Jon Favreau’s Iron Man - The Insane Origin

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this video is sponsored by Ray Khan first time I saw him put on the helmet I looked at him I said Barbara you are Ironman I mean how amazing is that for the rest of your life you are let me take you back to May 2008 I was what eight years old that's weird and Marvel Studios they weren't owned by the mouse they were an independent film company how freakin weird is that Marvel Studios was an independent film company an Iron Man wasn't the popular icon that he is today hell he wasn't even popular he wasn't spider-man he wasn't Batman he wasn't Superman so the average person didn't give a damn that's really weird I keep saying weird but it is weird it's insane to think about how back then only 12 years ago Marvel Studios were the underdog it was a big risk to Bank on an Iron Man movie it was an even bigger risk to put it out the same summer as this beast imagine if Iron Man had bombed imagine if it wasn't Robert Downey jr. imagine if the movie was underwhelming how fundamentally different with the film industry be right now just think about that I know I rag on the more recent MCU films a lot I'm often called overly critical a pretentious douchebag foe intellectual caption loving clown which is completely fair but I want all these things to all be unique personal meaningful oh I thought buzz off you just hate the MCU blah blah blah blah blah look I get it but screw all that because I [ __ ] love Iron Man I think Iron Man is an extraordinarily well-crafted film a movie that takes risks that's creative that's honest that's both mature and extremely youthful that was fresh back then and maybe even fresher today damn it's just solid it's just balls on a filmmaker it's just great but first you know what sucks wires plugs cables wired headphones they're always getting tangled then definitely don't make you feel like Tony Stark that's why I'm excited to talk to you guys about the sponsor of this video ray Kahn if you're still using wired headphones I'm here to tell you that 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outline the spirit in which it was shown the way we did it was like you might do a small independent art film you know how insane that is that the movie turned out as well as nuanced as layered and as impactful as it did that's a testament to every single person who worked on it they figured it out as they went along and what they figured out turned out to be the start of the biggest series of films ever but they had no idea that was going to be the case this could be anything from a flop to a moderate single you know we get on base and just keep plugging along in your career there's something that you know where it's beyond what people's expectations are high really don't know how people are gonna react to this thing I know the people close to me seem to like it I know that there's funny scenes there seems a lot of heart there's a lot of truth in I love the performances I love the cast so I don't know this is the shot that started the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe no superheroes no purple space rocks no guardians of the galaxy this is the show Iron Man hits the ground running flying zooming exploding with such a fishing character development in such a short amount of time with one dialogue seen some ac/dc a couple of explosions and a capture we understand the tone of the film the style and most importantly we understand who Tony Stark is at this point in time the first glimpse we get of Tony is a shot of his hand holding a drink riding in the back of a Humvee the first conversation Tony has with the soldiers isn't much of a conversation but an exercise in ego boosting it sure you went 12 for 12 with last year's Maxim cover models and when they go under attack the first choice Tony makes in the film is to worry about himself not the young soldier so within these first three freaking minutes we know that Tony is a narcissist who enjoys his playboy reputation and we know that he is entirely selfish he's the most important person in his world and everyone else is there to take a picture but what is his enemy what's going to cause the conflict that will force him to change who is the real big bad of the film himself [Music] there is something so poetic and frankly genius about tony stark having pieces of his missile his past sins constantly being seconds away from entering his heart and killing him and this all happens before the tidal cart this all shows you what director Jon Favreau cares about and he cares about Tony Stark Jon brought everything John is the primal force behind Ironman he's easily half the character he's infused himself into every department he's in I wanna say he's a gentle giant because it's very flammable but he is the most composed person in a position of unimaginable stress that I've ever seen he's so gracious and so evolved this is a Tony Stark movie first not a world building machine and not a movie about a cool exec with a heart of Steel Iron Man is a film about a deeply flawed Tony Stark facing his past mistakes his demons and growing into a better man by becoming the Iron Man every choice every line every scene is in service of Tony Stark I think Iron Man's biggest risk was having the title character start off as this deeply flawed [ __ ] someone that