Johnny Depp's Exes & Amber's Assistant DESTROY Heard

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[Applause] hey everyone welcome popcorn plan and I'm Andy signal here update you on the Johnny Depp Amber Heard case we're midway through the case and I'm sorry I haven't given you more updates I'm gonna try to do it here's to subscribe for more updates if you aren't up to date yet and you don't know what's even happening between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp in this this libel defamation lawsuit go check out our previous video where we talk about the audio tapes you get to hear them directly and here just these private moments between amber her and Johnny Depp that to me really expose amber herds emotional physical abuse gas lighting it's it's ugly it's ugly she does not sound good on these it's clear she was agretti aggressor Johnny Depp is just trying to get away from the situation she's constantly hammering him and I feel for him and and if those tapes weren't released what's so crazy about this story what's so sad is no one want to believe him she labeled him an abuser she did an op-ed piece which she's suing her for for defamation that she tried to throw out mind you she tried to get it thrown out a case but her dismissal was denied so he's still up for a case against Amber Heard that's on deck but in the meanwhile he's suing the son he's starting his case early by suing the son a tabloid magazine that's basically saying well then we know he's a wife beater they put it in a tie in a title to the article of JK Rowling's fantastic beefs hires the wife beater Johnny Depp they're standing by it they're fighting this of course saying that there were 14 allegations that we stand by that there is proof and so there Johnny now is in court right now currently in London taking the son to court to say well prove it prove that I was an abuser what are you talking about that never happened and so that's where we are so he still has a case against Amber Heard a defamation libel case that I imagine I'm not a lawyer but I imagine if he wins this and that proves to be no evidence it's not gonna help Amber Heard second case at all because they would be presenting a lot of the evidence now and so he's basically you know look if you're an innocent person you go to court you take it now granted the court systems aren't always the best but if you if you've got nothing to hide you didn't do it take them to court because they have to prove it right they have to prove that you did it and so if you can prove otherwise and you could bring a lot of witnesses in which Johnny now has done you can win this case and so if she loses this case and the son can't prove it then she's gonna have to prove it next with what evidence that they didn't present they're gonna be there make something up who knows but the past couple days the case has gotten real interesting because Johnny Depp's ex-wife Vanessa Paradis and his ex-girlfriend I guess they were married as well Winona Ryder provided testimony as well as his bodyguard as well as amber herds personal assistant of three years all gave testimony these past couple days that are just so damning that only just add to this damage that Amber Heard is just Oh an awful liar so let's break down where we stand some of these statements and some of the things that happened a couple days so first up we have a statement that they were supposed to come in but then they apparently didn't need to come in they instead gave these statements vanessa paradis who was his wife I work as a musician singer songwriter fashion model I confirm that save the otherwise I confirm that save where otherwise appears the facts stated in this witness statement are within my knowledge those facts are true to the best of my knowledge I confirm their truth my best idea I make this with I have known Johnny for more than 25 years we've been partners for 14 years and we raised our two children together through all these years I've known Johnny to be a kind attentive generous and nonviolent person and father on movie sets the actors directors and entire crews adore him because he's humble and respectful to everyone as well as being one of the best actors we've seen I'm aware of the allegations which Amber Heard has publicly accused Johnny of for more than four years now this is nothing like the true Johnny I have known and from my personal experience of many years I can say he was never violent or abusive to me I have seen that these outrageous statements have art have have been really distressing and also caused damage to his career because unfortunately people have gone on believing these false facts this is so upsetting as he has helped so many persons and his personal and professional life with kindness and generosity signed vanessa paradis now he didn't just get one ex-wife he got a second one manone a writer came back remember he had that one Nonna forever tattoo which she had to change to Y know forever clearly didn't end well but even when known writer has come to his defense when on rider here I make this witness statement to be proceedings I know full details of the claimants against I am aware of the violence allegations that have been made publicly for the Patt last few years by Johnny Depp's ex-wife Amber Heard I knew Johnny very well years ago we were together as a couple for four years and I counted him as my best friend and as a close close to me as family I count our relationship as one of the most significant relationships of my life I understand that it's very important that I speak from my own experience as obviously I was not there during his marriage to Amber but from my experience which was so wildly different I was absolutely shocked