Joshua with Pastor Steve Whinery of Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities

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[Music] there's a road that's been made to walk upon just like a song that was meant to be sung [Music] or there's a guard that speaks gently to his sons [Music] come to me [Music] but there's a rage [Music] in an unforgiving sea [Music] a night sky that bites us with its freeze but there's still a voice that calls patiently [Music] oh [Music] [Music] there's a port that starts with a change [Music] i [Music] hallelujah [Music] hi you guys this is steve wintering from calvary chapel tri-cities and i just wanted to thank you for tuning in online we're we're especially blessed by the fact that we've got people from all over the united states that are tuning in and all you guys in other countries that are tuning in just really blows us away we've got some we've gotten some really um neat emails from you i just want to give you an invite to be more involved with what's going on around here especially in areas that we can serve you so if you have anything that we can pray for any needs that you think we might be able to meet for you we'd love to be involved in that and you can let us know by sending an email to calvary chapel tri-cities at and so again we'd love to hear from you uh tell us how we can minister to you uh we just like to be of service for all you guys that are listening in in our area uh online uh again just a just a great opportunity for us to be involved in your lives and to be able to minister to you i want to encourage you though if you're staying home because it's convenient and you don't really have a reason not to be in church you know that fellowship is something that we need as believers in fact the word koinonia in greek is a word that means a community it has the idea of assembly in fact the the word for church is assembly and you're not involved in church if you're not assembling and so i understand the need to stay home if you're in danger with the whole covid crisis and uh that's obviously the reason that we're doing this but if that's not the case with you you guys need to get to church we need to see you and so just want to encourage you in that area also in any case uh in all these areas we'd love to serve you glad you're listening in uh just pray that god blesses you through the studies whether it's me or one of the other guys and again we just want to be a servant to you so god bless you check this out it's going to be a good time we're going to be in the word all right how you guys doing tonight all right one guy's alive you guys don't want the first service this morning didn't you that's your problem unless you guys all stand you can be seated whenever but let's go ahead and stand and pray welcome those online watching if you notice we have a bunch of boxes down here it's because we got a ton of christmas boxes our young adults on thursday night did 200 boxes we like just raised some funds but people brought stuff it was awesome so you guys you could still bring them all this week you go out and get your kid i'm talking about your kid as in the kid you're getting the present for a bunch of stuff and and load these things up it's pretty cool let me pray for the night lord thank you so much for this the people you bring in this room each night and as we get to worship lord so then it's just one of my favorite times just to spend at your feet and your throne and more just to hear and uh just to be close to you and god that worship is just something that draws us into your presence and just thank you for everyone here tonight god thank you for our voices lord i loved it god we're going to worship tonight and we're going to worship tomorrow and tuesday and wednesday it doesn't matter what the governor says god we're going to sing praise to you because you're god who deserves our praise and so i want to sing to you tonight and just pray that you continue to to bless this fellowship as we seek you first and we ask us your name [Music] amen [Music] would i was lost but he brought me [Music] [Music] yes i am [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] yes i am [Music] [Music] house i am chosen not forsaken and i am who you say i am you are for me not against me [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] yes i am there's a [Music] yes place am yes i am in my father's house there's a vase [Music] i'll share a new song with you guys and this is one of those songs that you kind of hear the first time and they're kind of grooving too you're like i like that groove and then as you hear the lyrics and actually hear what it's saying you're like oh that's really good especially as i've heard this song a few times and i was singing through it tonight i'm like yeah these lyrics are just really spot on and uh simple on the course just speaking about the goodness of god i love songs like that that have some depth but at the same time we can just sing in simplicity because we have a god who's vastly deep in and complex but at the same time his love is so simple his grace is so simple [Music] though the seasons come quickly you have always been enough though the night make it darker though the waiting seems long you have always been faithful to remind yourself your love for you are good in the morning [Music] you've always been patient you've always been kind you're consistent through the ages oh what a friend of mine so i remind my soul to bless you standing firm upon your truth knowing in the morning [Music] see it again [Music] i [Music] and the bridge was one of the things that the words that it says is you keep on getting better and the first time i was like god doesn't keep getting better he's the same and then i was thinking oh obviously this is from our perspective as we experience his mercy each day we experience his goodness in our life i don't know about you guys but i can testify that it just gets better and better i can look back at what god has done in my life and just following him today his love is just better and better and better and better and better and so we can sing these words with truth in our hearts tonight just knowing that god's goodness is this poured out on us this evening you keep on getting better you keep on getting better you keep on getting better better try that keep on getting better you keep on getting better you keep on getting better you keep on getting better yes you do keep on getting better keep on getting better keep on getting better keep on getting better you [Music] in the keep [Music] [Music] you you're good to me in the darkness we were waiting without [Music] [Music] and praise the father praise the sun and praise [Music] yes [Music] you did [Music] knowing this was our salvation jesus [Music] praise in the morning [Music] from [Music] [Applause] [Music] was [Music] for the love of jesus christ [Music] [Music] glory [Music] [Music] and i searched the world empty praise and treasures and you came along and put me back together and every desire is nothing [Music] better than you there's nothing [Music] better than you lord there's nothing nothing is better oh i'm not afraid to show you my weakness [Music] the god of the mountain [Music] is [Music] better than [Music] [Music] nothing is better you turn more into dancing [Music] you give beauty for ashes you turn shame into glory you're the only you give beauty [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing better than you there's nothing nothing is better than you oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing [Music] better than you love is nothing nothing is better than you you are good in the morning i'll see you [Music] you are good you're good to me [Music] good [Music] we rest on that simple truth tonight god [Music] as complex as your mercy and your grace are towards us god we rest on the simple truth we are your sons we are your daughters we're your kids lord and you love us to death keep the night in your name amen once you guys trying to greet someone if you have kids you can take them on over to sunday school all right well they're doing kids let's do some sharing anybody got anything you want to pray for or anything you want to share [Laughter] yes ma'am right okay yeah so uh for you guys on online hi first off and then uh we're we're doing uh prayer requests right now so you're um of necessity not going to be able to hear everything did you guys hear everything that debbie was saying you guys get it okay did you want to pray okay father we we just looked at the business owners in our town and the ones that are worried about their the fact that their businesses are going to go under because governor inslee has decided to shut down everything again and the lord just pray for them that you give them wisdom on what to do god that you give them grace lord you provide for their needs and just pray that you come up beside them lord and just help them and father for the situation with a family that's been separated uh since the beginning of this whole thing because of country restrictions and and uh that kind of stuff lord we just pray that you'd be in the midst of that situation that you would get them back together and lord that the bureaucrats would be conducive to doing the right thing in a situation and just ask that you do this in jesus name amen i still