Join Us For Albino Elephant, Khanyisa’s Last Night at the Orphanage!

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so good evening everyone we are waiting for canisa so her last evening at the orphanage waiting also for her and we've got hermit that is staying with her and he is actually preparing the milk hello man now to see my reflection yeah okay well as I so that's Herman hello and while he's preparing we will just hang out around here and you can also just do a little walking through the Stables so we've got finyas tree as well over there all the birds enjoying the last bit of the day [Music] so well we're all waiting I can actually just explain to you about you can see those heaps so these were freshly done today and I'm just walking towards them and this could be the enclosure of the home state where you can ESO will stay so we've got nice two big hips you can see the the soil is very loose it's actually take a little bit of a video tomorrow again because they will definitely look a little bit different than what they look like now today was actually a lovely day not too hot and the home state area so this is also just booby and sundoga's enclosure and then behind this youth Bowl of course this looks like just a playground even for me and I remember as a child but not even as a child you're growing up it's one of the the based areas to play and my dad used to always um scold me when I was like getting on top there and then I was like actually stepping all the the sand down it's not a great thing they troughs I can see it is quite dry we're getting to the end of our winter season we don't have any rains yet and at the moment the the field is also deteriorating at uh tremendous base just because it is so hot that's actually interesting maybe to see the home stayed from from this area and the reason for for the roof as well is for protection from rain for the elephants they don't really sleep there and then of course just the uh concrete area helps you know for the food that we put down that it stays kind of clear not be too Sandy and then make it some butter growth unfortunately the branches don't have a lot of leaves not a lot I don't have any leaves at the moment but some of the trees do show a little bit of a Brit and becoming greener the green trees you actually see there now are mostly the green thorns and they are English Afrikaans we call it a Mercury and English should be if I can explain they or greened throughout the whole year oh that's long ball which which tries to touch it clouds or for the sander is lightning what's up it's not relaxing protector it's a lightning but anyway it protects um the the roof of the Stables from the Thunder at this thunder over strikes that bowl back don't see any traces of the elephants you might just wait a little bit and then restart just the crickets but let's go and say hello and love me will stay in the orphanage that will actually our weed eaters or gross cutters quite natural and what they do now we've shaved them as well so hot wet lummy hello lovesy yeah hello lovey I love me like lamy's usually a photo bomb as well when she was growing up with the rhinos and especially with harki and she used it always photobomb there's a camera around but she does know it so as we all we're fearing for the last night staying in the nursery this is her bottles waiting for her Herman is going to stay until seven o'clock yes and um then he will knock off who's sleeping or staying here tonight shift last night foreign looking after during covet and Stavros and some of the older gears also assisted us from time to time and helping us as well as everyone that was during covet and that is the nice piles of freshly said so tomorrow night what we'll try us to put up some GoPros and of course we will also be waiting on that side to see how it goes but will be be from a distance as we can't interfere too much and she needs to settle kind of without us who the gay race they're going to have no night shifts to do so kanisa was winged enough from her midnight bottle so so each month we took one of the night bottles away and although the total volume of milk didn't drop she still gets the same amount just throughout the day and less frequent just to check on Stables or the orphanage before she turns of course will stay here at the orphanage they love me no Dam yo honey and they will be ready if they send you orphan coming in a way hopefully there won't be any orphans coming in because then we know that or a pillow um there's no orphans coming in we think you know if we're not aware of any poaching and human animal conflict situations although they might be a few more coming you know over the years and up love it this is now live from Hood I have Nursery from the orphanage we we are actually waiting for the elephants to return but tonight is quite a special night because it's also the last night that kanisa would be in the nursery and spending in the nursery where she actually spent more than two years in in this Nursery uh the nurseries just repeat as usual for her and only returned she's got her branches and lots of grass and banner grass and then of course his favorite sweet potatoes which had we will still get around on how we will give you her sweet potatoes and maybe she will still come in have her bottle and then move to the homestead but that we will see so here we've got job alone already in bamboo my job not my boy hello so for those who only joining us now welcome and thank you for joining us for us it's a special evening and a special to [Music] share that with our community who followed us who helped us during two years of covert and with canisa they turned three recently that's jobloni with mambo and lundi please come come come my second good guys again got my second go go go go go go come acute hello come hello Mario how are you good thank you Kent good to see now my girl hello hello am I second and then I'll cry huh hello sis [Music] hello