Johnny Depp & Amber Heard: Abuser Amber tells Johnny nobody will believe him! NEW UNCENSORED AUDIO!

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There's a few key phrases that abusers use. "Look what you made me do" "you always do things that make me so angry"

And women who abuse have a couple that are unique to them: "you abused/raped me" and "nobody will believe that a big strong man like you could be beaten up by a small weak woman like me".

I've lived through this. Screaming at me because it took ten minutes longer than usual to get home from work and demanding that she smell my dick because I MUST have fucked some other women on the way, even though I repeatedly told her that I had to get fuel, and then treating me like shit for three days until saying sorry. Going to my workplace and accusing female clients of trying to fuck me. Using her car to try to run me into the front of an oncoming fuel tanker at highway speeds. Physically attacking me multiple times, telling me that nobody would believe that a big strong man like me could be beaten up by a small weak woman like her, and when I finally called the cops, she told them that I tried to rape her. I had video of her repeatedly attacking me and tearing her own clothes between getting off the phone to emergency and the police showing up.

And then she called my new workplace and spun a pack of lies to get me fired.

This is exactly what female abusers do.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5775 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wotmate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sadly she was using him to get roles and now was trying to go for a pity play to get more roles as a victim. She then thought she would also get money. Let’s be real.... I am SOOO happy Johnny is smart enough to have recorded her AND used that zen like patience and stay chill. Disney owes him a HUGE apology as well as many others.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13821 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Quagdarr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

She should marry Chris Brown. It'll be like Tekken.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13645 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Douglasqqq πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jesus Christ, this woman is a monster.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16105 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IoSonCalaf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

She claimed to be a supporter of women in domestic violence situations, but only served to make them look like they might be lying. I feel sad for both Johnny and the women who fall under question thanks to her insanity.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7383 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/halplatmein πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope she never works again

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2628 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/misfit410 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can somebody timestamp to her admitting to drawing wounds on herself?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1774 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Balls2Exclusive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

