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hey what's going on over there something different today oh my god I think I drown me better than us he looks too heavy yeah he's look at that little scrunchies getting a chick what should we do uh we can go snip them you know what is it would they notice us coming this nipper tips police would probably oh no no I don't think they noticed I think they know okay everything's better I think we just committed the murder so we should probably stupid head over there oh thank you so much you know I noticed there's a pencil on their side we got it's like a pencil eraser we got pushed that pencil eraser button and we're gonna try to cause all the mayhem oh my god Oh what did you do oh that that's disgusting that's like it's like what happens when someone farts it's like if you could see a fart that's what it would look like like a booger realistically like you just made it worse I don't know why a bugger is worse than a fart but it definitely okay I can clean up the mess okay where's my button dude why does this button get off my button no no okay so so what happens see if you haven't noticed is if you push this button it disappears if you push this button it appears they keep pushing it it keeps coming and see so what we need to do is there no set see look we need someone to be the nice shape like the inside shape uh-huh and then we'll we'll use three characters to like kind of make an enclosed space so what so here's what I want you to do I want you to snip me so I'm inside the dotted line okay you snipped me right now okay now I want you to stay right there uh-huh and okay now take your purple dude put your purple dude on the other side alright take I'll take her I came up with this idea all of my own thank you everyone okay so now I'm in trouble now I'm in charge okay okay so I am in charge of hitting the buttons and you could not win without me okay I'm hitting the button and that's why we're winning let the fart expand into them okay why would they put a bowling ball in a basketball hoop oh you know what yeah it's working it's working I don't any well I can move both these at once it's pretty useful right there you go switch characters all right jump up jump up jump jump jump I'm a little teal one better I'm trying and you got me loose we're ruined [Music] all right I got it okay I see your face [Music] [Music] let me see we need to move the blue button to the blue spot up there and the purple button to the proper spot down there and I don't do it right there just gonna float in the sky okay so hmm let's do the purple one first piss that looks easier okay let's give these two jerks out of the way there we go see easy yeah but see look at the top look up there so what we've got to do is when we get to the top we've got to actually lower it down and it looks like it's gonna try to go into the sky don't forget it we got to make a tower a tower of people so now can you yeah it's up to you to get it to the top though all right whoa come on you can do it jump more okay I'm gonna bring my tower okay I'll get your purple welven thing you're so useful all right get the tower out of here okay okay I've got this I will raise it up and then I will come on get your guys ready over there you're in control of the tower get the towel ready I'm doing it right now give me a slinky good okay so you were in charge of the tower okay do not screw this up all right bring your tower over here switch characters I'm gonna try to keep it locked in place now you've got us now the tower is ruined and everyone's dying okay all right you got to lower your girl down oh yeah like yeah the grass being like like go around the button rotate yourself so you captured the button how about you make the yellow dude oh my god okay now become the red character yeah yeah now lower yourself down and rotate now we've captured the button no no no no don't move lower yourself and switch back to purple dude okay switch back to purple dude right now okay okay okay get out of here purple dude get out of here purple dude get out of here purple dude lluĂ­s oh my god no no I could do without you all right I'm just here all right all right now actually I need you I'd like ting do the ting we did the ting okay no way okay oh my god please please all right you gotta get more room here come on we gotta get this one [Music] [Laughter] don't worry I'm here to save the day [Music] what is going on here I see tears I see I see oh there's a face right here okay okay mmm if I rotate myself I can make my own gear without any help anymore I'll make the best metal gear don't worry look at me look at me I got I got my little gear I'm ready to do this rotate this is this isn't working I mean it was the other way I did I did it okay now where's your gear I did the deed okay I did the thing you know I'm working I'm working as best as I can to get this I in place oh we have to hold them together you know what could you just chop me into a gear okay I'll do the gear stuff oh he's cooked out here purple dude pretty good job he's doing things I already got it rotated into the right spot looks like your things on the wrong side by the way what thing the piece that you're holding oh my god how could you not let me know this tom oh sorry lower the head all right work on it tapioca you've given these guys too many names look listen you know I made what can't you do that cuz I don't want to conform okay all right no I don't have to move it off I'm done I did both of the tasks that were you know on my side of the map all right well I'm working now he's starting into a gear okay this cat is woke okay look homeboy there we go look I think she can take this any longer she's got a whole lon okay oh okay now leave him yeah and I'll do the thing my turn listen the world is waiting this cat wants to be completely woke he's only happy give me a second come on you you gotta make this face make the face yeah there you go make a face [Applause] oh and you ruined it oh no we're gonna ruin things all right no worries I know exactly how to do this one okay okay so what I need you to do you know madam I need you to come here and go like okay can you dudette yeah dudette okay and then and then take your purple buoy and do the opposite okay now I'm gonna take my gal we're gonna go what don't worry don't worry it's okay everything's fine everything's fine I'm gonna go like this I'm a little concerned oh yeah we uh don't worry don't worry this is easy this is easy I really want to see how you're going to solve this problem so I don't need any actually no we're gonna see if we can cheese this a little bit okay she's it is this okay I see if this is enough is it enough can we can we wouldn't with this I'm gonna be so mad listen the dog's tail it is not connected he knows what she's done it was a stirred that was not a cat [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,270,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: DPbGhltpWHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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