in oshkosh wisconsin just because rents are high and so it tends to vary by area but most most therapists are going to post their pricing because people want to know yeah my experience was you had two sessions a few hundred for the past life to make sure you're a good candidate and then some mid hundreds for a full life between right that's kind of a generality right people say how much does it cost it's under a grand and if you have no experience at all i do a regular session um which is a hundred dollars um as a preliminary session to figure out you know if you've never done any kind of hypnosis or anything so that you don't come in and feel your failure if you for some reason you can't get into a past life sure so it's all about skill development so finding a therapist i find is a process of you feeling that this person is right to work with and so you may identify two or three different people who look interesting my suggestion is to contact them and set up a phone consultation or zoom consultation if you want to work online with them set up a zoom consultation those are usually free mine are always free because you want to get a sense of can i work with this person can i trust this person if i'm going to tell them that i'm into devil worship and you know and bondage and that's part of who i am and that's what i'm trying to figure out where that came from i have to be free to talk about it yeah so if i have discomfort with the person and feeling they're going to judge me over my behavior then then i'm not going to be able to work with them so you may pick out two or three call them email them usually their website has something a contact or they'll on our website their phone number and their web information is available and usually an email address each uh newton type of practitioner is still an independent business they're individual businesses they are not the newton institute is trains and certifies therapists each therapist has their own business so i'm connected to the newton institute in administrative capacity i also have my own practice and so my own practice runs totally independently of the newton institute but i must because i am certified by them and i'm listed on their website i must follow their protocols when i'm doing newton work yeah and your personal contact how do people get ahold of you i my my website is s f bay regressions with an perfect so that's that's how to find me and if you want to find me you can also find me through the newton website locate a therapist i think i'm there are a couple of diana's but yeah well what i like about uh the session that i have experienced with you is you were very smooth very easy to work with and then you were just you knew i had a list of questions things you know personal things i'm curious about and you were able to help me pull out some things that i need to know i'm like oh and i had a few epiphanies about this you know journey in this quest and the things that i'm learning and then you kind of sum it up with the more you go on your soul journey as you continue to advance on this the lessons kind of get to be more challenging i'm like that must be why this lesson's so challenging for me um so dr newton uh described people always come in wanting to know what their soul color is if they've read his books and so he described soul growth in a color array yeah a scheme of a scheme of colors and when you're when you're first born and you're new you're white you haven't developed any particular identity and you're you're out there it's like kids you know they're clean they're blemishes they're playing you know they're creating a lot of karma for themselves they're learning who they are a two-year-old that's naked running around is funny if a thirty-year-old is naked not the same not quite the same so you move from white into yellow so it isn't stained moving in the yellow doesn't stain you in fact it's part of the growth and so as one matures one deepens in color and so when you move from white into shades of yellow and then from there into shades of blue and purple and silver and gold and so as one progresses one may not have a very clear color when i was doing my training i saw myself as kind of a butter yellow oh no i don't know what i am now but that was several years ago so that was what i was then when we were looking at you today you were seeing yourself in this kind of yellowish blue people who tend to do this work are far enough along in their souls progress that they actually care about their soul's progress someone who is young and just getting started doesn't have a clue that their soul has a progress yet so they're not reflective we have to it's like we have to be far enough along in our lives to have something to reflect about yeah and we have to be far enough along in our souls journey to also be reflective about the journey of the soul so dr newton would never generally would not work with somebody who was in their early 20s because he felt they had insufficient life experience in this lifetime to be able to absorb and understand and if your guides tell you you start asking questions and your guides say you have to live it you have to choose it you have to live it it starts to get repetitive that you don't have enough in this lifetime to be able to work with so he was very cautious about that that's something i always want to know if it's a young person what kind of what is the path that they're on and if they have a serious path that they have a serious issue and they're trying to figure it all out i have a a client that i'm working with now who's 27 who is two years sober from alcohol and drugs and wants to know about this journey and how to move through this addictive part of her life and what path is that's a reasonable journey to do this work that there's some depth there it's it's a reflective depth if she were just wanted to know what what her next boyfriend is going to be and what life is going to be like get 40 when she turns old yeah then yeah then probably not you know so there has to be a maturity one has to be involved in mature questions uh and he found that people who were very young did not have the maturity it was the rare person i think that that has shifted over time he started working in the 60s so life has changed since the 1960s yes yeah your soul journey is fascinating to me to have you've shared with me some of how you you came from your family history and the uh the things you had to work through whether it was alcoholism or whatever that was you went into the corporate aspect of yourself now you're shifting into more of the nurturing intuition feeling soul guiding and yet you're still on this quest yourself to