She's getting sued for 50 Mil. I hope Johnny dries her out. But Johnny's pretty fucking nice. He'll probably never do it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 981 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DOWNBOYYYY πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Amazing how little traction this is getting in the press at large.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1521 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/willflameboy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everyone so there is new audio being reported on by the Daily Mail another conversation between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard this one is a phone conversation that Amber Heard initiated during their divorce yes during the time of an active temporary restraining order if you're here watching this you know I discuss things this will be no different I'll pause to add context and incite facts and information and how those things tie together and influence my thoughts and beliefs I'm not trying to tell anyone else what to think just giving my two cents as someone who has painstakingly followed this from the beginning this isn't the entire audio I'm just discussing key points if you want to hear all of it I'll link the Daily Mail article and you can go check it out there however this is uncensored so fair warning about foul language again okay so the first several minutes have amber complaining to Johnny that he and his team are the reason this didn't say private that they're putting everything out there claiming that his team went straight to TMZ with his response to the divorce filing it's hurting you it's freeing you but the worst [ __ ] thing is it's hurting do you want to go to court amber seriously do you want to go to court with this I'm trying I'm offering you right now an opportunity for us to make this finish in peace peaceful man we walk away you go do what you gotta do I'll go do what I gotta do I've been through the [ __ ] hurt you've been through the [ __ ] hurt I love you more than anything in in life but I do not want to go into a [ __ ] court with you I do not want I do not want to [ __ ] tarnish your name I don't wanna [ __ ] tarnish I don't want nothing I want this to be done peacefully between us and if you don't like the way that mediation is going take me back to court kid cuz I can't I would agree this is the last [ __ ] chance amber this is it once a father's papers we don't turn around I know you hate me and you know I know you would I'm telling you now there is no call it doesn't need to happen like this please [ __ ] sake trust me man I was not gonna help you in this nobody's gonna help you in this I'm trying to help you in this I love you regardless of whether we're together or not I love you and I have loved you with everything in the [ __ ] world whether your love was real or not I love you [Music] of course everything I said was not what I was trying to say is this continuing through court is gonna end up nothing but bad for you and for me it's just gonna be bad in any case no matter what we really eat other or a [ __ ] lot it's gonna be [ __ ] heartbreaking it's terrible let's write a [ __ ] Mutual letter that says look we in lieu of what's transpiring out there in the world with all this [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] we have decided to take this private we're not going to go to court right now over this we're gonna try to work something out together and then at least at the very [ __ ] least I know you want to respond and I know you want to defend yourself listen to me defending yourself by throwing someone the bus is not going to look good he is for lack of a better time extending an olive branch telling her that he wants this to end peacefully that sound familiar and who knows how much of these compassionate words would have been able to be said had the phone not disconnected Jonny pours his heart out here letting her know even though she isn't there that this won't end well and we'll just be heartbreaking for everyone involved he tells her that I'll tell it right who has live for Amber throughout this whole mess is not going to help her and he doesn't want to tarnish her name which he truly believed would happen if they went to court and he had to present all of his evidence and witnesses of course once Amber calls him again he gives an abridged version this time he suggests they write a letter to keep it private going forward even after all the damage that had already been done to his reputation he's willing to help her by not ruining hers he again expresses his disbelief in her claims before she goes all out in an eye opening monologue it would be through documented people on the record to imagine that either on a secret Club will be I've had Missy grubaugh a secret Fight Club you know for three years and while seeking pictures of it and document again just saving it up for the right time when I'm not asking for any money and have nothing financial be gained from it there's no one is going to believe that no one is going to believe that it is I'm either cooperation between people hearing us or quadrant next day you know we need text message keep having him responding or you know the kind of stuff lies between me and people in your life it is insanely qua SpecOps cooperated and it is a plan I'm just going to make up on myself and take pictures throughout years and sit on it for years not that well my mom you know between favorite Cal okay first off did she just say nobody is going to believe that she uses makeup to paint on bruises then takes pictures and finally text her friends and family about them to make sure she has proper documentation then it that is just scary it sounds like a criminal mastermind monologuing their evil plan while the hero dangles over the shark pit look I'll come back to this in a bit just just chew on that for a second while amber goes on to describe a specific event by the way every day it's such a it's most solid evidence cases domestic violence has ever seen and if you give this over I'm only gonna say this I I love you I love you I know that well you do whatever you feel you have to do I'm telling you now it's a mistake to go to court but if you want to go to court we'll go to court I would rather I would rather take care of in a different way I think it would be very good for you and I think would be very good for me but you know what baby baby number I didn't call you