Joshua 4 - What To Do Once You Get Through

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so father God would you speak to us now from your word but we've spoken to you in worship we've told you how much we love you we've professed that we are going to run to you now Lord God having heard from us we need to hear from you so Lord God speak a word deposit a word into our hearts and lives speak Lord for we are people here in Jesus name we pray amen you may be seated if you have your Bibles please meet me in Joshua chapter 4 Joshua chapter 4 as you're turning there let me also say for young adults meeting will just meet together for a few minutes as Jack said in the end the chapel and we're gonna say it's 18 to 30 ish and so we're not going to cart at the door but if you feel young adult at heart you can come to the to the meeting Joshua chapter 4 this is week 5 of our series as we've been walking through the book of Joshua first week was an introduction and then second week was week 1 so on and so forth let me read to us the word of the Lord found in verse 1 of Joshua chapter 4 when all the nation had finished passing over the Jordan the Lord said to Joshua take 12 men from the people from each tribe a man and command them saying take 12 stones from here out of the midst of the Jordan from the very place where the priests feet stood firmly and bring them over with you and lay them down in the place where you Lodge tonight then Josh will call the twelve men from the people of Israel whom he had appointed a man from each tribe and Joshua said to them pass on before the Ark of the Lord your God into the midst of the Jordan take up each of you a stone upon his shoulder according to the number of the tribes of the people of Israel make note of these two verses that this mate verse 6 may be a sign among you when your children ask in time to come what do those stones mean to you then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord when it passed over the Jordan the waters of the Jordan were cut off so these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever the people of Israel did just as Joshua commanded and took up 12 stones out of the midst of the Jordan according to the number of the tribes or the people of Israel just says the Lord told Joshua and they carried them over with them to the place where they lodged and laid them down there and Joshua's set up 12 stones in the midst of the Jordan in the place where the feet of the priest bearing the Ark of the Covenant had stood and they are there to this day for the priests bearing the ark stood in the midst of the Jordan till everything was finished that the LORD commanded Joshua to tell the people according to all that Moses had commanded Joshua the people passed over in haste and when all the people had finished passing over the Ark of the Lord and the priests passed over before the people the sons of Reuben and the sons of gab and the half god and half tribe of Manasseh passed over arm before the people of Israel as the Moses had told them about forty thousand ready for war Passover before the Lord for battle to the plains of Jericho on that day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel and they stood in awe of him just as they had stood in awe of Moses all the days of his life and the Lord said to Joshua verse 16 command the priests bearing the Ark of the testimony to come up out of the Jordan so Joshua commanded the priests come up out of the Jordan when the priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant came up from the midst of the Jordan and the souls of the priests feet were lifted up on dry ground the waters of the Jordan returned to their place and overflowed all its banks as before the people came up out of the Jordan on the tenth day now this is this is interesting make a note of this on the tenth day of the first month and they encamped at Gilgal on the east border of Jericho and those twelve stones which they took out of the Jordan Joshua set up at Gilgal and he said to the people of Israel when your children ask their fathers and times to come what do these stones mean then you shall let your children know Israel pass over this Jordan on dry ground for the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan for you until you passed over as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea which he dried up for us until we pass over so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand Lord is mighty that you may fear the Lord your God forever the word of the Lord thanks be to God I was talking to a friend recently and they were saying that they have a friend who who just came through about with cancer and praise God they made it through this bout with cancer but on their last day at the hospital when they were given this clean bill of health the the hospital didn't just want them to leave as if nothing had happened the hospital recognized that they had just come through a difficult battle and so this particular hospital has a tradition called ringing the bell what they wanted this person to do was now that you've come through this incredible obstacle we want you to mark the moment by ringing the bell this I supposed this two things one I think it's a reminder to the person that that you just came through the impossible and you you made your way through it the Christian worldview would say God got you through it God saw you through it and you've now gotten to the other side of it so so this ringing of the Bell is is their way of marking that moment but I imagine that the hospital also wants them to ring the bell because quite possibly in earshot or other cancer patients who haven't made it to the other side yet they're going through their own challenge and difficulty and so when they hear a cancer patient ringing the bell signifying I've made it through I've made it to the other side I've I've gotten through this thing then those who are still in the midst of their own proverbial Jordan rivers that encourages them that inspires them it's it says if they now have when do their Sun in their sails and