Jools Holland interviews Sting (The Police)

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thank you sting we're here and monserrate and you're doing your fourth album you find it when you're coming in the studio increasingly difficult to to match what you've done before though such big hits you've got to get one better than that I think the recording process gets easier it'll be getting one of my experience that doing it no he come in we have a sort of formula we just get down to it whereas in the first place we're kind of experimenting with rolls and what exactly to do what I do find increasingly hard is writing material mm-hmm and topping your last best song is a nightmare mmm when I wrote and I wrote Roxanne I thought that's like that it's really good my ever write one better and then our message in the bottle which I thought was better than Roxanne you go on you do actually know that yourself but it becomes harder and harder what's your favorite your thong sci-fi favorite song it's probably message in a bottle both lyrically and musically I think it's the most unifying piece of written when you get time to write I mean if you're on the road most of the time mature mind you write when you're on the road I've got lots of little boxes excuse me I wrote message in a bottle in a bus in the back of a bus on this uh-huh which is a tape recorder with a drum machine II show you supposed to go off man yeah well let's go at this let's go in to message in a bottle down oh and how did you write that well let's go further back even I mean you is a songwriter as a composer you like the sound of certain chords and I like the sound of well say D minor knife but I also like what follows it which is a 9 yeah and the combination is that's good it's good where do we take from there got to be a sharp and over two bars you got signals we start humming along sadder and rubbish I need it can Smurf is it boiler no that's not true it comes to two different areas you like Europe put your music hat on yeah you sit and write a riff and then you go away with your nut notepad and your right lyrics there and sooner or later they they meet but by using tape recorders you can keep track of your ideas cuz sort of flying so I mean we message in a bottle did you were all the bits there did that come at once or did you head a lot one bit no I'm very slowly as I say I had this the sequel's going on of the cord bile or PGA you get the roof so we stick it down this is this is how you demoed it more I gave it to the bandage it I go home from the bus yeah I stick Denis the drum box on yeah there you go cuz Stuart's not always available probably a better time I set this tape recorder oil like so and put this roof down just for memory yeah mistakes as long twine it back turned Dennis off yeah leave it for a day go back to it listen to it play along with it see what happens play some sort of harmony with it yeah before you've even got to let another part life of chorus or something on there well I just just muck around put a harmonium Oh thing is you know most nice so you do that it sounds awful we had too much to drink yeah the riff in the first place was lousy in this case it was good so anything well what should i do next put Dennis bevel go on is anything right I think that's a good verse let's have some rock'n'roll with this would this be something that you might be come up with before an idea for it maybe maybe it's in that you know you park all the tapes away yes because it hasn't fitted anywhere and all the time it's of mumbling rubbish when you go a reasonable structure here written with a chorus you go to the big pile of durricks yeah you write all the time the way you can write them anyway you cannot it must stop you're writin in the poem and you just look through you see message in a bottle that's it interesting tight cuz I write from titles yeah right the first line of a song that's a mistake because then you have to go to the second hmm if you write backwards from the chorus yeah which is usually the hook yeah then you either come up with it so I had this message in a bottle what's message in a bottle about it's usually about some guy with fur rhaggy trousers have beer on doesn't matter well how then I mean so you've got the you've got the rough order for the chorus there and then the idea for the Versailles how then do you present it well you drawn all a bit of tape together in a rough fashion you know with with sort of very rough marks on and say hello Andy is sure I got a new song look at that's really good I promise it's dead good and yeah they learn it and then they adapt it and change it yeah it's lucky to have brilliant musicians yeah well yes I said that well we've paying each other but you know you could go along to set some Duff musicians and they wouldn't get the same thing out of the same the two they had four weeks in which to write my cemetery with this album did it did it did you find it to the vanity can in the last week something I know I'll say alright I'll write in bits and bobs you know a bit here a bit there it only it is logical and last week you had all the fret we'll go with that one yeah well does he were mentioning so a minute ago I was gonna be on this new album one song I really like on the album is called invisible which I wrote on this thing here this is my pedals it was actually written on this well yeah in a way it was this is like a foot piano which I play on stage as a base urn I also got a synthesizes it yeah so I'm just sitting at home all night with play D theta E flat on there don't play this great great so the straight down and stick 10 is involved Dennis was involved like a date-like so that's alright jaesik or you can see why we have Andy Summers in the group yeah he's a man for the colds no he's about to play the guitar so yeah bring these dr. G I mean well you should have long to when you're when you do give this on to the band you go I spent a rehearsal and first on to you come straight into the Col deze Judy I'm good time to go rehearsal ah we go straight in the studio and if it's not happening within half an hour we ditch it go and have something else yeah we're pretty very impatient but I think that's that's a good way the pressures are Warren has to be good very soon very quickly yeah if it's not about the window do you have it live or do you have a lot of overdubs and edit sift and you know it usually has to work with the three musicians playing it and me singing yeah and that's usually good enough yeah
Channel: Jither
Views: 200,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jools, holland, police, sting, message, in, a, bottle
Id: ci-yIVsDIdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2007
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