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[Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] and n [Music] look [Music] L one L yeah uh-huh yeah not too bad easy do right you guys looking buy as H H is it thought it was busy nothing look nice here all right what to B to B I don't think I put the milk out for the tea the milk for the tea I didn't put out I think I could be wrong can you ready [Music] [Music] ch morning [Music] [Music] morning [Music] n this see all w morning how you doing better than the weather yeah see my yes she's very happy as well she [Applause] is always in a good mood she looks at me let me see if I got anuna is myor happens to everyone don't worry I definitely have some because I made quite a lot yesterday or at least I should I would be I would be very surprised must be in the kitchen never one [Music] [Music] sec wow wow man all the t g the tuna I made yesterday is all gone surprised don't actually have any have something else I to make an executive decision yes right hot last as hot as you she said and she said of course she can thing see you going to SP you win you over I'm going to win you over I'm going to be walk [Music] morning morning morning yes two Fri two Fred four Fred no so s s s s s s just Z one right can I get two one sausage two rounds beans chicken two and chicken two h [Applause] [Music] up anything else uh two has BR two has BR one one chick one chicken thank you very enjoy [Music] it and then tomorrow might yes got two fried two fried [Music] yeah come [Music] yesterday I maned to get after three two bacon three hash browns two mushrooms beans today or Tom no tomatoes I forgot front of [Music] ch two b one how many hash [Music] browns and just the beans yeah thank you your gentlem would you mind to pass me two slices of bread just one anything else [Music] don't there was you for a second one morning morning yes Ching H how many [Music] eggs we get security [Music] take away please yes please thank you very much [Music] uh TR scramble scramble you EA or take away take away please anything else yeah yeah two B Be that's yep [Music] for you have you got more fish fingers not at the moment I can fry if you want but it's going to take about 6 minutes yeah can I yeah sure just one soive morning do you have any I think I have I check for [Music] you there some beans morning can I have much please thank you thank you thank enjo [Music] [Music] d I don't mind the bur ones I don't mind the bur ones see not too bad yeah five fried or Fri yeah you yeah yeah back get one more one more sorry yeah only I should have I'll leave this a bit longer than thank [Music] you nice nice much nicer I use much less as well when I use oil I go through like half a bottle with butter I just put a bit much better control morning morning yes please I reserve all his five eggseggs normally has then he cut down to P he's on really yeah it's good for you not that many eggs yeah um uh three bits of bacon and and two well done sausages please thank you yes brand new EG take them bad for you no good St give me three give me two back thanks what you have a tray for the DHL and a tray for [Music] him um um no no no the sausages yeah yeah I guess one of p saler no Sal Ander I have to remember [Music] [Music] you make better night what's your secret low heat butter yeah I have the I hate [Music] useless okay [Music] thank you very much okay m oh right than you know not but can you put it in a yeah one of those okay hey J hi Che how are you jol good over cers yes otherwise I would yeah thank you [Music] sir okay please piece pie yeah pie or piece piece one piece [Music] wait this you can I have a spoon no cheese for no cheese no cheese thank you very much how many oh he's not on drink did we receive the B yeah the B [Music] cheese just little bit that's it I'm not a big fan of cheese oh okay thank you M yes if you have a second can you get me some boards for the of course yeah you're right hey it's okay yeah good what yeah pasta and chicken please chicken yeah it's been a while since you made pasta so yeah yeah yeah yeah made a nice sauce Sor a Fernando made a nice sauce I like the steak that he made the black beans steak yeah yeah I don't think he was happy with it he never happy he's like he just wants to hear people saying I said to him I've had at a Japanese restaurant and and the sauce was too strong this is actually quite nice I I'll be the troubler funny enough I was just editing the video from last week yeah when he was talking about the Christmas party I was like I have to cut this out you going to get trouble send it to me just send it to me T yeah is that a sensored version yeah yeah yeah yeah that's sensor yeah don't send it to our husband thank you cheers man it's an honor yeah we and that's about all the Spanish I know no no I I know like like like we all know and he only mixes around with these um if he sells a guitar he he gets like a bonus for selling it I see really that's that's all what it is and it isn't that you know so yeah it's just he wears nice Clos yeah it's just a look you want some chili on it yes please thank you fresh the chili sauce chili sauce or fresh chili no fresh chilies please thank you yeah yeah just let go than yeah I know him very well and