it says if they're saying if they can make it through them then maybe I can keep on ring the bell in our passage god says in so many words now that you've gotten through the Jordan River we want you to stop and ring the bell there's one word that sums up Joshua chapter 4 it is the word remember in the previous week's in our series we've we've talked a lot about Jordan rivers and we said a Jordan River isn't just something that happened to the people of God millennia ago that Jordan rivers continue to exist today and not just overseas in the Holy Land they they exist in every person's life in fact we we made the point that a Jordan River is is anything that I can't get through on my own in my own strength and with my own resources Jordan River could be a health crisis the Jordan River can be a financial crisis the Jordan River could be a relational crisis it could be how do I get through betrayal and how do i how do I get through that season with my kids Jordan River is anything that your PhD can't get you out of the money in your bank account can't get you out of your Social Network can't fix it is it is something that you've got to lift up your your eyes into the hills from which cometh your help knowing that that your help on this one can only come from God so all of us have Jordan rivers we're all either facing a Jordan in the middle of a Jordan or having just come through a Jordan we all have Jordan rivers now if I've got a bone to pick with the church it's this I think the church big seed church has done a phenomenal job throughout church history talking about how to make it through your Jordan rivers how to get through your storms do these five things to get through the crisis do these seven things to get through that tough season we talk a lot about that but my problem with the church is we don't really talk a lot about now what do I do once I get through amen never to bless the Lord for that child what do i do once I get through what CC our text is is concerned God is saying now that you've gotten through it's important for you to stop and in your own way ring the bell now why is this important it's important because if you don't make a proactive attempt to remember the faithfulness of God when he gets you through you will contract spiritual amnesia and two side effects of spiritual amnesia one is pride if you forget no it wasn't you who got you through it was God who got you got you there if you forget that then you're gonna be a proud arrogant person who the punchline to every story you tell is about you and your resilience and your resources and the fact that you pulled yourself up by your own bootstraps not realizing sweetheart that it was God who gave you the boots and so if you don't make a proactive attempt to actually remember document and codify the faithfulness of God in your life you will become arrogant but there's another side effect of spiritual amnesia one you can become arrogant but but if you don't remember the other side effect is you can be gripped with a paralyzing fear when your next jordan river comes along how will you understand Jordan rivers aren't one and done you'll get through one and before you can even catch your breath oftentimes there's another one sometimes it feels like these bad boys just they just come in in pairs and freeze and six it just seems like they just have family reunions right there on your doorsteps and they bring their cousins and poke in them and and just camp out on your doorsteps and here's the deal if you don't document and remember the faithfulness of God who got you through your last Jordan River then when the next Jordan River comes you can be paralyzed with fear with worry with anxiety wondering oh how in the world is that how am I gonna make it through and poppin Maalox at night and can't sleep and all this other stuff because you've forgotten who got you through in the past that'll make you worry and have anxiety in the present but when you remember no he got me through that and if he can get me through that he can get me through this then I don't worry there's a peace that passes all understanding so God wants us to ring the bell he is concerned not just in getting us through he's also very concerned with what we do once we get through so Joshua chapter 4 I just want us to unpack some very practical principles now if there's one word I want you to write down either in the notes app of your of your of your device or right down the margins of your Bible this one word canvas is our whole story it's the word remember remember remember look back at verse 6 God says to them and Joshua chapter 4 verse 6 that this may be a sign among you when your children ask in time to come he says whoa I mean their feet have just gotten through it it's just stop remember set up a sign the idea of a sign here it's at the end of a badge in fact though the closest the closest kind of parallel we have to it is the insignia that soldiers wear it is it is something up close and personal it is it is it is a memorial it is it is a reminder God says now that you've made it through don't wait stop set up a sign in our text set up twelve stones I want you to remember now if you study your Bibles here's the thing that you got to understand about God God is a God who's into remembering we see him several times in the Old Testament when he moves extraordinary ways he tells his people stop and build an altar if you even see the way God organizes the nation of Israel he organizes and structures them around feast days Feast of Tabernacles Feast of Pentecost feast of Passover these feast days weren't just times for celebration but they were times to reflect back on specific faithful moves of God so that they would remember God is a God who wants us to remember his moves his faith in our lives so God says set up a sign in fact if you even look at our country the United States of America just about every single major city we do this we set up our own twelve stones there their memorials a couple weeks ago my wife and I I'll talk some more about that indeed this is just a few moments we were