Joueur du Grenier (HORS-SERIE) - Les films DONJONS ET DRAGONS

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With new Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Rings collections, Harry Potter and many others. One, two, three, four. Hi everyone, whether you're into role-playing games or not, usually, if I ask you right now to name a tabletop roleplaying game, the first one you should name is Dungeons and Dragons. It's the role-playing master and even if it's not the most played, it is certainly the pillar of medieval fantasy. And above all, everybody knows this, even those who do not know role playing games are familiar with the name Dungeons and Dragons. You must have seen a scene in a movie or in a series where you have to make fun of a fat nerd with glasses who doesn't have a girlfriend and who is a Level Nine black wizard on Dungeons and Dragons. Well, you know what? The fat nerd with glasses, he's become super famous and rich and he's screwing you over. Oh, do know him? And above all, Dungeons and Dragons, it was the first role-playing game to get out of its role playing condition to do something else. We had done Heroes of the Lance on Nes, but Dungeons and Dragons games, there have been many others, since the electronic games to the famous Baldur's Gate game, Planescape Torment, or Neverwinter Nights. There were also cartoons since we already talked about them, remember. The Smile of the Dragon cartoon with Dorothy's theme song. And finally we have something new coming up since the series Dungeons and Dragons has been announced and a movie is due out in early 2023. It's crazy that he didn't think of making a movie yet. What was that? Actually, it was to create a kind of dramatic moment, a revelation. Who cares anyway? I mean, people have seen the title of the video, they know that we're going to talk about the movies. Indeed, there were already some Dungeons and Dragons feature movies. You can see an clip of it here from a movie released in 1980...? 90? 93 ? 95 ? 2032 ? 2000, 2000 ? 2000 ?! This thing we're looking at right now... this was released in 2000? Yes, but it's a medieval fantasy movie released before Lord of the Rings. That's right, that's right. So it's true that in a way you can say that they won. Well done guys! After all the various logos of the production companies, the film opens on... - Has long been a divided country. - Oh ? It is ruled by the mages, an elite group that practices magic. Whoa, whoa, whoa! The common people, those who don't have access to magic. - Wait a second here! They are little more than slaves. Roger can you please stop vaping on camera? - Uh, sorry. Anyway, we find Profion the evil wizard played by Jeremy Irons. Profion. What do you want me to add as a joke about a guy named Profion? Profion, so in his demonic basement that collects so his scepter stored in his machine that spins scepters. Do you know what that's for? No idea, but it spins really well. In reality, this scepter is used to control dragons. Oh boy, I have to remind you that it came out a year before that. You don't like it, do you? That's good. I'll use all the rage inside you. OKAY... Can we talk about what we just saw or are we going to pretend we didn't see anything there? Unfortunately, something goes wrong and Profion accompanied by his faithful minion Damodar, the Smurf-sucker. Is obliged to kill this horrible creature in disgusting 3D. Haha, that that's the face the director must have made when he received the first shot. Anyway, the scenario of the film is a bunch of political intrigues. So we find Palpati... I mean Profion trying to convince deputies to take his magic scepter that controls dragons away from Princess Amidala... ? I mean sorry, Sabina? Okay, 'cause yeah, hold on. I'm spoiling the movie a little bit. This character is going to bring down this high council of useless idiots. Well, he's a bad guy. But how did you guess? Avoiding the threat of a revolution forever, are you willing to surrender? In that case, isn't it time to act? You see, I think I'm a genius. Because yes, well, we can make fun of Profion's cartoonish acting. But then, the writing doesn't help much either. The changes I propose are for the good of the people. All subjects of the Ismer empire must have the same right. All my subjects must be free and equal. Whether they are common people or wizards. My children, you realize that that kindness is much better than cruelty? Yes, then, we won't hide it. It's also amplified by the acting. My... fate .... come to me. Go on, tell him. Anyway, while all the political intrigues are going on, we finally discover the hero played by Jimmy Olsen from the Lois and Clark series and his funny black friend Snail. Don't be offended, this is literally his only role in the movie. Both of them break into the castle to try to steal the library of the Wizards, in order to make some money by taking advantage of the confusion in the city. But they get caught by one of the wizards working in the castle. - Uh, and clean up. It's dirty! And now I'm taking a little break from the movie to talk to you about the actors, and I have to say I don't know which one is my favorite. Is it Jeremy Irons who plays like he's completely self-possessed? Marlon Wayans an actor known especially in France for Scary Movie, who plays as if he were a guy from our time who had been teleported to the world of Dungeons and Dragons. - Hehehe, that's funny! Or is it the magician who literally plays like Hermione in Harry Potter