Jon Jones vs Francis Ngannou - A CLOSER LOOK

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i tell you guys this all the time if you can say you want to fight somebody you know but do you really want to fight fans welcome back his fight iq is nuts he's not the most athletic he's the smartest fighter today we look to the future to a collision of titans featuring the two most dangerous men to walk the face of the earth can't make any mistakes he's too powerful their methods to inflict brutality differ but their end result is much the same go to sleep oh my goodness wow trouble here that's it this is the scariest man in the history of the sport a battle weary king with one last chip on his shoulder faces a super mutant a giant ball of fast twitch muscle paired with a desperation to win that can only be formed in the third i'll take your world nominations world-class wrestling meets ferocious boxing in this quintessential heavyweight showdown hit him with a left hook and picked him off his feet jon jones versus francis ingano if he can't knock him out though there's no way he beats him welcome to a motivation presentation but um if i don't get knocked out i believe i win that play i just gotta get through round one and i win that fight he blitzes you and once he gets his hands on these guys they just go out he's so big he's so powerful he's so explosive a tale as old as time from nothing comes a king mike tyson is his hero well he's the mike tyson of mixed martial arts you know there's guys out there hungry just like you now guys who were afraid of you when you were contenders but now you're champion they're not afraid of you no more they want to eat you alive francis and gunnu's natural talents are clear to even the most casual of viewers goodness gracious incredible strength make him dangerous in any facet of the fight game any mistakes you can't be there when the punches his most recent fight proved he isn't just a power puncher he snatched the heavyweight title from an all-time great in stipe miocic by using an educated jab and demonstrating remarkable improvements to his takedown defenses wow that earthbending power certainly helped too the fight was the culmination of everything francis seeks to represent getting up when life pushes you down to conquer any challenge that stands before you even though i've been fighting winning fight i had this thing inside of me that i never released it uh since it was like a promise that i'd make i made to myself and to prove the doubter and people that thought that i was beneath them that if ever i have an opportunity i would do something great and that's what i'm here for i'm walking through the greatness in ghana's journey began in misery in the salt mines of cameroon shoveling dirt and we had to like do something you know we had to work to contribute an abusive father back home and no money for a traditional education i didn't like like my life and i always feel like i miss my childhood like because it's been so much frustration yeah hard lessons in toughness optimism and above all else self-belief has developed very strong from doing something like that at 10 years old i mean it must have made you really [ __ ] strong this belief in himself eventually brought him to the streets of france albeit homeless and destitute first day he told me you have good potential but in france mma is better and then i say what is mma on account of his physical ability inganu was eventually invited to train at an mma gym free of charge then the guy turned on me and said why are you laughing and i was like this guy is not an average guy this guy is going to be a champion before long he was brutalizing the amateur circuit with unrefined fire not seen before or since it didn't take long for the ufc contract to arrive and with it the cost of heavyweight health insurance rose forever the predator francis i used to say anthony rumble johnson was the biggest power threat in ufc history daniel francis in goners next level oh it's unbelievable he blitzes you and once he gets his hands on these guys they just go up because stipe we talked about it greatest of all time we said if he loses he'd probably deserve a rematch but man the idea of a jon jones fight seems awfully exciting right now though when discussing freak talent jon jones is never far from the conversation either uh you you beat the most successful heavyweight champion of all time you knock him out and then a second later we're talking about the next one and it's jon jones he's a man who figures out a way to win and he has done that over and over and over again against the best light heavyweights on the planet like francis there was little in the way of an amateur career for jones he would learn the art of war in the deep end of the pool against names like quinto other than rashad i don't see anybody beating this kid straight up because um i i thought he was all hyped uh straight up i'm keeping the rear i thought he was all hyped the kid is tough he's very talented i'm reaching for a level of greatness that i've never dared to reach for in the past by just 23 jones had become the youngest champion in ufc history john jones is the youngest champion in usc history beginning a sadistic run of oblique kicks and arm bars that poised him as one of the greatest of all time before his 30th birthday he's an outstanding wrestler he's a creative