in Hawaii for the first time and we went to Pearl Harbor that's that's a version of the twelve stones if we lived in New York for a while there's a 9/11 memorial there Washington DC my goodness you you can't walk several blocks without bumping into a memorial the African American History Museum the the Lincoln Memorial so on and so forth we lived in Memphis Tennessee for a while they took the old Lorraine Motel gutted it out and made it the Civil Rights Museum these are these are stones of remembrance and ultimately they're not remembering God but what what these memorials do is they help to shape our collective memory and identity by causing us to look back to profound moments and hopefully giving us the courage to move forward so that we look back for the purpose of moving forward by far the most the most profound possession I have is I'm 44 when I was 22 so half a lifetime ago I got ordained into the ministry I passed a six-hour oral examination that my senior pastor took me through six hours grilling me on Doctor later on that evening they did the service for me and I'll never forget 22 years old August of 1995 right there in Atlanta Georgia and right when we're walking in my dad stops me and gives me his old Bible it's a Bible that he bought in the early 1960s I still have it to this day it is a Bible filled with yellow pages there are all of his notes he started putting them together from the time he was a teenager just come to faith in Jesus Christ and on the front of that page is a note that he'd written to me in August of 1995 calling me to remember the faithfulness of God and calling me to finish well in the ministry there are times to this day when you just get discouraged all of us do you go through tough times every single time I go through a tough season of ministry I reach to the shelf pull off that Bible turn to the front page and read a note my father had written to me August of 1995 that is a stone of remembrance [Applause] when youngest son jade is about to turn 13 years of age there's a tradition that my dad is the patriarch of our family he does when I when his grandsons turned 13 two years before that when they're 11 he buys a Bible with them specifically in mind he'll preach out of that Bible for the next two years he will write in the margins of that Bible prayers that he prays for his that specific grandson and he'll just mark it up and on their 13th birthday he'll give them this well-worn Bible that he's used over two years and it's got to tell you I've seen it with Quentin and Myles when Papa gives him that Bible a stone of remembrance in which he's chronicled the faithfulness of God to the larette's family and the margins of that Bible my boys they they walk with a pep in their step and it just does something to them what is that it is a stone of remembrance that they will have for the rest of their lives now here's how what you understand if there's one takeaway I need you to get from this message if you are a follower of Jesus Christ here's what you have to get into the habit of and there can be many different ways you need to be in the habit of codifying documenting writing down the specific God movements and moments in your life you need to capture that so I don't I don't know if it's a prayer journal that you do I remember several years ago when the best books I've ever read on prayers by a guy named Paul E Miller it's called a praying life the real gold of this of this book is he gives us a wonderful system for praying it's it's his prayer cards and I started using that system and using it since 2010 all it is that you take a four by six prayer card when someone comes means this pastor can you pray for me take that prayer card write their name on it write the prayer request write the date on it and then I try to attach to it write down a corresponding scripture because I don't want to pray my words I want to pray the power of God's word there's power in that word over the specific prayer requests and I'm praying and praying and praying and praying now here's what happens when God answers that prayer request I don't throw that card out I write in big old red letters answered and I'll give the date and I hold on to that bad boy why because if you are a believer you will go through seasons of doubt you will doubt the existence of God you will doubt the goodness of God you will doubt the faithfulness of God listen let me put my business out on Front Street I I've got ten years of formal biblical training Bible College masters doctoral stuff ten years and I still doubt from time to time the best antidote to doubt is to pull out that prayer card pull out those prayer cards and just see answered answered answered answered answered answered answered answered and then just kind of hear God say to you still doubting you have to listen to me I don't want to sound sacrilegious the Word of God is enough but sometimes unless you do something to connect what God did 2,000 years ago to what he's doing in real time in your faith walk you will doubt God and you will stay and broiled in doubt you have to codify it you've got to write it down right now I'm doing a prayer journal thing just kind of writing stuff down and it just encourages me to see the faith just the other day our family is celebrating this friend we've been praying for free for a long time has just come to faith in Jesus Christ blows our mind and to be able to write down answer to that these are stones of remembrance so I think one of the best takeaways is maybe you need to run the Barnes & Noble after after service or after the picnic get you a prayer journal or or download an app do something God is at work in your life and when you see him move capture it because you'll need to go back to it over and over again now God says I want you to remember you have to ring the bell why they've just crossed the Gordon there's all these other nations waiting on them they've got a lot more battles in front of them and they need a record of the faithfulness of God in their life you have a lot of battles in front of you should God Terry and not