on a surface level the audience can't relate to he's no Peter Parker he's no Steve Rogers he isn't a poor relatable young man with a good heart but a grown billionaire arms dealer who does plenty of awful awful things seemingly feels no remorse and finds a way to justify it all what do you say to your other death that's not bad after the title card we get a day in the life of Tony Stark the editing is fast in the filmmaking is frantic excessive the soundtrack is punky the debauchery in douchery is heavy the only time the film and Tony really slows down and switches tones is when we are introduced to Pepper Potts it's also the first time in the movie where Tony genuinely seems to care about who he is talking to he's been asked a ton of questions from people he probably views his beneath him but with pepper he asks back to Brooklyn I knew that already yeah isn't that strange it's the same day as last year get yourself something ice cream he engages oh it was very nice then very tasteful thank you mrs. darling you're welcome responsible one cool driving montage and a womanizing scene on an airplane later and we end up back in the cave the cave these might be my favorite scenes in the film and some of my favorite bits in the entire MCU we not only get to see the iconic birth of the arc reactor and of the mark one we not only get to hear amin jawad EES Iron Man theme which is so freakin incredible and just makes me want to go onto the world with a box of scraps and build some [ __ ] hell yeah it should be a sin that Marvel didn't consistently use this as the definitive Iron Man theme I hear this and I hear Iron Man just like I heard Superman with John Williams and Batman with Danny Elfman we not only get all that but we get crucial character building scenes with Tony and yinsen the pacing slows down and we spend time getting to see the Tony Stark that's buried beneath all the ego the Tony Stark that feels fear the Tony Stark that may have some regrets about his lifestyle that a family yes and I will see them when I leave here a new stock so you're a man who has everything nothing Tony Stark the human being and not the celebrity something that is always stuck out to me is this bit right here what do I call you my name is Jensen nice to meet you nice to meet you too this takes place after yinsen who is the best Uncle Ben since Uncle Ben has saved Tony's life played interpreter to these terrorists and stuck his neck out for this guy ten times over it's only after Jensen and him start building something together does Tony bother to ask his name it tells us so much about what Tony respects in a person and how guarded he is and has been with most people in the past the cave is not only where we learn these things about Tony but where Tony learns through yinsen the lesson or rather the call to action that will come to define his character across all of the MCU and he doesn't after that moment he doesn't waste a second of it he emerges from the cave a changed man we now know who he is and have an idea of the man he is going to become we started off here and now coming out of here I feel like I understand who Tony Stark is more I think Robert does as well he destroys all of his weapons like a badass gets rescued gets himself a cheeseburger and calls this press conference where he immediately starts taking responsibility for the harm his company has caused for a movie that had no set script there's a very natural progression of Tony's character through the mostly improvised dialogue through his actions and his reactions being prisoner for three months losing someone who he let in and seeing firsthand the death and destruction his legacy is brought to the innocent is the kick in the ass he needed to grow it's clear through his interaction with the press that Tony is much humbler much more down-to-earth literally he asks everyone to sit down so he is with the people and not speaking down to them he's also much more vulnerable not only with the press and the record to say goodbye to my father but with pepper I don't have anything I don't see the relationship talked about that much outside of those weird Instagram ship pages but I kind of think that Tony and peppers relationship is one of the best romantic dynamics in a superhero franchise especially in these earlier films there's something real and not overly idealized about it she's more his overworked caretaker than sexy assistant or damsel in distress and he's far from the perfect good-natured superhero pepper makes Tony want to be better be more grounded her character honestly helps ground the entire film we have a billionaire an Air Force colonel and a scheming corporate tycoon as our central characters pepper is the relatable one the put together human being stressed out by all this madness speaking of human the building of the mark ii and tony learning to fly is magnificent stuff it's very reminiscent of Sam Raimi spider-man we get to see the learning curve our hero has to go through before he can dawn the iconic costume I love the use of comedy here it never sticks out as being so desperate to get a laugh from the audience but rather used to remind us that no matter how [ __ ] dope Tony Stark is no matter what insane creation he builds in a super cool montage he's still just a human being who is struggling to figure all this out just like we would Kapow the blessing