Josie's Not-So-Handy Hacks Make Alison & Dermot Crack Up | This Morning

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[Music] she's a woman of many talents from josie to josie she's climbed mountains she's been on zip wires but today she's in the studio and we're very excited because she's got some handy hacks for us today haven't you joseph i love that alison a woman of many talents no one no one has ever said that before you are up there well i've got some hacks here that oh i'm so excited yeah is this your thing josh are you obsessed with kind of handy hacks at home um i wouldn't say i was obsessed but um you know when i come into the studio and our team tell me about them then i get upset i think they're amazing so um nice answer oh yeah i've got some great hacks though okay right so the first one i love this now i love a clean workshop love a clean side so you know you've got the saucepan handle and you normally hang the saucepan handle up okay well look at this guys so you're back so you can be doing your sauce doing your sauce stirring it no need to put your wooden spoon on the side to make a mess it's just so balance your spoon so you don't need to make a mess on the side look how good is that so that's why that hole's there really i think so oh yeah no one knows i love that one for that you love that one now i don't like people touching my food i don't know what you're like you're a sharing plate kind of person you like to have your own i get that i like that because no because i like no one touching my feet so um guess what these are for um that just keeps it separate definitely little leprechauns while they eat think again think again okay you share a pizza don't you yeah and then you've got some grubby little hands over your pizza and they've got terriers to tear there oh yeah hang on you're talking about your children i know it's terrible isn't it when they share your food you're gonna love this one you just pop your hand on there take the p hold on there you go it's only because i take your two pieces pieces pizza if you just keep your hand there and you take the pizza right then that works is that what it's for that's that's what that is for is that theoretically it didn't go quite to plan this one is amazing amazing right okay so you've gone to a fast food restaurant you've got no table you've got your kids in the back of the car so you've got your drink there yeah okay now voila you've got a table you've got a table so you've got your chips there you've got nuggets there you're not gonna have one because they can't actually be an item that's actually done to me quite a good hat you know when you've got loads of hands so you can have a little suck at your dreams is it designed like that or was that just you changing i think it was actually designed like that maybe nobody told her maybe not until josie came along thank you so much can you hold your drink can you hold your drink i think that needs a ting yeah yeah i like that one all right thank you thank you very much that's a good hack are you the controller of the thing yeah it's very impressive did you like that well if i do it if you like a hack you'll get a ting all right so if you like it then yeah i like it so far i'm tingling right so you know you get these little these little sauce parts yeah well i am a bit of a dipper i don't know about you yeah so you pop your sauce in the saucepot and you get more of it in and to like properly dip your burger in you just spread it apart how good is that and it just makes it bigger it makes it bigger and then you can obviously get more sauce in but then you can properly like dip it yeah and you can dip your burger yeah dip your burger sauce that's been there for a while actually i'm not gonna have that no no no no you know yeah um this one yeah oh thanks so this one's amazing so some people like an egg white omelette some people like to make cakes you've got yours there it's so easy you just suck the yolk up with the blood genius there we are and then you just pop it in the other room oh my god totally look i've scrambled mine oh my god that's so good so good at that imagine when you're baking a cake and you need to separate your yolks yeah that deserves a ting don't you think yeah yeah i love it all these vegetables guys these ones are amazing so um if you've got a two-year-old like me i dread buying him an ice cream or a very slowly it's just come from the side that's been there for that's still frustrating even melts very good so here we have a cupcake casing right you've got your little toddler you've bought him an ice cream i'm just gonna pop that in there to catch any drippage i love it how good is that actually there we go she could i did no drippage it might be a little bit my fun but um this you're going to love this i love a bit of diy so your paint painting the skirting put an elastic band around the paint pot so you can just dip your paint and then you just get the excess off with the elastic band and it doesn't go around you don't have to use the rim the lid of the yeah because otherwise you can't get the middle right in the park that's straight like double double ding thank you ah amazing thank you i like that one well done thank you and then this one is amazing so you get an old stocking yeah cut the stock in put that on the hoover with an elastic band and have you ever lost an earring in your rug yeah loads of times and the back the back of the earring mainly what's this watch this there it is there's the back of the area i'm just going to give it a little hoover oh my god there's the back of the area good yeah oh yeah there you are i can see it how amazing is that hang on why can't you just pick it up i'm not i'm i'm not being sucky i'm just confused sometimes it doesn't shine through sometimes it doesn't shine you can see it this one you are going to love love love because this is our last one why are you getting bored are you right now wardrobe space we all need wardrobe space don't we okay yeah top of a coke cab yeah yeah you pop that on your hanger yeah and then you can get another t-shirt hang it down and then if you could do it all the way down and just hang all your t-shirts could have ten t-shirts exactly oh you're getting dings for that how good is that oh i love that one yeah malto ding love it give some more that is just brilliant you've got anything out yes i have actually go on there i've spent about a year of my life looking for the end of the if you can hang on a second let me just if you can fix this for me you're getting a massive hug if when conditions are loud because this drives me up the wall you better be getting ready for that hug permit because i fixed it for you so a paper clip on the end of the sellotape yeah you just go like that you'll always find these lovely so good and actually a really good one she's only gonna give it tink timing and she's redeemed herself you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 108,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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