take you home there are battles facing you there'll be battles in your marriage battles at work battles in your friendships battles battles battles and you need to set up memorials of being able to look back and say God got me through that he can get me through this you need to stop riding off of Abraham's coattails and Daniel's coat tails and Joshua's coattails and big Mama's coattails you need to have your own coattails and I want you to remember why he gives us three reasons why you need to remember look at verse 24 he says here's why you need to remember verse 24 so that so that so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty chapter 5 verse 1 as soon as all the kings of the emirates were beyond the Jordan to the west and all the kings of the Canaanites were by the sea heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan for the people of Israel until they cross over their hearts melted and there is no longer any spirit in them because of the people of Israel here's what God is saying God is saying this here's why I want you to remember my faithfulness in your life not just Daniels life not just Mary's life not just Paul's life nothing not just the disciples life here's why you need to remember my faithfulness in your life so that the world may know so we remember watch it now God's victorious moments in our life and we use God's victories in our lives as a powerful recruiting tool to the world to get them on God's team now let me explain this to you yesterday I was I was with my youngest I'm the new guy here I never heard of a Archbishop Mitty until I moved out here well my youngest is he let's playing basketball and he just made it onto Archbishop midis feeder team which I guess is a big deal so Archbishop Mitty their feeder team all their practices are in Archbishop Middies gym I don't know if you've ever been on Archbishop Mitty gym but walking in there you look up at the rafters and on the walls there's all these championship banners all these banners in fact there's over 30 men's championship basketball banners now this is ingenious watch this Archbishop Mitty like most sports teams has the sense to go this when we have a victory we doesn't go move on as if nothing happened we're going to stop ring the bell and hang a banner now why do they hang the banner part of that is an intimidation factor two opposing teams we want you to know when you come up in here you ain't playing no chumps but they also hang the banner as a powerful recruiting tool in order to get people who are on the outside on their team in the inside because people under because Archbishop Mitty understands that when the most effective recruiting tools is winning likewise God is saying when I win in your life don't just move on as if nothing happened hang a banner mark the moment that's why the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so say something when I move in your life tell somebody tell somebody in church tell somebody outside of church why because I want you to remember because remembering is powerful for the world secondly though we remember not just for the world but we also remember for ourselves look at blick back at verse 24 he says in verse 24 so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty here it is that you may fear the Lord your God forever what does it mean to fear the Lord fear and fear of the Lord is important in fact the book of Proverbs says that it is the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom first Peter 2 tells us simply we want you to fear the Lord we are commanded to fear lore what does that mean two things it means one to hold in high esteem honor respect but two and we don't like this it also means to have a literal afraid miss there's some things as a believer I should just be afraid to do because of the possible consequences and God says I'm good with that in fact the best equivalent kids when you want to just when you want to picture what the fear of the Lord should look like it's your parents kids should hold their parents and high esteem which the challenge to me as a dad is may I walk in such a way that I make it easy for them to hold me in high esteem may I walk in integrity may I walk in moral fortitude so kids need to hold their parents in high esteem that's why one of the Ten Commandments says that we are to honor our Father and our mother that it may go well with us God actually says there is a correlation between the length of your life and you honoring which is a dimension of fearing your parents in fact there's actually a rule under the law for any child who was rebellious against their parents praise God were under grace not under law God actually says Stoneham some parents may wish we could go back to the law you got issues but also here this parents it's it's it's actually good and I just need to deposit this word in you because I see a lot of well-meaning parents and I get it you want to have a relationship with your kids I understand it but you also need to be reminded that your kids not your peer especially at age five six and seven I'm seeing a lot of kids hear me now hear me now I'm seeing a lot of kids being released to this world who have no respect for authority who have no sense of a healthy boundaries with people because their precious parents were art we're reasoning with them when they were two years old about whether or not they wanted to come to church preach pastor preach preach preach I know this is not a listen I'm not calling us to abuse this but the house I grew up in mama would say it and if she wasn't a good mood she might let you respectfully and ask a question but after that question mom was like do it and you did it we didn't have a timeout ministry in my house we didn't have to go to your corner ministry in my house but watch this I got a great relationship with my peers and when I left their house I felt like they put me on a good trajectory with how to relate to people in authority this is I want you to fear the Lord now what does that mean for us we remember for the world we remember for us the primary way you