when she was seven? I thought you were leaving. Please, this is an old scroll. So, the main actors... that's not it. We'll have to settle for secondary roles. Foreigners are not welcome. Marked with a red iron... Alright? OK, very good. Let's go back to the movie. The two heroes are discovered and arrested by the super hot librarian, that you don't know she's super hot yet because she has glasses and her hair is tied back. I'm so relieved, I'll thank you when they cut my head off. You can. You'll be less ugly that way. Are they going to fuck each other at the end? They're going to fuck each other. And suddenly, Profion's men arrive to take a scroll that would allow them to find another scepter that controls dragons. They manage to escape and meet during Elwood their escape, a dwarf in a garbage can. Post brigades at all the entrances and exits of the sewers. My speech therapist told me to articulate well. Dwarf who, I don't know why is going to follow their hero during the whole movie. We're in. How about you, Elwood? - I don't think I have much choice. But who are you? We found you in a garbage can, you have no reason to be there. Anyway, the heroes take refuge in the Cantina but are now pursued by an elf sent by the empress and by lady Audard. - One moment, I need the girl. This guy is way too fucking intense. It must be hard to be like this all the time. I would like a baguette not too baked. The villain finds them, but the dwarf knocks over a table and poof, a general fight breaks out, which allows the hero to run away. OK, I really need to know how this works the mechanisms of general brawling in taverns. By the way, don't pay too much attention to the background. - Left, right, left. So the magician convinced the two heroes and the dwarf to help her to find before Damodar, one of the three scepters of the dragon that would be hidden in a temple. But to get in, they need a jewel called the Eye of the Dragon, which would be hidden at the end of an Escape Game, inside the thieves' guild. The heroes leave for the Puy du Fou to meet the head of the guild and ask him to try the test. Yes, but you have to be particularly talented to have this precious little thing travel with you. Oh man, the 90's! - 2000. Oh man, the 90's! So we have a little scene with the group thief that passes, the different traps that look like like cardboard sets. Come on, let's go for the adventure. Before finally arriving in front of the jewel. When suddenly a mechanism is triggered and the thief has no more time. But how is he going to pass this terrible trap? - When in doubt, I break things. I have surprisingly nothing to say about what I just saw. The jewel is found but Damodar, Profion's minion, comes and finds them. A fight breaks out in the thieves' guild. The heroes manage to escape, but Damodar still succeeds to take the magician and the scroll he needed. Oh no, if only I had magical powers. Anyway, Damodar takes him to jail. - Why did you go to the Thieves' Guild? It's not the kind of place you visit for pleasure, is it? You're a wizard. - And you, you are the shame of Ismer by conspiring against the empress. Why are we whispering? Damonar, start torturing her thanks to the disgusting headphones that Profion put in her skull to punish her for letting them escape the first time. And uses these things to go and get the information. - Directly to the source. So Damodar gets the information he needs. He makes it so that he will need the dragon's eye to enter the Sceptre's cave. So he sets a trap for the two heroes who attack the castle to free the magician without knowing that they are expected. Very good, I'll take care of Marina and you take care of the scroll. -I'll do it. That was perfectly unnecessary. Ridley, that's Jimmy Olsen's name. Frees the magician from her prison and starts to flee the castle while his buddy Snails who had gone to get the scroll, falls into a trap set by Damodar. No, I knew it was too easy. Anyway, this is the famous spell that turns carpets into polenta. Hard to place this one. I recognize the thieves. Always taking what doesn't belong to them. I recognize the carpenters. Always making furniture out of wood. But he's good at definition too. The latter manages to escape with Damodar on his tail but falls into a dead end. The duel with Damodar turns to his disadvantage. But fortunately, the thief and the wizard manage to arrive just in time to save Snai....ah nope, he dies. They really did the black guy die first thing. Anyway, Ridley and the magician run away and join the elves to get away from Profion and Damodar. And of course Ridley mourns the death of his friend very hard. But he's clearly broken down, you can see that! What's left of the team is going to the magic cave to get the sceptre. But except for the thief, a force field prevents everyone from entering. Well, it's not as if the others were useless since the beginning of the movie, so it's not a big deal. So the thief arrives alone at the door of the Sceptre temple where the most complicated riddle of the world awaits him. Bravo, incredible! - What a genius! Inside the .... So I'm not sure if this is a temple or the basement of an Emmaus in which, by the way, the janitor has obviously passed right before them through the service entrance to turn on the lights. The hero arrives and grabs the scepter that controls the dragons from the hands of his guardian. He comes out, but outside, Damodar has captured the magician. Thank you for saving me the trouble. This is a sketch. How