confused and upset when I heard the accusations against him the idea that he has an incredibly violent person is the furthest thing from the Johnny I knew and loved I cannot wrap my head around these accusations he was never never violent towards me he was never an ever abusive at all towards me he was never been violent or abusive towards anybody I've seen I truly and honestly only know him as a really good man an incredibly loving extremely caring guy who was so very protective of me and the people that he loves and I felt so very very safe with him I do not want to call anyone a liar but from my experience of Johnny it is impossible to believe that such horrific allegations are true I find it extremely upsetting knowing him as I do in fact I believe I believe the fact states and this witness statement are true signed Winona Ryder so there you go you have to look let's sit on this for a second not everyone ends their relationships on a good note ask yourself of all the relationships you've been in would they all give you glowing reviews right will they come to your back and defend you and it matters and say look that's not who this person is or state every right to just say nothing they don't have to come to this they're not there they publicly are defending him these ex-wives of his what a girlfriend I can't matter no if they were married but that tells you something that tells you something he was a good person he'll to end those relationships on a high note and a good note at least to get their support here when he really needed it I don't think that's an easy thing to do to get your exes to come most times divorce and things can be really ugly and I don't even want to see each other based off whatever emotions are happening so usually when a case involves exes relationships custody battles like the jeremy renner one I stay out because it's too personal it's too it's too hard to really get the facts because people are hurt feelings are hurt there's a lot of emotion there so to get these mature people has to come back and say look we know this guy this is ridiculous we will put our name perjure so as we this is impossible for the man we know and Vanessa two kids 14 years you'd think if this guy was violent when he drank you're telling me he didn't drink with Winona or vanessa paradis he's come on come on does it cuz he drinks or does some drugs which he should stop he's got to work on that but just because he's done those things doesn't mean he turns into Jekyll and Hyde monster his Amber Heard keeps trying to claim he did without any proof except for image you know marking she gave herself in theory because they've they weren't there at a certain place done certain times when they should have been given her stories so this whole thing is just crazy and these two people coming forward says a lot but they weren't the only ones that's what's so crazy on top of them coming forward um we also got well actually let me say this one we got no outs yeah here I'm gonna save save the best for last we also have his bodyguard coming forward now you could argue while he's close to his bodyguard maybe but Depp's bodyguard says Amber Heard abused Johnny Depp and the written statement released Shawn BETT said that throughout the course of the Russian ship mrs. Hurd was verbally and physically abusive towards mr. Depp on many occasions I witnessed her shout at mr. Depp I was also told by mr. Depp on multiple occasions that Amber misheard and physically abused him he was a former LA sheriff's deputy worked for debt for a decade said he regularly had to remove the Pirates of the Caribbean star from bad situations when Hurd was in an abusive mood she would often behave in this way she where she had been drinking I learned quickly to recognize the signs so that we were able to leave the situation before it escalated further data in a week the testimony so apparently the the lawyer for the paper kept trying to say there was a dispute about the date of the photo of the actors bruised face taken by the security guard the lawyer suggested that Bette was lying to protect his employer he responded ma'am you can call me a liar a hundred times I'm not a liar I'm telling the truth this is he's under oath Depp's former romantic partners also came forward we just read that and so that just to show you a top of that Amber Heard called fat Johnny Depp washed-up I got Amber Heard assistant last was they dude Amber Heard called fat Johnny Depp washed up during his I'll attack quarters so on top of that we have Tara Roberts the estate manager of Depp's Lily little Hall ponds K and the Bahamas who called the actor an unusually kind man who became withdrawn during his vile relationship with the yakamein actress heard was a thrower this is according to this Tara Roberts who was a manager of the property heard was a thrower someone who threw projectiles and would lunge violently at Johnny pull his hair and commit other aggressive physical acts against him Robert said in a witness testimony Roberts detail heard repeatedly berated Depp with increasing ferocity during one alleged assault in 2015 where the couple was on the Caribbean island with jep's two children and a friend she was insulting him calling him names God keep Majid and his kids are there she was insulting calling names and in the middle of all this onslaught I heard her say specifically your career is over no one is gonna hire you you're washed up fat you will die a lonely man and also screaming things that were in common incomprehensible Depp tried to leave telling her to just leave me alone but his wife screaming and berating rose to a fever pitch during this entire incident I never saw Johnny hit amber or pushed her back in order to