Johnny Depp Surprises Fans as Captain Jack Sparrow at Disneyland!
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Walt Disney Studios
Views: 25,259,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disney, Pirates of the Carribean, Javier Bardem, Disneyland, Parks
Id: FwauqxGbgQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 1sec (121 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Me: Oh man, I wonder which ride!?
Me after seeing the video: Yeah, that makes sense.
Do people really film while on the fucking ride? I haven't been since Nokias were the shit.
How do they even know it's Johnny Depp, wouldn't you just assume it's a look alike
Never ceases to amaze me that people will holler and shriek when seeing someone they recognize as famous.
No wonder many celebrities shy away from the public after years of this kind of thing.
wow he really hit the skids
My wife and I went when he was there for our honeymoon. Totally unexpected. People kept saying he was there and a surprising amount of people thought somebody died. There was a crew outside the ride with lights and cameras and shit.
We watched for a minute at the four hour line from the top of Tarzans tree house before they yelled at us to get down.
Oh my God. How cool it is. Captain Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp. Love it