Jordan Chiles: I'm That Girl

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[Music] what would it mean to you if there was an all black Olympic TS oh it would mean the world it would mean that no matter where we go is always going to be history it would mean that not only has the culture of our sport change but it definitely will give a perspective of the change is coming even more um so I think you know whoever that whatever happens within there definitely is going to be you know know it's going to be 5050 with how people really see it but I think at the end of the day they're going to understand it a little more because it's never been done it's never been done in a way that only African-Americans can really feel the love and the support and so I think it would definitely be really cool to have that experience for sure and Jordan I know we we talked about this before but like do you feel the elite levels will welcome me to you both color than they used to be I think so I think having the ability the welcomeness I feel like is more so that the younger generation can see that there is more girls like them there's more girls like um say you know you have a little girl walking in and they're like okay I want to do this that and the other but I've never seen so and so do it and it's like you don't have to see them truly do it but if you can feel and you can have the ability of the understanding of what it was like for you know say for instance me walking into my first gymm I was the only black girl there and so seeing that there are more of us and that we have the ability to take that younger generation be like you're okay use your voice do whatever you need to do and if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen just know that you tried and I think that's like the best thing and so having it it is a little easier it is a little easier cuz you know there are more of us and it's giving the perspective in a different way Jordan sitting here now a few months removed from PanAm games how do you kind of ESS your 2023 season and and what do you take away from it my 2023 season definitely went out with the Banger I say that all the time only because I hit my heels on the bar but um I'm actually you know it definitely didn't end I wanted it to I did lose my grandfather um due to I I wish I knew it was just a sudden um death that I didn't want to happen whatsoever you know I wanted him to be through this journey of me going to Paris he talked about it all the time and so the end of 23 was something that was a happy and sad moment but coming into 24 I'm happy that I had that 23 season I'm happy I was able to enjoy with my NCAA teammates and then coming in and seeing where my mind was truly and um now I'm ready for 24 and just to leave 23 behind and see how 24 turns out definitely mind has changed mind is going it's it's progressing and doing everything that it can to you know stay on track for for Paris do you feel like after last year you got something to prove you know missing the world's team I do not have to prove anything um I am I am a world champion I will forever be a world champion I'm an Olympian I will forever be an Olympian so I don't those titles will never be stripped away from me um will it be something that you know people will always ask like how does it feel how did it feel not making the team I wasn't disappointed I'm going to be completely honest I don't think I deserve to be on that team I'm going to be completely honest I think that it was something that was meant to be and I'm very proud of every girl that went for sure um now it's just moving forward it's moving past and just hoping that this 24 season will you know kind of change the game and the perspective of how people may see it have you been told specifically what the criteria for making Olympic trials or Olympic te the criteria from the as said like here's how the top two make try make yes so well that's how it was for 21 it's like so basically how it works is no no I'm pretty sure normally every Olympic year it's the same normally the the top person is an automatic and then well 21 it was the top two was an automatic and then the years before I'm pretty sure it was the top one this year I don't know I think it's the top two again um is an automatic but we'll see you know they it always changes here in there but they have not told us anything quite yet all we know is that you go to Winter cup and from Winter cup you will be able to make like assignments from there are you are you doing winter cup I am doing winter cup yeah you guys will see me at winter cup Classics championships trials hopefully and then hopefully that Olympic team so it's the the progress you you know hopefully that 24 for 24 will happen againe oh you changed know you I love your Toge te routine from last year you got so much great press from it and then it changed for elite I need to change some stuff for elite but like why was it so changed I'm going be completely honest the culture um the my routine was all 90s and they were all black artists and I believe that's the reason why I wasn't allowed to keep my FL routine um because it's not my dance I've danced multiple times like that I've danced you know um it was fine the first year I did it when I had that college routine so I'm pretty sure it was the the culture and the diversity that I had within my music what you sing aloud aloud yeah who did someone say that yes um I'm not going to say who it was but my I had asked my coach and I said why