know you are fearing the Lord is obedience so watch it to remember biblical remembrance is not just a cognitive exercise I look back at the faithfulness of God in order to feed my actions going forward one scholar says it this way will you look at it with me on the screen he writes the notion of remembering in Hebrew is more than a calling to mind it involves our remembering with concern it also implies loving reflection and we're called for a chorus or corresponding degree of action to remember without action is not biblical remembrance its sentimentality if you just remember but there's no action you're being sentimental so my wife and I were in Pearl Harbor what we went there with a group of people the big group of people was there and we spent the morning there and man it's just it's just kind of a heavy experience as you're just reflecting and looking back and man we had the tour guide who's giving us information we read good stuff we we got on the the ferry went over to the USS Arizona and we walked around and I mean we just kind of reflected or reflected or reflect or reflected and then finally half a couple hours we got in our car and went home and nothing changed about us because of that experience that's not biblical remembrance that's being sent amel and tragically that's true of so many believers you come to church on Sunday yeah hear from a tour guide you receive instructions you hear the word you sing some songs you you may feel some things but if you get in your car and go home and nothing's changed about you that's not biblical roman remembrance that's just being sentimental biblical remembrance is a reflecting back to change my actions going forward a couple months ago I left my youngest boy wear some high heels now don't judge me the reason why I let him do that is he got invited to participate in in something called walk a mile in her shoes it was a march against domestic violence we're good friends with the person who put it on and the person who put that event on has been a victim of domestic violence she's been beaten and abused now watch this her remembering the abuse caused her to set up an organization that would combat domestic violence her remembrance feeds her actions that's what it means to remember I look back on how God has been faithful to me in past battles in Jordan rivers why do I do that I'm not trying to ride the stories of people and the scripture I want to establish my own story and I look back because I realized that there are other battles in front of me so I look back and reflect on that so that it deepens my obedience and my faith and my trust in the battles going forward that's why I do that thirdly though I remember not just for the world not just for myself but I also remember for my family look at verse six that this this may be a sign among you when your children when your children when your children ask in time to come mama daddy what do these stones mean to you then you shall tell them that the waters of the Lord were cut off before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord when a Passover the Jordan the waters of the Jordan will cut off so these stones shall be the people of Israel immemorial forever now here's what God is saying these stones don't have inscriptions memorials today historical landmarks today they have inscriptions you ever see one you just read about what happened these stones don't have inscriptions they're huge stones so you're walking along with your family here these huge stones little daughter little son pulls on your coattail says mama daddy what do these stones mean God says stop use it as a talking point in a tool to shape and disciple your family I want you as a family to look back together on God's faithfulness and use that as a tool for spiritual formation going forward with your family parents I want to just give your word here you are God's aural custodians of his faithfulness in your life to your family vet just thank you one brother golfclap appreciates you that just as you go to a museum and you get a tour guide either in person or you put the headset on and that this tour guide tells you the who what when where why how and significance of the event so parents are God's tour guides to their children of the faithfulness of God to their family you tell your kids the who what where why how and significance of the faithfulness of God in your life with the hope being that they here that take it get confidence they need to follow Jesus Christ going forward that's why moms dads especially dads ought to be hard on you you need to be the one to initiate family devotions you don't need a seminary degree to do this you don't need to know the Greek you don't need to do this know the Hebrew you just need to be able to sit down and tell to your kids he is sweet I know this is how God has been good to us let me share it with you let's open up a Bible this ain't your pastor job it's not your youth pastors job it's not your growth group leaders job it is your job to pass on the goodness and faithfulness of that now now here's a tragedy there's a moving passage in chronicles where they finally found the taurah the law the scriptures and you know what israel says what's that how do they go from joshua crossing the Jordan to what's that the nation broke down because the family broke down and the family broke down because they stopped passing on the stories of God families we need you to gather together and to huddle around the Word of God and to pass on stories of God's faithfulness to shape the generations to come now watch this God says I just brought you through we're ending he says here's what I want you to do I want you to set up these stones of remembrance verse 19 he says set them up in Gilgal I love it last point what is Gilgal you can't understand the Book of Joshua without understanding Gilgal Gilgal is Jerusalem before Jerusalem it is the headquarters of the people of God the nation of Israel fact if you just read through the Book of Joshua Gilgal is is that place where they keep coming in and out of the nation of Israel would