striker and he's a champion you know what your peers are your co-workers down you let yourself down it's never over as long as you never quit it's never over i'm back here also like francis jones faced a dark period one that came later in life invited by the temptations that so often accompany fame and fortune what i would like to see is some kind of personal healing i want to see john learn from this he's not a bad person you know and he had it all but just didn't see it jones's greatest opponent is ultimately himself and his legacy risks being dwarfed by his numerous controversies he's always been this great he's always been this crazy when the old king becomes complacent it takes war to wake him up going up to heavyweight may just be the motivation john needs to show the world why he is the greatest of all time if you want to know what it feels like to get your ass kicked by a guy who has 40 pounds less than you meet me in the octagon if you think that jon jones is going up to take on angono he's just going to go get ran over that's just that's not what you're going to see his in-cage iq is undoubtedly his greatest weapon there is no problem he can't solve be it olympic wrestlers jujitsu legends or hard-hitting berserkers if he can harness this in-cage intelligence effectively against francis deep elbow slices and torn cartilage will surely follow if you if you believe that you have something that is special that is even a gift from your higher power then stop questioning it because it's insulting to your creator that you believe that he will put limitations on what he's giving you if you're picking in gano then you're saying thangano is going to knock out jon jones if he can't knock him out though there's no way he beats him wait so you're saying if francis can't knock out jones jones wins be a decision he he wins a fight against francis god is dangerous yes i believe that he has a chance to knock me out let's say that out loud but um if i don't get knocked out i believe i win that fight i just gotta get through round one the physical differences between the two may at first appear minute but the consequences of those small differences are huge as i said before i'm back and you're going to see me around again hey where everybody brought a great bone shirt take it back now you're wasting money both men stand at six foot four with an inch and a half separating them in reach facing a fighter with such long reach is certainly a new challenge for jones whose freakish wingspan combined with fighting at a smaller weight class has meant that range has never been an issue whether francis can exploit this remains to be seen i think engando has a chance to be a cross over superstar and if he beat jon jones he would occupy the same space in people's minds that mike tyson once did that joe lewis once did that the icons in boxing once did [Applause] we can't talk about the physical differences between these two without mentioning the weight jones will likely enter with a 15 to 20 pound weight disadvantage one that will certainly impact his ability to wrestle stipe miocic went against daniel cormier towered over him he looked like a welterweight standing next to in ghana francis is already attacked and i'm trying to become a titan you know so wait so wait a minute i want to look like a titan okay that's that's different i want to be the same size as this guy if not bigger when we get out there francis lives up to his nickname of the predator applying pressure to back up his prey his most recent fight showed improved entries and angles to surprise an already on-edge opponent head kicks leg kicks really good grappling take down defense scary however a veteran tactician like jon jones is unlikely to be overly shook up by the predator's presence and pressure he may use it against him by trying to throw him off balance and shooting for takedowns at the right time [Applause] jones stance also has its pros and cons he stands strong with a wide base his arms extend to control the distance and disguise his entries but the slow footwork of jones has landed him in trouble before and a fast pitcher like inganu could take advantage and you just have a gun heavyweight champion of the world like all physical comparisons in the fight game the real differences can only be seen when the cage door closes francis is a monster of a guy i think he's faster than jon jones a heavyweight title fight that the sport has been waiting for with two men equally excited to prove themselves to the world jones comes out and said uh to francis and gano those haymakers don't work on me send the contract the idea that jon jones could either capture the heavyweight title and cement himself as the greatest to ever do it or experience his first real loss in a likely catastrophic manner makes this the must-see fight in 2021 will the rising lion defend his territory or will the old veteran use his brain staying one step ahead to complete the prophecy that was set out before him years ago you
Channel: Motivedia - MMA
Views: 888,957
Rating: 4.8643422 out of 5
Keywords: Jon jones, Francis Ngannou, Jon jones vs Francis Ngannou, Francis Ngannou vs Jon jones, jones vs Ngannou, Ngannou jones, bones jones, jones ufc, Ngannou knockout, ngannou MMA, mma, ufc, ufc heavyweight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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