many do we have? The three times, four times, I lost count. And what do the others do? Are they AFK? Don't hurt him. Then give me the stick. And you'll let them go? I give you my word. Yeah, go ahead. He's clearly a guy you can trust. Did you have to let them go? I lied... Ah shit, they got us! Damodar returns to the capital to give the stick to his master Profion who, meanwhile, is in the middle of a fight against a PlayStation 2 cinematic sent by the empress. But the staff turns the tide of the battle by invoking the red dragons and increasing Jeremy Irons' acting skills tenfold. You can escape, majesty, but you can never escape far enough. - That's a good one! But Are you sure you don't want to do it again? I said "It's good!". So we get ten minutes of dynamic cinema, worth the best Futuroscope shows, before finally the hero came to Damodar and threw him into the void. Before finally taking the staff from the hands of profession who dies by being eaten by one of these dragons. Jeremy Irons is going to be missing. In this movie, it was clearly the most interesting thing! And that's it. The Empress has got rid of her enemies and can therefore implement her electoral program. - People of Ismer. Today I can finally say... ...that you will all be equal from now on. Let the celebrations begin. See, politics is not that hard. Dear compatriots, I declare that you are all equal. Come on, let's eat! And so the movie ends on Snails' tombstone and his friends standing in front of it - Uh, excuse me? This guy, he's the only guy who died to save the kingdom. Couldn't we buy him a real tombstone? Come on, let's eat. So this movie came out a year before The Lord of the Rings, produced by New Line, the same company as for Lord of The Rings. And that first movie, Dungeons and Dragons, it was an incredible flop, but at the same time, well, you can find excuses for it since this movie comes out before The Lord of the Rings. So there's not much budget because we don't know if people are going to like this kind of thing. Except that the second movie, Dungeons and Dragons, was released in 2005. In between, there were the three Lord of the Rings movies, so we know that people like that kind of stuff. We know that people want to see heroic fantasy. So, please, is there any way you can give us a little bit more budget for special effects? Does that mean no? Is that what you mean? So, let's go with Dungeons and Dragons 2 a movie that, as I say, came out two years ago after The Return of the King. First of all, the animation at the beginning is not too bad. There's a nod to a stadium card. The drawings are quite nice. It's starting out pretty good... It's a terrible accident after only 12 seconds on the track, my dear Gilbert. Yes, that's right, Francis, you can see that the director has raised the red flag. Well then, let's not watch the movie chronologically as for the first one. Basically, Damodar is back and he stopped doing mint ice cream Chupa Chups. - Remember that bad guy in the movie, who has an idea that nobody has seen? Well, he's back. You guys are pleased, right? Well, we saw it with the special effects but the budget is obviously not there either. You can tell that some scenes lack scenery. Sir, I only found one sword for the set. - I don't know, put it on the wall. And that's the first problem with this movie. There's not a dime. Everything looks fake. At the beginning of the film, the characters go into a cave. Everything looks fake. The walls look fake, the ceiling looks fake. The special effects for the magic suck. Look, it looks like they are in the basement of the castle of Sleeping Beauty, in Disneyland Paris. And besides... Overall, this whole second movie, Dungeons and Dragons, really has a porn movie aesthetic to it. Later, they will meet other characters and all the chicks are wearing makeup. They are all pretty neat, even the barbarian. She's all pretty, all dolled up. The script, I had to go look at it on the internet. I'm sorry, but it's just impossible to focus on what the characters are saying during the exposition scene. During the whole scene that explains the plot, there's this guy behind who is completely on another planet. It's impossible to focus on what the chick is saying with this guy in the background. - And holding his powers in a black globe. Haha, well, fuck he's on a lot of major scenes too. Well, since I didn't follow anything, I looked it up on Wikipedia. And basically, the scenario of the movie is that the heroes will have to go and get the globe of Falassur which is an artifact that allows to wake up and control dragons, which is in the possession of Damodar. So we're going to follow a whole team of heroes made up of different classes that can be found in the game Dungeons and Dragons, Paladins, Thieves, Wizards, Barbarians, etc. Who goes to find goblins to get information about the location of the Falassur globe? Couldn't you just teleport us there? Since I've never been to Kertel I can't visualize the place. I see that she hasn't unlocked the high-speed travel. Plus this movie is very different from the first Dungeons and Dragons movie. First of all, the characters don't meet each other by the course of the scenario, but are rather assembled by a kind of recruitment process in an Expendables way. Kind of like: What do we need? A priest? Check. A wizard? Check. And it's weird, but in the end, it looks much more like a real role-playing game. Or very often, for practical reasons, we get the characters together who