Journey Home - 2017-05-22 - Jackie And Tim Oglesby

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[Music] good evening and welcome to the journey home I'm Marcus Grodi your host and once again I have this print privilege of joining you to hear a story tonight we're going hear two stories because we have a couple joining us this evening Tim and Jackie Goolsbee now I joked with them beforehand that it might be easier for me to tell you what denominations they had not been a part of because they have quite a long journey a former Baptist disciples of Christ sembly of God and charismatic that was Tim and Jackie is a former Methodist but it's wonderful to have you both on the program it's been thank you Marcus spending how many years it's been now since you know five years we had by years ago we had a two-hour session but that in many ways changed our lives and we are so thankful to be here and that was associated with the EWTN family celebration right whoa well actually it was the family conference the Wichita Deb that's what it was yes and you were a speaker and your lovely wife was there and you're one of your younger sons I'm not sure which one but right well it was good every time that's part of our why members they all remember that dear that we had and then we kind of lost track and I wasn't sure here you are yeah so it's great so let me get out of the way because we got two of you to fill in an hour yeah I'm not sure which one of you wants to start out first all right well I want to start with a story yeah once upon a time many years ago in the course of history a little girl was born in the heartland of America she grew up in a community that was more like an extended family but it was a little bitty village and I had a little bitty Methodist Church but she thrived there her grandmother when she was about five years old and led her to the Lord and by the time she was eight she was seeking the Lord herself I'm she was really working at that then it comes time when she turned into a teenager and at the time was the 60s and that little girl was me and I became a very rebellious in my heart type of person I didn't rebelle against mom and dad open lair I would have been grounded a lot but I they still use those words anymore grounded is a word but I timeout I think is what it is and I had many years of growing in the church though and I was very well formed in the church and the Methodist Church my teachers were all good in the church I was I really was formed well I got married when I was 21 to my prince charming and he was a producer and director of a local in a local television station he he worked with mostly on when the live programs were on like the noobs things like that it didn't take us long though to realize that city life probably wasn't for us so we moved back to the farm where he was raised and his mom and dad were just beautiful people they had a little Down syndrome daughter still living at home and as she she just ministered to us all her life we had I had I should say fallen away from the church between the time of high school and the time we moved back to the farm so it was good when we moved to the farm because we were back in church and the community was another community that was strong and we were just so busy with all of that when the charismatic movement started to move through that is when my faith really took off and began to grow I came to our Methodist pastor and I asked him if he would help me a core of my prayer language and he was so gracious he did that he did that for us I was very close to two of my friends that I growing up with all my life and we just were inseparable all of our grown-up years but we kind of grew apart at that time my faith however would be tested I should say in between that moving up to the farm we we had our first child this little boy we celebrated his life it was so joyful he carried on the family name and it is it was just amazing to have a little guy running around and learning the farm life and you become indoctrinated when you're growing up there it's like a being grown up around like deep culture a deep culture when you grow up Catholic you you are indoctrinated with that what that's farm life and then a few years later we had our little girl our little princess and she was more like me and kind of quiet and laid-back but it was a great life and we spent 22 years almost 23 years on the farm like that to mom and dad right there and raising those kids with us I was beautiful but my face like I said was to be tested I lost him very suddenly in an accident well a farm accident no no he was he he was killed on the road coming back from a meeting that he was at and it totally turned my life upside down I was crushed I was panicked I was scared and it still moves me to this day to even talk about that but um was your income the farm income was from the farm we were Dairy Dairy Farmers right before that time though we gotten into more of a beef herd and we're not doing our dairy anymore so thank God I didn't have the dairy to take care of all by myself [Music] mother my mother and my dad all of our friends tried to reach out to me at that point my family was were just so close but they were not penetrating what I was going through I was so dark and crushed I turned to alcohol and it was to numb the pain at first and what happened instead is it became the pain and I was I was deep enough in that at