and they said that the the head not the head of us AG but the head um basically asked if there was um a way that I could change my music and my Flor routine so that's all I'm going to say because I don't want there to be any situation or anything like that so yeah well I I'm sorry I do have to ask follow though was that to appease the judging to like to they didn't think I was going to get judged the proper way I should say wasn't USA like I guess if you want to it like that I really like I it's like hard to say it without saying who the people are but I mean I'm I'm not mad look I did change it I changed it to where I could you know still enjoy having that college fun Jordan with the Elite Jordan so yes there was some you know cool moves in and out but do I wish I was able to have that routine yes 100% I tried fighting for it and it was still do you think Elite needs to evolve in that capacity then I feel like there should be never be a situation where you have to change your routine because of the Music Choice you're not the one doing it we are and I feel like you know at the end of the day if you think that I'm not going to get judged a certain way then what's the point of having artistic and gymnastics I don't even know how follow yeah I'm going to I'm I'm to switch gears a little bit um there is so much talent there's three Olympic all run Champions trying to the team four of your teammates swim the Olympic like kind of like how much how deep is this GUI and how hard will you to make the olypic teach I'm going to say completely this is going to be the hardest team anybody's everever going to make having that much talent having you know obviously three Olympic all-arounders world champions and Olympic team coming back from college like it's going to be a tough team to make but I feel like the talent that we have within each girl is going to be fun to watch it's definitely going to be like oh who's here oh who's there oh they switch oh what's going to happen and I think that's going to be the most gymnastics has really seen in a very long time to where it is going to be a race to the end it's going to be a race to you know the consistency the difficulty the execution um who you are like how you know you put yourself out there like it's it's going to be a fun year and I can't wait especially being involved in it like I can't wait just to see everything um but yeah it's going to be hard it's going to be real hard were you at the camp work Donatella when she was here the head of the women's pych no I was not okay I think I was still in school okay yeah um the other thing I want to ask about is like you know you know how it is an Olympic year and everyone is going to there's going to be a lot of media attention people are going to say a lot of things yes what do you how can we be of service to you and tell your story what do you want people to know when they see your name stord and trials what well if you guys want to know what my motto is this year my motto is I'm that girl um because I feel like I've proved enough to this world world that I feel like I don't have to express a lot I don't have to you know change anything and I can just be authentic to who I want to be and if you don't like it you don't like it if you don't want to ride with me you don't have to ride with me um so I think that's kind of where I'm at with like socials and you know interviews and all that stuff it's like what I say is what I say if you want to hear it you want to hear it if you don't okay just move on then I would talk to you later then you know so I think that's something that I've kind of just put myself in a position and I'm just going to be the Jordan that everybody knows of does it help to have an Olympic silver medal at home no because I forget about that sometimes whether it's tattooed on me knowing that I'm an Olympian I think it's something that I still am in awe of I still to this day when I do walk into like my trophy room and I'm like oh wow I'm an Olympian or even when I see it on my arm it's tattooed on me and I'm still like wow this is crazy because it's something that you know as a little little girl you've always dreamed of it you've always been you know wow I want to go to the Olympics and when it happens I don't think it will forever it will very sink in like really sink in until you can sit down look at your TV without anything around you and be like wow I actually did something that I Acom like wanted to accomplish in my life so yeah still to this day I'm like I'm an Olympian oh yeah thanks for reminding me are there any specific skills uh in ma that you have that you're doing new or you want to point out like tomorrow watch me do this and practice was amazing it's the best one um I don't have anything I mean I've done a bunch of skills ever since I was younger that you guys might see and you be like oh I remember when she did this um I think that's really about it I don't have anything like specific that I you know kind of is like pointed out I mean yeah there's like really nothing you said no alar coming back or anything I don't know you got to wait see we never know we never know you never know you never know thank you guys so much
Channel: GymCastic
Views: 22,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gymnastics, podcast, radio, talk show, gymcastic, Jordan Chiles, Olympian, World Champion, National Team Training Camp
Id: opiGJxYxnYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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