Journey Around The World Sailing From Galapagos To French Polynesia part2 Ep88

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good morning you guys day number four uh just about to start clouds so no sun but uh very interesting night so the last few nights i did not see not even one boat and tonight the number the contest number ten ten boats well three they were underway two they pass uh passed by me going the same direction power boats going with twice as of my speed um they passed me about five nautical miles away from me one five one three um the one i contacted him just to check my radio and check my ais everything uh he see me on ais and he was receiving me and i could hear him well so everything was perfect the seven boats they looked like a city just full of lights and i think and they were just sitting when like like some of them had ais some of them didn't which is weird because big ships should all have ais uh but uh ais for those of you who doesn't know ai a is it's a automatic indefication system and uh so anyway seven of them were sitting when i click on ais they were moving 0.7 not to one nut which means basically they were just sitting still and i think those were like fishing factories uh from who knows from where somewhere south america or even asia i don't know um one one of the boats were coming directly at me and it says selling vessel with the power boats technically sailboats have always ride away however i'm not gonna mess with big ships if i see big ship count straight at me and not changing his course within like five mile range i'm going to change my cars i'll adjust the cells whatever i have to do but this was a selling vessel and he was on the same tank which means he had the wind on the same size as i did however i was i had the right away because of the wind angle and he did change his scores and he went he was about three miles three nautical miles away from me when he passed me at my bow that was the front of the boat so that was all good uh one thing bad thing happened to me i was uh see the amazing cell i had uh the wind started gusting to 28 knots and i decided i'm gonna go and take the mizzen down and as i was taking the missing down just because was out so much out i didn't want to change my course i was kind of pushing down hard to reaching with my hand and pulling down and then all of a sudden this huge pain just shoot in my back and my on the side of my back so i heard one of my muscles and man i could not move for a couple hours at all i took some ibuprofens and i'm getting better but still still hurts i still can do many things and hopefully it will pass it has to pass and all the seven ships i was i just passed them at that time i said you know what screw it i went down below and lay down and and fall asleep and i slept for like two and a half hours i didn't care i was in pain and then i got up i looked and that's when the one i saw the alarm ship the selling that was uh passing me on my bow but he was still at that point he was like 10 nautical miles so i was all good and uh i had my ais alarm which means anything that gets closer within four miles my ais start beeping and i haven't been to any close lately to any other ship within the distance so i didn't had a chance to test my alarm and tonight went on so and it's pretty loud so even if i'm sleeping if something gets closer to me i will know and speaking of which my gps is beeping let's see what's going on [Applause] okay so my alarm just went on danger is target and look let's see there's a boat right there so i don't oh i see him so that's how this looks like ais dangerous airs and see this blue and red flashing light this is the uh the boat and he's passing me just fine here's my car so i'm good i apologize for the wind noise on the camera and the quality of the audio i'm using right now my old gopro seven because my gopro 9 the screen went out so i don't have a gopro 9 at this moment um and i noticed when i was uh putting clips together i know this this audio depends how you how i turn this camera sometimes it's it's bad so it's gonna be like that for a while just because i don't have any other camera uh i'm hoping that when i get to french polynesia i'll get something um now one more thing you guys see me last few couple days wearing the same hoodie um yeah i'm not making the video on the same day it's just i'm being lazy and i haven't i don't want to do laundry while i'm out and see so i'm gonna be wearing like hoodie for four days depends until i uh start feeling uncomfortable and even if it it smells like cigars because mozenka brought me but you know what i don't care i'm all by myself here so oh well i do take showers though so the sun is coming up good morning sun be a sunny day [Music] look at you guys look at the american flag with the sun it looks just beautiful i love american flag i love america [Music] we're gonna have a beautiful beautiful day i hope so yesterday was gloomy cloudy this is uh like the tort or fourth uh fishing boat passing me today they all have either chinese or japanese names and they coming from china or japan and they're fishing here so it's got chinese flags [Music] [Music] so there is uh those two chinese boats uh talking between each other having come first long conversation and uh channel 16 which that's an emergency channel you should not have cover or just a regular conversations because you're blocking the channel just in case if someone needs help but yeah i do not understand a word they saying way way over there there's a another another boat big boat and i think it's one of those fishing factory boats the reason why i think there is because see here's the boat if we click on that uh we go we click on that viewer ais data okay let's see so type cargo status underway using engines destination peru open c vessel hitai so it's chinese and now it's a it says it's a regular cargo if this was like a trans-pacific cargo ship they usually pretty big this is only 495 feet which for ship that's small speed over grand 2.4 knots this boat it's not going anywhere this boat is just sitting two nuts for a ship like this should be moving 18 to 20 knots he's sitting there another interesting scenario look at all these boats here i'm coming in another uh fishing fleet so this is what i saw last night all these lights and uh i'm coming up to another one so day number four comes to the end the sun is coming down [Music] [Applause] thank you for watching till next time you
Channel: Sailing Black Swan
Views: 1,519
Rating: 4.9744411 out of 5
Id: kwEKul_aNf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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