the time that I couldn't seem to improve I couldn't get back out of it all the time that my friends were trying to reach out to me I had a friend that kept asking me to go to her church and I just kept saying no I don't think so right yet but eventually I did go to her church I would sit in the back row and the first time I went the pastor there absolutely scared the daylights out of me he was a charismatic pastor pastor Quentin and I didn't know quite how to handle all of that but the worship music was so beautiful and it ministered to me I kept going back to that church even though it wasn't the Methodist Church in the methodist ways but i loved it i would go home at night and I would listen to to Christian radio Christian television the beautiful music and that began to penetrate into my soul and I began to see rays of hope shining through I go to church and I come home and I go to listen to the music and the preaching and all night long because I did that because it helped to calm my spirit eventually one night when I was laying there and I was in such deep pain and I was crying out to the Lord and I was in agony I was in serious agony um I was halfway asleep and the Lord just sent a bolt of love that went clear through me and it's like all my cells inside just burst and I couldn't believe the Lord would do that to me I just cried and I laugh tonight shouted and I prayed and it's in tongues and about the time about this time of course my family was grown almost and my youngest my daughter came home from work and she thought my mom has just lost it um but I just grabbed her and hugged her innocent blood whoever loves you so much and he loves me so much and I just couldn't get over it I just couldn't get over so beautiful but that's how the Lord broke through I had like good Paul knocked off your donkey experience I'm sure that's how he felt so I went back to church again and of course a changed person my experience there was I had been sitting on the back row and listening and being ministered to and when in one day it's like the Lord was telling me someday one day you're going to marry that guy up there and he was Tim up on the stage I had no idea what his wife was like I didn't tell me either I had no idea who this person was but I actually learned he had lost his wife about well shortly after I lost my husband he he obviously had such joy going through him and he he was just I just couldn't believe that our lives could be so different and I was walking such a different way but he ministered to me and his worship music and once I'd learned that he lost his wife I just I I couldn't believe the Lord was actually telling me that I was going to marry him someday he had two little kids but I got to where I accepted that and I invited telling the year.i I invited him and his little kids up to our farm for dinner one night I'll never forget that and I made sure that my son was home from college and I told him what was going to my spirit this someday I'd probably be married to him and I made sure our daughter was home from work she could meet him I told him I told my mom and my dad and my grandmother that someday I was going to be married to him and they just I'm sure he thought I was crazy but the Lord actually did put that combination together and Tim at the time still didn't know any of this his little girl came over and sit on my lap this is one of the funny things came over and sat on my lap and I was reading a book to her and she was kind of snuggled up in my lap and Tim is just looking at this and he said looking at my house he says I don't think I could live here is this there was a lot more to it than that but one of us it went to my mind this doesn't have any air-conditioning yeah it was some practical things going on as well yeah but anyway I'm gonna leave the story there because that's when our lives came together yeah all right well our guests are Tim and Jackie Oglesby we've just heard Jackie's side of part of it so you have a strong Methodist but now charismatic and a fully reborn cares maduk life.i yeah I had absolutely been so changed over those years all right all right the Lord will get you ready and Wow my early life was I was one of four kids the second one the second always seems to fight for attention and I was one of those people but my early religious life my early church life that I remember the first church I remember was Southern Baptist and pastor I remember his name was pastor Stan he was a tall redhead and he could preach I remember that I was six or seven somewhere in there but I do remember when the call to come forward came from Pastor Stan and my heart was just thumping and but yet I knew Jesus wanted into my life even at that age I knew that and that stayed with me throughout my childhood but that was the first time that I really remember that and my dad moved on my dad's 92 and he lives in Mississippi hi pops it's good to see you or good for you to see me but in those days we moved around because he followed some jobs and so the next church I remember was disciples of Christ and we had moved to Nebraska little town called Ashland Nebraska little town of about 1100 and the thing I remember about the disciples of Christ is they saying the doxology a lot and the other was they passed this tray and there's little glasses of grape juice and then these little white biscuits now I was in a church for six or seven maybe eight years