he never M know thank you [Music] man oh my God it's okay it's a bit soft we have to use more um semolina because the eggs were bigger probably I think with press P guess sticky here you should hang it yeah like yeah yeah but there's no spacing I trying to do it once twice it's okay hopefully he's not going to be as busy as last Tuesday do we have plenty of PRS do we have more I think we have one more one more F can I have steak fire Mash B chicken going [Music] no car I can eat car I [Music] the place um you know Jimmy Jimmy spice yes no absolutely and so should and sushi rice but this is really nice food change your menu yes wonderful food call it but a cry guys be careful when you walk here yeah bit [Music] slippery chipies yeah who said that you so we have to call oh yeah my mom she made yesterday made yesterday chip cabbage so this CRS can I have it back I don't know we can ask what does that mean is the allance I information so what would you find that is but this one yeah prones oh like thatg I will have this be annoying which variation would um chicken and in the sauce please chicken in the sauce she remixed it said CH my [Music] cheeses yes chees mix past say you can't not have it right thank you so much like [Music] [Music] here's [Music] yes please yeah I did many one four fiveo for the think [Music] chees that's fu [Music] yeah the black one black you have one up yes you way [Music] okay chicken okay yeah wasn't enough need to boil good plenty of someone plenty of a good joke Cofe Cofe Cofe to get some water from the bo [Music] get St of and more no room temperature than sure say this guy is walking sh in [Music] oh thank you thank you you can make think [Music] you yes thank you long [Music] is see cover are you [Music] therey with yeah eating take away eating put it on the side which side put the gravy on the side this side what he say just joking wait room temperature [Music] [Music] for I've seen him the other day and he was early was it today today today yeah yeah I've SE him this think CH okay thank thank uh is it only that thing that's beef yes it's only that thing um you don't need beef ah lucky thank you I appreciate put the run out of chicken completely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can you get Bock you go Bock course like I check but I'm not sure no who I definitely don't have any here don't like me have in the bag but you pretty much run out of everything I Le [Music] [Music] got extra extra Nam muste for yeah sure just one no just one [Music] [Music] more yeah yeah yeah man so s [Music] how don't name what is that no it's um crispy noodles crisp yeah you guys have your to yeah CH very okay just give me you for y take yeah yeah [Music] [Music] that good yeah got it next Tuesday huh next Tuesday so next Tuesday yeah you in yeah uh no I leave ah when are you in the week after I mean the week after Tuesday week hold on next oh that's okay next week we yeah okay then the week after yeah thank got going you right [Music] it see this [Music] all [Music] that you how how that turn really yeah got Way Forward now GoPro in it yeah [Music] compl huh someone complaining no I'm just recording the cooking oh for YouTube YouTube yeah yeah okay no [Music] bit of chili flakes there are some CH how you doing not too bad you okay yeah man yeah sure prepared Japanese for foree [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] what is that table the be sauce [Music] H not today no he's got something else that's it you have chili flakes little please enjo can to help you Happ how are you [Music] can I borrow the usual chili sauce and borrow borrow for like one second no no the usual chili sauce I don't have the usual chili sauce you don't have to have this one I had that at lunch by mistake cuz it was in the bottle it was working up I was like this I was like head I checked for you thank you thank you yeah I don't have that one but I can give you sing that's okay thanks who hello hey boss you okay boss [Music] bit of chili flakes um yeah just a bit thank you sure [Music] yep H this pH [Music] you go for back yeah bit of chili flakes enjoy it [Music] yes yeah give me give me something here yeah yeah [Music] know what is that is a crispy noodles go with the other one oh this is this is the noodles as well as you get crispy one for texture back [Music] [Music] can you give me a hand [Music] [Music] BR this one no I nice chili F no no no thank you for chicken I've got only beef yeah of [Music] course h got [Music] e spee you those chili flakes enjoy it thank you
Channel: MrT
Views: 271,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make smashburgers, smashburger recipe, mukbang, pov cooking, pov chef, pov recipe, mrt, mrt food, mrt breakfast, recipe, asmr, satisfying video, pov restaurant, pov cooking asmr, easy recipe, lentil soup recipe, how to make lentil soup, prawn recipe, prawn curry, prawns, mrt breakfast prep, pov cook, teaching cooking, cooking class, burger bar, mrt burger, burger pov, smash burger recipe, breakfast, club sandwich, smashburger, turkey sandwich, breakfast mrt
Id: 2qImrNRUlw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 4sec (6904 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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