Johnson Mwakazi Voice Acting Intro

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hello my name is johnson muakasi i am a voice-over artist special thanks to multani for this opportunity to share on voice acting now voice acting or voice over acting is a very intimate art you know they say if you have fire in your voice you can literally warm your listeners it is one of the many divine opportunities to stand out and touch people's hearts and souls and god has given me the opportunity uh since 2000 and 2005-2006 that's when i started out on voiceovers and it has been an amazing journey it's a powerful tool to just inspire to move people towards one point or another now it is used for announcements movies video games presentations radio and television and god has really been good to me i've worked on radio and also on television and it is an exciting journey that every person as long as you are a human being you have the opportunity to be a voice-over artist now as a voice-over artist you actually breathe life you literally breathe life into written words whether it's a documentary news footage uh radio broadcast or interview so how do you start how do you start you need to have your own warm-up routine i have mine when i wake up i i go into some kind of before i start talking to anybody so sort of warms up my voice simple exercises that enable you to be at the top of your game every single day tongue twisters exercise your jaws your lips and massage your tongue it's crazy some of these things will not make you look good but definitely you're doing them at the comfort of your private environment but also because you have a vision you want your voice to be used to inspire people to move people from one level of excellence to another you need to pronounce each word correctly and speak clearly enough to be understood please note it is not about accent but clarity if you choose an accent make sure you remain consistent throughout the best thing you can do as a start is speak naturally and clearly and the rest will follow with practice to help you through start with a script scripting is so important start with a script and practice it before you record to help you speak at a more natural pace you need vocal tone and inflection the ups and down you really want to avoid a monotone robotic voice no do enough voice over work and soon your voice on recordings will sound almost as natural to you as the one you hear in your ears you're not going to be the next big voice-over artist in your mind no it doesn't happen there you will have to work on it in reality so quick assignment quick assignment quick assignment start off with a script okay start off with the script read a children's book out loud and create a different voice create a different voice for each character read articles from newspapers magazines and blogs changing your tone from informative to conversational pick an item off your cupboard or whatever and read the list of ingredients or pretend you're narrating a commercial for the product read a personal passage you know like a journal entry to get a sense of how you sound when you're simply being you whatever you choose read it aloud several times before you record then find a quiet place to record no place is totally silent uh silent unless you know unless you have a professional studio so find the best place you can even if that means you know thinking outside the box like uh recording inside a car or under the bed whatever it is find a place record then you know start recording yourself using a phone laptop or whatever gadget you may have and keep a record as your archive because sooner or later you will be inspiring generations that's it you will be inspiring generations just your voice and i say this use it for god's glory my goodness if you do that god is going to expand your territories god is going to give you influence so use it for god's glory so all the best let me hear you at the top all the best god bless you
Channel: Johnson Mwakazi
Views: 18,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kGcK3urXGHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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