JOHNNY and MARK go on a walk in NY Central Park, ha! | Johnny’s Communication Center (JCC) Ep.15

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JCC has honestly been the best thing to happen. I hope Johnny knows how much his fans appreciate the time and effort he puts into it.

👍︎︎ 91 👤︎︎ u/Pyratist 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wow they radiate so much big bro little bro energy

Lmao Mark really can’t stop saying Oh Ma gawd. It’s actually crazy that he’s not even 21 yet. I kind of forget how young idols are when they use their Korean age, but Mark talking about how he’s excited to become 21 reminds me so much of me and my friends. He just seemed so much like a normal kid when he said that (except he’s really not lol).

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/Knackity00 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's been a year wow. Mark in a beanie 😭 He's so cute and he has the best cheekbones. JCC with Mark is the best. Johnny is an only child and he treats Mark as his biological younger brother 😭 I just love seeing these two together.

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/neocitywayv 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I honestly don't think I can trust anyone who dislikes Mark.

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/citystardy 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

these bro dates make me so happy

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/blaqmilktea 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

My fav nct combo!!! I really liked this episode.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/jpcla9 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

"Happy 1 year anniversary." "[nervous glancing] uh haha"

Can't stand these two lmao. I wish they would just live here in NY, they look so comfortable (as Mark should especially with that accent).

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/kasumagic 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

He had me at "Hello, JOH-FAM." I always enjoy these videos so much and this one felt exceptionally welcoming. And don't worry, Johnny, you do make a lot of people happy😊

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Kleha 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

JCC my emotional support vlog! Thankful that it exists. Here’s to more quality content next year!

“spontaneity? is that like, another version of spontaneous?”


