Joni - Days of Elijah with R.T. Kendall and John Paul Jackson

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as Christians we will inevitably face persecution it looks the worst and we think it can't get worse I say look up your Redemption draws nigh that's when God loves to step in and surprise everybody arty Kindle shares how we can gain hope and persevere this is a teaching I think will encourage a lot of people and the book of Hebrews is written to encourage Christians to believe that god will swear an oath to you the conversation starts now real friends loving laughing and learning together sharing stories one life at a time so grab a seat welcome to Joanie able talk prophetically gifted supernaturally bold and oddly depressed today we take a look at one of the most iconic prophets in the Bible to discover the man behind the story and what we can learn from him joining me around the table is no stranger to Table Talk John Paul Jackson how are you great and your dear friends with our special guest that actually wrote the forward to the book we're gonna talk about yes I did and it was my honor to do so well we're glad you're here is always April Simon hey there how are you I am doing super we always love to learn about so many oh yeah different subject it's always interesting to have arts yes candle hair isn't it good and Sidney Murdoch how are you I'm doing great I'm excited about this it's an amazing book and one of my favorite people yes you can write that down Aarti Kendall dr. Rd Kendall well let's get that in there absolutely thank you for sure for sure well it is food these are the days of Elijah renowned author and Minister dr. Artie Kindle gives a dynamic look at one of the Bible's best-known yet often misunderstood prophets and the man he reveals is one we can all relate to so dr. Kendall let's talk about this book which by the way I believe is one of your best book I hope I endorsed this book in fact these are the days of Elijah as you were writing this book what was it that really jumped out at you as far as Elijah is concerned and as it relates to the modern-day prophets James says James 5:17 he was just like us and that is so true when you get to get past his famous reputation and the power that was demonstrated on Mount Carmel but just get to the man he was so ordinary and it was so great to think that because all we think about is the calling fire I'm going to tell you when you read my book evils and in fact a lot of people probably think oh you shouldn't say that about Elijah I'm gonna tell you he was so human yeah and it took himself so seriously yeah you wonder why God would use man he had the biggest ego you said oh no not Elijah yes I tell you he had a huge ego I wanted to ask you before you even said that about the ego did you find any cuz we know you don't have that but any qualities about Elijah that you could relate to all of them hater admit it but I have a problem with that too totally honest my greatest weakness does that take myself too seriously I know that's my weakness and so I think oh I've got to be sorted out before God can use me but then what I think he took a long time to sort out Elijah yeah take for example here's Elijah on Mount Carmel he challenges the prophets of bale and just before he calls fire down from heaven he says I alone am left God could have said stop call off the whole proceedings we can't go on that's not true Elijah you know what I know it how dare you say that because Elijah knew better I mean the day before he was with Obadiah and who had hid a hundred prophets in caves Elijah wasn't the only one but you see he began to think he was the one that mattered and he he exaggerated his importance and the fact is that God didn't stop the proceedings just let him go on and then later on when he had Elijah all by himself he said Elijah oh by the way you're not the only one and I think of how God has used me over the years and there were so many faults and I was so unwise and yet God used me and then later on is Artie I need to talk to you about something God is like that let's just save face and and so Elijah he's just like us I love that now john-paul you wrote the foreword to this right so I'm gonna let you be a true co-host today ask your question about these are the days of Elijah of your a friend dr. Kendall well Artie I think it'd be really good for you to tell people about the aesthetic there's an aesthetic nature of of Elijah and the human nature of Elijah and God used used Elijah in absolute clear-cut prophetic where's I mean here's a guy who said I'm not it's not gonna rain here till the words come out of my mouth and so and and that happened so how do you how do you look at that he's on one hand he's running from Jezebel and then on the other hand it says I can control nature okay well I bring out a theological truth that to be honest I don't know of anybody else that teaches this I could be wrong I could be like Elijah God may say oh I can tell you a lot of books on this but it's the difference between the promise and the oath you see I can give you a promise but then you say Artie how can I believe this and I say I swear this is true why would I say I swear I'm afraid you won't believe the promise so I have to use stronger language and the oath is stronger that's what Hebrews six is the the oath is stronger it's it leaves no argument God does that with us he relates to us at the level of promise and if it's a promise it's usually based on condition I will do such-and-such if you do this and so a promise may not come to pass it depends on the condition that we fulfill it but if God swears an oath it's over nothing can stop it he himself won't take it back and he can swear an oath in mercy and he can swear an oath in wrath he swore in his wrath against Israel they would not enter his rest and there's nothing that get him to enter God's rest and if he swears in his mercy it's done and when God communicates