physically react to the attacks heard would calm down and hug and apologize just just for the onslaught to start again she later saw Depp with a red swelling gash on the bridge of his nose she said amber Johnny then told me had thrown a quart sized can of lacquer thinner into Johnny's face causing a gash the witness statement said the next morning the bushes around his eye their houses were littered with art supplies and Hurd asked for help finding her wedding ring which she had taken off and thrown during the fight I never saw her with any sign of injury on her face or body whatsoever whatsoever manager said Roberts insisted she never saw debt being aggressive with anyone Roberts who also said that when Depp came to the island on August 15 14 to detox from pain meds there was no discord or anything out of the ordinary despite heard claiming that the actor flipped out and kicked her prior to the couple's marriage Depp was outgoing friendly and social but there was a distinct change after his marriage the once social and animated person spent most days sleeping became withdrawn on the witness stand Roberts this is it she was not lying in her statement to save her job saying she had other sources of income as far as work you were concerned you have suggested that misheard who was the most violent is that right lawyer for the son correct so there you go so look this is a sure could they all be lying I guess but the bodyguard the rep the works why are they all like this is this is these are all character studies our character witnesses and proof four years of Mara that there's nothing happened and she doesn't have any proof that happened either no one's coming to her side to say something happened but then it gets even crazier because her assistant has come forward Kate James worked as a personal profile assistant in the entertainment industry and she makes him crazy claims so she this is long and I got but you know she talks about how she started there she worked there for three years she talks about Amber Heard would drink vast quantities of red wine each night she would ask me to buy Johnny non-alcoholic beer as that's all that she would allow him to drink Amber's relationship in three years I worked I would go to her house almost every day she talks about she would not announce how she would walk in so it was always regularly without notice I never saw any sign of altercation or even the aftermath of a serious or messy fight in the way they're just amber describes in her statements never saw any physical abuse I never saw any physical violence by either amber or Johnny so there she could if she was lying why not say yeah I saw she's saying neither I saw amber much more frequently than Johnny almost every day for three years apart from where she was out of town I understand that the period of my employment overlaps with the majority of the incidents in which amber was little has alleged that Johnny was violent towards her I never once saw any bruising swelling or any evidence of what could have resolved resulted from violence I would often see her naked or semi naked when she was getting dressed or her fittings I was around her a lot seven days a week so this is Amber's assistant mind you now you could say she's lying but what kind of person hires an assistant who then would turn and lie on you and you can say you're just lying to protect Johnny she was an assistant so clearly amber didn't treat her very well so clearly she had no qualms coming in telling the truth Johnny was calm quiet Shia and all my experiences with me was always thoughtful and kind and genuinely decent person I remember on one occasion I had to bring my son back to work after picking him up from school Johnny would be there and would hang out with him teaching him how to play guitar he would be patient kind with him I would never I would have never left my son with Johnny while I was working if I had any concerns about him whatsoever Johnny would come back from traveling with gifts like little skull necklaces for his children he would always bring an extra one back for my son I thought that was very thoughtful kind particularly getting that Amber was my employer not him again everything I've heard that's how Johnny is so then also she goes into detail explaining how she basically asked her to sign a letter to the Homeland Security Department and told her to lie she knew was fraudulent just sort of protect some person some person she was hiring and then said she was her friend and that she annika that everything was she lies to like the Homeland Security I knew this to be untrue and that Amber was willfully lying the US Immigration Department I took a photograph letter one of the paychecks in there and then she talks about the Australian Siddhant where they worked amber was caught bringing in dogs which again she says that she knew that Amber was doing this on purpose that she as she claimed all this she says that Amber was above the law and so all this stuff that she blamed Johnny for this dog stuff wasn't the case I remember - you job board I was told that Johnny had to send the dogs back to Los Angeles on private jet which would have cost a fortune from Australia ultimately I woke up one morning I'm excited to find an email with my mother where was it from attachment newspaper article and it was devastated when I found out the Amber had blamed me in court I broke down in tears and thought that that she blatantly lied in court and my home town and blamed me obviously I knew that was a complete lying it she has no problem apparently perjured perjuring herself in order to avoid responsibility I've been told a discussion that took place where amber contemplated asking Kevin another assistant to ask me