i haven't read what what governor inslee said yet but i heard that we're not allowed to sing and i will be ignoring that also so yeah you know obviously again you know i uh it's not that i don't uh take the take covet seriously you know it's it's pretty infectious we've had situations where people have gotten infected and so it's pretty infectious and so you have to watch out for it and so if you're sick don't come to church you got a fever don't come to church we got people who you know are immune compromised and usually they're walking in here with masks on and stuff and we don't want to we don't want to do something that's going to hurt them and so you know god's been watching out for us and uh i think that most of this stuff you just take reasonable precautions you wash your hands you know i mean you guys are doing that right and so i wash my hands after every service sometimes twice after every service you know depending on on who's touching me i always wash my hands before i touch babies you know all that kind of stuff and so i just stay on top of it and um i i think that that's that's reasonable one of the things with viruses is that they get into the environment and then they're there and there you know covet is there it's going to be there forever it's never going away it doesn't matter how many times we do this it's always going to be there and so we we need to be adults about this and and take care of it reasonably and uh you know watch out for it so anyway um like i said i'm uh i'm i'm not unconcerned about it but i don't think that the lockdown thing is doing us any good because you end up having to go through the whole infection thing anyway uh at the end with people who've nev who hasn't been exposed so and another thing that uh is happening with this just you know i and i know you guys are pretty informed so i think i'm i'm speaking to the choir but you understand that they're talking about um infections now right so we've been testing more and more people are being tested positive you know that that was always there right so early on there was a stanford study up to up to 23 of the people in the area of stanford already had coveted back in back this last spring that's that's the infection rate at that point and so uh nationally we were looking at infection rates of anywhere from five to seven percent seven percent was the highest that i saw at one point and so when you're when you're talking about infection rates um it's the amount of the the amount of populate of the population who has been infected obviously and one of the things that we don't know is the infection rate we have no idea how many people in the population have gotten in and so the more testing you do the more the more people are going to come up as having been positive and that doesn't mean that that the uh the infection rates are necessarily going up these are these are people who may have already had it and that kind that kind of thing is is going to go on that's the way that it's supposed to go and so a lot of the numbers in in this whole situation um have been misrepresented to freak people out and so the only numbers that we know for sure right now is the populat population of the united states and how many people have died from it and we don't even know the second one because they keep they keep fudging those numbers and they fudge them up i've got um i've got a good friend who is a hospital administrator you get paid to have covet deaths and it's it's not a good thing or the hospitals do is what is what i'm saying and so you know as as soon as i heard that and you know there's been a couple of you know there's there's always the internet rumors and all that kind of stuff going around but there's been uh specific instances where you know ridiculous uh uh situations where people have been said to have died of cove they died in a car accident or they shot themselves or they you know but they had coveted so they counted as a cove of death it's not a cove of death it's all you're doing is inflating numbers for for uh the sake of whatever your agenda is and and so you know again we need to watch out for this at this point the infection and death rate is lower than the flu in the united states it's lower than the flu you guys and so and it's at this point and it's going down and so you know i don't know uh sometimes uh i think i don't know my wife said i and again i didn't listen to this i got the second hand from my wife uh uh governor inslee said that in in states that aren't doing lockdowns they have uh they have uh trailers filled with ice for all the dead bodies and have any of you looked that up yet because i'm gonna go look that up because i kind of think that that's a bunch of nonsense bobby said it was a seattle time so yeah so yeah you can't sue a politician you can just get rid of them unless they have voting machines that will fudge the election their way that's interesting stuff too so anyway anybody else have anything to share yeah okay you want to pray yeah restore back to health anybody else okay what's his name rick let's pray for him lord we lift up rick to you and god just pray that you have mercy on him uh again you're the god who heals us you're the great physician you can do anything and lord you can heal this uh father we pray that as he's going through the treatment that you'd be with him if you want to use the treatment if you want to use a doctor's lord that's that's your deal and and we bow to it uh father we pray that you'd give the doctors wisdom and lord that the treatment would be effective and uh god just thank you for how good you are and we're looking uh forward to the goodness that you're gonna pour out on rick in jesus name amen okay next anyone else okay and so that board meeting is happening is that tuesday or thursday oh it's wednesday okay okay let's let's pray for that guy we lift up the school board just pray that you give them wisdom uh lord on uh what to do with the public schools as far as opening goes and agree again lord um i just pray you know a lot of people are just scared and they're made scared because what comes over the tv and and all of that and lord we just pray for wisdom and ask that you give it to those people just pray that they make the right decisions and again ask that they that you do this all in jesus name amen okay anybody else yeah in the back okay okay you know what um you know what buddy you share every week and you sit all the way in the back and i can never hear you so you need to sit up here so when you share i can hear you what do you guys want to pray for that back there okay go ahead ethan uh amen okay anybody else all right joshua chapter six is where we're at we're gonna do the battle of jericho you guys know this song joshua fought the battle of jericho jericho jericho who fought the battle of jericho it wasn't joshua that's what we're going to find out as we go through this let's pray before we start um again lord we thank you for your word thank you so much for uh powerful men of god people who uh walked in obedience to you and looked to you in faith just trusting that you would be with them that you would work through them and joshua's a great picture of that as we go through these passages you don't see him making missteps when he's following after you and lord we pray that you'd help us to have the same kind of heart where we listen up to you we get the battle plans from you uh we understand uh what your will is in a situation we go out and perform those things and so god is we're looking at this passage we pray that you'd be speaking to our hearts and that you bless the time in your word and ask that you do this in jesus name amen okay chapter six it says now jericho was securely shut up because of the children of israel none went out and none came in and the lord said to joshua see i've given jericho into your hand it's king and the mighty man of valor you shall march around the city all you men of war you shall go all around the city once this you shall do six days okay so you can see that what's happening here is there's a quote verse two the lord said to joshua and so when did the lord have this this conversation with joshua and one of the things that that you have again in the bible is a situation where we have chapter divisions and those are good for being able to find verses but they're bad sometimes for the narrative of the story and so in this narrative of the passage joshua is talking to somebody and he's identified as being jehovah verse 2. see the l caps there l-o-r-d that means that's what's called the tetragrammaton that's the four-letter name of god and if you bring it across from hebrew into english it's y-h-w-h and that's where we get the term yahweh jehovah comes from that when you've seen the the term jehovah in your old king james version for example and the way that they did that was it went from uh from hebrew into latinized english basically j used to be the y sound and so it would have been jehovah and v and w uh were synonymous in early english and so what they did was they took the tetragrammaton and so it would be j h v h problem is there's no j in hebrew it's always a y sound but again latinized english it was a y sound too it's just not in our in our style of english they took the four letters of the tetragrammaton and then they took the term adonai and that's