Jonas Saalbach | Track from Start to Finish | Ableton & Analog Synths | Deep House

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hey guys my name is jonas alba from my studio in berlin welcome to production music live [Music] i have something special for you today i'm producing a track in 30 40 minutes and i almost only use sample from the sample pack by stereo voltage i really focus on the sample pack what i'm doing why i'm doing it give you a little bit of insight in my work and also in a sample pack so if you have any questions after the session just comment below and i try to answer everything let's first have a look into the samples i choose here's a kick loop a base loop clap kind of a rim shot nice bungaloobs some hiats shaker tambourine 3m synthesizer nice chord progression [Music] and a saxophone not sure if i will use it but let's see okay first of all i will start with a kick i already have here a simpler and i put the kick into the simpler because i want to transpose it i did this here this is like the normal version and i transpose it down to -4 and what i also did i changed the length of the kick okay let me just mute those plugins here i add a bit of a tape saturation just a tiny bit let's see what it does a bit more sub bass here i have a little bit of compression to compress the attacks and here i have a big dip on 360 hearts i did the same here with the eq a little bit more and the low cut at this maybe a bit too low let's say 40. okay this is my kick drum now i would like to have a base loop yeah like this is pretty cool i compress the baseline and here a little dip in the mid frequencies you can see what it does perfect and here low cut at maybe retire 36 okay and now i would like to add some shakers i really like to use the erosion on shakers you know you can really change the sound of the loop and it feels like there is like more in the mid frequencies instead of just in the highs what i really like because then it's more space for the hi-hats on top of it okay then some auto pen and i i actually use always a bit of saturation on trumps here it's also changing the sound then a low cut because it gets a lot of low frequencies from the overdrive and a little push in the high frequencies and the compression with sidechain from the kick drum and a really small room just a little bit don't use too much reverbs on drums it messes up the mix so let's see yeah feels like there's a good punch now and then uh yeah maybe we can just add some hiats what i really like is to put the varb function on beats and then this selection here and then this works a bit like a transient designer let's get shorter yeah this is good and then i think i would like to transpose it a bit down okay cool bit of overdrive and an equalizer i think here it felt like like a little bit too much of the spell frequency so i turned it down and a little pushy in the eyes i think it's good to push hiats a little bit and turn them down instead of make them just too loud perfect here on the right side i have some reverbs already from slate digital a very small short reverb and here a onehara valhalla vintage verb also for drums and then one long reverb for synthesizers i think it's very important to to have small rooms on trumps or you really want to have like i don't know like a clap with a very long reverb and then you choose this because it's necessary for the sounds so i give they hired a bit of a room just a tiny bit okay shaker has already room um yeah next could be some percussion grooves so i would like to use the bongo loop okay i change the wipe mode on beats because i want to change the groove and then i want to delete some notes yeah maybe like this okay it's really really bright so i make this a little bit more into mono and a bit of overdrive this really changes the the style of the loop some delay and then i use the corpus this is interesting this really changes the sound like a resonator you know with the tune you can tune the [Music] sound [Music] great i need a bit of room for the [Music] percussion maybe a bit from from both perfect so what could be next yeah let's stay with the drums here i have this nice clap loops this is cool maybe a bit too long so again i go on beats and kill the sustain pretty choppy and here's the track delay i put them a little bit behind the kick can be interesting for the groove just play around with the percussion sometimes it's good to put the height a bit behind or a bit bit earlier um track today very important for trump's in my opinion so this is a cool kind of rim shot sounds good already maybe a bit reverb and then the second clap i would like to have only every second time yeah i put a little bit of reverb on the clap this is like kind of a more long reverb because i just want to have it for this sound it's important it brings it really in the back in the mix cool these are the drums for now and yeah maybe i can add the tambourine and now i would like to have some kind of pet atmosphere which i will create out of the melody loop so i go in the arrangement mode and then turn off warp and transpose it down let's see what it does this is the original [Music] yeah so this is cool if you transpose it down like -12 it's like an octave means you're say you're still in the key still in c minor so this is nice maybe even lower i think it's better like this and now i consolidate it so that it's like this is now the sample and then i loop it here in the beginning feels like there's a little click [Music] no it's actually here in the end okay so some reverb and then i have a effect chain kill like the low frequencies you have like the echo boy i just choose the preset ambience