Idk why this made me laugh lmao I love this duo so much.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/peachpingu 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
Hello, JOH-FAM Welcome to another episode of Johnny's Communication Center Today, we're out here in New York This is Central Park Today, we have a special guest Voila! What's up? Dude, I'm here MARK Lee MARK Lee is here We're in New York on the day of Thanksgiving I forgot to say that Currently, it's cold It's 4:09 Yes, it's kind of cold We just finished the parade and we had a little rest We're going to be spontaneous 'Spontaneity' I said that right, I think 'Spontaneity'? Is that like, a different version of 'spontaneous'? Yup Guess what song has the word 'jaywalking' of all the songs we performed before? 'Jopping'? You have to know this This is my…okay There's a song that we performed before and that song has 'jaywalking' in it Which song could that be? The song that we performed before? It was in our album or not in our album? I don't understand the question This is what everybody is talking pictures of That's actually beautiful I think this is a lake Right? Yes, it's a lake…or a pond? You guys guessed it! Correct They know more than us It's a big pond A big pond? Really? It's not a lake Mark is zipping up his coat Because… It is cold! It's kind of chilly Oh, I'm not shaking I swear, I'm not shaking Look how beautiful New York is I mean, this is beauty of Thanksgiving, you know Yeah It's during the winter I was actually talking to some other kids on the Lego float Yes, I did it, too What did they say? They said 'This was the warmest it's been for the past 3 years on Thanksgiving' Oh, Really? No wonder You know, while we were on the float riding through the whole street, everyone we were waving to looked warmer than us I thought, we were all feeling the same coldness, they were actually more comfortable than we were Happy Thanksgiving! Really, happy Thanksgiving man! It's actually been a year since JCC came out Oh! Remember that time? We were like 'This isn't gonna go long'? Remember that time? You're gonna say that now? I'm not going to lie I didn't know JCC would become this big It all began this time of the year round where we had a turkey right in front of us Can't believe it's already been a year How do you feel? As the JCC creator, 'the innovator' I actually thought I'd put out more videos, but it wasn't as easy as I thought But I'm glad that I'm able to And to have fun with it To have like a name for the people watching it Like 'JOH-FAM'? To have people waiting for the videos to come out That's really a great feeling I'm thankful for that Happy Thanksgiving! Oh All right, today's that day You didn't put that many videos out, but honestly, the videos from JCC are the ones that had most... quality Because like the scales, We flew! We were on flying yoga Yes, we were We also made some passport wallets We still use them I love how everything just comes from an idea and we make it into like reality Shall we take a picture here? All right We got it We got it Do you know what was the episode before this episode? Of Johnny's Communication Center? Let's see if you're a JOH-FAM Let's see You quizzed me, so let me quiz you So, what was the episode right before this episode? It was when you guys were baristas Oh I knew that I acted as if I didn't but I knew it! You got it Barista~s But that was actually a good idea Because coffee without JOHNNY isn't coffee And JOHNNY without coffee isn't JOHNNY It kind of made sense I got it We should talk about how We actually performed at the parade Growing up with the Macy's Thanksgiving parade and actually performing it, that was definitely exciting Everybody was in such a good mood I felt that a lot Everybody was screaming, 'Happy Thanksgiving!' Then waving at us made me feel better It's almost the end of 2019 Yeah This might be the last JCC of the year Oh, my gosh! For all of you, JOH-FAM This is such a good ending, though Because it wraps up, it's like full circle right now For all you JOH-FAM who are watching, thank you on this Thanksgiving day Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah Whatever you guys celebrate Happy holidays Happy new year Happy new year I hope you guys send a year off with big smiles With your families With your families and with us We were actually talking about how long it's been long time since we celebrated Thanksgiving in North America Happy Thanksgiving guys Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Is there anything you want to do next year? I think next year is going to be a big year for me Internally, too Like growing up? Like maturing I'm turning officially 21 next year Oh It's about time It is Time to shine What about you? Next year…hmm I think every year, my goal is just to be happier 'You look happier' I’m talking very generally, I've always wanted to have fun with what I'm doing Because… I think what I do can make people happy Oh You're going deep right now Yes, I try not to, but that happens, sometimes It's 2020 - Right - 2020 It's going to be big for everybody It's a new decade In Korean age, 22, so 2020 is like two two Shall we start walking? We can edit that out later We came to America really often this year I actually like traveling this much, though Yeah, I do, too I was looking through my phone because I switched it I was looking through the pictures and It started from the pictures in Chile Wow, SMTOWN in Chile? Oh, my gosh I thought, 'Wow' Johnny's Communication Center, 'JOHNNY and MARK' 'go on a walk' 'JOHNNY and MARK go on a walk in New York' 'Ha' You know, JCC is all about 'spontaneity' Is that really how you say it? Yes, I love it Going in the car It got chilly, so we came inside This is 'Plaza food hall' I might get a soup, that sounds good 'Butternut squash'? No, chestnut and mushroom Something nice and warm What do they have in toasts? Smashed avocado, ham and Swiss… I don't know what turmeric chicken is And hot chocolate I'll go with smashed avocado It's Christmassy Because it's almost Christmas I love it, it feels like Harry Potter kind of place I have high expectations on the Nutella The tartine? 'Tartine' This reminds me of a department store The food section of the department store We honestly don't really know where we are We just landed here It was getting cold, so we were like, 'Let's go inside and be warm' Did you decide on your coffee machine yet? Hmm? The coffee machine that you're willing to buy Oh I just do French press now You know, a small thing you put the coffee in Like the one at the hotel? No Oh Hot chocolate? You were like, 'reverent' Thank you Now it's time for you to explain the salt part This is what it looks like Do you have salt by any chance? You really put salt? This guy doesn't know about putting salt The soup That's my soup Shall we? Cheers Happy Thanksgiving Happy 1 year anniversary Happy Thanksgiving You, too! Enjoy Thank you Oh, this is it That looks delicious I ordered this Oh Really? It's delicious You try it - Wow - Good? This is good This is actually really, really, good Try to focus Oh, my gosh! It's not focusing, whatever This is so sweet So sweet Hmm That's really good What's the point of the bread? I thought it was banana How well toasted it is? Yeah I was happy to try it For those of you who have never tried mushroom soup, I recommend it It's not a lot of mushroom taste in it This is how my rate goes This is the best The second best And the third best Thanksgiving day Hot chocolate Because it's chilly, we ended up coming inside in this cozy plaza Today was probably this year's last episode of Johnny's Communication Center I just want to say thank you, JOH-FAM for being with us It was exciting, we did a lot of things I can't wait what next year has a plan for us Hope you guys have a great new year I’m actually so happy for JCC, for real Anyway, thank you guys, happy Thanksgiving We love you Peace out, JOH-FAM!
Channel: 채널 NCT DAILY
Views: 1,775,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JCC, JOHNNY, MARK, Johnny's Communication Center, Stroll, Walk, Central Park, New York, 쟈씨씨, 쟈니, 마크, 뉴욕, 센트럴파크, 커뮤니케이션센터
Id: fNReYOVt2jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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