actually don't know each other. And so like a real role play. Finally, we have a whole bunch of little side moments which are useless in the scenario, except for filling in the gaps to please the hardcore fans who will recognize the references. Oh I see, she used walls of flames, conjuration spells, level 4 of the Wizard class. Clever! -But when are we going to fuck? Damn it! Anyway, all that to say that I'm just going to talk about the stuff that's going on the main story, that of the globe of Fallasur. As the team approaches the goal to find the crypt that contains I don't know which stupid magic object would allow them to to teleport to Damodar. Suddenly, they are ambushed by enemy troops. - Crooks. This is certainly another gift from Damodar. Then the battle begins. Well, this battle, I wanted to tell you about it because it's one of the worst battles I've ever seen in my life. I mean okay, the barbarian is fighting against the crooks, so that means they've arrived downstairs. But no, you can see them running on absolutely every shot. No, because there was only one line of enemies up there? And now they're super far away again. In all the shots they are coming down the hill. But it's a small hill. They should have arrived by now. What are they doing? When they get to the bottom, do they go up again or what? And look what they're running with bows, it's awesome. They didn't even understand the principle of bows. No kidding, I love it. This battle is a work of art. Anyway, the heroes find the artifact that allows them to teleport to the villain's lair. But... Watch out for the marble, slide activated... And here's a jump. trapped. Phew, that's not me! I won! New game: mouse catcher. Fortunately, the heroes succeed in freeing themselves to cut the arm of Damodar. They escape and go back to Ishmir, the capital, with the magic orb of Fallasur that they had come to get back, while Damodar is treating his wounds. Are you fucking serious? Monsignor, I can see that your arm is behind your back. No, it's cut off, I don't have an arm. No, it's actually not cut. No. If I ran into some good guys and they cut my arm off. Who the hell is this guy? What's that? Is this a Dungeons and Dragons race or a crocodile? So, as I say, the heroes return to the capital with the Orb. But one of the villain's minions, who had taken the appearance of one of the wizards, takes the artifact and flies back to Damodar. Oh fuck, oh... wow OK, thanks for the little ball, but I'm not going to pretend that I didn't see you coming here... Back in possession of the Damodar orb can now summon Disgustingator, the king of the disgusting dragons. This one attacks the city, and luckily the heroes succeed to find another magic artifact from my balls to repel him. If they could find the makeup artist too by the way. Yeah, the makeup is really gross. They must have put in a VHS filter. So the dragon is repelled. All that's left to do is to go and get Damodar alone on her hill in her plan that stinks of sadness. Oh, boy! After a horse chase, the barbarian who was unexpectedly on the way to the chase throws herself in front of him and throws him off. I see, she used the spell of: "I place myself in the path of the scenario". Level eight summoner. Ludivine? Mommy? This allows the hero to catch up with Damodar and stop him. With this thing that is clearly not a real knife. And that's the end of the movie. - Oh, Damodar, his name is Bruce Payne. - The famous Batman. Well, there will be a third movie, Dungeons and Dragons, but it's not nearly as interesting as the first two. In fact, the first Dungeons and Dragons, as bad as it is, they still tried to make a movie. Sure, they made some shortcuts, they didn't necessarily respect the lore, but they tried anyway. While this second and third film is more like a role-playing game that was put on video. With all the boring stuff you find in RPGs too. In that case, I'll take a ring of strength, a bag of paralyzing spells, a high quality sword and this knight's armor. Righteous or heroic model? - Righteous. What the hell is the matter? There's all the bullshit in your game right there, the leprechauns, the princesses, the wizards since you're not satisfied. And this really weird side is also reinforced by the fact that the characters talk more like role-players than as characters who would actually live in this universe. I only have teleportation spells in reserve. I can't open this bottle, I don't have enough dexterity. Anyway, I'm not necessarily going to talk in detail about this third film, but they're really trying very, very hard to make it interesting for the viewer. Control me. Well, they really pushed it hard. So in the end, in three movies, we had one bad movie and two flops. But it turns out that next year another Dungeons and Dragons movie will be released. With a thriller that reeks of comedy like Guardians of the Galaxy, in medieval style. Well, come on, let's give him a chance and maybe we'll finally get a good surprise. Okay, you're going to give this back to me, this is not meant for you. DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE JOUEUR DU GRENIER AND TO THE BAZAR DU GRENIER CHANNELS SO YOU WON'T MISS ANY FUTURE VIDEOS.
Channel: Joueur Du Grenier
Views: 3,257,696
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Keywords: Joueur du grenier, Bazar du Grenier, Hors-série, JDG, Donjons et Dragons
Id: -GToXhPm2Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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