of an origin movie is spending time on the smaller things that will be taken for granted in future installments like this [ __ ] amazing is that that's the first time we ever saw Iron Man Silver Iron Man but still the Iron Man Favreau knows how important this moment is he knows that it'll be instantly iconic and he knows not to rush over it I think just this feeling of flying for the first time in a movie like this if you handle it right should give you chills just seeing him fly really feeling like you're flying with him if you cover it the right way shoot it the right way present it to the audience in the right way it should be an emotional experience what's it really like what would it really be like to get in a suit that could fly it would be a life-changing experience don't lose sight of that you're making a movie and movies are about emotion they're about allowing the audience to experience something they can real life but let them experience in their real way we rode in the Batmobile with Batman we swung with spider-man and now we are flying with Iron Man I can't overstate how genius of an idea was to be able to get a close-up of Tony's face while he was in the suit you never lose Robert Downey jr. and you never lose the character of Tony Stark it allows moments like flying like the action bits to feel even more real in fact this entire movie has a sense of realness not just in the storytelling but in the way the film was made from the free-flowing cinematography by Matthew Liberty to the choice of using real sets with dynamic lighting setups instead of a green-screen backdrop to the stunning gorgeous practical armors built by Stan Winston Studios all of these decisions behind the camera make Iron Man feel like it was crafted by hand constructed built in a cave the box grabs I was shocked to find out just how much of this film was done practically of course there are some scenes some bits of action in some parts of Tony's armor that you could never pull off without the aid of CGI but watching the behind the scenes and realizing that they built armors that could do this or this or this [Music] realizing that they shot during a sandstorm realizing they really blew all this [ __ ] up realizing that they really had stuntmen and Downey on wires zooming around doing crazy [ __ ] like this realizing all of that reminded me just how much Marvel's way of making movies has changed I'm not discrediting all the hard work that thousands of extremely talented VFX artists do on these movies but I will personally always be more invested in the story if the world that takes place in feels this tangible feels this built feels this real now all of that craftsmanship is insanely [ __ ] cool but none of that would really matter if the movie wasn't meaningful if Ironman didn't have the weight it has let me ask you a question you can go down in the comments and answer it I'm genuinely curious when does Tony become Iron Man to you what exact moment in the film made you think huh this douchebag has grown he is now Iron Man he is now a hero some of you might say as soon as he leaves the cave and destroys his weapons some might say it's when he fully embraces that identity in the final seconds of the film others might argue it's when he puts on the mark 3 for the first time now I don't think any of those are wrong honestly they're all extremely valid but to me Tony Stark has always become Iron Man right before that mark 3 sunna right after he finds out that shutting down the weapons division wasn't enough as you can see these he starts blasting [ __ ] he's fed up the need to take responsibility and do something is overwhelming him and it's in this moment right here right when he looks at himself looks at what he has done with his entire life hearing what the stark legacy really is being overwhelmed with such disgust and regret at the sight of the great Tony Stark Tony Stark the narcissist Tony Stark the Playboy Tony Stark the merchant of death it's only then only after he destroys his reflection only after he destroys that image of himself that Tony Stark can truly become Iron Man an iron man goes and kills all these asshats walks away from an explosion destroys the rest of his weapons rights the wrongs of Stark Industries and of Tony Stark he returns home and we get this powerful line that acts as the perfect period on this long sentence of a character art shouldn't be live unless it was very easy I'm not crazy pepper I just finally know what I have to do I know in my heart that it's right most people say the worst part about Ironman is its third act and I think there is a major reason why Tony is pretty much done growing and you could pretty much end the movie here and we would have a seriously great complete and thoughtful story about one man's journey to be better but this is a superhero movie and superhero movies need to have a villain for the hero to punch and blow [ __ ] up with a lot of people don't like my bald baby boy Obi Obadiah Stane and I can see why he ain't that deep and complex sympathetic layered and my least favorite part of the film is the standard smaller iron dude fights bigger badder iron dude but I also think stayin helps serve Tony's growth he helped support the idea that Tony must destroy his iron mongering past in order to fully become iron man iron mongers we make weapons my name on the side of