JON Batiste Opens Up About the Emotional Rollercoaster of Life

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I think about my um early maybe eight or nine years old first on stage and I was very shy I didn't really have the performer's gene when I first started out I mean the years of developing the craft of a performer just like the same as developing The Craft on my instrument you know you really sit and you watch tapes Watch YouTube Watch all kinds of stuff of of the past of people who are around today and then you go out and you you put yourself in a position to execute on all these things that you've learned and over time you figure out your voice to expand the art to expand the perception of a black artist to expand the perception of someone who exists and has all of these influences and is not categorizable schools hospitals community centers across the country there's a lot of weed what you all do is a great service because people need the news they need to know what's happening but I also feel that in this Global understanding of our world and in this age of media we've lost touch with the community and we've lost touch with our localized thinking our understanding of each other from a human to human perspective and what I see is there's a lot of good that goes unnoticed and there's a lot that can be more so it's both you know I've always thought about the highs in life as uh opportunity to take stock in in all the blessings you have and uh I've I've thought of the challenges in life as an opportunity to really reflect on and be grateful for what's most important that's what they're there for and they have highs and lows all at once is actually an incredible source of um lending perspective every time it feels new whenever you face a challenge or whenever you have success and I think that it's important to have those thoughts as anchors we are here for a short while and then when the Creator says it's time we're gone and in this moment what do we want to do how do we want to be remembered what is our Legacy and what do we want to set up for the Next Generation so that they know better you know when you know better you do better and that's really what the song is talking about if you're in a place where your humanity is challenged and today with all of the stuff online Twitter and all of the news and all these things that just bombarding you with Lifestyles to adopt and opinions to take on all this stuff it can be easy to feel that you can lose your humanity and all of that and I'm just saying don't stop dreaming Don't stop believing believing in the high ideals of your Humanity love hope joy peace because you know that our time is coming up we don't have time to waste so with all you've got whatever you have left don't stop foreign
Channel: Truth Be Told - Jon Batiste TV
Views: 12,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sSrGOvczn-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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