but I don't remember anybody sharing with me why we passed that tray and what what was that all that I find yet there was a seed planted inside of me that we did that every Sunday and that somehow would come back then later on so as I was growing up at 15 years old my voice change that big baritone voice at 15 years old and so my dad had studied piano at Caillou so he was quite a pianist and so I began to sing for funerals and weddings and a few vocal contests and had a great wasn't Leave It to Beaver kind of thing I mean it really was a beautiful childhood I have a brother that were less than a year old for three days were the same age so I really bug him for those three days and two younger sisters Suzy and Melissa and we had a great life and so after I had won a couple of vocal contests and I had been in the lead in the musicals and I thought I was a pretty big fish in probably a pretty small pond and then I graduated high school went to the University of Raska and became a guppy in the ocean as what I realized there was a whole lot of very talented people out there and so I was 25 miles away at the University Braska and the only time I really came home because I enjoyed our time of Independence was when I needed my laundry done and I would bring it home to my mother her name was buzzy Oglesby now that's my heritage buzzy always be got the name because she was like this all the time and she was a wonderful wonderful woman when the church was open we were always there but I remember one particular weekend when I came home I had a lot of clothes that need to be done and I got up to the screen door and there she was she was in the screen door and she was crying and I mean it wasn't just crying it was sobs and I thought I don't know something horrible has happened and I got in the living room sat down on the sofa with her and I finally asked about what's going on and she kept saying I knew about Jesus I knew about Jesus now I know him now I know him and these big tears then she started talking about this charismatic movement well this was the late 60s early 70s and she started sure about these people that were filled with the spirit and they had all these gifts going and speaking in tongues and and gifts of healing and and she was just all of this was gushing out of her and I was a little skeptical in fact I was a lot skeptical because my mother is was very emotional and but I watched her I watched her very carefully over five or six weeks and there was a genuine change in my mother's life it was phenomenal and by the time of that things ended in six or seven weeks time our whole family was transformed filled with the spirit as we understood it in those days and that was the raging of the charismatic movement in the eastern Nebraska that was going on I could remember when we gathered in Chiefs Stadium in Kansas City was 65,000 people speaking in tongues and praising God and these beautiful songs that were lifted out of that stadium and all these experiences we actually had a prayer and praise group that met on Friday nights that would start like 7 or 8 o'clock and go till 2:00 a.m. we had three or four Catholic nuns that came to that prayer praise because they were going through the charismatic movement as well sweetest souls that I think I ever met and they just sang so beautifully in the Lord and I thought this is incredible so my brother and I we were all transformed my brother and I little older but we decided let's go down to oru I think there's some stuff happening or on university so we packed up the car and went down there at faith because we didn't have a whole lot of money we got down to oru and we went into the financial office to limb no we were on board now we're down here on this gentleman looked at me it said we'll get in that line right now because they're all in faith too there was a long line of guys that had just showed up and said I'm down here on faith but God did some beautiful things and he really did provide for us financially so we could go to school I was only there a year but I met my wife Connie who was a freshman and I was basically a sophomore at that point and Connie was from Kansas City and she sang beautifully and she was a beautiful beautiful gal and it didn't take long for us to know that we were meant for each other and so we knew we were probably going to get married the next summer so hitchhiking was a big deal back in those days you remember and I got up in the in in the lunch room at oru invited everybody to the wedding I said come well a bunch of them showed up we had this big wedding in Kansas City we did in a Nazarene Church we rented the Nazarene Church didn't tell him about the Jesus band that was going to play before our wedding and that changed their policy on weddings forever after they never allowed that again but that's how Connie Kay and I started our our journey together and those were the days where Jesus was coming any day and we got caught up in the the whole jesus is going to come and snatch us all away and the rapture was the big deal become a minister at this point no no no I'm still trying to figure out shut up okay but you're not milking cows like no no no no no I don't know her at yeah yeah most so Connie ki started our lives and we when I went back to University of Nebraska because I want to teach music and Connie went part-time as well and we had two little ones and life was very interesting we