to us at that level we know without any doubt it's true and that's the reason Elijah could have this authority goes up to King and said you might like to know it won't rain till I say so how could he be so calm I mean after he leaves he might think oh dear what if I said oh please don't let it rain I need to live like that for three years yeah calm as he can be at home because he was living at the level of the oath and this is a teaching I think will encourage a lot of people and the book of Hebrews is written to encourage Christians to believe that God will swear an oath to you Wow and if he swears an oath to you you have a level of assurance that you did not know you could have in this life and so my book deals with that teaching the promise the oath and how God can speak to us at an earth level that's the reason Elijah had this authority so I'm thinking about a court of law where you are under oh oh that's right and you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help your God it's because the oath is stronger President of the United States one hand on the Bible raising the head because you want to believe him yeah and and yet even God will do that and of course he's he swears by himself because there's no greater so um April Cindy you you guys get ready with the question but before you do let's talk a little bit about the atmosphere in the day of Elijah and inlets kind of if we can parallel it with what we're seeing today in the world well we think today is the worst it's ever been and as a case can be made that it's just that the worst ever but the encouraging thing is that a hab was the most evil king that ever was the worst and it was the worst possible situation I think I say this in the book John Wesley wrote in his diary in his journal had just been in the northeast of England around Newcastle and he said today I never heard such swearing and such profanity such blasphemy and then he wrote ripe for revival and I want to say that when it looks the worst and we think it can worse I say look up your Redemption draws nigh that's when God loves to step in and surprise everybody if we compare like we are today and what's going on in the world and how Elijah as a man of God was able to speak forth the oath of God to a man or a king in power and he had to live through it Elijah had to live through the same thing with no rain that everybody else did but then when it came today to say when he was cutting up the calves and and saying pour more water on pour more water and when water was almost not even around I mean it was such a precious thing pour more water on and I think my heart was like god I want to see today in the world we live today these Elijah's that can do that before leaders and people in high places that have a lot to do with what goes on in the country what does it take for those of us that are human humanity or just human just like Elijah to hear that word of God in that out that could change what it doesn't take is that we're supermen Elijah was no Superman he was ordinary and that's the most encouraging thing at the spiritual level however I think what it takes is that God trusts us with this kind of communication if he trusts you that he would swear an oath to you that's the highest compliment God can give us and if God could swear an oath to us we know it's going to happen then we would have Authority it won't be a case of thinking I hope I hope I hope this will happen I mean Authority and this is what the church forgiveme doesn't seem to have at the moment who do you know today that's afraid of the church what church do you know that's turning the world upside down and causes the community all around to be scared to death nobody but it takes an Elijah they come along and yet he himself was ordinary so we must never think if God were to raise up somebody like that there's Superman or super pious not true ordinary people and yet they a relationship with God you know the funny thing is we don't know anything about his background not a word he comes in a boat out of the blue he's just called Elijah the Tishbite that's all I know the thing is you don't have to have a reputation to proceed you if you want to have a voice if you've got Authority it speaks for itself they won't ask who have you got who are you that you could talk like that what are your credentials tell us more not necessary if you've got that Authority they're gonna listen that's what is needed more than anything in the world that's awesome you know I want to go a little bit back in the story and Elijah told they had that it wasn't gonna rain and then God takes him to a brook and he's there and the Ravens feed him then his brook dries up and I know for a lot of us out there our brook dries up and we don't know how to step forward so what would you say to people that there Brooks try that there's nothing there no more birds are coming to this how do we know well God doesn't lead us from A to Z but from A to B B to C and even Elijah now was affected by the his own prophecy it was a famine in the land now he isn't sure how he's gonna make it but the thing is the surprising ways that God supplies our need he doesn't it away you would never thought up takes me back to when I was pastor of a church in Carlisle ha little Church there where they didn't like my ministry very much and they tried to get rid of me they got a petition to get me out and they got it well by one vote we stayed in but people withheld their tithes and the church treasurer came to me and said brother Kendall we're not going to be able to pay your salary anymore and I never will forget one morning the reason I woke up I can't make it through the day honey I said we weren't good I don't know how we're gonna make it we have no money in the bank no gas in the car we got a letter in the mail a check for $25 that was pure gold and the couple said I woke up yesterday and the Lord said send our tea $25 I didn't even know those