Josh Turner - Time Is Love
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Views: 12,893,541
Rating: 4.8972883 out of 5
Keywords: Josh, Turner, Time, Is, Love, MCA, Nashville, Country
Id: fefu8tca4EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2012
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Great record, too!
deeper than my love and left hand man from that cd is pretty good as well.
I love his voice, both the timbre and his control of it. I also love the mandolin solo here. And the mix.
But, the song isn't that great. Just played with a simple arrangement, the lyrics and melodic content wouldn't do much for me.
Still, those other things (and similar) are enough for me to get into country more often than not. Turner's control over his instrument is pretty much unparalleled.