Jonathan Winters Carson Tonight Show 20/1-1976

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[Applause] Johnny wanders with a longtime friend of mine I think I've known John for twenty twenty some years and connected Broderick Crawford I think he's the funniest man in the world Roger Crawford it was always mild though he's a brilliant and innovative performer and Johnny tomorrow night he has a special Johnny winters presents two hundred years of American humor that'll be on at 8 p.m. here on NBC would you welcome it to Jonathan winters [Music] [Applause] they've changed the carpeting yes yeah I think Emily probably freshen up a step these are patches from everywhere we did this in therapy these are these are different shows when were canceled and when they take the carpet they just cut it off and bring it here and you say I never went inside did you grin no I did not officer somehow or another you know just remain in the Jeep and I was taking quickly yes he said but I'm okay now good I'm under heavy sedation oh yeah are you a wild man well I'm fine I picked up a little green went to Chicago exciting you know Chicago is here three people are out here to bum off the relative Jamila not clear from Christmas I've got out got a few solid sneak in there was wrong but now I went in to do a job as a matter of fact talking about carpeting it was for some carpeting unit there I've spent the money now so there's no sense and give him a full credit but it it was fun I saw an old friend of mine Jack Maguire and I used to have some fun times and a little gasoline you know and drink some shaving lotion and stuff so we talked about old-time sir where your name came up the other night we were with some people and the former the Myers of yours I was telling him about two days old 15-20 years ago when we would do strange things to go and hide in the bushes and for some of those sure sure I remember most of them and there are a lot of my don't of course I remember I remember I remember one time or some highway a major highway at concrete narrating and I was sitting like this in the snow state highway patrolman came out and he said that how can I help you and I said yes you can I've been meditating over whether this vodkas goner don't wear so he took me into the locker I was frozen harder in a cart yeah I remember right all that night the officer and I was very nice to me we sat in his car he didn't a very good battery and so he was a you know come on and I made fun of that you know because you ever miss those days welcome Claire Eileen you know I don't because I I tell you I like it better the way I am now but because when I see something in the zoo I recognize it and I did you say that the bear right there's a lion no the animal a nice little yeah so I you know but there were there were times when that you know nicely I had hope on you know you'll yet sure I and I have all that stuff in my house you know my for my friends alright people like yourself it come over that they've hurt their leg or I think what a little touch but myself I just have a hot cocoa you know about four o'clock before I retire it's better for you yeah yeah I'm month I'm with you now you know I am i I eat a lot of vegetables or doesn't show but big on lettuce but employer I have think about rabbits I love them and they're active creatures you know and if that's what they eat that's what I [Applause] take a break haha be right back [Applause] in fact after the Johnny winters Danny Thomas is elusive item Ralph later special shows at 8 o'clock tomorrow right here on NBC Lucy can't miss it because they're no symbol they have there was a little controversy oh yeah no maybe it's you don't discussion while we discuss it now there was a little bruja between the Nebraska Educational Television okay sure yeah and what they say dog I mean I don't know how uh I just wonder you know you read little quips here and there this is show negotiating yeah it's a little uh little legal hassle that I like the bird you know I always like to write on the peacock was very attractive and I think you go how many years or have they had to because about 20 years I guess yeah they should still keep that around until it falls over here and then you have to get rid of the bird when I do we play about 20 different characters on a special tomorrow yeah it's 8 to 9 NBC it's called Jonathan winters presents 200 years of American humor and we go back to the beginning it's as you know pretty oh well it's impossible to capture 200 years in one hour Oh certainly money-wise ah no I was very happy to do it too just to be doing it was exciting in it here we go back to the time of George Washington and bring it right up to various people who had the effect of and yes yes there's Mark Twain of course and Buffalo Bill and the Wright brothers who got the little airplane up and the invention of the Telegraph and telephone well we have a clip about a little over two minutes why don't we we show that it's kind of a teaser but among yeah that's B all right look at that okay here's one bands preview watch the monitors here we are over here come on come on juniper come on juniper juniper well we another take Oh Baby come on you come on here Oh Casey Jones that's only 97 not fearless engineer that's right well boy it sure is a pleasure doing business with you did I am picture my stepdaughter in there once clear yeah here for there has a face of a small dog why are we here