another hebrew uh term for lord in the old testament and they took the vowels from that and put them in between the consonants of the yhvh or the yh wh and that's where you get the name jehovah there's not actually a name jehovah in the bible they just kind of made that thing up because we didn't know how to pronounce it and so most likely it's yahweh and we don't know that for sure it could be yo woe it could be yahuwah because because these are consonants right but most likely it's yahweh and that's the name for the lord so when did joshua start this conversation with the lord you could see in the previous chapter we already went through this but if you look up in verse 13 of chapter 5 it says and it came to pass when joshua was by jericho that he lifted his eyes and looked and behold a man stood opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand and joshua went to him and said to him are you for us or for our adversaries so he said no i like that just no but as commander of the army of the lord i have now come i'm not for you i'm not for your adversaries i'm not that's that's not the way this works i've come as commander of the army of the lord and joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped and said to him what does my lord say to his servant then the commander of the lord's army said to joshua take your sandal off your foot for the place where you stand is holy and joshua did so now jericho was securely shut up because of the children of israel none went out and then came in and the lord said to joshua see i've given jericho into your hand. and he's pointing because they're outside of jericho joshua is looking at the city and so this is this is a conversation he's having with the commander of the army of the lord in the passage and so um again it identifies him as being jehovah and so we have an on earth appearance of jehovah to joshua in this situation and not only that but it's synonymous with the um well it's it's coincidental with the appearance of god to moses in the burning bush passage do you remember what god said to moses when he came upon the burning bush yeah take your sandals off your feet for the ground that you stand on is holy and so we have the exactly the same thing going on only in this instance it's not a burning bush it's the army or the commander of the lord's armies that are that is standing in front of him and i i i imagine that he's dressed in armed regalia at this point don't know it for sure but he's probably dressed as a soldier at this point and so in the old testament when you have an appearance of god who is it it's jesus because in the new testament john chapter 1 verse 18 it says no man has seen god at any time the only begotten son who's in the bosom of the father he has revealed him and so what that passage is saying is that every appearance of god in the old testament is actually an appearance of christ it's always been jesus's job to reveal the father and so while he was here on the earth in the gospel times that's exactly what he was doing he was revealing the father thomas at one point said lord show us the father and it'll suffice us no you know what i think that was philip there's thomas or philip i can't remember which one they were always saying something and uh show us the father and uh the lord says how long have i been with you and you have not known me he who has seen me has seen the father and so jesus is always the revealer of the father and that's the situation that you have here and so the lord comes down and this is jesus telling joshua the battle you know the battle plan for taking the city of jericho in this passage and again you have that another thing that you have with this is this is another one of those indications that um you have a trinity in the old testament because he says i've come as the commander of the army of the lord and it looks like he's placing the lord outside himself in this in this instance because if i'm the commander of the lord's army he doesn't say to him i'm just the lord he says i'm the commander of the lord's army but then later on it calls him the lord and so so many times when you have an appearance of christ in the old testament he's identified as being jehovah and yet he's talking to jehovah or he's identified as being jehovah and sometimes actually we're going through genesis and on sunday morning and there's a passage at the point where sodom and gomorrah is destroyed and it says jehovah comes down and meets with abram and they have a talk about what's going to happen with sodom and gomorrah then two angels go into sodom and gomorrah and take lot and his family out and then it says and the lord rained down fire and brimstone from the lord out of heaven and so we've got the lord in two places at that point one is on earth running down fire and brimstone the other one's in heaven you know sending down fire and brimstone and that's uh that's an indication of the plurality of the godhead that's a that's a fancy term for there's a father there's a son there's a holy spirit and they are all the one god that's what god is father son and holy spirit this is another one of those indications you see them routinely throughout the old testament just want to throw that in there for you and so when joshua appears before the lord actually commander of the lord's army comes and appears to joshua he tells him to get his feet off or his sandals off his feet because the ground he stands on is holy and then he gives him the battle plan i think that what joshua was doing was going out and praying i think he's you know he knows he's about to send his men into battle the next day he has to go and take jericho because it's what god has ordained he's supposed to be going into fighting these battles and so he's going out and spending time in prayer and then the lord shows up and he doesn't recognize him as being the lord but he makes it clear really quickly that that's exactly what's going on and um god uh kind of puts him in his place in the sense that you know joshua's you know he's a he's a general and he's like friend or foe are you for us or are you against us and the lord says no that's not the question it's are you for me or against me it's it's that kind of idea there it's not is god on my side it's a am i on his side and again joshua wants to know and so the lord shows up to tell him what to do with jericho and i think that's cool about joshua i think that's cool about the lord because every time i want to know something if i'm going to lord i can expect that he's going to answer me but the other thing that he's going to do is again put me in put me in my place right so i'm the one who's in charge not you steve and the ground where you're standing whenever you're talking to me is holy get your sandals off it's holy and i think i think that sometimes when we approach god and we're not getting answers it may be because of attitude that god's got to deal with my with my nonsense before he can ever get through to my intellect because there's a lot of times when i'm just having a pity party or there's a lot of times when i'm just having an attitude why aren't you doing the things that i want you to do you promised me you know some of the stuff that we talked about with abraham and uh sarah this morning uh that kind of thing and god's dealing with that stuff and we need to understand that when we come before the god the god of the universe we're we're on holy ground and we're dealing with our father he is our father but he's our father who's in heaven and so act accordingly with that whole thing and when i come to the lord and i'm in submission to him and i recognize that he's the one in charge i can say anything that i want to god i'm not saying that you can't do that but i do keep my foot when i enter the house of god as it says in ecclesiastes and so on the one hand i'm sharing my heart with the lord on the other hand i know that i'm not i that i don't know what i'm talking about i'm just sitting here on this planet and i'm i am so confined in my flesh and the only vision that i have that i can't know the future i can't know the plans of god i i can't understand all those things they're gonna have to be revealed to me and somebody has so somebody has to be higher than me basically is is the point that i'm making and that's the point that the lord makes uh to joshua in this passage i think i think that if uh christians um would take their shoes off when they approach god that um they get a lot more answers to prayer and i mean that figuratively right and i'm not saying you know every time you pray you kick your shoes off i mean you can if you want but that's not what i'm saying i'm i'm just saying you have it you have respect you have an understanding of who you're dealing with you have a submission to his will if god's constantly fighting you about your attitude when you approach him you're not going to get much much else done except for the fight at that point but if i'm covering the lord in submission and just going god whatever you want i just want to know what it is um you're going you're going to get answers a whole lot more quickly than if you come with another kind of attitude and again i think i'm preaching to the choir i don't think that you guys are like that but it's it's again something to keep in mind uh sometimes our our emotions can overwhelm our um