Joshua Radin - Winter
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: LilSparkySimmo
Views: 11,857,234
Rating: 4.9041648 out of 5
Keywords: Joshua, Radin, Winter, Scrubs, Wilspro, Music
Id: cHlf08yTPiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2007
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I have a file on my ipod with over 30 songs from background music I've heard throughout the show. Check out "Have it all" by Jeremy Kay and "Good Time" by Leroy.
The song that always gets my brother and I is that "Book of Love" one they play at the end of season eight. Wah.
Testiment to the emotional power of the show that the music can bring back the same emotion as when you watched it.
Why would you be ashamed? Joshua Radin is pretty good.
The one with the guy playing guitar and following JD around while singing while he's dead. DR COX smashes his guitar at the end. I was bubbling like a big wean by the credits.
Which scene was this from? I have a feeling it's during Ben's funeral..but can't remember.
This show made me choke up many many times...I hate how hard I have to try to convince people to watch's such an amazing show.
i started listening to him because of this song and its episode. best decision ever. he speaks my life through his lyrics.