to sign a false statement to support a position that she did not know the dogs were not ready to be taken in Australia amber knew they weren't ready yet chose to take them anyway the fact that she was will asked me to sign a statement under oath especially as an Australian who cares and understands about the laws of my own country as a reflection of her approach to me and anyone in fact in general she did not care about throwing anyone under the bus if it meant saving her own skin even if it meant lying in court and to authorities I believe it would have been obvious to Amber that I would not live for her and so she decided not to approach me and so anyways continues there's so much and then to make it even worse we have our last thing here this is disgusting this is crazy - I have the headline no boy so she used so the second statement she made where she where this is Kate James whose assistant I'm not gonna use a lot of these trigger words because YouTube will just completely trigger the video but you can read here she was abused violently by an unknown man male at knifepoint and she talks about this this ordeal went for five six hours she narrowly escaped with her life a torturous experience that is extreme violence that has haunted her sense and changed permanently changed the trajectory of my life to this day over the years I have shared this incident with many close friends families and therapists on 2013 misheard became became aware of what had happened to me and as I talked about it with a friend at hers of hers at an apartment misheard ins summoned me to her office where we sat on her couch and she questioned me about it she was curious as to how I coped with it on a daily basis and she suggested I buy a gun I was shocked at the suggestion I would not consider having a gun in my home with a small child around I responded that I chose to see myself as a survivor not a victim and that is that that is how I found my own way to cope on June later June 25th 2012 as pertaining to my involvement on behalf of the claimant in this case as I pursued the documents I much to my utter shock and dismay I discovered that Miss herd had in fact stolen my violent conversation with her and twisted into her own story to benefit herself well this is of course caused me extreme duress and outrage that she would dare to attempt to use the most harrowing experience of my life as her own narrative a belief the facts stand is true and proceedings anyway I mean Oh gross using her assistance violent abuse story for her own benefit it's just this is the nasty this is getting nasty this is getting intense there's a lot more to be had in this case but I mean come on how much does he need to lay out we'll see what happens with the verdict of this case in his next case against Amber Heard I will be police following and reporting on this as more comes to light so stay tuned make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for more information but I mean I was already not a fan of this woman but man the more and more he presents in this case it's clear why he's doing it he wants his name cleared and he wants to destroy her and honestly I would too if I was in that situation if I had the resources to do it at my the way I wanted to I would have I'm still try to but it's it's it's a lot harder Johnny Depp does have money he has resources he's able to sort of put this through but it's a battle for him this is a battle frame there's a lot of people in Hollywood who think he shouldn't be doing this this is a bad look but he doesn't care and honestly that to me screams more that he's dead he's innocent because he if he you don't go to trial if you've got something to hide if you did something there you wouldn't want to risk it you wouldn't do all this you just wouldn't do it it would be worse than suicide so he's feeling confident because he has the truth on his side is what I honestly believe in the more and more people that come forward and I'll say this I know some people who know Johnny Depp nicest person in the world that he is just the kind shirt drinks whatever but Melo he's a mellow like you know user and so totally nicest sweetest guy in the world I don't buy this for a second everything if you listen to those tapes which you all put here at the end here too if you listen those tapes of Amber Heard it is hard to believe anything she says after listening to her she is a manipulator she's a narcissist she's a gas lamp lighter she is not a good person and she's hiding something it's clear was there an abusive relationship sure were they yelling at each other sure physical abuse though that's a serious charge and sand and the one shot where she got hit apparently doesn't match up she's there's multiple witnesses that claim she didn't have it the morning after the incident that she had it later so what that would tell you to I mean so more is coming from this case it'll still be going and where I'll be watching this with bated breath to see how this verdict comes out I'm sure you will be paying attention on line two we will have more here so check out the audio tips if you haven't already or the other videos here be sure to subscribe we'll be here live it's Thursdays live tonight so tune in to nerd wars you can hit me up on social media as well thanks for watching everybody tell me your thoughts in this case down the comments below be back to you soon everybody
Channel: Popcorned Planet
Views: 406,668
Rating: 4.913362 out of 5
Keywords: johnny depp, amber heard, winona ryder, vanessa paradis, court, transcript, statement, trial, the sun, hearing, kate james, assistant
Id: d0xwuSw1Nzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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