people knew where we were I would never have dreamed that and it taught me a lesson God has a way supplying your need in the way you would never dream so with Elijah fed for the Ravens God is never too late he's never too early he's always just on time so it's interesting that today it's almost like the world is giving us more supernatural moments than the churches I mean Elijah lived a supernatural life and that God used him in dramatic ways are we gonna see that again are there gonna be men and women of God that are going to step to the forefront I believe so in fact after reading reading the manuscript of Arty's I was more convinced than ever when you take when you have the understanding that ordinary people can have an extraordinary relationship with God and that from that relationship comes authority we really do need Authority we look for power but but Eli Elijah walked in an authority of God he's one of two two men that solve a back part of God Moses and Elijah both saw the back part of God yeah and that was because there was a relationship that that was their one thing I loved about another thing I love about Artie's book is that he paints a man who could have a relationship with God and gives me hope that I can have a relationship with God just like that and if we do if we have a relationship with with that with our God the only God we have that kind of relationship will walk in that type of authority and then when God says say this we don't even think about it it just comes out our mouth and that gives that gives me hope Artie's book gives me hope and I think every every every pastor every leader and especially everyone who thinks they have any little bit of profit and gifting whatsoever should should read this book and digest it so after you wrote the book Artie did you think that you were gonna have a few or more Boulder moments where you would step out and say and do things you felt like the Lord is leaving you to say where maybe you would have hesitated in the past that's a good question I don't know I guess I'm supposed to say yes sir and that's that question but I only know that I have had one or two occasions I can't say I've had 15 or 20 yeah but one or two when God swore and earth to me I do know what that is like yeah and when that happens you're set at least for that moment well indoors to speak to world leaders I can think of a lot of elijah moments that you've had in your meanness well i'm not even thinking of that i'm just thinking of authority yeah there's a greek word plural for Rhea it means full assurance yeah it says it's the highest level of knowing God that you can get and he also talks about full assurance of understanding where you know theologically you've got it right and that's important to know theologically you have got it right when you have that you've got an authority and how long for the day that I will have an open door and maybe Joanie you're gonna help give it to me today you have it today that I can think of an incident when we won't talk about in detail but there was a major so-called revival and you stood up and spoke the truth concerning it that was yes when everybody Under the Sun said the great revival has come and there's a major magazine that had 10 articles on it and they're all saying this is you know this is of God and but to their credit they had me write one and I said it's not of God it's not of God oh don't say that Artie I said it's not of God well just say it might not have I said it's not of God how can you be so sure I said I can tell you why first of all never in my lifetime have I seen such an opportunity to reach the gospel I reach the world with the gospel I mean they were carrying this man alive on TV it was going into Iraq into China and it's the first time that that world would ever hear the gospel of Jesus Christ how many times do you suppose that man preach the gospel I listened to night after night after night after not once yeah am I to believe that the great revivalist comma is going to reach the world and the man doesn't even preach the gospel you see Paul said I'm not ashamed of the gospel force the power of God for salvation they were not interested in salvation they were talk about words of knowledge and and demonstration to get people all excited and I said it's not of God well turns out later that people came around and said well you were right you know why they thought I was right because the matter was living with his secretary in a trailer right behind the auditory the whole time now they think it's not of God I said that shouldn't have been what convinced you I said if it was completely moral and not preaching the gospel and to call this revival it's not possible that if there's the boldness of Elijah right there we have to take a short break but we'll be right back with more from dr. Archie Kendall right after this surrounded by enemies and difficult circumstances the prophet Elijah had moments of bold courage and other moments of absolute fear and depression not unlike each of us so today we're looking at this dynamic man and how he mirrors all of us dr. Kendall why is it so important that we understand the human side of Elijah thank God it really helps me ask otherwise we'll become disillusioned with ourselves and say oh I thought I knew the Lord and if I really knew the Lord I wouldn't feel like this and I feel so ashamed and felt like yet in ministry happily well yes Elijah went into a pretty deep depression I mean he was in bad shape and in one day he's challenging the prophets of bale in fact it's a party he says shout louder he's having fun with them because he was so sure that God was going to step in but the next day because of Jezebel who swore an oath and that's what got him because he knew she's going to keep that oath and he was terrified he ran for his life and he would think this same man who was so powerful the day before is now like a child scared we're all like this we always