had a very strong college group a charismatic group on campus at the university braska and it actually grew into a church it actually planted a church called Christ place in Lincoln Nebraska is still going big Church now but it started from this college campus charismatic group that Connie Kay and I were a part of and in fact I'm still very close to Connie's dad we have breakfast dad freed Lee and I am so thankful for him but as we went through this wonderful life we were having at 33 years old Connie Kay was diagnosed with cancer and it was it was advanced and that turned everything upside down first of all we thought we were leaving in 88 when Jesus was coming again and that didn't happen then maybe 89 and that didn't happen for the audience of the other during a their pamphlets put out 88 reasons Jesus at 1 in 88 and then didn't come so on the next year 89 reasons why and it wasn't just one denomination that was affected by there was a whole bunch of people that were looking - I didn't buy life insurance for us because I was convinced why am i good who's going to collect I mean you know it's like people weren't finished in college people weren't getting they read the whole certain rapture group of oh right yeah by now I've started a career in marketing with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas and here we are and Connie Kay is now fighting and we fought for five years and we were free of the cancer twice it came back a third time and because we had basically become part of that camp that believed that you could stand on the Bible and your faith could get you the miracle that you needed to have and that was a strong emphasis of of all of us at that time I remember it being called the seed faith it was seated Laurel Robert a lot of that if then Kenneth Copeland's ministry began and right and my dad was in the full gospel business and business Spence fellowship my mom was in women's at Glo so the day that Connie Kay was diagnosed with cancer I got a call from my dad and he said mom is not well and she had kept some of that from us kids because she didn't want us to be concerned but by the time we got down there she was almost gone and so I lost my mom not too long after we found out connie kay was diagnosed with with cancer so five years the the third time it came back it got very very bad and I've got a one to two year old I can't remember what Chrissy was but Nick was six or seven it got tough and I can remember I felt like a failure I mean I felt like I didn't do something right or I and I should have done something more you know what I'm talking about I to the part of that group you could you could subtly get the idea that this is happening cuz my I didn't have enough faith I didn't pray enough I didn't sacrifice enough the seed faith idea I didn't I didn't give it enough or whatever was yeah that's it that's it and so fortunately while this is going on someone gave us some cassette tapes by the name of Malcolm Smith if you heard Malcolm well that whole group during that day yes exactly but the thing that caught me was how he taught on the unconditional love of God and if there was ever a time where I needed to hear that that God loved us unconditionally I needed it right then and I got that and so when I finally settled the fact that God is love he doesn't have it he is it then I knew whatever was going to happen here McCollum was going to be okay that we were going to be okay God would take care of us we knew that and so at that same time with this young pastor she's going to the church over there now and this was after Connie Kay and I had become part of that church but this young pastor came into our lives in the last year of Connie's life year and a half maybe and he was transitioning a Pentecostal Holiness Church so there's my next denomination but it was moving into a charismatic community church so there's my next church experience beautiful couple quit quitting it any more loved us just because we needed to be loved they weren't trying to get something from us they could see how desperate our situation was they loved Connie I we ended up leading the worship in that church Connie Kay and I let it for quite a while until Connie couldn't do it anymore and then it got very difficult and at 38 years old she went home and I'll never forget the night she went home I you know I I was actually laying in the bed with her and her her breaths were so shallow and yet I felt her very last breaths at that moment it seemed like angels were crowded in that bedroom and so when she talks about the joy that that she saw in my life when she came into the church part of that was I knew Connie was not hurting anymore I knew what she was and where all of us want to be so I was okay now people didn't understand all that but I'd watched her fight that for five years and I knew the pain that she had gone through and I was so glad that she was not a pain anymore so at that point I stepped away from leading the worship for quite a while there was another gentleman that took my place for a while and then eventually I stepped back in and that's when I began to notice there was a lady in the back of my class that I taught Malcolm Smith written a book called spiritual burnouts great little book and I was teaching this class on spiritual burnout and this lady sitting in the back and that's when I began to inquire because she seemed like she was by herself and