Jordan Clarkson DAY IN THE LIFE!! Get to Know the NBA's Chillest Hooper & Lululemon Ambassador!!

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yo what's up it's Jordan Clarkson It's A Day in the Life headed to the gym right now work out with my training Tim welcome [Music] day for me usually starts with a workout you know in workouts we do attack my weaknesses a lot just because I just want to feel uncomfortable that's why we're in the gym that's why we working to get better trying to keep continue to grind and expand the game and keep improving every day and to do that is getting comfortable in your weaknesses Sam what are we doing today sure work a lot of control the dribble getting power into your base into your shot and just flying around looking at the different actions that you see during the season so let's go here keep it simple still I know you're still warming up the TP spins remember how the push crossed the spin the setup just make sure obviously that you have a really good trigger step don't pick the ball up right away otherwise it's that travel we got to keep that gather step first and then just go get here maybe a little resistance you just got to get over the top so push cross and spin yep but uh you're gonna spin right off the push cross bang boom good it's all that train anytime right fine yes and just follow him so he's got yep perfect that's what we want two nice [Music] his work ethic and professionalism is top tier I mean he's gonna come in focused he has his own intention the players that come in with intention just get more from the workout so uh you see the understanding of where his base and the power's got to come from him him being able to to put that into play and produce that result and then just again find the consistency that comes with mass reps from a close Point biggest thing for me is functional comfortable and relaxing honestly working out on the court you want light stuff still look look clean it's me something fresh and it makes me feel good I feel naked out there and I'm uh having fun we could cut that I had to get that off though oh my God [Music] every year I wish I got a good post [Music] your workout headed back to the crib summertime is you know spent with my family uh my close people the reason why I came back home San Antonio left here you know a lot of times during the season I'm away so being able to come back to the crib spend time with my family all all through the day when I'm done working that's super important to me back at the crib chilling after workouts family time as you see my family always with us got my partner can dogs his name is uh coach Mike and then y'all know this dude right here everybody [Music] and when you see Jordan now what is something that you're most proud of humility if you say sum it up in one word it's humility um no one you know I had several friends that played in the NBA so you know other athletes professional boxers boxers they were friends and to see how money changes people's persona but to watch him he's the same you save the same Jordan that was in high school the same Jordans running around with Demi you know jumping over you with fences you know acting silly but enjoying life and he cares about everybody and sometimes you talk about being compassionate and showing empathy to others it can be to afford but that's just him you know and he's natural and what you see is what you see let's wrap up our little lunch little meeting I'm gonna go pick up my daughter now come kick him with us [Music] as you get older to say you get wiser but feel like that that's actually happened to me I know how I'm feeling about some situations I'm able to speak I wasn't always as outgoing and free and able to you know talk and express myself in my younger years but having a daughter and you know being a father figure and a brother a son being able to speak in those those uh positions I think I've grown in that way I want to see your favorite activities biggest thing would probably be swimming she's a mermaid she'll stay in the pool all day getting ice cream a lot of times I took her in the lambo a few times to get in let her let her do that and she gets a little tired she's fell asleep and watched the ice cream kind of drop on her a few times before they go to the park we're gonna go to Topgolf though after see how late it is I think Uncle Joe are gonna come too [Music] two one look at the ball oh look look oh I mean it's full on that one watch out one more I'm trying to pick up on golf I know that's gonna take a little minute my swing ain't as bad as Charles Barkley I don't know what I'm doing looking good hey we're gonna have to bet man we're going to bed today I'm gonna give you one day leave it back today right now all right all right that's how you trying to hustle me that's what it is don't hit it straight don't do nothing in the beginning butterfly you you good [Music] all right y'all just been a day in the life for JC appreciate y'all coming through hanging out with us just give you a little peek inside until next time peace [Music]
Channel: SLAM NBA
Views: 321,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Basketball, nba, best dunks, best nba players, basketball highlights, nba highlights, SLAM, SLAM Magazine, slam online, slamonline
Id: KIoWQqrhy-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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