our manners are manners yeah so uh the lord shows up joshua joshua's obviously going out on his own looks like to me that he was going out to pray about this stuff and to think about what was going to happen in the battle and jesus shows up and he gives them the battle plan and again in verse 2 that's where we're at and the lord said to joshua see i've given jericho into your hand it's king the mighty men of valor and that's it i've done it and jesus is the one who hands him jericho it's going to happen and that's the way it's going to be because god's ordained it and that's the first point that he makes there that's what's going to happen because god's ordained it you're getting jericho you're going to get the king and then he tells him what he needs to do right and so you know when i when i look at uh the way that god works in our lives um one of one of the things that that i understand is god has certain um uh issues that he's going to take care of in my life and i am always going to win i'm always going to win so i always have the victory in areas so does god want me living according to the flesh no so so what's his will his will is that i don't live according to the flesh right now is that always going to happen and the answer to that is no they're going to be times when i do live according to the flesh is that god's fault no whose fault is it yeah it's mine it's my fault because i've got the power i've got the position i've got the possession of the holy spirit in my life i get to win every single time if i want to if i want to and all i got to do is go through the motions all i got to do is do the things that god's called me to and so in the battle of the spirit versus the flesh the bible talks about it talks about the the fact that you put away the old man put off the old man uh who's corrupt and all that stuff and then you put on the new man and so putting away lying you speak the truth to your neighbor if you're a thief stop stop thieving get a job give and you know god lays out battle plans uh for me to conquer in my life and that's exactly what god does with joshua the battle's already been won it's already been done all you got to do is go through the motions and the motions are going to be marching you know you you know the story i tell it all the time the motions are going to be you're going to be walking around jericho and we'll read we'll read about that but it's exactly the same thing in our lives and a lot of times we get we get overwhelmed by the circumstances we get overwhelmed by our feelings and and we end up not following through on the things that god's called us to and we end up losing i hate to lose i hate losing i hate you know when and everything to me is a sports illustration and so my coaches you know there would be times i was a lineman in high school and there would be times when i would get creamed by the guy on the other side i had the i had the benefit of in practice i always i was a defensive end and i went out we had a 4-3 and you don't care i was a defensive end and i went up against a tackle on the other side the tackle on the other side was all league all county all cif that was that was like all state down in southern california and so that's the guy i practiced against and so every every day at practice i'm going up against him trying to get around him trying and so when i got into a game it was like it was just easy you know when i got in the game because i practiced so hard against the best guy one of the best guys in the state uh on on that whole thing and so when i would um when i would lose my coaches would watch me and usually it was a technique issue usually it was i was standing up too tall i needed to get lower i needed to drive with my legs and it wasn't all this hard stuff it was just pretty straightforward stuff and all i had to do was make sure that i was doing it correctly if i'm trying to get around him i lean into him and you know curl around the guy and you know sometimes spin and that kind of stuff they gave me a few techniques and and then i would win when i didn't win they would go back to technique they wouldn't say oh he's just too big or he's just too good or you know they wouldn't do that stuff they would they would give me instruction on what needed to be going on and it's exactly the same thing in the bible and it's not that you're doing this stuff on your own because it's just a matter of you've got to show up and there's a few things that need to happen and if you'll show up and these few things happen like i turn away from the flesh and i turn towards the things of the spirit i stop looking at pornos and i start reading my bible my life will be different if i do these things and if i don't then my my life won't and i can whine about it all day long and i'm just a loser and the reason i'm losing is because i refuse to go in the direction that god tells me to go and so the battle's won there's just certain things that need to happen to get the get the fruit of the battle and again the things that god is going to tell him to do are ridiculously easy so he says again verse 2 see i have given jericho into your hand its king and the mighty men of valor you shall march around the city all you men of war and you shall go all around the city once this you shall do for six days how many days in a week and one of those days is the sabbath day okay so watch out for this and seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of ram's horns before the ark but the seventh day that's probably talking about the sabbath day but the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times and the priest shall blow the trumpets are you supposed to be marching on the sabbath day nope god gets to break his own rules doesn't he he definitely does it in the old testament he does definitely does it in this passage right here and so whether you want to make the sabbath day one of the previous six days or you whether you want to make the seventh day as it says in this passage the sabbath day either way the sabbath day was broken because they were out marching on the sabbath it shall come to pass when they make a long blast with the ram's horn and when you hear the sound of the trumpet that all the people shall shout with a great shout then the wall of the city will fall down flat and the people shall go up every man straight before him then joshua the son of nun called the priests and said to them take up the ark of the covenant and let seven priests bear seven trumpets of ram's horns before the ark of the lord and he said to the people proceed and march around the city and let him who is armed advance before the ark of the lord here's another thing that you have was the ark of the covenant was supposed to go into battle do you know the answer is no it was never supposed to go into battle and so again god's breaking his own rules don't take the ark of the covenant into battle the ark of the covenant stays in the um in in the um tabernacle the one other time that you see the ark of the covenant going into battle it's with the sons of eli and they pull the ark of the covenant out because they're afraid they're going to lose to the philistines and that's exactly what happens they lose to the philistines the ark of the covenant is captured it goes to dagon's temple and then there's a whole interesting thing that happens there with the lord and dagon it's really funny and then they send the ark back with um a box of golden hemorrhoids no joke that's exactly what they do they send the ark back with a box of golden hemorrhoids and it comes back into israel anyway it wasn't a good thing and so the ark wasn't supposed to go to war um also it talks about the priests the seven priests what tribe do they come from levi and the levites weren't go to war war either numbers chapter 10. so the levants weren't supposed to go to war the ark was not supposed to be used in battle and you're supposed to keep the sabbath day and all three of those are broken in the battle of jericho and again it's because god's allowed to change the rules uh jericho is uh in the bible a type of rest it's the idea that god is going to fight the battle for you and again the whole point that i was making earlier all you got to do is show up jesus at one point said is it good to do uh is it lawful to do good on the sabbath day and he was about to heal a guy and he was making the point to the people that were watching him that they were hard-hearted and they were put in a day above a man who was afflicted and it wasn't a good thing in fact the bible says he looked at them with the anger when he was saying these things in any case it goes on so so the lord gives him the battle plan and then joshua goes and tells the guys the battle plan and he said to the people proceed and march around the city and let him who's armed advance before the ark of the lord so it was when joshua had spoken to the people that the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets of ram's horns before the lord advanced and blew the trumpets and the ark of the covenant of the lord followed them the armed men went before the priests who blew the trumpets and the rear guard came after the ark while the priests continue blowing the trumpets now joshua had commanded the people saying you shall not shout or make any noise with your voice nor shall a word proceed out of your