Jon Jones, 1st fighter to negotiate ‘Hazard Pay'...

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jon jones and jose aldo have a few things in common i mean think about it from this perspective these are both guys who for a period of time were the absolute best in their craft but they're both guys who did it absence of a fan base and you sit and you wonder why and with jose aldo it was very easy to identify which was what aldo wanted to do and he lacked communication right he was he was unable to come out and speak to people but it also wasn't what he was interested in he was interested in competing refining his skills getting his hand raised on to the next okay did a great job we can see why didn't have a fan base we can see why john's is very similar except john will communicate he just always separates himself from he he does not want to be of the people and he always does this to make this clear he does not want to be of the people he wants to be above the people i mean i watched john on instagram when people were saying him that he was scared of francis and john came out and he just goes look just because you guys are scared of francis doesn't mean i'm scared of francis that was a great and fair and simple point but he didn't stop he then said remember you're probably not a lot like me and i'm just sitting there going oh my goodness this is to his own his own people on his own social media and he just informed them that they're not like him but it's always something like this right i mean but it's always something along these lines john will come out and lay for you how well he's done in the sport or how many times he's defended the championship all which are true and all of which are things that somebody would look to he will then use that as an argument as to why he should make more it's not the world's worst argument it's tired it's played out but you can see how somebody would logically come to that conclusion but john has then changed the argument it now isn't about what i've done which is why i should be rewarded he's now changed it to this is more dangerous he's making it about hazard pay he's saying fighting francis and fighting at heavyweights is more dangerous and therefore i should be paid more but once again he separated himself from everybody else all of you have watched jon jones and all of you go and make a living each day have any of you identified a harder day from a less hard day and used and gone and renegotiated with your employer ever have you ever done that and would you be able to and what if your boss conceded and goes yeah this is a more dangerous job that's true you're going to be on the third floor today instead of ground level and i could see where if you fell just by an example it's going to be more dangerous i'm not going to pay you any more money but in the past it's been pretty cushy and pretty safe hasn't it so it all kind of balance out and you're going to look around you're going to go yes the same reason that you don't ever have the lebrons or the tiger woodses or the serenas of the world coming out and wanting to negotiate before each game because yes some are going to be harder and some are going to be easier and they're not going to take less when they're easier and therefore they're not going to get more when it's harder it's one of these things that no person could do but he's trying to which separates him from the base because none of you that watch john get to do that now i would suspect that none of you who want to don't get to do that i would suspect that you would never even try what's the difference don't you just know that like you're an adult does somebody have to say a fellow adult has to sit down and explain to you how this whole thing balances out and evens out does somebody really have to sit and explain to jon jones that yes we all agree this is going to be a good night of business but what about these seven fights that you had of the seven only one of them the arena sold out i mean are you guys aware of that in john's last seven fights he sold out one arena it was against gustafson and it sold out exclusively because people thought gus could beat him they disliked john so much that the one arena to fill it was because they thought gus could beat him that's okay by the way i'm a guy who made a career off of people hating him i was the guy where the boos were louder than my opponent's cheers but the arenas were always full so i'm not coming to you from a standpoint of because people dislike john so much i'm coming at you to identify because much like jose aldo who is great as he was never spoke to anybody okay but now we know why he didn't have the big fan base we also know why john doesn't it's because he continually separates himself from the pack he does not want to be a man of the people he does not want to be of the people he very clearly wants there to be people and then they're all looking up to john and it's just one of these weird things it's one of these very very strange things whether he's talking about how great he was which is very unique to him because he was cloaked in success but it still separates him or now he's saying it's more dangerous i mean do you understand it doesn't go both ways francis is a dangerous fight francis is a scary fight stipe of course didn't get any more to fight him rose and stroke didn't get any more to fight it blades didn't get any more either time than he fight him but it doesn't make the statement any less true francis is a scary night out for sure true statement by john but if we're going to take that then we have to also look at the other side of the coin so what do we do when we get there i would just ask john this i would not ask john that's not true i would not have a logical conversation with jon jones at all i would do what dana does which is i wouldn't even talk to him i would i would purely have somebody else is gonna do that right but i would ask even if a rhetorical comment rhetorically so which is what do we do on the nights that aren't as dangerous what do we do on the nights where you're taking on somebody that is not striking heavy that is more grappling based what do we do then because we're going to write this contract out and it's going to be good for x amount of fights or as long as you're the champion and you've shown that you pretty good at keeping that belt what do we do on those nights and this is where you're going to see how irrationally is there or illogical and unfair nothing he would never concede nobody would in all fairness nobody would john's not unique on that no fighter would do that they're all going to go i'm still going to get with what i have coming to me if you're telling me it's not as big of a fight then you're saying that you didn't do your job your job is to promote the fight your job is to sell the fight my job is to show if i show up and do it but you it's not as big of a night than that that's on you every fighter is gonna have that mindset it's okay it's okay but you can see the problem that the other side of the table is in which is yes some nights i will concede i'm not going to be able to do my job as well as i'm going to be able to do for this one so what do we do what do we do what is the right answer now we'll tell you the right answer is already in place the mechanism is already there it's called a threshold it's your participation how much do i get on the back end that all has to do with how well did the front do so it all corrects itself and those big nights will be treated differently and there will be different rewards and compensation and then it will kind of balance out it will kind of balance that and nobody has to take a loss it's just that the gains won't be as high it's fair it's reasonable it's well thought out it goes back to the beginning of this business model which is unique to pay-per-view it's consistent all things that jon jones are not
Channel: Chael Sonnen
Views: 162,102
Rating: 4.6940989 out of 5
Keywords: MMA, mixed martial arts, Chael Sonnen, UFC, Bellator, Ultimate Fighting Championships, Bellator MMA, MMA Fights, MMA podcast, Beyond the Fight, Chael Sonnen podcast, mma fights, Fighter, Bad Guy Inc, Mean Street, Mean Street Coffee, Jon Jones, Francis Ngannou, Dana White, UFC Champion
Id: QRZkgkQbNqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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