those things it's gone on too long stop this this is the event I have covered with a fair amount of detail on this channel she's talking about the incident on December 15 2015 I was actually in the middle of putting together and in depth the video about this particular incident when all this stuff started dropping putting that on pause quick side note about that date that was the day amber found out she alone was going to be facing charges for smuggling her dogs into Australia and was potentially up against a large fine and jail time something tells me that she might not have been in the best mood that day especially considering the man she liked to blame for everything wouldn't be facing charges with her I'm gonna be honest I don't think Jonny has any idea what she's talking about here and for a couple of reasons one it just didn't happen the way she claimed and two Jonny remembers that night very differently he claims amber attacked him that night leaving him with these scratches and injuries to his face he would then take her to dinner later that night while attempting to hide his injuries while amber had no injuries amber says she feared for her life that night she claimed she had several large chunks of hair pulled from her scalp while being dragged by her hair up and down stairs and across multiple condos she claims she got a busted lip two black eyes a nearly broken nose all of it caused by a full body weight headbutt to the face and a flurry of punches and slaps from jonny injuries and alleged swelling and misshapen features that would have been impossible to completely disguise with makeup and if you want you can go watch the clips from the show on youtube here are some pictures from the show with zero injuries and no apparent discomfort or fear of reopening the less than day old wounds while she made exaggerated facial features numerous witnesses have come forward to testify that amber lied and was completely uninjured the day following the alleged life-threatening assault including the property manager Kevin Murphy and Amber's own stylists for the show Samantha McMillan who actually worked with amber throughout the day when she was makeup free and without injury does she have any witnesses no none have come forward to give testimony to support our claims but she has pictures and text you know like when she said nobody will believe that she painted on injuries then took pictures and made sure to text someone about it in fact her stylist testified that at the end of the day on December 16th amber told her friend Raquel to make sure to get those pictures onto my computer just a few days later amber would be spotted at a flea market and then took a trip to Johnny's island soon after for a holiday getaway and a photo shoot still uninjured Johnny gives no credence to these allegations at all he just tries to calm her and tells her he loves her he then says for her to do whatever she has to do clearly not shaken by the she just tried to scare him with not to mention the biggest most solid case of domestic violence the prosecutor had ever seen does anybody else see this as an intimidation tactic considering what we know now and what they clearly knew then about who the aggressor and the abuser was in the relationship also johnny has maintained his innocence throughout and he yet again because she's bragging about all the evidence she has gathered and set on for years waiting for the right time tells her that if she wants to go to court don't go to court seeming almost resolved that he doesn't have to tell her the amount of evidence and witnesses he has but just that it will end badly oh you told I will call the cops yeah okay briefly they do discuss the cops being called on May 21st 2016 while it was happening and keep in mind that it according to Amber was that she was assaulted that night you know the whole story the the phone thrown at the face the hair pulled that repeated hits to the face Johnny doesn't agree with this at all in fact this night in May he claims he was standing across the room when Amber screamed while on the phone with her friend IO for Johnny to stop hitting her and to call 9-1-1 yet according to johnny was nothing but verbal after he had called Kevin Murphy who was ultimately custon yelled at by Amber for telling Johnny the truth about amber leaving poop in the bed a month prior after her April birthday party following another physical attack against Johnny [ __ ] finger come on I had a [ __ ] I had a [ __ ] a minute George Kennan mineral spirits one of my nose I think it's odd that it appears she's trying to convince him the last time things quote got crazy between them that she honestly did think she was going to lose her life but the interesting part is that she's very vague something she tends to do when she knows that she physically assaulted him even says it was him doing whatever he vaguely did on accident my opinion and again not telling anyone what to think here but I honestly believe that if Johnny ever had to defend himself you know push her away or off of him which he has said he has had to do at times to escape she sees that as him being abusive and equally so even trying to convince him she once thought it would kill her on accident basically she abused him and if he ever defended himself she would play it up as being just as bad as what she was doing even informing him that he hurt her in doing so this theory is supported by his response of course he actually suffered injuries from her assault some of which hospitalizing him like throwing a vodka bottle and slicing off the tip of his finger in Australia the previous year that is an injury that caused him to contract MRSA on three separate occasions and actually could have cost him his life he clearly is not okay with her comparing him defending himself to escape as being on the same level as the severe injuries that she very intentionally inflicted on him and her response to him pointing out how she has violently injured him is chilling [Music] yeah tell the world that I Johnny dip I'm a victim and see how many people believe or side with you that much like everything else we've heard over the past week just paints a completely different and more disturbing picture than the one she wanted and then you can almost hear her trying to convince herself and honestly seemingly remind herself of what she claimed happened that night even though she tells on herself a little when she says before I got hurt but according to her