mouth until the day i say to you shout then you shall shout and apparently what joshua is doing is again giving the giving these guys commands as they go remember when when they were going to cross the jordan river he did exactly the same thing god told him at each point what to do and god's already told him the the outlines of this whole thing but he's giving these people commands and one of the things that these people had said was we're going to do whatever you do or whatever you tell us to and this is another example where these guys were actually faithful to do it totally different than their parents totally different because their parents in the wilderness failed to do anything that god told them to do and we're always griping and complaining about stuff these guys are are going into the land and they're willing to do the things that joshua has told them they've already done silly things in going through the jordan river and seeing god do miracles in that situation and so here they are once again going okay okay we'll do that and so it goes on and says again verse 14 and the second day they marched around the city once and returned to the camp so they did six days but it came to pass on the seventh day that they rose early about the dawning of the day and marched around the city seven times in the same manner on that day only they marched around the city seven times and the seventh time it happened when the priest blew the trumpets the joshua said to the people shout for the lord has given you the city now the city shall be doomed by the lord to destruction it and all who are in it only rahab the harlot shall live she and all who are with her in the house because she hid the messengers that we sent and you by all means abstain from the accursed things lest you become accursed when you take of the accursed things and make the camp of israel a curse and trouble it all the silver and gold and vessels of bronze and iron are consecrated to the lord that means set apart to the lord they shall come into the treasury of the lord and so one what joshua's doing here is putting a ban on the city of jericho what he's saying is every everything in this city is god's do not touch it do not take it it is not yours any gold any silver all of that stuff it's to go in the treasury everything else is to be burned and so everything was lords god's claiming everything one of the things that god's doing with israel is he's got business in canaan and he's using israel to get his business done we were talking about this this morning back in genesis chapter 16 it indicates that just after god had promised canaan to to abram that just after that they had this whole thing in chapter 16 where sarai you know got hagar and and gave hagar his wife to abram and that kind of stuff well we know the dating of that it's 635 years before they left canaan and this is another 40 years after that so we're 675 years after god made the promise to abram that he was going to give them the land of canaan right and what god said to him is i'm not going to give you the land yet because the iniquity of the amorites is not yet full and here we are at the time when the iniquity of the amorites is full 675 years later and we've talked about the the canaanites you know ad nauseum basically i always tell you about these people these were the worst pagans on the planet that you know as far as their culture goes it's the worst that you see in ancient times we haven't found it found one that's worse than these people and so they were sexually immoral to a fault just ridiculous over the top and because of that they were child murderers basically they constantly were burning children because it was the offshoot of all their sexual immorality they didn't want the kids because the kids were were born in sexual immorality and it had to do with with being prostitutes and and that kind of stuff and so you prostitute your yourself at the temple you come home pregnant i don't want your pray i don't want your kid that you have that you're having because you prostituted yourself at the temple and so when your kid's born we're going to go offer it as a as a sacrifice to baal or to moloch or to one of these other gods that demanded human sacrifice and that's what they would do or we're going to dedicate a new house burn them alive and then take the bones stick it in a jar and stick it in the found in the footings of our house or the gate of our city or whatever these people did this stuff all the time and so god's done and he gave him 675 years before he was done and at this point he's done can you imagine you know it's like our culture is pretty tweaked have you noticed how how much tweaker tweaked her we're getting in the last 10 years or so have you have you noticed how quickly the culture is degrading have you noticed that and we're not we're not even to the the point of well actually we kind of are because there's a there's a planned parenthood place down on uh you know just off the freeway over there over here in kennewick and every monday they come in and chop up babies every monday that's what they do and we sit here and go shopping and that kind of thing and so our culture is pretty tweaked and um you know i don't know people from bible times would look at us and go that's pretty savage that's pretty savage and you know it's just normal to us well it's the same thing with the canaanites and god put up with this for 675 years that scares me that god's that gracious because i don't want him to do that with the united states i don't want him to put up with us for 675 years i don't want to do this kind of garbage with my whole life and then my kids lives and then my grandkids lives and my great-grandkids lives and down the line for decade after decade after decade do this kind of nonsense and then finally god gets done and wipes the whole nation out not interested in that but that's what happened with these guys you can tell once again that they're right for judgment because there's only one person who repented in the whole time that you have the the uh god sending israel into taking care of the canaanites there's only one person who repented and she's already done it and joshua mentions her in this passage only rahab gets out of this whole thing and again it's because she turned and she gave her life over to the lord and that's again what you have every person in canaan could have done that if they wanted to every single person but they didn't and the reason they didn't was because they didn't want to and it's not because they thought that they could win because they didn't think that they could win you remember when rahab was talking to the spies that came in they uh she talked about the fact that that everybody was frightened they'd known what god was doing with uh with israel and these people had seen the jordan back up and these guys walk across they got to be scared out of their minds about what's going on with the israelites and a lot of times when you know i don't know my my wife uh my kids used to watch veggie tales and every time i think of the battle of jericho i think of the little front french peas on the top of the wall of jericho going you will not come in you will not come over our wall i can't do a french accent but you know what i mean and so there's that whole mockery thing going on i don't think that that was probably what was going on i think they were probably scared and they didn't know what these people were going to do and so you can have a situation where somebody sees miracles someone knows that god's at work someone knows that god's at work in a group of people and they still don't stop they still don't repent because they're so far gone that they can't they've been given over to the flesh the bible talks about situations where people's hearts are hardened where they're calloused where they're um where they're cauterized basically it's like they've been their hearts have been burned with a hot iron and so they get themselves in into a position where they've said no to god so many times they've just gone against his will in so many areas that they can't turn around and that's the situation that you have with a whole nation of canaan and so now it's time and so god puts them under the ban everything is mine god says the people the children the animals everything is mine and you're not to take of any of it you're not not to spare any of it it's all mine they've already had their chance for repentance and now it's time for judgment and god does come to that point after 675 years in the case of these guys and again to me that's scary because i would like it to be after one year you know when i'm dealing with people who i think need to be judged you know give my year i think that's pretty gracious on my part one whole one whole turn around the solar system that's all you get and then you're done and it's a good thing i'm not god god does that 675 times right so god's not being mean here but he is using israel at this point and it's it's time for judgment and so again god uh does this whole thing and so that last part is the ban and if you've read ahead you know that they didn't keep the ban verse 20 it says so the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets and it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet and the people shouted with a great shout that the wall fell down