say it let's admit it quit playing a game and say we're so pious and strong we're all ordinary people and that was Elijah and that's why he's one of my heroes I love that so what about the depression what what did it say to you as you read through that that part of the book well they came face to face with the reality not many men of God will admit or women of God will admit that after an incredible high where God uses you in spectacular ways maybe in a supernatural experience or in a way where you see the Spirit of God doing a life-changing things then all of a sudden you come down and you're not on that high anymore you're not on that that spiritual level at that anymore and all of a sudden you realize this could happen to me or you feel alone that there's a spiritual loneliness thing that can happen and if you if you end up running then you end up actually complicating the spiritual London Sun making making it worse in lied you made it worse on the self so what would you say Artie to those that are watching right now and your you love God you're serving God but you're just in that slump of depression and just feeling so alone there is a purpose in it it is ordained of God what Elijah was going through in that depression he couldn't have known it at the time God was prepare him preparing him for the next phase of his own relationship with God not that there would be another Mount Carmel experience that was one-off that was a high-water mark of the whole Bible in a sense at least the Old Testament or I should say but now God wanted to show something to Elijah that it would never preach he could never use it but he says what's wrong Elijah always said I'm very zealous I alone and left and and he starts crying and God says go stand in the cave I'm going to show you something comes the wind the fire the earthquake these are ways that were very predictable you think that's the way God's going to show up God wanted to show up to Elijah in a way that Elijah had never seen before there came a gentle whisper still small voice it says in the King James Version that Elijah knew this is God I wouldn't have thought it and God wants to show us things that we hadn't thought of before he wants to do what is unprecedented what is unpredictable and it might be just for you not because you want to tell it to the world but because God loves you as a person and that should encourage anybody that's in depression at this moment God's not finished with you yet and he has something to show you and you'll never be the same again so you mentioned a low moment in ministry for you early on where they I guess the people the board members were turning against you this small church and weren't paying you a salary and literally you were you know out there in the desert and God was providing well Jody that wasn't the last time that happened well that happened in little town on Karla Ohio population probably 300 yeah what about when you're in a population of 10 million and you're a pastor of one of the most prominent churches in the world Westminster Chapel and half your deacons turn against you and accuse you of false teaching and my ministry was at stake and if they had their way they would have thrown me out on the streets but God came through but that was a very low moment I never will forget the night they were taking the vote and they were going to have the vote and it looked like the opposition was gonna win and I look back at Louise she looked at me and I thought this is it this is it in that moment to my right wasn't a vision but was almost it was like a pillar of fire just am i right and I heard a voice do not lean on your own understanding just trust me do you know what within a 5 minutes everything reversed and the night that the church was supposed to get rid of me the church got rid of them and we survived and my ministry went on and I stayed 25 years Westminster Chapel as Charles Dickens put it it was the best of times and the worst of times that's amazing be think about those early experiences even prepared you for this huge mammoth experience that would take place jesus said he that is faithful in that which is least to be faithful in much and and all that we're going through whether it's the depression or you wonder how God's going to supply your need it's his way of saying I will never leave you I will never forsake you I love it we were out of time John Paul who needs to read the book these are the days of Elijah everybody everybody everybody no truly truly you learned so much about your own self I believe God's given up party insight into those who really want to follow after God and and the things that God will allow them to go through in order to get them to a higher place in him and especially I mean I think this is for everyone but those of you that you prophetically you know you have a gift I think this is a must read for you for sure these are the days of Elijah be sure and pick that up well we're out of time I want to thank dr. Kendall for joining us at the table be sure to pick up his book again the title these are the days of Elijah it's available now and for more you can visit him online at RIT Kendall remember that no matter what you're facing today God cares about every need in your life you can call the number on your screen we have prayer partners that are standing by ready to pray with you you're not alone today so be encouraged from what you heard don't forget to join the conversation online by leaving us a comment on Facebook or Twitter thank you so much for watching until next time bye bye for today this has been a day star television production
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 35,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Dreams, Prophetic, Bible, Prophecy, John Paul, Dream Interpretation, Ministry, Joni, Daystar
Id: K60UTCs66TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2013
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