perjurious testimony she was already hurt it just sounds really bizarre doesn't it when Johnny realizes this he says oh my god as if to say oh my god she really does believe this is what happened then as she continues to boast about never seeing yourself as a victim you can almost picture his eyes roll as he throws his hands up with all right all right yeah like whatever you say amber it's so strange hearing the gears turn in real-time in her head these people I'm gonna take care of see what the [ __ ] is going on I'll get back to you otherwise listen as far as I can tell right now it sounds like you want to go to court you want to [ __ ] this you cannot give up your name now from the very beginning I only want my what about mine she seems to only care that her reputation might end up suffering from the truth getting out so I guess the only solution was to keep trying to destroy Johnny and hopefully convince him that he is an abuser and to take the punishment in her place it's the only option right he even tells her fine believe what you believe and that they'll just go to court after amber gets angry about Johnny's security team giving a statement that she was the violent one in their relationship she says that she accidentally recorded one of them Jerry judge saying that he did not acknowledge any violence she says they'll have to say that under oath before Johnny reminds her that she will have to do the same with her stories so why not just come right out and ask if she really does believe all this well that's exactly what he did do you believe all this in there do you believe you're an abuser do you believe you abused me physically that's not the question that's not the question [Music] [Music] her shift in tone at least to me is so bone-chilling here I I really don't know how to describe it the way she goes from frantic vague yelling about why she thinks he is an abuser to absolute silence before cold and collected thoughts she admits to trying to overpower him and knock him off his feet saying it as if it was an actual goal something that she was strive to achieved throughout her numerous physical on slots and much like the previous recording he reminds her that she initiated and started every single physical episode and she doesn't denied and in fact confirms it by doubling down and mocking him with a whining voice questioning if he's going to take the stand and say she started it and she was banking on the fact that he is a man and bigger and stronger to convince a jury there's no way she could have hurt him again insulting him with this whole no one will believe you phrasing I mean she sounds like a playground bully here and let's just call this what it is an abuser trying to discourage their victim from speaking up and telling the truth from telling their side by saying no one is going to believe you after more blaming and verbal berating by amber that Jonny and his team caused all of this Jonny starts to stand up for himself a bit more just my side you're [ __ ] killing me you're [ __ ] people are trying to kill me you've turned me a book my boy has to go to school my boy goes to school has kids go see your [ __ ] dad's a wife either [Music] I give them that's it I give them I'll see you in court no I'll [ __ ] see you in court I will [ __ ] see you in court I never [ __ ] said that I never told anyone that you [ __ ] trusted me with that and I've never [ __ ] told anyone that and you know what this is my no this is me this is me saying I try and thank you and I will see you in [ __ ] court you don't want to [ __ ] make nice-nice I'm trying I'm trying did you know what you I loved you for so many [ __ ] years but you know what you didn't exist you don't exist you're not there you're not there you were a [ __ ] made-up thing in my head I can't believe you're doing this to me can't believe it you've been nothing but cool and I'm going to court with you [Music] know what you just said what you just said to me what you just said to me you're defending yourself against me about something I didn't [ __ ] do and I'm not gonna fight with you because I'm a little [ __ ] last forever excuse me I'll be right back would you can you give me one minute please man one minute please I'll be right back you know what good for him there I said it in a minute he got so tired of her blaming him for everything while also very publicly lying about what really happened in their relationship you know it's it's it's just sad when he clearly still cared and loved her for him to say she didn't exist and notice how her tone completely changes she thought she could keep intimidating him and verbally beating him down and in the moment he was fed up and said that's it I'll see you in court she becomes much more concerned and timid in her tone funny how that works isn't it also she was a stripper okay well that's new information I mean whatever you got to do make your money I'm not here to judge that at all I'm just glad that when he realized he was getting heated he did the right thing and the very thing she hated most he split I'll keep the closing brief no I'm not asking anyone to think their marriage wasn't toxic or that for many reasons it could have ended much sooner than this some of you might come away with this thinking well they're both terrible I disagree some of you might be trying to cling to the idea that they were mutually abusive and I can't stop you I can just say again that I disagree but even if you do still believe that in spite of everything we know now then that still means Amber Heard lied almost four years ago look Johnny Depp isn't asking anyone to think he's perfect but he has been begging for years for you to simply listen Amber Heard abused Johnny Depp there's no denying that now she told him to go ahead and tell the world and that the world would never believe him and I can only hope the world proves her wrong thanks everyone for watching if you have any questions I'll try to get around to him as much as I can I know I didn't go into a huge amount of detail about some things but that is what I plan to do going forward and these videos are already long enough so until next time if there is a next time take care
Channel: Incredibly Average
Views: 2,446,921
Rating: 4.9053202 out of 5
Keywords: justiceforjohnnydepp, johnny depp, amber heard, abuse, exposed, audio, uncensored, metoo, timesup
Id: Cg9SvQSMnoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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