echoes to make it a bit more blurry and here with slate digital i compress it a bit the fg 2a is super nice for synthesizers um because it really clues it together without feeling that there isn't compression and then i use the erosion for some noise i like these crackling kind of sounds and then a side chain from the kick that it feels it's bit more in the background doesn't take too much attention maybe this is not necessary here okay and together with drums pick now now i have to tune the percussion again so those two elements they need to work together because they're both um harmonic cool and yeah then let's take a look into the chord progression there are some really nice chord loops in the sample pack and yeah you can just play along around with it you don't have to take it in a full loop [Music] okay i will again put it on beats [Music] so i need this that's kind of groovy a bit of reverb in the synthesizer verb kill the low frequencies but not too much here in the mids a bit of a push so if you have like sounds i i really like to push them where they are necessary to push i don't work like this always i also like add frequencies so yeah this works and maybe a bit of saturation was my idea just a bit decapitator from soundtoys great tool and then i wanted to have a bit more kind of a dubby wipe so the filter delay from ableton works pretty cool for that nice cool i'm happy with that um what i always like is to make a to make melody out of a groove so i take the percussion groove put it in the arrangement move arrangement view consolidate everything so it looks like this and now i convert it to trumps so this looks like that's the groove i copy that delete the drum rack and open here a new midi channel for my profit six so i don't only use sounds from the sample pack but almost so i want to use the profit six and my novation peak and one operator that's the plan okay let's see how that sounds i have here already like a preset which i created a while ago maybe that could work better with the peak let's see [Music] yeah that's cool bit of a acid acid kind of sound great and you can also use this to make nice noise hides so i have here an operator you can ignore this it's just from gem i have here an operator and i choose white noise and then like low release and no sustain so it's pretty short let's see what it does okay it does nothing okay let me just open this again operator white noise perfect so now we have like the crew from the percussion also on the noise hiats and i think this is nice for a song if everything works together you know it's not only static like with if you play everything with midi clicks so you just export groups from different loops and use them again in a creative way what i like to do is to use this lfo plugin and root route this in the decay from the operator so it has like a movement you see it's way more interesting [Music] yeah great i also have some overthrive on the operator i'm i'm searching for there's a good space for it you know like you can really put it in in the mids or in the highs i think this is better more under highs and then i put it in the stereo field with this little trick try wet from the delay 100 and then you just delay one side so it feels like it's really in the stereo field and then some eq'ing [Music] ah that seems to be fine i pushed it a bit again we like to do it and turn down some mid frequencies this has a nice groove already i am happy um yeah so what do we have we have trumps we have a nice groove we have a background elements we have the novation peak and i think now it's time to bring everything in the arrangement mode i like to do it in this way just to have a better overview i don't record it so kick bass line clap one clap two here's the percussion loop and hi-hat loop the noise hi-hats they could also color of green i always color my channels to make sure i have a good overview about everything shaker and tambourine and you can delete this the cards dab cards and my innovation peak cool so the last thing i would like to add here are some pads from the beloved prophet six [Music] this is like one pad i have created [Music] awesome that's already enough three cards but it should end on the f flat f let's minor yeah a little free verb okay let me show you what i usually do with pads like this i have this lovely plugin called rc20 retro and it does exactly what you think what it does it creates like a retro color i use for this pads a little bit of this bubble knob you know it's like pitching it feels like an old vinyl just a little bit that it fits more organic some distortion as you can see i work a lot with saturation this is a bit crusher but i use this just a little bit in the [Music] mix and also has like this kind of noise in the background which i like [Music] with the echo boy [Music] i just make a bit of space and room [Music] that's what you want to have in pets and here on the prophet i have like these pan spread so the sound goes from right to left movement bring movement in your in your music and in paths it's wonderful it needs to be like everywhere kind of and with this you also create space for sounds which are more in the mids like snare drum bass line kick drum [Music] bit of compression and maybe maybe delete the low cut a little bit but actually not too much we don't have to cut everything if it's not disturbing then it's fine here i add a little bit of a little bit of crunch in the mids sounds good to me let's see if it's in [Music] tune [Music] as you can see i always change sometimes notes and melodies i don't always take the first idea so if you feel like i have to change this at the end of the song and i