Jordan Peterson: Antisocial psy.cho.pathic males

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👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/leedsunited100 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

Beast of a solshapalth

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/xanarchycampx 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/loco1876 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

He only does this every single episode B, lets not use the eye test it's deflamitory

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/SAAAACK 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2017 🗫︎ replies

hey brandon.... y'sociopath?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/latino_heat420 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2017 🗫︎ replies
when men go bad they often go bad by being an anti-social and tyrannical so it where there's way more antisocial men than there I on T social women which is why there's 20 times as many men in jail as there are women you know so each gender let's say each sex has its own path characteristic pathologies and there are some antisocial women you know and and there are some high neuroticism guys who are who are or some guys who are really agreeable as well so but they're rarer you might say well if you're only interact with someone once you might as well just take advantage of them and run off that's what a psychopath does by the way and there is there is room in the environmental niche for Psychopaths but they have to keep moving around because otherwise people figure out who they are so they just move around and they can take advantage of one person you know maybe five times or ten times or something and then the reputation spreads and they got to get the hell out of there but so it's not a good long-term strategy if you're preyed upon by a psychopath which you will be to some degree at some point in your life the psychopath who will be narcissistic will presume that you're stupid and and and that you deserve to be taken advantage of because you're not even stupid so it's actually a good thing that he's doing it and he his proofer and I'm saying he because there are more male Psychopaths the the proof that your stupid naive is that he can take advantage of you and so like if you were wiser you'd be you know you'd know his tricks and then it wouldn't be morally necessary for him to show you just exactly who knows what about what and so the psychopath will use his ability to to fool you as proof of his own grandiose grandiose omnipotence omniscience and narcissism and the problem with that is that you can be fooled by a psychopath and virtually anybody can so that Robert hare for example who studied Psychopaths for a long time and interviewed a lot of them like hundreds of them and videotaped many of the interviews he said when he was talking to the Psychopaths he always believed what they were saying and then he watched the video afterwards and see where the conversation went off the rails but you know the pro the proclivity to be polite in a conversation is very strong and if you're polite you don't object to the way that the person unfolds their strategy you know and Psychopaths are pretty good at figuring out how to manipulate obviously how to manipulate people and the probability that you will be immune to that is extraordinarily low go watch Paul Bernardo being interviewed by policeman on on the YouTube that's bloody it that's enlightening man Paul Bernardo he's like the CEO of a meeting in that video you know he gives the cops hell it gives the lawyers hell he protests his innocence he basically tells them that they're rude and untrustworthy because they don't trust him because he did a few little things 17 years ago but he basically goes well you know that's a long time ago it's like we're past that aren't we I mean I'm having a discussion with you I'm trying to solve helped you solve some crimes which by the way I committed but we won't bring that up you know and you're you're you're accusing me of being a liar like you're not playing fair what what's up with you and then when they answer he looks at his fingernails which is like that's a lovely little manipulative thing because it basically means whatever happens to be under my fingernail at the moment is much higher priority than listening to your foolish story and you watch you'll see people do that to you and then you get a little insight into what they're up to he's very good at that and so or he looks outside or he already just looks at his hands or he looks out the window immediately dismissive in his nonverbal behavior bro it's brilliant that the the courts were forced to release that by the way but look it up Paul Bernardo on YouTube Wow it's it's just mind-boggling it's he's so good at what he does and he's good-looking and he's charismatic and you know he can really pull it off and you can't tell what's happening with the cops and the lawyers whether they're just letting him play as a routine to get some information from him or whether he's actually setting them back on his heels and I suspect it's a bit of both but it's masterful performance if you didn't know who he was and you were watching it without the audio you'd think he's the CEO of some company given his employees hell for not being up to scratch that's all his body language his eye contact everything just speaks that it's amazing so anyways you got these two-bit hoods here who think they're really something they also think they're tough and dangerous and and they're not they're just you know cowardly and corner dwellers and and they confuse their unwillingness to abide by reasonable rules as indication of their heroic courage which is something else that low-rent hoods like to do you know and it's partly because lots of people who just attend to the law do do that because they're cowardly which is a Nietzsche and observation are you good are you just afraid well let's start with afraid first before we proceed too good and that the reason that you follow the rules is because you're afraid of getting caught yeah well you know those kids who often university kids who learn like a hockey riot and they end up breaking windows and stealing things and you know they get nailed for it and afterwards they're really blown away by their own behavior it's like well they're in that camp it's like they think they're good people but they're not they're just never anywhere where you could be bad and as soon as you put them somewhere where they could be bad it's like out it comes just like that and that's that's really worth thinking about because most of you many of you but not all of you I suspect have never really been somewhere that you could be really bad and get away with it and so you might think well you wouldn't do it but but people do it and if you give in to that temptation which you often will then it wins and because it wins it gets a little dopamine kick and it grows stronger everything anything you let win the internal argument grows and anything you let be defeated shrinks because it's punished it doesn't get to have its way so that's another thing really to remember don't practice what you do not want to become and because those are their neurological circuits you build those things in there man they're they're not going anywhere you can build another little machine to inhibit them that's the best you can do once they're in there you can't get them out so and then the ones you build to inhibit can be taken out by stress and the old habits will come back up so you've got to be be careful what you say and what you do because you you build yourself that way something's behind this this Dean's pulling the strings and everybody always wonders what that is right what's actually going on what's actually going on with Trump who's actually in control is it Putin I mean that's that's the that's the fantasies of the left it's Putin it's like well the question always is what's going on behind the scene right and the question is that's the case certainly on the political landscape business landscape interpersonal relations what's what are you really up to everyone's always wondering that right there that's why they're watching your eyes because your eyes point at things and they can infer what you're interested in and then what you're up to by looking at what you look at and that's why your eyes have whites is so that we can see where you're pointing me because gorillas don't and so so what that means roughly speaking is that all of your ancestors whose eyes couldn't be reliably tracked are either killed or didn't mate it's a big deal for us to see where people's eyes are pointed and so we're always watching each other's eyes constantly what are you up to what are you up to what are you looking at what do you want and I want to know because if I know what you want I can predict how you're gonna behave and that also means I can cooperate with you or I can compete with you or I can lie to you but all the information is in the eyes is surrounded by the facial display right because that's also an indication of motivation and emotion and so we're trying our eyes are so good at that that for you guys sitting there in the back I can tell if you're looking at my eyes are at my chin and the deviation in your eyes is so tiny that it's it's a kind of miracle that we're capable of making that perceptual observation so really important to us one of the things that was really big it's probably even worse now when I was a parent of young children was to teach your kids how to be afraid of strangers it's like no wrong that is not what you teach them because all you do is teach them then to be timid and fearful and the real predatory types there they're pretty much thrilled about that because you'll also make them shelter than naive you know so that isn't you make your kids courageous and you get the damn eyes open and that's the best thing you can do to protect them against people who are truly Juris so none of that terrifying notice
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Views: 3,478,050
Rating: 4.8725739 out of 5
Keywords: Jordan B Peterson, Jordan Peterson, Essential Truth, men and women, personality traits, myers-briggs, MBTI, personality test, transliminal, gravitahn, m czerna, philosophyinsights, the rubin report, powerfulJRE, ScienceNET, intense 5, Ramble, sorting myself out, 50 stars, stevencrowder, manofallcreation, mulliganbrothers, h3podcast, jocko podcast, MagiCal HD, stefan Molyneaux, truthbombs, 7Ace Tv, TheArchangel911
Id: udGiTW3TBiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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