sure enough I found out that she had just lost her husband just before Connie Kay had passed away and then we began to talk and then we began to talk on the phone quite a bit and then I can take you to the restaurant the village inn to the booth that we were in and I remember the night that we we ate some pie and drank some coffee and we cried and we laughed and God he was doing something and I know now I hadn't gone up for chicken dinner yet but I knew something was happening because I was in a difficult place my kids were little and I knew I probably would remarry at some point because they needed a mom but this was about a year and a half not quite maybe two years after Connie had passed it was still difficult and yet here's this lady that you know we immediately shared our grief and she caught something apparently that was going on inside of me that attracted her she didn't tell me that we would be married at that point but we did have this relationship that began and then I do very well remember their chicken dinner and it wasn't just chicken dinner that brought us to the point of marriage but it's it was an important part because it was very good chicken Marcus where I get fried chicken well we pause there and let that digest and we'll come back in a moment pick up with their that the Lord has brought you to makes me wondered whether the day you got that tape was the same day you had that experience and almost like I almost guessed I was just wondering if that's where the Lord is workable find out after the break all right [Music] you [Music] welcome back to the journey home I'm your host Marcus Grodi and our guests are Tim and Jackie Oglesby we've paused in the middle of a meal all right lore has brought you all through that and then brought you through that and then there you are again and their yard at this point you're charismatic both of you charismatic basically an independent Pentecostal Holiness to community church really not affiliated with anyone more of an independent church so here here we were at this chicken dinner that I'm thoroughly enjoying the chicken and after dinner Jackie had talked about my youngest Chrissy she had a bunch of children's books in the corner and Chrissy went and grabbed two of them and she took Jackie by the hand and sat her down on the floor and she said on our lap and I thought wow God is doing something here and it wasn't long after that that we both started talking very seriously about can we put this Brady Bunch together because they were it was interesting because it was four year increments there were all four years apart and she had the two oldest and I had the two youngest and it was not easy to put that family together but we were married then in the charismatic community church was never called abundant life Community Church and pastor Quentin and Annie are our pastors and and we talked about Malcolm Smith and inner you know talking about the unconditional love of God well he also had another set of tapes on the ancient liturgy there was a whole we didn't realize it's at the time but there was a whole bunch of churches that were called convergent churches and converging churches were charismatic they were evangelical but they were beginning to embrace the ancient Liturgy of the church and they were getting all excited about something called the Holy Communion which I didn't know any thing about well Malcolm we fell in love with his teaching and he is an excellent teacher you grew up in the England during the Blitz came to United States he ministered in all kinds of denominations across the big swath of Christianity in a beautiful way and so he was going to have a seminar down in tech Sola Oklahoma on the lake down there and it was all about what happened in the Upper Room and that caught us I mean it was like okay he's been talking about this Holy Communion stuff what is this and he would teach the Bible in such a way that if he taught for example the two on the road to Emmaus by the time he got done you were on that road with the two and you felt and saw and it was like he were there that's the way he taught in a beautiful way and I'm thinking well if he's doing up a room I want in and miss Jackie and I went down there and he started on Friday night and by Sunday morning Oh My heavens the Holy Communion changed for us in a beautiful and I would call him a high Anglican so he probably had some sense of the true presence I'm not sure exactly because Anglicans are kind of all over the board but I will tell you we stayed up we could hardly sleep on Saturday night and then had Holy Communion the next morning and as soon as we were done with that seminar we fired back to Hutchinson Kansas which is where our base was and where our church was and I got a hold of our young pastor that I love very dearly and I said we got to do this meal he said what are you talking about I said we got to do this meal and he said well you talk about communion I said yes we need to do this meal he said will we do it I said no we need to do it and so we decided that maybe God was doing something with this church by then I was kind of helping out with the leadership the church I don't know that I would have been called an elder at that point I was doing some of the the worship and all that we got to that point and then we decided maybe God wants us to do this every week so we started doing it every week well then we thought well maybe