today just why are we here today an answer welcome once again to duck skin UM's use carriage lot here yes we've got some wonderful used carriages but their historical use carriages folks you know who wrote in this one for only $85.50 15 cents off from south course damn it it was much more it was 98 50 when he wrote in it but of course now now it's 80 $5.15 walter Gorsuch wrote in this very carriage you know what he invented think of it friends fingernails for children how's that on the bar 40 they're all dead I want a good horse tree head and no good anymore discus them chickens look at them in our corn them crows are just eating our card silly we need a scarecrow without outfit I'll tell you what let's come on down here you stand right out there in the center of the field do what I do didn't just pay attention you ain't down there Kennedy now stand there like that can you do that yeah are you mocking me no more well if that don't scare my don't know what will you know look good boy pale mom don't follow me until after dark letters and I love the politicians you all have a lot of fodder this year coming up yes I I think it's going to be an exciting year I've never known so many candidates say what I'll show you there are questions you play any kind of a candidate you are and August who do you want to be in the first on any introduction at all just senator Brainerd bump firt talking with Senator Brainerd rural rural senators wavered bumpered from the from the country's going to discuss some of the particular issues coming up in the upcoming election senator what do you think about our economy well a thing I think one thing about our economy I think many people are concerned about this and rightfully so is uh is is it all our work anything anymore and I think what we've got to do is it's just one of my many platforms I don't know how many are going to work but I as long as you can get two out of what back you know I think it's the number one is to get the interest to them people out there all those wonderful citizens I think this I think that they you when you go to your bank as an example and UK should check for one hundred and fifty two dollars it would behoove them at the bank to give you a hundred and seventy two dollars and this is going to stimulate money I don't know I would hope but the government would okay then how about how about it probably you do to help the senior citizens the elderly oh that's always a problem with elderly people the fact that they're elderly is a problem so we know that generally if you can if you can somehow as I want to I want again try to get them to I want to get everybody can I want to get animals if I can get them expand on if I can get I've just a few marry all of you old people out there I love you I really do I have some old friends but what do you going on well I think if that let's make it how lean all year round let's put on let's put on some kitty faces it beats nothing you know either that are equipped in Switzerland they were just gonna cost you a fortune how about a sudden kill how about a sudden candidate revenue the other get it alright I'll give you any kind of question all I'm a senator Homa latch body ever well senator Lana thought up Mississippi uh what about the plight of the farmers senator lash body oh I think the farmer for years going back to the time this country Oh founded there was always been a problem with weather so we can't compare so tobacco in Virginia we should be able to control the right nose I've heard of rain makers in my state they were fakes they put the little part sticks in McCracken doesn't seem to be effective though did it not in my state yes but I think I think that the weather has always been from what we've done to is which I am promoting our plastic vegetable plastic section the government has subsidized many farmers across in the 50 states now it's hard to grow cauliflower in Alaska but as far as I know but I'm talking about at least a forty nine I'm not dismissing Alaska of course we understand because there's oil come Navy that's right I'm not gonna fool with those vessels affair where everybody needs their but our Jason I'm I would promote and the plastics division last fix of it of factories around America and I think if we promote all kinds of vegetables and we won't have to worry about rain or floods anything else and these farmers can sit there and say see mm-hm when I was tired I think it's good answer probably the most the overwhelming problem right now is unemployment and all the candidates have been asked to comment on that what about the high unemployment we get people back to work well I think you can heard them urging yes that's a hard way yes sounds a little cruel round them up round them up like an old round on you know buddy come on gang back and you'd be surprised Pablo jump do I want if you have a slogan at all senator I just Logan yes a national campaign slogan that I have one on my bumper it says up to see what did I ever called oh we probably never gonna hear your car yeah merica come here see here I got which boy scout in my neighborhood thought up and I was tough with him because I love him dearly if I had mother sex until they get snotty I want to thank you we'll take a short break we're coming right back you
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Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2017
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