Journey into Orthodox Alaska

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Papa made this himself way back when humans were nearly 45 years old this is handmade also pure gold from Alaska seven-mile gosh to me we were in that village all by ourselves we had nobody we didn't know anybody it's just us so anyway we would kill water and carry the water for my mother and she would always wash your clothes by hand like this and wring them out and she'd go outside and hang them in the clothesline and my job was on Fridays to watch soaked stockings and wash them and did I'd hang them out said in the clothesline they looked like bunch of smoked salmon or hanging on there but this is what I had to do I had go fishing with my papa their nets there would be so much fish in there they would start making holes on him so we had to mend them there's my uncle Nick he's a bear hunter he was now this one was taken by the church also for the women and this is my mother and this is many crying I think I want sure you it actually fits in the eucla culture because the Yuka culture they push push each other to be respectful just as in orthodoxy where you were taught to be humble and non respectful of one another to love one the other part of this is talk about love Mina this if you love if you love your children speak to in my language is Desi unocal Lina what Dementors make sure you try to be while you're out United States of America about this land for 7.2 million dollars and Russia never shoulda gave it up Alaska should have been a country in itself away from Russia away from the United States hey we're natives Alaska Natives we're proud to be natives goose guns look at this world man I mean it's a beautiful world and we'll go to the village it's beautiful and there is only like 750 people and my village up north are you Russian Orthodox - yeah we're all Russians your kid I bar 1971 I was baptized Orthodox play the state of Alaska has a unique history and that it was once part for 127 years of the Russian Imperial Empire Native Americans were evangelized by first intermarriage with Siberian traders and trappers and then by Orthodox Christian missionaries who came to this region beginning in 1784 early in the 20th century American federal policy brought school teachers and missionaries here to Alaska their attitude toward the languages and cultures of the native people was radically different from the Siberian missionaries who had come under the Russians their attitude was that these cultures had to be suppressed than the languages abolished we're a minority in our own state and you know that's not going to change but we still have a lot to share you know people come to Alaska hey where's the Eskimos I mean that type of thing or who are the native peoples you go in Southeast you get they can get which amazing artwork stories you know and then you have in the Ubik region you got the dancing Inupiat you got the dancing and the whaling here I think that some of the things we could bring back or kayaking so what you were known for I mean there's a lot of things we could be doing here but utilizing that information and then okay how come we're having such a huge problem with alcoholism within our community when you take away a person's own dignity what's the use of living when you take a person's ability to make choices for themselves and healthy choices of course they're going to make dumb choices we're not giving them the options it's going to be funny this is about a two elderly ladies that became a widows many many years ago so they became best friends and they drank once in the oil homebrew so when they got lonesome she'd call the other one to come over which is having some tea that was her clue her home brew is already said yeah it was ok I'm going over so they would get together and hi a little bit they would say no go oh no good desu ka' charm to look taste wanna sub pocket sabor cut the loo gotta oh la la pianist your English tonight tonight I will come with the little tea bag when you hear the dog is bark don't think I am a boogeyman that's what do you see
Channel: trakovskyfilm
Views: 61,580
Rating: 4.9332714 out of 5
Keywords: christianity, eastern christianity, russian america
Id: GseuuXrGQoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2012
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