flat then the people went up into the city every man straight before him and they took the city and they utterly destroyed all that was in the city both man and woman young and old oxen sheep and donkey with the edge of the sword okay here's another thing man and woman young and old so that means babies so what's happening there and again you know there's there's some perspectives on this that we need to have as christians and as believers in god when a baby dies where do they go heaven it doesn't matter if they're a christian baby or a non-christian baby no it doesn't so they go straight in the presence of the lord and so they're they're his anyway and so that's the that's the first point um secondly um we have a situation in our culture where in the mid 60s we decided to to throw off any semblance of obedience to biblical standards on morality and so we had what was called the sexual revolution and so people sleeping with whoever and whatever that whatever they want and we've had some warnings i believe that have come from god i think that they're natural warnings in the book of romans it says that when people do these things when they go into sexual immorality and specifically when they go into homosexuality that god gives them the reward in their bodies for what they've done and so we've had some warnings so i remember the whole aids scare back in the early 80s and in the united states what we did was we kind of covered that up and we threw a bunch of money at it and got treatments for aids not a cure but we've gotten treatments for aids and to allow people to live longer and that kind of thing and so you you hear about these treatments every time you turn on your tv and so we have openly gay guys who are hugging each other and kissing each other and holding hands and they're talking about certain medications that you can take to keep from having the effects of aids to keep from dying in this whole thing and so what we did was we took a situation that could have been dealt with by not doing the behavior and we decided that we want to keep doing the behavior and we want to try to medicate it away and so we got that one when you're when you're talking about timelines you're talking about say 1965 for the cultural revolution in the united states and we go 15 years and we get aids it's a little bit before that but about 15 years and we get aids you realize that aids destroyed 30 of the population of africa still killing people in africa 30 percent of the population if we didn't have the the technology if we didn't have the medicines that's exactly what would have happened in the united states it would have decimated it's more than decimated decimating is going going through a rank of guys and killing one in 10. when you're talking about aids it was one in three in africa and so it wiped out the population of africa in fact most um africans are pretty young nowadays they don't have old people and it's specifically because of aids it's the consequences of a lifestyle that's lived outside of biblical balance can you imagine what these people are like after 675 years of this and so aids is not even it's not even um the only disease that that we deal with when we're into sexual immorality and so you know all the standards gonorrhea and syphilis and people going crazy because of syphilis people going blind because of syphilis they don't have antibiotics all those things are going on you got giardia i got all kinds of things that are happening because of the physical behaviors that these guys are are coming up with their immune systems are going to be compromised because of homosexuality all this stuff is happening with these people these people are going to be disease ridden like no other because of their lifestyle for 675 years and so when god is dealing with the people of canaan one of the reasons that you see him in some instances wiping out whole cities is probably a medical issue it's probably so he stops the contagion at that point and it can't spread to anybody else and again a lot of these contagions were spread in sexual behaviors and so it's not just something that you can breathe in so their spread and sexual behaviors stop the group of people end the group of people and you won't have it spreading on if you have kids that have these diseases and we all know that these things spread from the mother to the children depending on what kind of disease it is because the intimacy that takes place between a mother and a child if the kids have it they grow up and what they're going to do is spread it around and so again when you're when you're when you're looking at these things god has good reason to do this stuff and and we can extrapolate those things just from the fact that we've been doing this for about 50 years now and we can see what's happening to our culture and take that and extrapolate it across 675 and you're gonna have some real problems and so god goes i want them all it's time i want them all verse 22 it says but joshua had said to the two men who had spied out the country go into the harlot's house and from there bring out the woman and all that she has as you swore to her and the young men who had been spies went in and brought out rahab her father her mother her brothers and all that she had so they brought out all her relatives and left them outside the camp of israel but they burned the city and all that was in it with fire only the silver and gold and the vessels of bronze and iron they put into the treasury of the house of the lord and joshua spared rehab the harlot her father's household and all that she had so she dwells in israel to this day because she hid the messengers whom joshua sent us by al jericho then joshua charged them at that time saying cursed be the man before the lord who rises up and builds this city jericho he shall lay its foundation with his firstborn and with his youngest he shall set up its gates remember what i said about putting the bodies of children in the gates of the cities that's exactly what happened later on in first kings 1634 when the gates of jericho were rebuilt the guy offered his sons up as a sacrifice and put their bodies under the gates and again it was human sacrifice and so even years later these people were still practicing canaanite religion so the lord was with joshua and his fame spread throughout the country and so when you when you look at the the battle of jericho and everything that took place um i'm gonna do a couple of things with this before before i let you go um here's one put up that that wall of jericho thing mike is it up there you guys see that that's what uh that is from uh a schematic that's a schematic based on kathleen kenyon's excavation of jericho and so what you have there is a retaining wall that's there on the bottom on the right there's an arrow pointing that that's 12 to 15 feet tall and so that's holding the dirt that's back behind there then on top of that they put a six foot mud mud brick wall that was anywhere from 20 to 26 feet tall and then on the top of the tail that's the that's the top of the hill the flat part up there that is actually 46 feet from the bottom of the tail that's where the the flat part of the city was and on top of that they had another retaining wall that was or excuse me another mud brick wall that was 20 to 26 feet tall so that's what the the people of israel are seeing when they're marching around the city of jericho now when we think of a city we think of something that's you know like the tri-city so the city of kennewick it's a small city but you know it's probably i don't know what is it 10 10 miles across maybe maybe five miles the other way you know coming off the river and so that's what we think of as a city back in these days a city was actually jericho has an area of about eight to nine acres so i have i have four acres so it's about twice my property was the city of jericho itself and what would happen is all the people from all the fields and all the villages around when there was warfare they would come in and hang out there but it's only about eight to nine miles uh as far as the area goes and so you could march around it in about half an hour and so that's that's what the the people of israel were doing so they are marching around the city of jericho and they are silent and there are trumpets and it takes about a half an hour to circle it okay turn over to the book of revelation or book of revelation chapter 8. you have another place where there's trumpets and silence in verse one it says when he opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for about half an hour and i saw the seven angels who stand before god to them were given seven trumpets then another angel having a golden censer came and stood at the altar he was given much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the upon the golden altar which was before the throne smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints ascended before god from the angel's hand and the angel took the censer filled it with fire from the altar threw it to the earth and there were noises thunderings lightnings and earthquakes so the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound and the first angel sounded and then in verse eight the second angel sounded verse 10 the third angel sounded verse 12 the fourth angel sounded and so on throughout the book