we need to move it towards the center of worship but for a charismatic Community Church that was unheard of what wasn't too long before we had a gentleman it was a Christian comedian by the name of Mike warnky oh yeah Michael or never Mike yeah he came to our church and he was good friends with Quentin and he asked us why are you doing this holy communion church or holy communion every time you have Church if we basically said we're not sure but we think God is doing something special to restore this to us and so he said well you need to meet my archbishop and first of all I said you have an archbishop what is an archbishop and he started to share about these convergent churches that's the first time we heard that term and there was a whole bunch of churches and the archbishop that was the head of some of that was a gentleman of the name of Wayne Boo SATA and Wayne Boo SATA and I heard that name and my jaw dropped I said no that can't be the same person because I knew Wayne basada at oru he was a Jesus Freak and he had a band and they played at our wedding and I'm thinking this is crazy something is happening here and sure enough over time we met up with Wayne and we got very involved with the convergent churches movement and eventually I became a deacon I was ordained as a deacon and then not sure not too long after that I was ordained as a priest and then we began a ministry of being a lay pastor we had satellite churches we had one in Lorne in Kansas then we had one in Newton Kansas and so we did that for a number of years but what was so interesting about that convergent movement was some churches had different stresses some were more evangelical some were more charismatic some are more littered liturgical and I will tell you where I went I really was drawn to Holy Communion and the Liturgy of the Anglican and by then we were basically using Anglicans Holy Orders we were using their liturgy we were using the common book of Prayer which I love very dearly and so they kind of let me do my thing in this little church over a Newton and we actually had people that would visit us are you people Catholic and I say no but we love the Catholics and so that went on for a while well eventually I began to see where is this going what's the trajectory of this because by now we had started watching this program called a journey and home program and we are just captivated with the Baptist's and the Lutheran's and the atheists and the Jewish people and all these people come in the chair we're watching it every week and we look at he says I wonder if it's going to be a Baptist as week opens we were just captivated by and by now we're watching the mass on EWTN and it's fascinating us but I'm seeing changes that are not quite what I was doing in my little church and then I started to begin to think oh where is this going because now we're really being drawn by the Eucharist I mean because when when Maplin Smith taught about that meal he he talked about it as a covenant meal that was basically sealing the New Covenant and when he took us in that Upper Room and took us from Passover and it's that's all starting to affect me so I really began to think well I I'm thinking we need to think seriously about Catholic well we did that you hear the Catholic Church is way over here and there you're starting way over here yeah you had you really I'm assuming didn't know how close you were getting to the category I'll tell you what gave us a clue early on was when John Paul - past when when when he when he passed we wept in front of that TV I had no idea why but we were crying because we knew that this was a big loss to Christianity and so that was a clue well then 2010 Michael come becomes ha the journey and home program and it's one of those Monday email nights and Assembly of God former Assembly of God but now he's also involved with charismatic Episcopal yeah and when he said if you told me I was going to be Catholic I'd have slapped you and your mama I thought I this is my guy and quite frankly he settled a lot of things for me three years out three years out we looked at each other and I began to tell the leadership that we were involved with by now by now Quentin as a bishop and he's not too long you'd be an archbishop and I began to tell him I think my trajectory is different and that was tough because they had come into our lives at a very important time so anyway so we get to the point where I'm really kind of convinced we're going to do this especially that night because we look to each other and we both said I think we're going to be Catholic and then we got really serious about that and then we decided well I think we need to start our CIA I was a year away from having a 30 year career finish with Blue Cross and Blue Shield and not only a pastor I've got this little church in Newton but I know I'm about to retire and this may be a good time for us to make this change let's do the RCIA thing so she starts calling up different priests and she gets the wrong one it's not the one she thought she was going to get and we ended up with father Edmund Klein brother one time down at the studios in Alabama and he knew you and he agreed to take us through RCIA privately because we didn't want to disrupt everything going on with the churches we were still involved with so every Wednesday night we went to resurrection Church and Wichita Kansas you got a snuck in there and went out of