go out on the battlefield that fight the battle then they come back to Gilgal to rest and recuperate and get the strength they needed to go back out on the battlefield they come back to Gilgal and they get the instructions for the next battle they come back to Gilgal in fact Gilgal was not just a place of gathering it was also a place of consecration this is where the men were circumcised it's where they were set apart it's where they were they were they were made holy unto the Lord they came back to Gilgal from the battlefield and when they came back to Gilgal watch it what did they see they saw the twelve stones so that when they came back to Gilgal they remembered the faithfulness of God they probably heard stories of God's faithfulness Gilgal was not something they stayed at long term it was just a place they went to for a few moments to get what they needed to go back out on the battlefield they kept going in and out of Gilgal hearing instruction getting consecrated remembering God's faithfulness sharing stories of God's faithful if you haven't put it together Gilgal is Church it's a place where you need to come regularly it's a place where you need to be gathered with the people of God it's the place where you are reminded that you have been consecrated set aside as holy unto God it is a place where you should be encouraged built up equipped to get what you need to live back out there there's a reason why God does not want the church to have bunk beds inside of it you just get what you need here because the real battle is out there and when you come to church to Gilgal you should hear stories as the band comes of God's faithfulness you need to hear real time stories and be reminded from other Christ's followers who have just got through their own Jordan rivers and you hear that stuff and something in you should say if God did it for them he can do it for me now growing up our church took this seriously now they weren't that sophisticated about it they didn't connect it to Gilgal but but I grew up at a time when you had testimony service and testimony service is actually biblical it is the Saints getting up and testifying to the goodness of God now sometimes the Saints needed help because they said stuff they should have said I remember one mother getting getting up talking my how she want to praise the Lord for winning the lottery that week and here was her time and pastor had to rebuke her but I noticed he didn't get the tithe back but that's another story for another time so we got to be careful here but I don't want to get so programmed in queue sheeted that there aren't moments where we can just stop and just say Saints if you've just gotten through that Jordan River let the redeemed of the Lord say so I remember being a little boy and hearing the mothers and the fathers of the church just get up and just share simple stuff it'd be stuff like hey I didn't have money for a bus pass this week but God provided money for me to get a bus pass this week and you'd hear that and you'd be encouraged and you'd be strength I hear another mother say we we just sent off our last daughter to Georgia Tech and we didn't know how to wish it was going to be paid but Jehovah Jireh since has showed up and and he's provided for her and you hear that and and there's something about that because we ain't talking just about Daniel praise God for Daniel but sometimes you need to be reminded that God is not on the History Channel he is still alive and at work in our lives you need to hear stories of healing as you're going through your own sick this if God has healed you let the redeemed of the Lord say so Saints we need to get in the habit of ringing the bell if God brings us through there's a marriage that's on the brink they're wondering if they can make it and they've come to Gilgal today and someone can share from their own marriage yeah we were on the brink but but God got us through our Jordan River you God forgive us for being too busy not to stop and hear Gilgal stories so typically we have prayer time and we do it way up top at the service but I just felt like with where this message was going that wouldn't it be powerful we just carved out a moment and gave a few Saints the opportunity to say here's a Jordan River and here's how God and His faithfulness got me through now watch this we just had a sermon so we don't need another one a testimony where God is the hero not you God is the one we're celebrating in not you and it's brief but it's clear and it's specific about how God got you through your own Jordan rivers I want us to pray and I'm gonna take seven people number of completion but if you've got a Jordan rivers story you'd like to share brief clear concise where God is the hero not you that you think could encourage someone else who's going through their own Jordan River when I get finished praying we want to create a space for you to do that father we bless you in this place today thank you for another week at Gilgal thank you God that you're not just concerned about getting us through you're also concerned about what what we do once we get through that you're a God who wants us to ring the bell you're a God who wants us to remember God we need to hear stories real time stories of your goodness and your faithfulness how you are still moving still providing still healing still restoring still reconciling God we need to hear those stories today so we sit in Gilgal today and we're excited to hear stories of your faithfulness by way of encouragement in Jesus name we pray amen God you have been faithful to us and we leave today renewed in our commitment to mark the moments of your faithfulness in our lives not to be sentimental but to emboldened to deeper levels of trust and obedience in the bay and beyond you are since god bless you you
Channel: Abundant Life Christian Fellowship
Views: 7,668
Rating: 4.8476191 out of 5
Id: 7XIuarCGUZ8
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Length: 44min 28sec (2668 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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