hey Macy yeah Okay so yeah I used to stop kenisa with labi and nungu and Herman having her backpack manual gave the backpack to to him and he already made the the motor that's prepared this will be kanisa's lost night ill like hello hello she's going to stay out of Alice tomorrow not so what a special evening for all of us I know she's going to be so happy on that side oh she will this this safety the people but you know as they say it's a time for everything and this is now the right time for Anisa to move to her family we I always say and all like elephant need a hood I deserve one and that's what we've been working for for the last but two and a half years amazing now Mexican for those been following us for a long time know that this is one of my just my sweet names for her and my second means little girlfriend and I actually know that some people thought it's not a nice word or description but it's really just with a lot of love that I call her my Mexican that's a real Afrikaans name for me it's much easier to speak to in Afrikaans because that's my mother tongue now we've got Tamlin and Danielle the other side to assist with questions which uh also just apologize um but my glasses on and my eyes are getting a little bit hammering lately because of age and I said to the kids what never going to advice the size of like the font size and making it so big that nobody can let everybody else can read that's sitting standing next to me but also now just on this life I can't really see because it is really very small and small screen so we won't do a laugh tomorrow uh because it will be throughout the evening but I will take footage and we will showcase that for you because I know everyone would like to to be thought of and he's as Judy then the success Junior because it's such a lovely positive story the women bringing her bottles take it that's your first bottle you'll always also notice now that you can set um she's getting lace a number of feet and she gets one more bottle but one thing that you do have to be wary about is especially when they are support that you don't over feed them and it is essential you know to keep the feet I'm just going to see this just the vitamins and minerals that in that again there's two bottles with uh we actually got a presents from Dorothy and they're all so amazing they're nice smaller they don't work as as well but at this age there's so stable and they're just lovely that's such a lovely evening as well I think I'm just going to keep quiet a bit foreign oh give me a second definitely think she's going to to miss all the screen grass now when she was small she likes this but especially if she likes us anymore as much see sometimes just to smoke foreign foreign foreign some course opposite jumping around to such a peaceful time we can stop with I'm realisticated I talk I might go I took away such as some feedback while we just spend some time with Candice I think one of um Windows during the night it was interesting how she adapt to the less frequent bottle times she actually wakes up all her bottles and then she'll go back to sleep after her bottles but also been waiting for a bottle she realized she's not getting a before she went back straight back to sleep she wasn't a difficult baby that you win is it good talk way talk probably with the longer days that's it and that started actually smells it makes it good foreign Europe now moving into into winter maybe days or getting shorter that sound amazing it's okay okay go come as you can't it's okay [Music] foreign [Music] can also be the wind it's a little bit upsetting is also Center to that's a bit huh okay these are good I don't turn your door again oh foreign in the clouds the colors are just amazing [Music] I want to say sad I think definitely emotional in a way [Music] Steven three hours [Music] sitting on the tube under the shade of this singing to it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I mean Luke was sleeping on their own their own site is also part of bearing all of them [Music] okay [Music] brilliant Improvement for light foreign because I think there's a lot of questions and answered questions at this stage launcher have questions don't patience world we don't want to install it back okay all right okay foreign [Music] [Music] thank you okay huh [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] sorry for everyone but then it's a little dog foreign I think it's so dog I should probably just say good night to everyone so I think a couple of moments before going to beat all right thank you to everyone and thank you to everyone that looked at the time to spend the Lost daylight and even sunset with can you say in the orphanage we'll keep you posted on how it goes I'm sure everything will go well and that oh unanswered questions will be answered tomorrow evening it's a good party okay everyone look at that three Herman and salami and nungo on that side take care and we'll keep you posted thank you bye [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] also you're stuck [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] what she said about your baby your baby's going to sleep next door tomorrow you are going tomorrow yes tomorrow or not no it's good to I think who are going to be better we will stay there I want to see tomorrow what's going on yeah yeah yeah what are we going to all sit here and watch the yeah yeah okay foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh that's our little baby Lisa [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um son [Music] [Music] [Music] yourself [Music] [Music] again [Music] okay [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: HERD Elephant Orphanage South Africa
Views: 77,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oipZPQTALy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 4sec (3664 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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