the basement did our CIA and father end the Kipp look at us going wow your journey he said I need to think about going on the journey home program you're kidding me I mean that was like come on they said I know those guys I said really so anyway he took us through RCIA we we then basically shut down that little church because and I what I told him was I was retiring which I was from Blue Cross and Blue Shield but at the same time as the weeks dwindled down would be on to say you guys have known for a long time how how much I defended the Catholics before I was Catholic well we're going into the church and I'll never forget having to walk into Quentin in Annie's office with my resignation letter that was a toughest toughest day then all maybe second only to when Connie passed and it was tough but you know when you know Marcus you got to do it and so we made that move and we joined the RCA class at st. Theresa's and Hutchinson Kansas father Nick Volker was the the priest at that time they let us come in at the very last minute and came in at the Easter Vigil oh I came in with a Texan he'd moved to Kansas but he was a Texan and we became he was a convert to and we cried laughed and had the best time but what had happened that was so strange one of the communion services we had back at the old church we had a we had this incredible service where the we had holy community were passing trays well there was a young guy is probably 16 17 and he he was part of that service I know who he was but he had been watching me and it came up during that service and he had this he had something on his hand he said are you a pastor here I said yes sir I am can I help you he said well I found this on the floor and it was a wafer that had fallen to the floor and he's holding it in a way that I'm thinking I'm looking in this kid's eyes and he's got some understanding that I don't have at that point he was holding that in such a way that that was Jesus to him and that impacted me now that happened some years before he became Catholic but I never forgot it here we are at the Easter Vigil and I'd look up and guess is assisting the priest that night up at the older that same kid if I thought Lord Jesus what you have done for us we came into the Catholic Church and Wow three months later I get this this wonderful person shares with me about a master's program at newly University and would you talk Kansas where you can shoot masters of theological studies and the diocese will pay for and I thought I'm enough Catholic to be dangerous at this point I better do this so we took the next two years and it mostly online but then we had some on-campus stuff beautiful last three credit hours are in Rome now we had to pay for that art but father Joe guile was the head of Graduate Studies and he took us on the tour to Rome Oh My heavens every Cathedral you walked in you that can't be better than the last of it and yet it was and I remember we in went to CC and outside of Assisi after we toured the whole city for a beautiful day we were in the cappuccino shop and someone asked Jackie I will share your journey into the church we were in a cohort of 25 people and within 10 minutes we're kind of all in tears and this lady says you need to go on that journey home program and I thought to myself this is crazy because we've heard it now three or four or five times well then I after I got my masters then I decided that the best thing I could do with what I had just learned for the last two years is start permanent adult formation classes in both st. Theresa's and also there was a little Catholic Church in Little River Kansas the Holy Trinity and we began classes in both of those churches and they were to be permanent classes that would outlive Jackie and I we were passionate about making sure that adult formation was something that had to happen all the time and then those began to have some growth to them got involved with the Cursillo movement of all things I didn't go to any any meeting that had a Spanish name I wasn't sure what I was doing so but I had an incredible weekend yeah and then that grew and so Mike hello to my co brothers and sisters but father might may briar then follow father Nick this was about two years ago and I we thought well we better sit down with father Mike and tell him what we're doing and kind of tell our journey a little bit so we sat down we had an hour hour appointment with him and after a while I had to lean over and get his jaw back up because he just he was so so shocked by any at the end of that he said you need to go and I thought well Jesus your if that's it and that's it the church was way over here and you were starting way over here but being drawn by the Holy Spirit not just together but I mean being drawn to become more and more and more Catholic why didn't you just make your church Catholic why did you come in with in the end very that's a very easy answer it was clear to me that the leadership of our church was not going to go that erection and you know what they hadn't had the experiences we had had Malcolm Smith was a big part of of how we really the Eucharist is what drew us I mean that's that's what Jews and that that was not the understanding of some of our leadership it just wasn't now they they loved Holy Communion they loved the Eucharist but we saw it in a very different light than than a number of folks did and so we knew we got to do this and when you