um how many trumpets were the priests carrying seven or seven priests carrying seven trumpets and if you're walking around the city of jericho and you're going at a at a at a medium pace for marching you would get around in about a half an hour half an hour of silence connected with seven trumpets and seven trumpeters and so you know it's one of those things that's coincidental with the book of revelation silence in heaven um you know when you when you look at that passage in in revelation chapter 8 i think that the silence in heaven is kind of the calm before the storm it's kind of a a situation where um god is you know when when i'm about to do something awful in somebody's life that i don't want to do but it needs to happen i want to be left alone and i want to be quiet and i want to think about it i want to pray about it in my case god doesn't need to pray but that's what i want to do i want to be silent i want to be left alone because what's about to happen is not good uh in a in a situation usually i'm thinking about you know disciplining my kids when they were younger and that kind of thing that wouldn't take a half an hour it was quicker than that but i would i would i would sit there for a while i think that that's what god's doing in that passage it talks about the the incense from the altar coming up and it talks about the prayers of the saints you realize that every time you pray the lord's prayer or you use it as a model every single time you're praying that you're praying for god to judge during the tribulation period your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and in revelation chapter 8 what god's about to do is he's about to make that come to pass and the way he has to make it come to pass is by sending out trumpets of judgment that are going to come down on the earth and then it goes from trumpets and it goes to bowls and then you have the second coming of christ at the end of all those things and so it's a pretty heady thing to do and so there's silence in heaven for half an hour when that when that goes on the next thing uh another thing that you see with us with this whole thing is the whole the whole issue of trumpets in themselves and i want to you know i want to i want to give you a couple of passages that that speak about this and uh you know kind of the fact that this is uh looks like jericho may be a precursor to what god's going to do with the whole earth when he comes back the second time there's a passage in isaiah 27 13 that says this so it shall be in that day the great trumpet will be blown they will come who are about to perish in the land of assyria and they who are outcasts in the land of egypt and shall worship the lord in the holy mount to jerusalem now that trumpet that's being blown there is a trumpet that's signaling the return of the people of israel the people of god to the land of god that happens after the tribulation period but again in the context of the judgment of the tribulation you have these trumpets going on turn over to zephaniah zephaniah i have to look here comes after habakkuk did that did that help you out comes after naom and micah and you know obadiah and all those guys so daniel turn right come to the book of zephaniah i want to read a couple of pastor passages out of chapter one in uh this is this is again a passage that's dealing with the judgment on the earth verse two it says i will utterly consume everything from the face of the land says the lord i will consume man and beast i will consume the birds of the heavens the fish of the sea the stumbling blocks along with the wicked i will cut off man from the face of the land says lord he talks about the causes [Music] he says be silent in the presence of the lord god for the day of the lord is at hand for the lord has prepared a sacrifice he has invited his guests and it shall be in the day of the lord's sacrifice that i will punish the princes and the king's children and all such as are clothed with foreign apparel in the same day i will punish all those who leap over the threshold who fill their master's houses with violence and deceit and so you have a promise of judgment that's coming because of these things if you look down in verse 14 it says the great day of the lord is near it's near and hastens quickly the noise of the day of the lord is bitter there are there the mighty men shall cry out that day is a day of wrath a day of trouble and distress a day of devastation and desolation of day of darkness and gloominess a day of clouds and thick darkness a day of trumpet and alarm against the fortified cities and against the high towers i will bring distress upon men and they shall walk like blind men because they've sinned against the lord their blood shall be poured out like dust and their flesh like refuse most like well yeah i won't get into details on that in any case there's a there's a promise of god that there's a day of judgment and again you have trumpets in the passage and it's connected with all that stuff and so i think that again when you're talking about the battle of jericho joshua is a type of jesus leading his people there are trumpets that are involved seven trumpets for seven priests and again you you have that whole thing here's another thing the word for trumpets that's used in the passage is the term shofar and it's actually shofar yobel and it means ram's horns it's exactly the same term that's used for jubilee throughout the bible jubilee is not actually called jubilee it's called ram's horns all the way through the bible it's it's called shofario bell and it's uh idea of jubilee trumpets it's mentioned 20 times in leviticus chapter 25 in uh in the context of the book of joshua the trumps are mentioned 14 times and you have again two witnesses connected with this and 14 is a double of seven and obviously seven is the idea of completeness or uh fulfillment or a perfect work that type that type of thing and that's what god's doing in this situation um when you're talking about the trumpets that were used in jubilee or the trumpets that are used in any other context with the uh with a tabernacle and that's what they're using it was a signal of the presence of god when they would when we when they would blow on these trumpets uh numbers 10 10 says this also in the day of your gladness and your appointed feasts and at the beginning of your months you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings and they shall be a memorial for you before your god i am the lord your god and so when the trumpets are blowing god is saying i'm there in the midst of that whole thing and again like i said they're jubilee trumpets if you go to the book of leviticus in chapter 25 we're not going to do it i'm just going to give you some overviews of this whole thing when you look at the the the year of jubilee and the trumpets that are used there the trumpets are used to proclaim stuff and the first thing that they're used to proclaim is liberty to those who are enslaved and so anybody that was in slavery on the year of jubilee it was indentured servanthood but anybody would that was in slavery at the year of jubilee as soon as the trumpet sounded they were freed they were absolutely free they could go home to their families and they no longer had to keep that contract that they had there was a restoration of property so if you had put your property in the hock they would sell their property but it was just basically a max of a 50 50 year leased lease and so the second thing was a restoration of property the land was your possession and it was something that was given to them by god god says this in leviticus 25 24 he says and in all the land of your possession you shall grant redemption of the land so every 50 years when the trumpets were blown it all goes back to original ownership and so there's a there's a freedom from slavery liberty to the enslaved there's a restoration of their property there's a forgiveness of debts any debt that you were in they forgave it can you imagine if every 50 years there's a reset in the united states everybody everybody's debts are forgiven would that be cool that would be awesome you know there would be some business things and you know they would adjust business and and that kind of stuff but that would be a cool thing you know that every 50 years you get a do-over and then there's rest for the land there's rest for the land um it's a it's another time of sabbath rest every seven years they would give the land to rest and it was a the same thing with uh the year of jubilee isaiah 30 15 talks about this it says for thus says the lord god the holy one of israel in returning and rest you shall be saved in quietness and confidence shall be your strength but you would not and when you're looking at the battle of jericho basically what god tells these guys is i want you to rest in me i want you to allow me to fight the battle of jericho i'm going to be the one who wins this whole thing and so you just need to do the things that i tell you and you need to rest in those things and so walking around eight or nine acres once a day for six days is not a huge task to ask right doing it the seventh time or doing it on the seventh day seven times that's a little longer you're gonna be out there for a few hours doing this whole thing but the end is gonna be awesome the end is gonna be climactic and so