continue to evolve your soul it's not like you went oh i hit a certain age and i'm just gonna you know retire and watch tv and garden in fact you said you'd even tried that and you just had this quest you're like there's still you've got a motor there's still things going so what's diana's soul what what's next for you how are you continuing your journey my soul is impatient so it always wants it always wants the next really good thing to come along it isn't satisfied so i think in this lifetime diana feels that there's always more there whatever that is i don't know what that is and i've made some major major transitions in my life where in this iteration of me i don't know the people i knew ten years ago i'm living in a different place i'm doing something different i'm completely different in relationships i'm different in my work i'm different in how i think and i'm just at the beginning of that journey i'm only like 10 or 12 years into that journey so if that's the case there is so much more to this journey yeah and my belief that as long as we are open to the abundance of what is here we will be brought what we need and that we manifest that abundance i want it all so my my soul wants to experience the good stuff that i deserve as a result of moving through these stages and having courage to move away from things that were harmful for me and learning through that when i did my last soul journey and and went to the afterlife on my own quest um i the person who was doing it was also connected with the newton institute and he and so he asked the question so why did the newton institute in this position as a director come into your life and i started to cry because it was like this is the result of doing all the work that you are now ready to be in this position and so it's like this is pulling together things in your life all of the you know public policy kinds of things all the organizational things and this intuitive side and you're able to combine them in a skill set that helps people in a different way and to manifest that a couple of years ago to me it was just amazing yeah and those kinds of things come from being present and being open to opportunity and seeing it and i didn't see that clearly the opportunity came open in like september and i didn't want to do a video so i didn't do a video because i didn't want to do it and it didn't get filled and then in january came up again and it was like it was going uh tap tap tap you know this is still here because you're supposed to pay attention to it yeah and so i called and it actually had been sitting there waiting for me until i got the courage to take it on yeah so things will show up we aren't you know there's not this isn't about perfection and making immediate choices and everything i find i'm very slow at times to recognize things that are good for me because i'm habituated in things being not being great sure you know that you have a lot of you learn as you said learn through pain life is hard and things bad things will happen no matter when you get these programming that that you seem to just kind of fall into that that's that's the story yeah you get in those stories yeah you get into those stories and you have those narratives running and you have to shift the narrative and and this work forces you into shifting your narrative yeah for yourself and the more you shift that and the more you stay in soul energy the higher your vibration the more you draw that to you beautiful beautiful um the last thing i want you to do is if there's one thing that you want people to take away from your life experience from the work with the newton institute with this whole human experience what is that one thing you want to make sure people know don't be afraid to live your life i once heard somebody say you have a choice you either can sit in the driver's seat or you can sit in the passenger seat of your life and let other people drive you and if you let other people drive you you go where they drive you this is your life i'm not talking about being selfish and self-centered i'm talking about being self-aware and being mindful of what's your truth and what is important for you and being able to know yourself and know what your needs and your desires and what your soul needs and in doing that we sometimes need help so don't be afraid to reach out and ask someone to help you i find that when you get into a place that you're really stuck asking for help is usually hard but it moves you through that stuckness and you see you begin to feel that that what we do we tend to wander around with our stuckness and feel oh there's something wrong with me that i'm so stuck i shouldn't be so stuck other people don't get this stuck and start to feel oh poor me and bad about ourselves or victimize or whatever our particular story is when you get stuck ask for help any of the therapists who are on the newton website are therapists as well whether you want to do the newton deep work or not depends on where you are in your journey but reaching out and asking for help and getting someone to help you find the path find what your soul energy is identify your true self so that you recognize that feeling when i work with people who don't have a feeling of their of their highest self and they only feel sadness and anger they don't know what joy feels like they can't find joy and sometimes you need some guidance in finding the joyful you the soul you that's inside and once you find that you know you will learn how to protect that and help that grow so that's a journey that sometimes you need help for so be open to help beautiful dr diana page thank you for being a part of my human journey thank you for sharing space with me thank you for sharing all of the things that uh the newton institute's doing and thank you for being a part of that to continue his legacy on and um i have really enjoyed our conversations yeah me too thanks for having me to you i say namaste my name is thanks for joining us here on exploring the human journey you can find us as a video on youtube or listen to us as a podcast you can also join in the conversation by following us on facebook and instagram for more information go to the website at you
Channel: Exploring The Human Journey
Views: 4,680
Rating: 4.9398499 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Newton, Journey of Souls, Past lives, Spiritual Beings, Diana Paque, Newton Institute, Life Between Lives, LBL, NDE, Hypnotherapy, Spirit Guides, Death, Life, Soul Journey, Soul
Id: aWhVbIozBXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 59sec (6779 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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