know then you got to do it yeah it's it's not enough to just have the robes and do all the right actions and maybe just say the words we're talking about the church our Lord started yet the apostolic succession the the ordination of a priest that changes him to be able yes to not just say this is the body and blood but by the grace of God to make it the body and blood of our Lord and to forgive sins yeah I mean penance was a new thing for the two of you right yes our first confession was very interesting that is what actually one of the things that as I was going to all these changes in my spirit I was thinking I think I probably need to have some way to do confession because I was learning about confession and knew we didn't have it in our church we could confess to one another but that wasn't the same thing as being up solved it just wasn't you know and I am thankful for how we got to where we got because quite frankly I might if it hadn't been for the fact that we we then had that meal every week for a while and then Mike warranty comes I mean and wayneb USADA comes back into our lives I mean I am so thankful Quentin and Annie are still very good friends and quite frankly he just had tea with the Pope last week as part of a charismatic thing that's going on between the convergent churches and the the charismatic Episcopal communions that are going on that's all wonderful and I am so thankful and I think we're both in a good place I really do but this is where we were supposed to be the Lord knows how to lead us all because he knows what better we know ourselves right he does and you better be following after the truth if you are if you are seeking the truth you better accept that that's your walk and your journey no matter what it takes you too and I've gone my adult formation classes I've started to call them ofc university for on fire Catholics University and I'm actually putting together a website and so we're excited about the energy that's going on there because working with the Catholics that we've had in these classes have been amazing it really has and I love cradle Catholics I love cradle Catholics as that flame begins to be afire it's just amazing to watch got an email here let's see if we can squeeze this one in here David from Fort Collins writes and timid Jackie's opinion what is the best scriptural basis that the Eucharist is truly Jesus and not merely a symbol when I talked to Protestant friends they all tell me that Jesus meant for community to be only symbolic and it's not anything more than that I can answer that one go right at the road to amass the two on the road to Emmaus Wow when I think about this you know they begged Jesus to come in he blessed it he broke it he gave it and all those years I thought and he disappeared isn't that cute but he didn't disappear he was in their hands and when I got that that's what I knew we were going to be Catholic and that's much more than a symbol and then John six that I had read so many times heaven's sakes and it's just when I finally read it with Mike as Michael Combee would say put your Catholic glasses on there the original pair when I read it that way then everything changed for us I remember once you know that with the Ascension of our Lord and it the way it's described in Scripture they're kind of sitting there looking up there you know I mean you know by our Lord in a way going there allows us to turn our attention back to what our mission is all about yeah in that upper room when he disappears our attention yes is where it needs to be yes and the beauty of that that whole story is also you have the the word right to be handing apart where he's describing all the Old Testament relationship to him and the breaking of bread yes yes yes any pitch rule it's all there and we enjoy the miracle of the mass every time we go now it's amazing do your whole family come in with you our youngest daughter Chrissie who's had five kids in six and a half years so her life is full she actually came in kind of on our own because we really were just trying to figure out what we were doing and yet she watched us very very carefully and I'll never forget the day she called him said pops I'm coming in and that blessed us are our oldest kids Luke and Laura are already Catholic and the the two middle ones love Jesus with all our hearts they really do and have beautiful families and we're thankful for them and some of the emails I got before I got to this show today they're worth the trip because they just were beautiful beautiful send-offs for us to be on the show so you might talk about Randian Shannon Randy and Shannon were a very critical couple in that little church over in Newton and we just got an email this past Easter that they were coming into the church so they they also came in and we're excited about that as well well Jack in Tim thank you good to see you again also too heavy finally on the journey home actually sharing your journey bed thank you very much and thank you for joining us on this episode of the journey home I do pray that Tim and Jackie's journey is an encouragement to you god bless you phoenixon [Music] you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 10,893
Rating: 4.8846154 out of 5
Keywords: JHT, JHT01571
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 10sec (3370 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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