again seven priests seven trumpets seven days seven times around and what a silly battle plan what a silly battle plan um yet when you get to the new testament that's exactly what god says about our salvation what a silly battle plan really some dude dies on a cross two thousand years ago and that makes my way to heaven how does some dude dying on a cross two thousand years ago do anything for me and there are people who look at that and they just go that's nonsense and from a worldly perspective it is from a worldly perspective we should be accountable for our own stuff we should be doing it on our own and and we should be disciplined enough to get our act together so that we can go to heaven and meet all the standards and there's a way that seems right to the man but the end there are the ways of death it says in the book of proverbs and so what they think is logical what they think is reasonable is something that cannot happen and that's why god goes with the guy dying 2 000 years ago for all my sins and taking my place um there's a there's a passage in first corinthians chapter one you might want to turn there you you probably already know this guy you guys you're again you're pretty sophisticated but in that in that passage uh paul talks about the wisdom of god and so in 25-29 it says the foolishness of god is wiser than men and the weakness of god is stronger than men you know what that means when i when i look at god's wisdom i look at god's god's god's strength when i look at the things that god does and i go wow god that is wiser than anything i could come up with that is just amazing amazing strength that kind of stuff and god can go i was just fooling around just fooling around my foolishness is is greater than your wisdom my weakness is way beyond your strength is a point that's being made there and not that god's foolish on any level you see your calling brethren there are not many wise according to the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but god has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise and god has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty and the base things of the world and the things which are despised god has chosen and the things which are not to bring to nothing the things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence if you look at verses 18 through 24 he says this is the mess the the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing so anybody who says that jesus dying on a cross is nonsense it's foolishness that's silly they're saying it because they're dying is what god says but to us who are being saved it's the power of god for it's written i will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring in nothing the understanding of the prudent where is the wise where's the scribe where's the disputer of this age has not god made foolish the wisdom of this world for since in the wisdom of god the world through wisdom did not know god it pleased god that through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe and it goes on and talks about jews and greeks so it's the ultimate foolishness walk around the city and you do it seven times two horns shout the walls will come falling down one more thing um i want to show we'll we'll pick this up again next week but show that next slide the next picture you got it that is uh is as a drawing of the north side of jericho from the german excavations by garstang at the beginning of the 1900s and what you'll see um i don't i don't know if you can see it real really well but you see the the line of the wall sitting up there i should have brought my computer out here but you see the break in the wall and then the rubble that goes down to the bottom there and then up at the second wall up at the top it's the same kind of construction that you had in that previous schematic that i gave you but the second wall you have the again the wall falling outward and the rubble that comes up and that's what they found when they dug up jericho not only that but see all these houses that are in the uh behind the first wall and not up in the in the city proper that is probably where rahab lived that would be the low rent district and a lot of times these houses would be like built seriously just right up against the wall basically and so that's a picture of what happened so when the walls of jericho came falling down they didn't fall out totally you know in every place outward there's still some of the walls that are standing that's why we have the other schematic we know how it was built but there are these uh basically strategic spots where the walls fell down and literally made ramps for the people who are on the outside to come running up into the city and then the city's taken and it's done and it's done quickly at that point so how did the walls fall down and it was because of sonic disturbances they had alien technology in their trumpets and it caused vibrations in the if you watch you know ancient aliens and stuff like that they'll come up with something like that and you know a lot of times what people will say is that it was probably an earthquake and you know i don't know how that happened all i know is that what god said was tooth the horns shout the walls will come falling down it is in the grace great rift valley so there's this area that goes from up north of israel goes down the jordan valley and goes down into africa all the way down into africa and it is one of those place where you have places where you have tectonic plates that are coming together they have earthquakes all the time you'll remember with sodom and gomorrh there were slime pits what that's talking about is oil that would be coming up and and that kind of stuff and and it looks like it uh it may have been uh something that had to do with vulcanism with volcanoes and that kind of stuff and so there could have been an earthquake it could have been an earthquake that knocked the walls down but the timing is the miracle right and so god goes either he goes you know what there's been stress on those plates for quite a while let's say 675 years after abraham we're gonna you know god can do that and he goes yeah this is the day that i want you to do this and so he could do it that way because god knows everything he knows the end from the beginning he knows when it's going to happen and you can say this time at this moment this is what i want you to do and then you do it and then earthquake happens and it all comes tumbling down so that's one answer here's another answer god goes okay i want you to do this and when it's time he causes an earthquake and so he takes his thumb and his middle finger and he flicks the earth and an earthquake happens spiritually speaking right at the time that they're tootin horns right or there can be no earthquake at all and god just knocks the walls out right he can do it any way he wants and whether you want to put an earthquake in with that or not it's still absolutely amazing timing right a little bit later in in the next couple of chapters we're going to see the battle of jericho and there is a meteor storm that takes place during the battle of jericho literally rocks falling from the heavens and they only hit the bad guys that's marksmanship right and when you think about that those are meteors that have been set in the in the solar system if god's using the you know natural order they've been set in the solar system in such a in such a place that their orbits will intersect the orbit of the earth and so so precisely tuned was the orbital velocities and all that kind of stuff that it was going to meet up with a certain guy at a certain spot outside the outside the city of ai and it was going to happen multiple times so that most of the guys who died in the battle of ai died from the meteors and people will go it's a meteor shower well yeah it is a meteor shower but none of them hit the israelis just hit the bad guys the ai people right and so you know natural type of natural supernatural all mixed together god gets to do anything he wants i think that he probably had their names written on them on the meteors if you could have found them i'm just joking around but good story huh good good stuff to keep in mind god sometimes will tell us to do things that don't make any kind of sense and yet they're good and they're true and they're things that are going to change your life and they're going to make you win they're going to make you win so let's pray thanks lord again for your word thank you again for men like joshua men who will stand up and and do the things that you call them to help us to be men and women that are like that uh we're we just want to be people who stand up and do the things you call us to no matter what's happening in the world no matter what's happening in the culture no matter what's happening with our heart and our fears and and all that we just want to walk with you bless these people uh lord as they go their way and be with them and we ask that you do this all in jesus name amen god bless you guys you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 1,140
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Id: DBSzw6KO2W0
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Length: 101min 48sec (6108 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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