just do it now this feels good and also like it's important that sounds are not always in the same frequency spectrum for example if i pitch this more here then it's pretty close to the pad and at the end it's more difficult to bring in a good mix that's why i choose to pull it a bit more high so it means also it's more under high frequencies the pad is underneath the peak step so there's enough space okay and now i need to check the other elements melodic element percussion group [Music] school and the cards i like these dj moves when i'm playing around okay cool that's the loop i don't want to bore you so i i made already like a kind of a arrangement the song should be at the end like a minute or a minute and a half you can see like here are some notes i made earlier today and let's see what i can do with this beautiful loop from the deep house suite um yeah i i start with the cards and the prophet six but i think i will first stay on on one chord it's important an arrangement that you don't show everything in the beginning you know take your time you can for example if you have like a six minute arrangement or whatever you can stay on one chord and and then you open in the break that means there there's still some excitement happening actually in the break and in the b part of the song you don't want to show everything in the beginning because then you start to add more and more and more layers of sounds and i think the magic behind tracks is if you have like just a couple of sounds and melodies but really work them out you know like a couple of years ago you can hear that my music it was way more busy than my music is now so try to work with not a lot of synthesizers and really focus on them try to make them special and interesting and also the process the progression in the arrangement is really important so i i use here only the card the first card in the beginning and then i will switch okay i think here maybe the hiats can can come in maybe i will fade them in [Music] i don't know i keep this for later the offbeat hired has always like um you know kind of a punch so maybe i keep this for later and use the other heights instead bass line claps [Music] percussion proof can maybe also start already yeah that's cool i think the noise height has a bit too much eyes i will change the high cut a bit [Music] and maybe before the kick drops i will make a little automation here okay but now it's maybe more than half an hour the full session but let me show you this i open a return channel and then i will add overdrive reverb and an equalizer and compression so what i do now first i have here reverb long verb maybe 20 seconds decay time and then some overdrive let me show you this maybe a bit more distortion then i cut the low frequencies and the highs a bit and then some side chain [Applause] what i really like is to use distortion after the reverb i don't know it brings like feels massive so try that out you can also add afterwards like tremolo or lfo or something panning to make it more interesting you know it's like electronic music so you can basically do whatever you want there are no rules okay and then with the kick i also want to come in the shaker kick shaker okay and ah yeah the atmosphere my atmosphere can be also from the beginning i think nice soundscape [Music] [Music] also cool little automation on our effect channel you know it's a good effect cool and here i feel maybe we can have like a little break i uh prepared just a little noise earlier which is basically this you know like just a normal noise with delay and yeah i like to add this just before drop so here i make a little break maybe we can add these kind of effect as well and then something new has to start maybe tambourine and higher together or maybe the highest also when the kick comes in not sure yet let's try it out [Music] yeah that's enough no not hired needed or not sure let's give it a try [Music] ah okay okay this could be interesting like i expect the height here but i make it a little bit later when we have the first changing in the cards and i totally forgot about the peak so let's see where we can add this one [Music] okay i would add it here when the base comes in otherwise it's just too much going on in the beginning great and then i think we have everything here just need to make an outro which i would just do very easy and delete everything expect our synthesizer soundscape and here i put as well the noise to make like a nice curve into the ending maybe atmo and chords at the end so this should be i guess our final arrangement sometimes i group like the drums and add a little bit of eq or a little bit of compression but really just a tiny bit for this session i focus more on jamming with all the samples from the pack which was pretty fun and maybe we can do another session with a little mixing course yeah i hope you enjoyed this session if you have any questions about what i'm doing here or maybe also ideas just comment below and i will try to answer everything and yeah now let's listen to the song i will just play it and play around with my profit and my peak and i hope that there are no mistakes [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Production Music Live
Views: 113,961
Rating: 4.9316382 out of 5
Keywords: Production Music Live, Ableton Tutorial, PML, Tutorial Ableton Live, How to use Ableton, How to make a track in Ableton, Music Production, Track Start To Finish, Ableton Live, Ableton Live Tutorial, Jonas Saalbach PML, Einmusik, Einmusik Cercle, Einmusik jonas saalbach cercle
Id: o214fCl8_AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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