Jonathan C. Gambela - Onction (official video)
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Channel: Jonathan C. Gambela
Views: 2,793,936
Rating: 4.9334474 out of 5
Keywords: onction, anoiting, esprit, de, Dieu, Jonathan, C., Gambela, que, ton, descende, sur, moi, je, suis, disposé, assoifé, moise, mbiye, rosny, kayiba, deborah, lukalu, lord, lombo, dena, mwana, gloire, grâce, mike, kalambay, michel, bakenda, amanda, malela, tasha, cobbs, william, mcdowell, prophète, huile, oil, marcello, tunasi, joel, francis, tatu, eden, dereck, jones, marya, ade, ada, sinach, henry, papa, mulaja
Id: _O8psLIwTLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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