the building what we do keeps the world from falling into chaos not based on what I saw stayin ordered the hit on Tony he indirectly caused the journey that would make him a hero I wish the movie focused in on that more gave Jeff Bridges more to do made the idea that he is what Tony could become if he gave in to his selfishness and ego they hint at it a little but a little bit more would have been nice Iron Man's third act is pretty much about driving the point of the first two acts home the action is fine and dandy but now the Tony has finished growing we get to see his new self in action what does he prioritize the safety of the innocent or his father's and company's legacy I think the answer to that question is clear not only because Tony destroys the original arc reactor killing his mentor sword a father figure business partner in the process while making the sacrifice play something that he will do time and time again but let's rewind for a second back to when stain takes tony's new arc reactor Tony is about to die he looks like death probably feels even worse but what saves him it wasn't his money that saved him it wasn't stained it wasn't anything to do with his enormous amount of power control or wealth it was his relationship with Pepper it was the effort he put into building and caring for dummy it was his friendship with Rhodey it was his humanity his kindness the things in people he took for granted it was his heart that saved his life there's something so subtle yet so powerful about him using that arc reactor to fight stain save the woman he loves save the innocent and save the day and finally because of all this because of the last 1 hour and 56 minutes this ending just isn't one of the coolest most iconic endings of all time but the final answer to the film's overarching question who is Tony Stark is he the man who indirectly got these soldiers killed is he the womanizing douchebag who lets everyone meaningful in his life down by being entirely self-absorbed is he the man who can justify all his wrongdoings is he truly the merchant of death truth is I am Iron Man [Music] Ironman is one of the most rewatchable movies I've ever seen it's engaging funny fast-paced visually a blast but what matters is that it has this heart to it this complexity this realness underneath all the fireworks there are two ways to go one is just to create a spectacle that people can you know much popcorn and haggle at and enjoy and that certainly is a lucrative proposition but as a filmmaker who's gonna be working on this thing for two years and possibly other films to come it's important for me to have an aspect to it that I could really buy into beyond just you know being up just a treat for the audience you also want to do something where you're telling a story and maybe speaking to something and going for something a little bit more without that mentality without the heart the film has and Tony Stark grew to have I don't know if it would have been the critical and financial hit that it was I don't know if we would have gotten 22 more movies in this infinity saga everyone involved in the making of Iron Man seemingly had a blast from Kevin Feige to Jon Favreau to Robert Downey jr. to Stan Lee who's the best director of any well not only the best but as far as I'm concerned Jon Favreau I only directed another director gets me a half a dozen but none of them knew what would happen none of them knew that they were changing the course of superhero movies in blockbuster filmmaking in general none of them had any idea the lasting impact and legacy Iron Man would have I know that I'm proud of it I know that we've done everything we can it built from like a small little grassroots thing into something where people are anticipating it and now it's being spoken of in the same breath as like Batman and Indiana Jones I mean we weren't part of that conversation when we started out off we were like an unknown quantity but I do feel confident going in I get my suspicion I'll be killing more of these and you know it could potentially change the you know the nature of my whole life and my whole career just remember laying there buried waist-deep and all this gear and I just remember kind I was inside the helmet and I just had this great moment of gratitude it's a kind of the elements and what a privilege it was to be able to be there playing this guy with the caliber of people I was working with and to say wow man what a cool deal what a cool suit what a great crew would have last Tony Stark and that's the true insanity of Iron Man a movie that didn't have a finished script a movie that was essentially a 140 million dollar independent film a movie that not only spawned an entire Cinematic Universe but introduced us to who would become one of the most beloved fictional characters of all time I mean how amazing is that for the rest of your life you are [Music] you
Channel: HiTop Films
Views: 991,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jon Favreau’s Iron Man - The Insane Origin, HiTop Films, Iron Man, Iron Man Video Essay, MCU Video Essay, hitop films mcu, jon favreau, Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man, Robert Downey Jr., Tony Stark, Iron Man 1, HiTopFilms, marvel cinematic universe
Id: -q83aUAcfQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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